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B2. Shirley wants to know what Amy is reading. She asks some questions. Help Amy answer the questions.

1 What is a homestay?


2 Where are Wan Li and other exchange students staying in London?


3 How long does it take to get to the centre of London?


4 What is good about homestays if I go abroad for the first time?


Part B 2

1 When people travel lo another city or country,they sometimes stay in the homes of the local people. This is called a homestay.

2 They are staying with an old English couple in west 1-ondon.

3 rt takes about 30 minutes to get to the centre of London by bus.

4 You will get to know more about the culture of another country.

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 1 Dream homes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(A   Millie went to Hainan with her parents during the winter holiday. She is writing about it. Complete her article with the correct forms of the words in the box.

a high level of service      beautiful landscape      climb the steps

famous attraction           hang down                hire a bicycle

in different shapes     in the middle of              lie in the south

take up               underground cave             well worth a visit

I went to Hainan with my parents(1) February. Hainan

(2) of China. It is the second largest island in China.

Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Province. It is a modern city.There are

many (3) in it. We u>ent to the Holiday Beach,a fantastic

holiday resort. It is In the luest of Haikou. The beach runs for over 6 ,000 metres. It tuas a sunny day,so u/e took a tualk along the beach. We also u/ent to

People's Park. It is a large park. We (4) and rode around the

park. It u/as much fun!Haikou is (5).

Then iue uuent to Sanya. We stayed in a hotel inYalong Bay. The hotel

(6) a large area. It is near the beach and ive could see the

(7) from the windoiv.The hotel also offered

(8). We all enjoyed staying there.

During our stay in Sanya,Lue tuent to see some (9) . The rocks

in them are (10) . I took many photos of them. We also travelled

to Wuzhi Mountain. It is the highest mountain in Hainan. "Wuzhi" means "five

fingers". We saw some rocks there. Some , (11)and others point

upu/ards. The mountaiTi js uery beautiftil,but it u,as Wri叩 to (12) .

There is so much to see In Hainan. I ivant to visit it again in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Put the words in the correct order and use the words in brackets to make sentences. Then rewrite them with to-infinitives.

5 the tea/hot/is/drink it/no one/can (so ... that)

6 could/she/on time/Amy/took a taxi/get to the cinema  (so that)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2 I am not sure how far Beijing is from Nanjing.

I am not sure (distance) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(A  Daniel wants to write a story for website. Complete the draft of his story with th words in the box and change the sentences in brackets into simple sentences with proper prepositions.

compared     with   life   dried  food   in the form of     not tasty

    I was born on the Moon and I have lived here with my parents since then. Our

home is special.(1) (It is a house which has a huge air tank) . It provides us with oxygen. (2)(we can move around our house freely if we do not wear the special boots) because gravity is not a problem inside the house.

Our main food is ⑶ pills. Sometimes we eat (4) too. They dre (5) , but they are easy to

get.We sleep in space sleeping bags. We can control the tempemture of the sleeping bag (6) (because there is a tempemture control inside it) .

  On this planet,there are no schools. Instead,each of us has an e-teacher and we learn with a computer at home.(7)

(I often wonder what the schools on the Earth are like) .

    In my spare time,I like to play the guitar. The guitar was brought from the Earth by my mum. (8)(I learnt to play it when I was ten years old) . I also like taking photos with my camera.

    However,I want to visit the Earth one day. I think it must be very beautiful. My parents often say that

(9) on the Earth,life on the Moon is a little boring.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B Ordinal numbers

B1. Amy is practising saying the numbers. Complete whot she says with the help of the numbers in brackets.

1 There are (12) months in a year. December is the (12) month of the year.

2 This old man was born in the (19) century,but he lived up to the (21) century.

3 Today is my grandpa s (60) birthday. He's

years old.

4 There were (8) teams in all in the football tournament and our school team came (3) . 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C.Benny is asking some people about the neighbourhood. Listen to their conversation and complete Benny's notes.

Mr Chen likes it because there are (1) in it.

Mr Wei likes it because there are  (2) around it.

Mrs Wei thinks it is a nice place to live because (3)  

Miss Li thinks the best thing about living here is  (4)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E1. Look at the picture of the room. The boy is somewhere in it. Then listen to the police looking for the boy. Put a cross (X) in all the places they look and a tick (v) in the place they find the boy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B1. Simon is reading a story in a book. Read the story with him.

Mary and her family had just moved into a new house. Mary had her own bedroom on the second floor. There were bushes behind the house and Mary could always hear the birds singing.

One night,Mary heard a strange noise. "Duh,duh,duh,duh …〃 It went on for a few minutes. Mary went out of her bedroom to see what it was. She found nothing. Her parents were sleeping and there were no other people in the house. Mary went back to her bedroom.

Mary heard the noise again. She thought, "Is it a cat? My

neighbour has a cat. But cats miaow. They don‘t make a noise like that."

"Maybe it's a bird flying around and looking for a place to rest. No!Birds don't make a noise like that either,

"Maybe it's my parents whispering. But that noise wasn't really a whisper either/'

Mary tried to sleep,but she heard the noise again. She was afraid. Her legs were weak and she could not walk.

"Dad,Dad,help!” she cried.

Her father came into the room and asked, "What's 仕le matter?”

"I heard a strange noise. Listen,Dad,” Mary replied.

Mary's father listened,but he could hear nothing. A few minutes later,both Mary and her father heard "Duh,duh,duh ".〃 from outside the house. Her father went outside to see what it was. There was nobody there,but he saw a big,red bird knocking on the roof!

