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小题1:Don’t be scared to make m_____________ when you speak a foreign language.
小题2:The shoes are too expensive. I can’t a _________ it.
小题3:Can you tell me the i__________ of English learning?
小题4:His favorite dog’s d___________ makes him very sad.
小题5:It is not right to w________ time and money.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

How to beat sadness!
We all have days when we are tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy? You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.
1. Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow. When your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.
2. Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way cannot only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood.
3. Listen to music. It can be your favourite music. Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.
4. Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.
5. Exercise. Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.
These ways will cheer you up when you are unhappy, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to see a doctor.
How to beat sadness
● It is OK to feel 小题1:      and unhappy.
● It is possible to make sadness a small小题2:     of life.
Simple 小题3:    
to cheer you up
● Stand up straight so that your 小题4:      can flow freely.
●小题5:      at others because it can bring you and others a good mood.
● Listen to your 小题6:    music because it works the best.
●小题7:      pleasure in everyday life, such as watching the sunrise.
● Take a walk and you can clear your 小题8:      of sad things.
● Try to make these simple ways a小题9:     .
● Go to see a 小题10:     when you are in a deep depression.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The trees are green in __________ (春天).
小题2:My schoolbag is __________ (棕色的). What about yours?
小题3:There is a __________ (铅笔) on the desk.
小题4:Friday is the day after __________ (星期四).
小题5:There are __________ (十五) boys in my class.
小题6:__________ (打开) your book and write your name in it.
小题7:They draw a __________ (花) on the blackboard.
小题8:How many __________ (鸟) can you see in the tree?
小题9:I like __________ (秋天) because it is cool.
小题10:__________ (举) up your hand.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:There is a big _______ (操场) in my school?
小题2:The windows of our classroom are _______ (干净)
小题3:This is Carl. He is very _______ (有礼貌的).
小题4:—Is this dog very _______ (高兴的)?  —Yes, it is.
小题5:Jim is my uncle’s son. He is my ________ (表兄).
小题6:We have a computer lesson on _____________ morning. (星期四)
小题7:She has two p_____ of trousers in the red box.
小题8:It’s not my book. M_____ is new.
小题9:There are lots of books in their_______ room .
小题10:There aren’t any t_______ on the first floor.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

根据短文的意思及首字母的提示填写单词的正确形式,每空填一词. (10分)
Sue has a cat. She likes playing w    96   _ it at home. But she’s seven now and her father tells her to go to school. The teacher does not let her t  97   the cat into the classroom. She has to leave it at home, s__ 98   _ she isn’t happy. She doesn’t want to go to s   99   and listen to her teacher. Now Class Three are having a math l  100  . Mr. Green sees that Sue is l    101    out of the window. He a   102   Sue, “What’s two and two, Sue?” Sue stands up, but she can’t answer the q   103   . “If your mother gives you two pencils,” Mr. Green says, “and I give you two, how many pencils do you have?” “Five, Mr. Green.”
“You’re w___104___,” Mr. Green says. “You have four.” “I d  105   think so,” Sue says. “I already(已经)have one in my pencil case!”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Look at your __________(foot). They are very dirty(脏的).
小题2:Tom’s English is not good. I think he should __________(read) English every day.
小题3:There are many ___________(different) between you and me.
小题4:He is________________(babysit) his sister this evening.
小题5:Jack ___________(exercise) every day. So he looks very strong.
小题6:He _________(send) me the postcard two days ago.
小题7:It is important __________(get) up early in the morning to do sports.
小题8:I am not _____________(feel) well at this moment.
小题9:Let’s take _________(walk) after dinner.
小题10:I always brush my_______(tooth) after meal.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The fashion show_______(hold) last Friday. It was very successful.
小题2:It is impossible for her ________(finish)________ (read) the book within an hour.
小题3:You can help by_______ (donate) money to ORBIS.
小题4:Are you used to ________(get) up at 6 a.m.?
小题5:The patients should _______(treat) with kindness.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Can you see the ______________ [ ?r?b? ] over there ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

----Is     in the classroom?       ---No,Lily is out .
A.anyoneB.no oneC.someoneD.everyone

