精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

My mother hopes you ______ to my home.

A. to come B. is going to come

C. will come D. coming


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏泰兴实验初级中学七年级上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

Tom is ten years old,and he is a lazy(懒的)boy.He doesn’t like doing any work.He has to go to school ,of course.but he doesn’t s 1. hard there. His father and mother are b 2. doctors and they hope that their son will become one too when he g 3. up.But one day Tom says to his mother,“I want to be a cleaner when I finish school.”

“A cleaner?” his mother asks.She is very surprised.” That's not a very good job.W 4. do you want to become a cleaner?”

“Because I only have to work one day a w 5. ,”Tom answers.

“Only one day a week?” his mother says,“What do you mean? And h 6. do you know it?

“Well”,Tom answers,“I think the cleaners come to work on T 7. , I o 8. see them on that day.” His mother l 9. and says,“They go to work on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in other s 10. .”


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏泰兴实验初级中学八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A: Hangzhou is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest.

B: I think so, why not stay here for _______ two days?

A. other B. others C. another D. the other


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏苏州园区七年级下期中教学调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




20th March

Dear Bob,






Yours sincerely



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏苏州园区七年级下期中教学调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Many people like to keep dogs. They call their dogs "Baby" or other beautiful names, I call my dog "Little Kid".

When l went to his license(许可证),I met one of my friends. I told him l would like to have a license Little Kid and he said, "I'd like to have for my kid (孩子), too." Then I told him," But this is a dog."

When I got married(结婚)and went on my honeymoon, I the dog with me. I told the hotel worker that l wanted a for my wife and me and a room for Little Kid. He asks," Why don't you and your kid in a room?" Then I said, "You don't understand. Little Kid is my dog. My wife doesn't him.

When my wife and I separated(分开),we went to court(法庭).I said," Your Honor, I only want to have my Little Kid.”The judge(法官)said," You are a good .”Then I told him," Little Kid is my dog. He isn't my son.”

1.A. and B. or C. but D. so

2.A. write down B. ask for C. look for D. put up

3.A. in B. with C. about D. for

4.A. it B. one C. him D. her

5.A. took B. helped C. had D. wanted

6.A. house B. family C. room D. desk

7.A. study B. play C. eat D. stay

8.A. like B. take C. help D. want

9.A. father B. mother C. wife D. husband

10.A. lucky B. brave C. favorite D. careful


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏苏州园区七年级下期中教学调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Let’s go to the sports centre, shall we? --_______.

A. Good idea B. I know

C. OK, let’s go D. Both A&C


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏苏州园区七年级下期中教学调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_________ cute the little panda is! It looks like its mother.

A. What B. Why C. How D. If


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏启东长江教育集团八年级下学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Mr. Green , do you think I can get an “A” in the final exam if I start working hard now?

--Of course. ______.

A. Better late than never

B. Many hands make light work

C. You cannot burn the candle at both sides

D. Actions speak louder than words


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏丹阳里庄初级中学七年级下第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写



1.If you want to know some_________(信息)about the new film, you can call us.

2.--- When is the Tree-planting Day?

--- It's on the (十二)of March.

3.In order to get away from influenza A (H7N9) virus, we should do more exercise and breath _________ air, wash hand frequently and eat cooked meat.(新鲜的)

4.Our children go to the __________ (本地的) school

5.What about ___________(邀请)some friends to have a party?

6.My iPad is _________. I can’t listen to music any more. (break)

7.We look forward to (show) you around our new library.

8.The (wait) in KFC are very friendly.

9.Keep quiet! Our parents (plan ) a day to Hangzhou.

10.He showed the two ________ (visit) around the museum.

