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I read an article about London in a m   小题1:   yesterday.
London is one of the c   小题2:   with a long history in Britain. It is also the biggest  city in Europe. You can find some of the best theatres of the world there, such as the National Theatre, the National Gallery(画廊) and so on. You may visit many places of i   小题3:  there. Most of the old and f  小题4:  buildings are on the n  小题5:  bank of the River Thames. On the south bank, there are some fine modern  buildings.
If you want to know the people there better, you should learn more about the history and the culture as well.


小题5:联系下文On the south bank,及首字母,可知此处指的是北岸,故填north,北方的,北部的。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

My brother and I are having our 1.________( 冬天 ) holiday. Yesterday we visited the museum. We got there by bus. And then we climbed the 2._________( 山) .At noon , we 3___________( 步行 ) to the restaurant to 4._________( 吃) lunch. The food was delicious. It was cheap, 5.________( 也 ). We 6._________( 去 ) shopping in  the afternoon .  I bought a 7.______(围巾).We returned to the hotel very 8.________(晚)but I didn’t feel (感觉) very tired. Today we have a 9.______( 新 ) idea( 注意). We’ll go skating tomorrow. I am 10.________( 肯定 ) we’ll have a very good time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My parents are both __________ ( 经理 ).
小题2:Thanks a lot for _________( 邀请 )me to take part in your birthday party.
小题3:--What is Jack doing? --He          ( 修理 ) his bike in the garden.
小题4:You can find more useful ____________( 信息 ) on the Internet.
小题5:Jack is a very nice man ,he is __________ ( 友好的 )to everyone.
小题6:I am very hungry, but there isn’t           ( something ) in the fridge.
小题7:Hawaii is one of the most beautiful _________ ( city ) in the world.
小题8:That's the_____________ ( thirty ) goal he's kicked this season.
小题9:The cars in front of the school are ______(they ).
小题10:Peter feels much______ ( well ) ,so he can go to school today.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Tom sits between_______ and_______.
A.he;IB.he;meC.him, ID.him, me


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:They’regoingtocelebratetheir 16 yearsof _________(marry)thisweekend.
小题2:Nanjingisinthe__________(south) partofChina.
小题3:Englishis _______(wide) usedbypeopleindifferentcountries.
小题5:Many __________(travel) cometovisittheGreatwalleveryyear.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I would give it to m __________research if I had a million dollars.
小题2:His mother is very ____________(有耐心的) and doesn’t give up helping him.
小题3:Our football team won the prize.We were very e_________.
小题4:He failed in the exam because he made many m__________.
小题5:Wei Ming feels __________(不同) about English study.
小题6:_________(无论什么)I do, I always try to do it well.
小题7:Eating burnt meat can ___________(增加) the risk of cancer.
小题8:Books fill my life with ________________(快乐).
小题9:There are some fantastic sights in Paris, i_______ the Eiffel Tower.
小题10:What should I do if I fell ____________(楼下).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The computer was ______________(设计) by Mr. Smith.
小题2:We learn many subjects,______________ (包括)Chinese,English and so on.
小题3:Xi’an is one of the ___________________ (文化)centers in China.
小题4:---I'm sorry. I have _____________ (借)your printer for such a long time.
---Never mind.
小题5:He ________ (挥手)goodbye to me just now.
小题6:English Classroom is an ________ (education)program on CCTV.
小题7:My parents celebrated their 15 years of ________________(marry) last Saturday.
小题8:The tired boy felt very sleepy about the   ______________ (mean) film, so he fell asleep in the end.
小题9:How _________________it is to take the roller coaster! (excite)
小题10:Chinese is __________ by the largest number of people in the world now. (speak)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Great changes have taken place in China in ______(最近的)years.
小题2:—How many boys are there in your class?
—Thirty, about sixty_____(百分之)of the students in our class.
小题3: —The water in the river is dirty.
—Government has passed_____ (法律) against water pollution.
小题4:He joined the______(军队) in 2000.
小题5:“The greenhouse effect”causes the level of the oceans to_____ (上升).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I’m hungry now, I can eat two       .(sandwich)
小题2:I just finished       the e-mail to Mary? (write)
小题3:Mary is         out, she should have a rest.(stress)
小题4:Do you think you are       than your father? (outgoing)
小题5:Tom is planning       the Great Wall next Sunday.(visit)

