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同学们,健康的生活习惯对于成长中的你们是非常重要的。请以How to Keep Healthy为题,从锻炼、饮食、睡眠及其它方面谈谈你的做法和看法。
要求:1. 语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯;
2. 书写工整、规范;
3. 根据所给内容,请做适当发挥;
4.    文中不得出现真实姓名和真实地名;
5. 词数:70词左右。
                             How to Keep Healthy
As we all know, it’s very important to keep healthy. But do you know how to keep healthy?
Firstly, I think we must have enough food to keep us healthy. Breakfast is necessary. It gives us energy for morning. We must also have the right kind of food. Remember to eat more fruit and vegetables, but less junk food. Don’t forget to wash your hands before meals.
Secondly, it’s necessary for us to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong.
Thirdly, I think staying up is bad for our health. It we can’t get enough sleep, we may have a headache. We should go to bed early and get up early.
Lastly, listening to music or chatting can also make us feel relaxed.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

请以“Sharks in Danger”为题,设计一张海报来呼吁大家从自身做起,保护鲨鱼。
提示词汇:shark fin 鱼翅 become extinct濒临灭绝
No trading,no killing “没有买卖,就没有杀戮”
Sharks in Danger
Today,more and more sharks are being killed.
Let’s do something together to save the sharks.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Healthy teeth are important in many ways. For example, when we get our pictures taken, everyone says “Say cheese!” So we open our mouth and show our teeth.
小题1:Strong and healthy teeth help us chew the right food to grow. They also help us speak clearly and look our best. 小题2:我们必须照顾好我们的牙齿。What should we do to protect our teeth?
First, we should brush them at least twice a day—after breakfast and before bedtime. We should brush all of our teeth, not just the front ones. 小题3: We should spend at least 3 minutes each time brushing teeth.
小题4:一年看两次牙医也很重要。Besides checking for disease, the dentist will help keep our teeth extra clean.
小题5:We also need to be careful about what we eat and drink. Remember to eat more vegetables and fruit and drink more water. Of course, don’t forget to smile!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The missing flight MH 370 attracted the most attention all over the world. The final result was that there were no survivors. Since 1985, Australian professor Ed Galea has interviewed over 2,000 survivors of 105 plane crashes, searching for the keys to keep alive
1. Sitting with your family

If you are traveling in a family group, you should be together with your family. Why? If you sit away from each other, it's only natural that you must want to join your family group when the accident happens. If you do that it’s going to cause more problems.
2. The seat belt
How do you undo your seat belt in your car? You press a button. In a plane, you lift a latch(插销). If you can't undo your seat belt then, you -can't escape and you will lose chances of survival.
3. Facing backward
We would all be safer if airline seats faced backward. But the difficulty with this is that the passengers don't like traveling with their back facing the direction of travel. Experts suggest that the direction of seats should be changed.
4. Put on a smoke hood(头罩)
"Smoke contains toxic (有毒的) gases, narcotic(麻醉的) gases. It contains irritant (刺激的)  gases. If you breathe enough of them you will die," explains Galea. He carries a smoke hood but warns that you must follow his example and learn how to use it. Otherwise you'll waste time trying to put it on time that could be used for making an exit.
5. Listen to the flight attendants
Listen to the flight attendants carefully and read the safety card after you get on the plane. Be prepared. And if you're about to crash, do 1ike this -- head down, ankles behind knees. The brace position is one of the most important things that a passenger should take on board when they fly. It’s designed to reduce your chances of being knocked during a heavy crash.
小题1:According to the first paragraph of the passage, what is the correct meaning of “survivors" in Chinese?_
A.黑匣子 B.遇难者
小题2:Is it necessary for us to sit together with our family on the plane?
小题3:you follow the example and learn how to use a smoke hood, you'll      your time making an exit.
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

What will our world be like in 2020? Maybe no one knows. Because we never know what will happen in the future. But it’s very interesting to make some predictions. Here are some exciting predictions.
English should still be the most popular language, but Chinese should be the second. Now, many foreign people are studying Chinese    A   their second language.
①Water will become as expensive as oil because many rivers will disappear. We will haveto save water and pay more for clean water.
Education and Science
Students won’t go to school. They will stay at home and study online. Students from all over the world may study together    B   the Internet. We may eat more genetically (转基因) modified food. And more robots will be around us. ②Lots of danger housework will be done by them.
People will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too. Everyone will carry a pocket computer. ③computer, the, answers, will, all, the, to, their, people, problems, give. Everyone will have telephones in the pockets, too, and they will be able to talk to their friends all over the world.
任务一: 请在文中A、B 两处的横线上填入适当的单词。(每空一词)
小题1: A. _________    B. _________
任务二: 请将文中①处句子译成汉语。
任务三: 请将文中②处划线句中的一个单词的错误用法找出,并改正在横线上。
任务四: 请将文中③处的斜体单词连成句子。
小题4:. ________________________________________________________.
任务五:  小题5:The passage is mainly talking about _________.
A.education and scienceB.the school life
C.the life in the futureD.the most popular language


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Dont Rest on Your Laurels
Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t rest on your laurels”?“ Laurels” means the achievements you have already got. The saying suggests that you shouldn’t be so satisfied with your achievements that you’ll no longer try to improve.
As to this saying, Mike Perham has set us a good example. Born in 1992 in Hertfordshire, England, Mike was just 14 when hebecame the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. You might think the achievements are good enough, but Mike doesn’t think so. At the age of 17,he became the youngest person to sail all by himself around the world on a nine-month voyage(航海).
Mike is now 19, and he is still trying his bestto break the records and push himself further. For his next adventure, he plans to fly around the world on his own, making him the first person of all ages to both sail and fly around the world.
Mike wants his achievements to encourage young people to realize their dreams. Since his adventures, he has travelled widely, speaking at schools and youth clubs in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia on the theme of “Live the Dream”.
Amazing Facts:
Mike started sailing when hewas seven.
His trans-Atlantic crossing began at Gibraltar and ended in Antigua.
His round-the-world yacht(游艇)was called TotallyMoney.com.
Title:Don’t Rest on Your Laurels
Passage outline
Supporting details
The explanation of the saying
“Don’t rest on your laurels" means that you shouldn’t stop 小题1:         only because of your achievements.
Amazing facts
? Atthe age of 7, Mike started sailing.
? At the age of 14,sailing across the Atlantic Ocean made
Mike become the 小题2:       one who set a record.
? At the age of 17, Mike had a nine-month voyage of sailing 小题3:          around the world.
Present situation
Mike is 19 now. He is trying his best to break the records. His小题4:          to fly round the world by himself will make him the first person to both sail and fly.
The 小题5:         of Mike’s achievements
Mike’s speeches give young people courage to realize their dreams.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Cellphones help us easily find people anywhere at any time. However, using cellphones too often may cause cancer. (1) It’s reported that people who used a cellphone for 10 years or more were more likely to get brain cancer.
The suggestions below may help you reduce the risk(风险) of cancer:
◆When using your cellphone, try to keep it away from your body as much as possible. Don’t put it under your pillow(枕头) or on a bedside table when you sleep.
◆When you’re on the cellphone, use the speaker. In this way, you have just 1/100th of the contact with radiation you have when you hold (2) it to your ear. An earphone is also a good idea.
◆Try to keep your conversations short. If you need to talk longer, use an ordinary phone instead.
◆Change ears when you’re using your cellphone. Before putting it to your ear, wait until the person you are calling picks up the phone.
◆Your phone gives out radiation when you talk or text, but not when you’re listening or getting messages. (4) 多听和少说能降低癌症风险。
◆Do not use your cellphone when the signal is weak or when moving at a high speed, for example in a car or train. At high speeds your phone is trying to pick up signals, and this increases the radiation it gives out.
小题1:任务一 将(1)处画线部分翻译成中文。
小题2:任务二 (2) Where are you not supposed to put your cellphone when you sleep?
小题3:任务三 写出(3)处“it”所指代的内容。
小题4:任务四 将(4)处的中文翻译成英文。
小题5:任务五 (5) What’s the passage about?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

When seeing Sign _________,we have to drive straight.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Charles Darwin was a scientist who changed our understanding of the natural world.  He is known as the Father of Modern Biology.  Darwin  spent all his life studying nature and making notes about all the species(物种)he found.
Darwin was born in 1809 in England. Like many geniuses he didn't do well at school and got poor marks.  He was a good athlete though and loved exploring nature and collecting sea shells. He also kept doing chemistry experiments and so his classmates gave him the nickname "Gas"
His father was a doctor and expected Charles to become one too.  Charles started studying medicine at Edinburgh University, but soon gave up his studies there.  He went on to study religion at Cambridge University instead. There he started collecting insects like beetles and paid too little attention to his studies.
In 1831,at the age of 22 ,  Darwin went on a five-year expedition to South America , Australia and South Africa by ship.  He was often seasick, but the things he saw on this long journey changed his life.  He collected many fossils as well as animal and plant specimens.  He spent the rest of his life studying what he had seen and he wrote many books.
In 1839, Darwin married his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, with whom he had ten children!  He was a loving father and enjoyed family life, which was always more important to him than his research. In spite of having many health problems throughout his life, Darwin lived until he his 73.
Darwin's most famous book On the Origin of Species came out in 1859 and sold out in a day.It said that all living things were related, which meant that human beings were just another kind of animal. These ideas were not popular at first, but now most people agree with them and admire Darwin as a brilliant scientist.
小题1:Darwin was a      and had great interests in exploring nature though he was_____work.
小题2: At Edinburgh University, Darwin soon gave up his study because he___________ .
小题3: Darwin came up with     after the long journey, and what he saw on the way_______.
小题4:According to the article, Darwin loved his family very much and he had_______.
小题5: At first, Darwin's new ideas about human beings_______________.

