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Friday, May 1                                            Sunny
Today is National Day. Dongdong and I went to YongZhong Museum .The weather was sunny, and the museum was only 5 kilometers away. So we decided to go there by bike. Dongdong and I met at school gate and we left at 8:00.  At the museum, there were a lot of people ------children and parents, students and teachers ,soldiers - - -. At 12:00 we left the museum for home .We saw many pictures at the museum. We learned a lot. Both Dongdong and I had a good time today.
                      Information About the Tirp
小题1:__, May 1
They went to 小题3:__
How did they go there?
They went there by 小题4:__
When did they leave there/
They left at 小题5:__


小题2:细节理解题。根据短文内容The weather was sunny的描述可知,当时的天气是晴朗的。故应填sunny。
小题3:细节理解题。根据短文内容Dongdong and I went to YongZhong Museum的描述可知,作者他们要去的地方是博物馆。故应填museum。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文内容So we decided to go there by bike的描述可知,他们是骑车去的博物馆,故应填bike。
小题5:细节理解题。根据短文内容I met at school gate and we left at 8:00的描述可知,他们8点钟在学校门口集中去博物馆。故应填 8:00。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Every day cars kill or hurt many people on roads.Sometimes the drives drive too fast or do not drive carefully enough. Some of them       traffic rules and cause accidents.
According to some researchers,it is usually the pedestrians(行人) who cause the accidents. A lot of road users are very       . They walk or run across the       in front of the cars. Some do not take the trouble to       the green lights and simply cross the roads against the red lights.
Many people think accidents often happen in        roads in large cities,but this is not always true.      ,Tokyo is one of the world’s largest cities and probably one of the busiest cities; However, there are         accidents to pedstrians.The reason is that the police there are very        and the pedstrians are very careful. Pedstrians never cross the roads against a red light and they         follow the traffic rulers.
Do you know alcohol(酒精) is another main cause of traffic accidents? It delays(延缓) people’s response. Those who have drunk alcohol are      in making decisions. They need a few more seconds to react. Drinking alcohol is especially dangerous for motor car drivers. It is not only drivers who may have accidents after drinking but also drunk pedestrians may put their livers in danger as well.
小题1:A. Make        B.break           C.follow
小题2:A.tired         B.cheerful         C.careless
小题3:A.bus          B.park            C.road
小题4:A.turn on       B.wait for         C.set up
小题5:A.busy         B.wide            C.clean
小题6:A.In fact      B.By the way       C.For example
小题7:A.very few    B.so many          C.only some
小题8:A.kind       B.polite             C.strict
小题9:A.even       B.never             C.always
小题10:A.slow      B.active             C.excited


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Hello, I’m Jessica. My father is a writer, and my mother is a Chinese teacher. We all love reading books. My father asks me, “What do you want to be?” I tell him, “ I want to be a writer like you.” After that, my father asks me to read books and then discuss them with them. “Reading and discussing books are good for your writing, my daughter. They can help you to be a good writer.” My mother walks to us and says, “Let’s do that every Friday, OK?” My father and I are happy and says yes.
小题1:Jessica wants to be a ______________.
小题2:Jessica’s mother teaches _________ in a school.
小题3:The underlined word “ discuss” means “________ ” in Chinese.
小题4:Jessica’s mother wants to discuss books ________ day(s)a week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There are 45 students in our class. Here are the results of a survey(调查). Thirty-six students        they like to exercise. Most boys       basketball twice a week, but girls think basketball is       for them. They like to play volleyball twice a week. My friend, Tony, is       at running. He runs fastest in our class. He runs for 30 minutes in the playground every evening         he goes to bed. Gray is good at        . He goes to the Swimming Club three times a month in winter,       four times a week in summer, so he’s quite      . Some of my classmates have good       habits. They eat        meat and vegetables. 70% of them drink milk every day. Fifteen students say they drink milk three or four          a week. But some students like to eat junk food, especially(特别)Sally. What’s      , she doesn’t like to      , so she is very        . She always says, “I’m going to         weight tomorrow.”
A.talk B.tellC.sayD.speak
A.buyB.playC.watch D.enjoy
A.easy B.badC.able D.interested
A.soB.but C.or D.and
A.piecesB.minutes C.kindsD.times
A.badB.badlyC.worseD.more badly


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Little Mary is a good girl. She’s in Grade 2 now. Her home is not far from school, but she is often late for class because she likes watching TV, listening to music in the evening and she goes to bed very late. So she can’t get up on time in the morning.
This term Mr White, Mary’s uncle, works in her school. He teaches Grade 2 history. He often tells Mary to follow the school rules and come to school on time.
Today Mary get up late again. When she comes to school, it is 8:15 . Her uncle is waiting for her at the school gate. “You are ten minutes late for the first class.” Mr White says angrily (生气地). “Why are you often late for class?” “Every time when I get to the street corner(街角), I always see a sign(标志). It says ‘SCHOOL-GO SLOW!(慢行)’ ” says Mary.
小题1:Mary is a _______year student.
小题2:Mary is often late for school. Which reason (原因)is NOT true?
A.She likes watching TV
B.She likes listening to music.
C.Her mother isn’t at home
D.She can’t get up on time in the morning
小题3:What does Mr White teach?  He teaches___________.
小题4:The first class begins at _________.
小题5:The sign(标志) on the street corner(街角) is for _______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Packing too many things is one of the fastest ways to make your trip less enjoyable. When you leave, it always seems like you’re going to need every item(物品)in your suitcase.       when you finish your journey, you may haven’t been worn once. Unless you can     a porter(行李)everywhere you go, all of those extra items are going to weigh you down. Here are     on how to pack for vacation and make your trip a pleasure.
Choose a wheeled suitcase and a small backpack. The wheeled     saves(避免)you from carrying heavy baggage. The small backpack lets you keep     items close.
Put your necessary travel items in the backpack. They     things like money, medicine and a mobile phone. If you have space, add some     items as well as a book, a snack and sunglasses.
Bring less. You’ll have to carry your bags     airports, train stations and city streets, so you don’t want to pack more items than necessary. Leave home any items     you may not need during your trip.
Don’t     your suitcase. You are sure to buy at least a few souvenirs during your trip, and leaving space for them in your suitcase will reduce your travel stress.
A.So B.And C.But D.Since
A.support B.afford C.provide D.serve
A.skills B.researches C.messages D.suggestions
A.car B.bike C.robot D.case
A.interesting B.important C.wonderful D.educational
A.include B.prepare C.experience D.discover
A.expensive B.necessary C.extra D.correct
A.around B.through C.between D.inside
A.when B.where C.why D.that
A.fill B.lose C.forget D.lock


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Lisa,
I am glad to know that you plan to go hiking with your friends in West Hill in my hometown next month. And you will stay in the hill for two days. So I’d like to tell you something about it.
West Hill is one of the most famous hills in my hometown. It is just 20 minutes from my village by bus. I go to West Hill once a month. Spring is a good season to hike in West Hill. It is not cold or hot. The hill is beautiful and you can see trees, birds and waterfalls(瀑布). The biggest waterfall in the mountain is as high as 110 metres.
I can also be your guide. If you want me to help you, write to me.
小题1:Where does Lucy live?
A.In a small city.B.In a village.C.In a big town.D.In a big city.
小题2:Which season is good for hiking in West Hill according to Lucy?
小题3:How often does Lucy go to West Hill?
A.Once a week.B.Once a month.C.Twice a week.D.Twice a month.
小题4:What CANNOT people see in West Hill?
小题5:How long will Lisa and her friends stay in West Hill?
A.One dayB.One day and a halfC.Two daysD.Three days


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends, _______ more influence(影响) on others and getting more chances to live a happier life. Here is some ____ that can help you.
Be confident. Confidence attracts most people. Everyone is special and there is only one person like you in this world. Spend _______ thinking about your strong points. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You won’t have much difficulty fitting in.
Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness. ____ people notice your kindness, they will return it one day. Always give more than you receive, and think more of others than of ___. A person who cares for others is popular everywhere.
Be active in group activities. Various activities like playing football ____ help you to be known to others. You may add more friends to your circle. At the same time, you’ll be amazed to see how much they like you. ____ wasting time being alone, go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendship.
Be optimistic(乐观的). Optimism makes both you and others feel pleased. It makes a good first impression(印象). A pleasant smile costs the ________ and does the most. Humor(幽默) catches others’ attention as well. People will like you for making them live ______.
If you follow what is mentioned above,  you ______by people around you. As a result, you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.
小题1:A. had                B. to have            C. having
小题2:A. advice            B. advices             C. suggestions 
小题3:A. sometimes        B. some times         C. some time 
小题4:A. Though          B. When               C. Until 
小题5:A. you               B. your                C. yourself 
小题6:A. can               B. have to              C. needn’t  
小题7:A. Instead of        B. As well as          C. As long as 
小题8:A. little             B. less                  C. least 
小题9:A. friendly          B. happily              C. clearly 
小题10:A. will accept     B. won’t accept       C. will be accepted


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Newspapers are very important in our everyday life. Many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. But sometimes they don’t have the time to read the newspaper carefully and must be pleased with a quick look at the front page. Sometimes they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to look at the headlines quickly.
There are newspapers to please every reader. In big cities there are many kinds with several different editions every day. In small towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. Some papers in small towns have several editions, especially on Sundays. Besides the front page with the most important news, there is the sports page, the amusement page, the business page and so on.
小题1:If people don’t have enough time to read all the pages of a newspaper carefully,        .
A.they sometimes read the front page
B.they sometimes read the headlines
C.they don’t read it at all
D.both a and b
小题2:The word “headlines” may mean “        “.
A.important editions
B.words in large letters above stories in a newspaper
C.interesting stories
D.some sports and amusement pages
小题3:By reading the newspaper, people can know        .
A.what is happening in the world
B.how many editions there are each day
C.the headlines are not so important
D.the sports page isn’t as clear as the others
小题4:some newspapers in small towns have           on Sundays than usual.
A.more editionsB.more pictures
C.fewer editionsD.fewer pictures
小题5:If you want to watch a foodball match, you’d better read         in the newspaper.
A.the business pageB.the front page
C.the sports pageD.the amusement page

