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On April 9,2010,a solar-powered plane successfully made its first flight.It flew at a speed of 70 km/h at a height of 1,200 meters in the sky above Switzerland for 87 minutes.It is the first solar-powered plane in the world.A group of engineers,led by Bertrand Piccard,a well-known pilot,made this plane.

The solar-powered plane is different from the planes that we usually see.The' plane has a thin body with two very big wings full of solar cells.It uses sunlight as its energy, but it was not easy to make such a plane.First of all,Bertrand Piccard and his group members had to find out how to get energy from the sun.They used 12,000 solar cells to catch the sunlight.Then they had to find a good way to store it.They used special batteries to store the energy.What's more,the plane should be light enough so that it would not use too much power.It should also be strong enough to hold its body to fly in the sky.They used the strongest and lightest materials" to build the plane.It weighed 1,600 kg and only needed the power of a small car.

After this successful flight,Bertrand Piccard said,"The airplane has landed but we have not yet landed."Their next step is to have a non-stop flight around the world by 2013.Before they can do that,they will have to work out how the plane can store enough energy during the day and keep flying at night.Also,the team will have to watch the weather closely to make sure the plane can fly.

1.How long did the solar-powered plane fly in the sky on April 9,2010?

A.9 minutes.                                            B.70 minutes.

C.87 minutes.                                          D.1,200 minutes.

2.Where is the energy of the solar-powered plane from?

A.The sun.                  B.Air.              C.The moon.      D.Wind.

3.The first solar-powered plane weighed _______

A.1,200 kg                                            B.1,600 kg

C.12,000 kg                                                 D.16,000 kg

4.When can the solar-powered plane take a non-stop flight around the world?

A.When it is light enough to fly in the sky.

B.When it is strong enough to hold its body to fly in the sky.

C.When it looks different from the planes that we usually see.

D.When it can store enough energy during the day and keep flying at night.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市高青县2012届九年级上学期期中测试英语试题 题型:001



1.A.I was a little nervous.

B.I'm not feeling well.

C.I am a foreigner.

2.A.A new suit

B.It's beautiful.

C.I'll take it.

3.A.What a pity!

B.Help yourself.

C.Watch out.

4.A.Not at all.

B.Thank you

C.Don't say so.

5.A.I'd say “sorry”.

B.Good idea.

C.Be careful.


6.What would the man like to order?




7.What does Bob like doing?




8.What fruit does the man want to buy?




9.What does the boy want to be?

A.An astronaut

B.An engineer

C.A football player

10.How many people willl probably attend the meeting?





11.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Their school life.

B.Their working experience

C.Their summer plans

12.What will the girl do this summer?

A.Work at a store

B.Attend a school.

C.Have a picnic.

13.Who will the girl stay with this summer?

A.Her classmates

B.Her family

C.Her friends

14.How many times has the boy gone camping?


B.Three times

C.Four times

15.What does the boy do in the morning when he camps?

A.Go swimming

B.Play basketball

C.Tell stories.


16.How long has it been since the two friends met last time?

A.Over a month

B.Less than a year

C.Over a year

17.When did Xiao Min have an outing?

A.On April 9

B.On April 19

C.On April 29

18.How far is it from the lake to the west of Hangzhou?

A.5 kilometers

B.10 kilometers

C.20 kilometers

19.Where did they have lunch?

A.In the bus

B.In a boat

C.In a restaurant

20.What did they do in the morning?

A.Climbed the mountain

B.Swam in the lake

C.Boated on the lake




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


It was an unexpected (意想不到的) holiday. On April 9, we were told to leave school and stay at home because of a new deadly disease called SARS.

School is much better than home. It is not very nice to be stuck at home (憋在家里), unable to go out. Although our classes are sometimes boring, going to school is much better than staying at home. I am even starting to miss some of my teachers. It would be nice just to see their faces again. Meeting old classmates would be great too. It feels as if I haven't seen them for ages (很久). After weeks of being at home, I asked my parents to take my cousins and me to the Great Wall. Being able to get outside made me feel excited. It was not very crowded there because few people were leaving their homes. Another good thing is, our school website is offering us lessons on some of our subjects. So we can get in touch with (保持联系) our teachers on the Web.

Calling friends every day is a lot of fun.My school has asked me to do a special job during this unusual holiday. Every day I phone some of my classmates and ask them to take their temperatures. I also ask them if they have done their homework. Then I give the information to our teacher. This is a lot of fun. I have never made so many phone calls to my classmates! Nobody knows how long this holiday will last. When we go back to school, I hope everything will return to normal. I miss my friends and school very much.


I left school and stayed at home because _______

A. I was ill.  

B. school was closed.

C. I escaped from school.  

D. of the disease called SARS.

[  ]


We studied _______ .

A. on TV  

  B. on the Internet

C. on our school website  

  D. by myself

[  ]


I felt very excited because _______

A. my cousin came to see me.    

B. I could go to the Great Wall with my parents.

C. few people left their homes.    

D. I was able to get outside.

[  ]


I phoned my classmates everyday to ask them _______ .

A. to take their temperature

   B. if they had done their homework

C. to chat with me  

  D. A and B

[  ]


Students can get touch with the teachers _______ .

A. on the web  

  B. face to face  

  C. on the phone  

D. on TV

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏扬州江都区十校联谊中考二模英语卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


1.No one is    (允许)to drive after drinking.

2.As soon as I arrived in Hong Kong, I sent a    信息)to Mum.

3.About two hundred people _________( 死 )in Ya’an Earthquake on April 20th .

4.The moon light shines in    (通过) the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.

5.The teacher spent a long time     (解释)the problem to the boys after class.

6.Now Father’s Day becomes very popular. It is on the      (three) Sunday every June.

7.Teenagers should be encouraged to make decisions by     (they).

8.It’s much     (sun) this weekend. Why not go camping, David? ——Sounds great.

9.Everyone likes Mary in our class because she always talks to others     (polite).

10.The telephone was one of the most important   (invent) of the 19th century.



科目:初中英语 来源:广东省竞赛题 题型:写作题


转播北京奥运会火炬接力在旧金山传递时,主持人杰克·卡弗蒂(Jack Cafferty)发表了攻击中国
(goons and thuds)”, 他还干涉中国在西藏的主权。
     3、介绍西藏的情况:西藏是中国5个自治区(Autonomous Regions)之一,位于中国的西南部,
     4、第29届奥运会(Olympic Games)于今年8月8日至24日在北京举行。欢迎他到中国观看奥运会。
Mr Cafferty, 
      My name is Li Ming. I'm a middle school student of China. On April 9 you said that goods from China
were junk and the Chinese were a bunch of goons and thuds on CNN when the Olympic torch relay was
in San Francisco. 
                                                                                                                                              Li Ming

