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In recent years, studying Chinese in China has become popular with foreigners. Some Chinese classroom manners are______ from western classroom manners. It might be a good idea to know something about these ______ you take a Chinese class.
Being respectful (尊重的)
Students in China respect their teachers very much. When ______ your teacher, you should always use your teacher’s surname (姓), followed by "laoshi" to call him or her. So______ your teacher’s surname is Shu, you should call her "Shu laoshi".
Being on time
Being on time is ______ for Chinese students. Being at your desk before the bell rings is ______ you need to do in a Chinese classroom.
Listening, not talking
In China, teachers talk and students listen. Students ______ to ask questions, but most Chinese students are too ______ to open their mouth in class. So sometimes the teacher needs to ask somebody to answer questions.
When studying Chinese in China, you will soon learn that it’s ______ hard work. You need to write the Chinese characters (汉字) and ______ your reading, speaking and listening. If you try your best, you will make it! 

A.helpful  B.typical C.different D.the same 
A.before B.after C.since  D.where 
A.helping B.remembering C.visiting D.speaking to 
A.if B.who C.until D.though 
A.nice  B.important C.relaxed D.pleasant 
A.when B.that C.what D.how 
A.are refused B.are allowed C.are prevented D.are offered 
A.shy B.proud C.full D.safe 
A.hardly B.gradually C.really D.possibly 
A.describe B.point C.trouble D.practice 


【小题1】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:一些中国的教室礼貌是与西方不同的。helpful有帮助的,typical典型的,different不同的,the same同样的。be different from与……不同,故答案选C。
【小题2】考查介词及语境的理解。句意:在你上中文课前了解这些事情是不错的。before在……之前, after 在……之后,since自从,where在哪儿。take a class上课。根据Some Chinese classroom manners are different from western classroom manners. 一些中国的教室礼貌是与西方不同的,可知上课前了解这些是很有好处的,故答案选A。
【小题3】考查现在分词及语境的理解。句意:与老师讲话时,你应该一直用老师姓,后接“老师”称呼他或她。helping帮助,remembering记得,visiting拜访,speaking to与……讲话。根据语境可知是与老师说话时先称呼某老师,故答案选A。
【小题4】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:所以如果你老师的姓是苏,你应该称她为苏老师。if如果,who谁,until直到,though尽管。根据you should call her "Shu laoshi"你应该称她为苏老师,可知是假设老师姓苏,故答案选A。
【小题5】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:准时对于中文学生来说是重要的。nice好的,important  重要的,relaxed放松的,pleasant愉快的。根据Being on time准时,把此条当做是上中文课的礼貌之一,应该是重要的,故答案选B。
【小题6】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:铃响前坐在座位上是中文教室里你要做的事情。when 什么时候, that那,what……的事情,how如何。Being at your desk before the bell rings主语, is 系动词,what you need to do in a Chinese classroom.表语从句,what 宾语,you主语,need to do谓语,in a Chinese classroom在中文教室里,故答案选C。
【小题7】考查被动语态及语境的理解。句意:允许学生问问题,但是大多数中国学生太害羞上课不敢开口。are refused被拒绝,are allowed被允许, are prevented被防止,are offered被提供。 根据 So sometimes the teacher needs to ask somebody to answer questions.所以有时老师需要让某人回答问题,可知是允许问的,故答案选B。
【小题10】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:你需要写汉字并练习读说听。describe描写,point指出,trouble麻烦,practice练习。pracice doing sth,练习做某事,故答案选D。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:句型转换

【小题1】Andy is American.  (同义句)
Andy ______    _______America.
【小题2】He is in Huang he Football Team.(同义句)
He is_______ _______ _______ Huang he Football Team.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:补充句子

Jane: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you often do on weekends?
Bill:  【小题1】  What about you?
Jane: I often go to the movies.
Bill:  【小题2】  How often do you go to the movies?
Jane:   【小题3】
Bill: What’s your favorite movie?
Jane:  【小题4】
Bill: Who do you often go with?
Jane:   【小题5】Bill: Are you going there this weekend?
Jane: Yes, do you want to go with us?
Bill: Sorry, I have a lot of work to do.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:补充句子

S—saleswoman       B—Mrs. Brown
S: Welcome to our shop.
B: Thanks.
S: ____【小题1】___
B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter.
S: These skirts are for girls. ___【小题2】____
B: She likes green.
S: Look! ____【小题3】_____
B: It is very nice, but it’s a little short. Do you have a big one?
S: Yes. ____【小题4】____
B: It looks nice, too. _____【小题5】____
S: 50 yuan.
B: That’s fine. I’ll take it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:写作题

Do you want to be a person who has a good memory? People who enjoy their wonderful memory often do well in their studies and work. These people only have to spend a few m ____【小题1】on a page and will keep what they read in mind. Here are some things you can do to improve your memory. Try these: Be more observant(善于观察的). Some people who said to have a bad memory don't r______【小题2】have memory problems. They just don't take time to n______【小题3】 the details. If you pay more attention to the details. you're sure to have a much clearer memory of events. A little exercise that you could do is to p_____【小题4】 memorizing lists of things, such as the things you are going to buy in a supermarket, or even the ingredients(原料)printed on your biscuit box.
Do more activities such as puzzles, word g______【小题5】 and learn a new language. These activities will f_____【小题6】improve your brain functions(功能) and will help you improve your memory.
Try to have more free time. When you are t___【小题7】 probably you are to have a weaker focus(集中). Find ways to get rid of(去除)stress, so your brain will be clearer and ready to have new i_______【小题8】
Get enough sleeping hours. You need at l_____【小题9】 seven hours of sleep every night. Give your brain cells a chance to r________【小题10】the damage(损害) done by a day's tiring work. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and grains. Do your best to be healthy, and these foods help you improve your memory.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:翻译

At   【小题1】  ( 目前 ), teenagers want to be independent ( 独立的) from their parents as   【小题2】  ( 快地 ) as possible. Many parents are   【小题3】  ( 焦虑的 ) about it . Most teenagers are the only child in their family. They are always  【小题4】(视为)as the little kids by their parents. But I think teenagers should be allowed to be independent because they have to   【小题5】 ( 面对 ) the challenges and difficulties in the future by   【小题6】( 他们). So learning to be independent   【小题7】 ( 似乎) very important. 【小题8】 (无论什么)they do, I think teenagers should learn to do it on their own.It’s a really exciting experience. Teenagers shouldn't be  【小题9】 (害怕的) of learning to be independent,   【小题10】 (虽然)there will be some trouble. Nothing is impossible and they will take pride in themselves in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

happy,  call,  become,  until,  step,  direction,  rode,  out,  while,  as soon as
Kangkang, Michael and Darren   【小题1】  to Tian’anmen Square together. After they parked their bikes, they went to Tian’anmen Square.   【小题2】 they were enjoying exploring, the crowd of people   【小题3】 larger and larger. As the crowd were pushing him in all   【小题4】 , someone   【小题5】 on Darren’s feet. When Darren finally pushed his way  【小题6】 , he couldn’t find his two friends. He was frightened and sat down sadly on a step. He didn’t raise his head  【小题7】 Kangkang  【小题8】  his name. 【小题9】  they saw each other, they all jumped around 【小题10】 .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Under pressure from health and children’s groups, McDonald’s is making changes to its famous Happy Meals. The fast food chain (连锁店) will add a serving (一份食物的量) of fruit or vegetable to all of the meals, which are aimed at children, and reduce the amount of French fries.
McDonald’s said it first experimented with cutting fries entirely from the Happy Meals, but children and parents disagreed. “People come to McDonald’s and, first of all, they want the choice and the control to be theirs, but their expectation of a Happy Meal does include fries,”said Jan Fields, president of McDonald’s in the US. ”When we did it without fries, there was a huge disappointment.”
The new French fries in Happy Meals will contain 1.1 ounces (31 grams) of potatoes, down from 2.4 ounces. Apple slices will often be included as the healthy dish, but it could also be carrots, pineapple slices or oranges, depending on the time of year and the region(区域) in which they are being served.
Although the subject to variation (变化) depends on what is ordered, the new meals will represent, on average, a 20% decrease (减少) in calories (卡路里) , the chain said. Fields said Happy Meal prices will not go up as a result of the changes. But the chain has raised prices this year as a result of increasing costs.
As the world’s largest restaurant chain by sales, McDonald’s has been under careful examination for the nutritional (营养的) quality of its food. People also criticized its sales of children’s meals with a toy, connecting it to the nation’s obesity (肥胖) problem.
小题1: Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A.New Happy Meals contain fewer calories.
B.New Happy Meal prices are not the same as the old ones.
C.People do not want to eat French fries in Happy Meals.
D.Old Happy Meals contain 2.4 ounces of potatoes in the form of French fries.
小题2: According to the passage ,_____________won’t be served in the new Happy Meals.
A.apple slicesB.oranges
小题3: Why did people criticize the sale of children’s meals with a toy at McDonald’s?
A.The toy is of poor quality.
B.Children prefer its toys to its meals.
C.It makes the children’s meals more expensive.
D.It will cause the obesity problem.
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.McDonald’s to Raise Price Again
B.McDonald’s in Careful Examination
C.McDonald’s Criticized by Children and Parents
D.McDonald’s to Make Happy Meals Healthier


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:补充句子

( Han Mei is our monitor. She’s talking to Li Ming.)
Han Mei = H   Li Ming = L
L: Hi, Han Mei, you look unhappy. 【小题1】____________?
H: I am going to the hospital. Our English teacher Mrs. Gao is ill and now in hospital.
L: 【小题2】________   . What’s the matter?
H: She has a terrible stomachache.
L: 【小题3】_______?
H:  Three days ago. She is always around us before exams. She is too busy to see the doctor. We’d better go and see her tomorrow. 【小题4】_______ ?
L: What about fruits and flowers? You know, some presents are never too small. She treats us all as her own children.
H: I agree with you. 【小题5】________  ?
L: Outside the hospital gate at 8:30 a.m.
H: 8∶30? It’s too early. Let’s make it 10∶00 a.m. Some classmates live far from the hospital.
L: OK. By the way, remember to tell the others about it by using QQ.
H: Yes, I will.

