精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
( Sunday at home)  
A: Oh,it's time for lunch. I'm hungry.  
B: So am I. S  1   we go to the cafeteria(自助餐厅)?   
A: I don't like standing in line,you know.  
B: What would you s  2  ?  
A: What a  3   the hamburger stand around the corner?  
B: That's a good i  4  .Can we get anything to drink there?
A: It  5   so. Coke or something else.B:Excellent.
1. Shall   2. suggest   3. about  4. idea  5. think

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Good morning. Washington Press.
B:Good morning. May I 1. s_____to Mr. Kent,please?
A: 2. H_____the line,please.….I'm sorry Mr. Kent's occupied at present.I'll put
you 3. t_____ to his secretary.
B: Thank you.
C: HeIlo,Mr. Kent's secretary speaking. May I 4.h_____you?
B: Yes. This is Carol Sainsbury speaking. May I leave a 5. m_____for Mr.Kent?
C: Certainly,Miss Sainsbury. May I have your 6. n_____?
B: My number is 56321847.
C: 56321847,I'11 ask Mr. Kent to call you 7. b_____when he's free.
B: Thank you 8. v_____much.
C: You're welcome.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Good morning.I'd like to see Mr Brown.
B: Do you have an a  1   ?
A: No,I'm a  2   not.I've just arrived in the town today.
B: Mr Brown is quite busy.I'm afraid he won't be able to see you today.
A: Do you think I can see him t  3   ?
B: Let me see. He's f  4   at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Can you come here on t  5   ?
A: Yes,I'll be here at 2:30. Thank you.
B: You are w  6  . Goodbye.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: What's your favourite sport?
B: I like p   1   table tennis. Do you like it?
A: Yes,but I can't play w  2  .
B: Would you like to play w  3   me tomorrow morning?
A: Certainly. But I am a   4   I can't play as well as you.
B: Never m   5  . Anyway you know practice makes perfect.
A: Well,how a  6  at eight o'clock?
B: OK.You won't f   7   to bring a ball, will you?
A: Of c  8   not.
B: So long! .
A: Bye.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: You don't look w____l____ tociay. Is there anything the  matter w____2____you?
B:I lost my job. But you see,my boss is crazy. He's not h____3____with anylhing I do.
A:It's really a b ____4____thing. Cheer up,Mary. You'll have better chances. By the w ____5____,did you see the ads in today's paper?They need a secretary.
B:Really? I'll t____6___it.
A:Good luck !

