精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


reply, pay attention to, lift, realize, not waste, face, belong to, experience, catch, hurt
【小题1】It’s true that Diaoyu Island _________________ China.
【小题2】Mary’s parents would like her ________________ the joy (喜悦) in helping others.
【小题3】What he said _________________  me.
【小题4】The boy got very bad grades and he was afraid _________________  his father.
【小题5】When I walked past his room, I saw him _________________  a big stone over his head.
【小题6】_________________ our health is very important for everyone.
【小题7】The other day, my classmates and I _________________ the early bus. How lucky!
【小题8】_________________ food. Many people are hungry in today’s world.
【小题9】I_________________  to him twice since I received his last letter.
【小题10】I hope the Japanese _________________  their mistakes as soon as possible.

【小题1】belongs to
【小题2】to experience
【小题3】hurt / has hurt / has been hurting / is hurting
【小题4】to face
【小题6】Paying attention to
【小题8】Don’t waste
【小题9】have replied
【小题10】will realize / realize

【小题1】考查动词短语。句意:钓鱼岛是中国的是事实。belong to属于。钓鱼岛与中国是归属关系,是一个不争的事实,用一般现在时,故答案填belongs  to。
like sbto do想让某人做某事,the joy  in helping others.帮助别人的喜悦,是一种感受,故答案填to
experience 。
【小题3】考查动词时态。句意:他说的话伤到我了。hurt伤害。what he said他说的话,主语从句。根据语境用选择一般过去时、现在完成进行时和现在进行时, 可知答案填hurt / has hurt / has been hurting / is hurting。
【小题4】考查动词不定式。句意:那个男孩得了很低的分数不敢面对他的爸爸。face 面对。 be afraid to do害怕做某事,根据语境可知答案填to face。
【小题5】考查动词现在分词。句意:当我走过他的房间时,我看到他正把一块大石头举过头顶。lift举。根据a big stone over his head一块大石头高过头顶,可知是举,根据I saw him我看到他,可知是正在举,现在分词做宾补, 故答案填lifting。
【小题6】考查动名词。句意:对于所有人来说关注我们的健康都是非常重要的。pay attention to 关注。根据语境可知是关注我们的健康,根据 is very important 可知是动名词做主语,故答案填Paying attention to。
【小题7】考查动词。句意:那天,我和我的同学赶上了早班车。多幸运啊!catch赶上。根据 the early bus.早班车,可知是赶上车,根据the other day那天,可知是一般过去时,故答案填caught。
【小题8】考查祈使句。句意不要浪费食物,如今的世界上还有许多人在挨饿。waste浪费。根据语境可知是不要浪费食物,故答案填Don’t waste。
【小题9】考查动词短语。句意:自从我收到他的最后一封信,我已经回了两次信了。reply to回复。根据since I received his last letter自从我收到他的最后一封信,可知是回复收到的信,since自从,现在完成时的标志,故答案填have replied 。
【小题10】考查动词时态。句意:我希望日本人能尽早地认识到错误。realize认识到。根据语境可知宾语从句可用一般将来时或一般现在时,故答案will realize / realize。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


have, every, one, walk, always, enjoy, with, never, to, they, much, sing
Germany’s Lantern(灯笼) Festival
In Germany, people can celebrate the Lantern Festival every year. The festival is on November 11th. The children can【小题1】__________ through the streets with paper lanterns they have made. At Hamburg School the students【小题2】__________ celebrate the festival on November 11th from 5:00 pm【小题3】__________ 9:00 pm.
The festival【小题4】__________ games to entertain children. Food and entertainments from the local area are something for every child to【小题5】__________. At the end of the festival, there will be a lantern walk. Children can walk through the neighborhood【小题6】__________ paper lanterns. A German song is【小题7】__________ during the lantern walk. All Germans can sing the song during【小题8】__________ lantern festival. This festival is an enjoyable night for children to learn a bit more about Germany. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


stop smoking;  because of;  are made to;  such as;  have no choice
From January1, 2009 Hong Kong banned(禁止)smoking in most public places. The places include restaurant, workplaces, schools or karaoke bars. And from July1, 2009, it banned some other public places   【小题1】    nightclubs, bars or bathhouses. Even smoking in some outdoor places is against the law. For example, beaches, sports ground, museums and most areas of public parks. Hong Kong hopes the ban can prevent people from smoking passively. What’s passive smoking? When people smoke in a restaurant or on a bus, others   【小题2】   breathe the smoke too. They don’t want to smoke but they    【小题3】  . It does harm to people’s health. And it’ll be better if more people in Hong Kong give up smoking    【小题4】    the ban.
If someone breaks the ban, he will have to pay up to HK$5, 000. Now more and more citizen begin to     【小题5】  . Today’s Hong Kong is becoming more and more attractive.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


They  careful  be  fact   take  would  other  stand  what  decide
with  year  expect  few  say
I am eighteen 【小题1】_____ old this year. I _【小题2】______ a pupil before and now I’m a university student. My mother was my first teacher when I was very little. Then, I had three【小题3】______ teachers in different schools. Now Miss Williams is one of my university teachers.
I have never _【小题4】_____ that I will be a teacher one day. I am a shy girl and I am afraid of __【小题5】______ before many people. I do not know ____【小题6】___ to say. But I will be a teacher tomorrow morning! I made this _【小题7】_______ just two weeks ago. Miss Williams, my English teacher, told me there was a teacher job, just for two weeks in this summer. She asked if I ___【小题8】____ be interested. I wanted to make some money, so I __【小题9】____ “yes” to her. At once I regretted but it was too late to ___【小题10】___ my word back.
There are about twenty foreign boys and girls in the class. They know very little English. I have ___【小题11】_____ read the book that Williams gave me. Four of the lessons are very simple, in ___【小题12】____ too simple. I do not know what to do _【小题13】_____ these __【小题14】____ simple words and sentences. I will read the lesson to them , and ask them to read after me, and then ask them to read it _【小题15】_____. That will be about ten minutes, what shall I do next ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

solve; design; go; take; learn; deal; change
【小题1】He wasn’t allowed __________ swimming after school.
【小题2】Books can not be __________ out of the reading room.
【小题3】How _____________ with this problem is very hard. We all need a good way.
【小题4】We often _____________ our problems by ourselves in the past.
【小题5】He’s been ________________ English for nearly six years.
【小题6】My life _______________ a lot in the last few years.
【小题7】_______________ our own home is a very exciting thing.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


be willing to,     give one’s seat to,   be famous for,          give sb.some advice,    be able to,     next to,   drive sb. to school,     agree with,      go on a school trip,    have three weeks off
【小题1】China __________ the Great Wall.
【小题2】I’m sure I __________ speak English well in the future.
【小题3】David is polite and helpful. He always __________ the old on the bus.
【小题4】It rained heavily yesterday, so my father __________.
【小题5】Betty __________ always __________ share things with her friends. She is generous.
【小题6】Lucy and Lily don’t __________ what you said.
【小题7】There is a new bookshop __________ Kate’s new school.
【小题8】Mike __________ in the Spring Festival. He enjoyed himself during it.
【小题9】We are planning __________ to the seaside next week.
【小题10】Miss Smith __________ on our English study in 2012.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


Nice  let's  excuse  this  .how  fine  thank  thanks  have  what's
--Hello!I'm  Kangkang.           your  name ?
--          to meet you!
--    begin !
--             me ! Are you Jane ?
--Mom,                is my teacher, Mr Lee .
--        are you ? I'm        .      you .
--            a nice day ! You, too.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


thin  twelve  cost  south  develop
【小题1】 Mr. Green lives on the __________ floor of the building.
【小题2】After exercising for a few months, she is a little           than before.
【小题3】How much does it          to fly to Shanghai from Fuzhou?
【小题4】Many foreigners are surprised at the rapid _______________ of China.
【小题5】It rained heavily in the          of Zhejiang Province last week.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

【小题1】The cook added salt into the soup but it still wasn’t_______ enough. (salt, salty)
【小题2】The story book is interesting and it was______ by Mark Twain. (written, writing)
【小题3】“What do people in Korea do when they meet _______the first time?” “They usually bow.” ( in, for)
【小题4】Singapore has a night_______, you can watch many kinds of animals there.(zoo, party)
【小题5】Every year, Guiyang attracts larger numbers of tourists, ______in summer.( especial, especially)

