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--- You never feel worried before an exam, how can you?

? ---Well, I’ve been working hard all the time. Surely I am _________ any exam.

A. interested in??? B. afraid of????????? C. busy with????? D. ready for





试题分析:句意:考试前你从来不紧张,你怎么做到的?——噢,我一直都很用功。当然为任何考试做好了准备。本题考查 “be+形容词+介词短语结构的用法。Be interested in 意思是……感兴趣be afraid of 意思是害怕be busy with 意思是忙着做某事be ready for意思是……做好准备。结合句意,故选D.




科目:初中英语 来源:中考英语模拟试题(三) 题型:026


Take the m _ d _ c _ ne three times a day, and you will be all right soon.


科目:初中英语 来源:中考英语模拟试卷(四) 题型:026


Take the m _ d _ c _ ne three times a day, and you will be all right soon.


科目:初中英语 来源:考前百天点拔与千题解答(中考阅读) 题型:050

Run, Terry, Run

  Terry Fox had cancer(癌). It left him with only one leg. Yet he became famous for running. He ran with an artificial (人造的) leg to raise(集资) money to fight cancer. His plan was to run all the way across Canada, from St. John's to Vancouver. He would cross the water by boat. Terry started out in St. John's in April, 1981, and made it to the halfway point.

  Terry had to give up the run at Thunder Bay when doctors found cancer in his lungs. He died on June 28, when he was 22 years old. He raised more money for the Canadian Cancer Society than he dreamed possible-over $24 million.

  This map shows the route that Terry Fox planned to run and the part of the route he was able to cover.

  To follow Terry's run on a map, you must be able to find directions (方向) . The four main directions on a map are north, south, east, and west. Between the four main directions are four “halfway” directions. They are northeast (NE), northwest (NW), southeast (SE) , southwest (SW) . These directions appear on the map's compass rose. Find the compass rose at the bottom of the map .

  Some maps use only an arrow pointing north. When you know which direction is north, you can figure out that south is below. West is to the left. East is to the right.

1.Terry started his run in St. John's on Canada's ________ coast.

[  ]


2.Terry planned to run from ________ .

[  ]

A.north to south
B.east to west
C.south to north
D.west to east

3.Montreal is ________ of St. John's.

[  ]


4.The city that is west of Thunder Bay is ________ .

[  ]

A.St. John's

5.From Winnipeg, the direction to Toronto is ________ .

[  ]



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022


Dan was traveling around the country, and one day he (1)(be)in a hotel(旅馆)  in a small town. It served(服务) lunch from twelve thirty to one thirty. Dan (2) (go)out for a walk in the morning but he (3)(forget)to wear(戴) his watch.He walked for a long time,and then he (4)(see) a young man in the street,so he said to him,“Excuse me,can you please (5)(tell)me the time?”

The young man looked at his watch and answered,“It's twelve o'clock.”

Dan (6) (be)a little worried when he heard this,and asked again,“Isn't it later than that?”He was hungry, and he wanted his lunch.“No,”the young man answered.“It never (7) (get) later than twelve o’clock in our town.”Dan was surprised and said,“That's  interesting.What do you (8) (mean)?   “Well.”the young man (9)(answer),“whenever(无论何时)it becomes twelve o'clock。it always (10) (start) from the beginning again one o'clock, two o'clock...”


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省同步题 题型:阅读理解


       Hello! I'm Xiaoxin. Do you know where I am from? Yes, I'm from Japan. I'm bright(聪明的). I'm
five. I'm in Class Nine. My phone number is 6296-7341.

       Good evening! My name is Mickey. I'm from the USA. I'm ten years old.  Do you like(喜欢) me?
Now I'm in Hong Kong(香港). My QQ number is 63527198.

        Nice to see you. I'm Panda. Can you spell it? Yes, P-A-N-D-A, panda. I'm in Sichuan, China. I'm
four years old. I'm fine now. My telephone number is 15139748856. Welcome to China!
1. How old is Xiaoxin?  
A. Four.          
B. Five.            
C. Nine          
D. Ten.
2. What's Mickey's QQ number?
A. 63527198.    
B. 62967198.        
C. 62967341.      
D. 15139748856.
3. Who are in China now?
A. Xiaoxin and Mickey                
B. Xiaoxin and Panda                  
C. Xiaoxin and Ne Zha                
D. Mickey and Panda
4. The panda is from _________.
A. Japan            
B. China              
C. England        
D. the USA
5. Panda means(意思是) "_________".
A. 蜡笔小新         
B. 米老鼠          
C. 大熊猫          

