精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Lucy: Hello, Kate. Ann is ill. Let's go and see ____1____ .

Kate: ___2_____ ! Let's go. (Now they are ____3____ Ann's room. )

Lucy: Hello, Ann, are you better?

Ann: Hello. I'm ___4_____ , thank you. It's very kind of you to come and see me.

Kate: Ann, we're going to visit a factory tomorrow.

Ann: Oh, are you? Are you going by bus ___5_____ by bike?

Lucy: We're going by bike.

Kate: We're going to see ___6_____ old worker. He ___7_____ to us.

Lucy: He's going to tell ___8_____ his hard life in the old days and his happy life today.

Ann: It's a pity. I can't go.

Lucy: ___9_____ . We are going to tell you all about it.

Ann: That's OK.

Kate: Well, it's time ____10____ go now. Look after yourself(你自己).

Ann: Thanks for coming. Goodbye!

( )1. A. she        B. his               C. he               D. her

( )2. A. That's all right                 B. Right

C. All fight      D. That's right

( )3. A. on       B. in                C. at                D. to

( )4. A. very better                    B. much better

C. good            . best

( )5. A. or        B. so               C. but              D. and

( )6. A. an       B. /                C. a               D. the

( )7. A. talks                       B. going to talk

C. is going to talk          D. is talking

( )8. A. us       B. us with            C. about             D. us about

( )9. A. Thanks goodness              B. Don't worry

C. very good       D. Don't be late

( )10. A. go       B. for us to          C. for           &n?"Tx佧 Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"'>( )3. A. herself     B. yourself           C. himself            D. itself

( )4. A. health      B. healthy           C. not ill             D. not bad

( )5. A. In        B. At                C. To               D. On

( )6. A. and        B. doing             C. with              D. does

( )7. A. Watching   B. To watches        C. Watches           D. Watch

( )8. A. exercises    B. eye exercises        C. sport             D. sports

( )9. A. day        B. week             C. month            D. year

( )10. A. helps      B. helping           C. things            D. he


bsp;    D. for us



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年仁爱版初中英语七年级上册第四单元topic 2练习卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子



Lucy:   Hello!

Tim: Good evening. May I speak to Lily?

Lucy:      1    Who is that?

Tim: This is Tim, Lily’s classmate.

Lucy:   This is Lucy, Lily’s sister.     2   

Tim: Thanks.     3   

Lucy:   Sure. Does she know your phone number?

Tim:     4   

Lucy:   What’s your phone number?

Tim:     5   

Lucy:   667-8907. OK, I’ll tell her about it.

Tim: Thank you.

A.Do you know her?

B.No,she doesn’t.

C.Can I take a message?

D.I’m Tim.

E.    Could you ask her to call me back tomorrow morning?

F.    Sorry,she isn’t in.

G.    My phone number is 5667-8907.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

( A )
A: Can I help you ?        
B: Yes, 1_______. I’d like a sweater.
A: We have quite a few here. How 2________ this one?
B: Good.3 _______ 4_______ are they?          
A: Ten dollars.
B: OK. I’ll 5 _______ it. Thank you very much.    
A: You are 6 _______.
( B )
Lucy: Hello, Jack.      
Jack: Hello, Lucy. Who is that boy 7_______ blue?
Lucy: 8_______ name is Bill.        
Jack: 9_______ 10_______ is he?
Lucy : He is 12 11 _______ old.        
Jack:12 _______ is his birthday?
Lucy: His birthday is November 11th.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. —______ , Lucy!
    —Hello, Mary!
2. — Hi,  Jim! 
    — ______ ,  Li Lei!
3. —Lucy,  please sit down.
    —______ ______ .
4. —Your English is very good!
    —______ ______ .
5. —Goodbye, Mum!
    —______ , Lingling!


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Lucy: Hello, Jack.      
Jack: Hello, Lucy. Who is that boy   1   blue?
Lucy:   2   name is Bill.        
Jack:   3     4    is he?
Lucy: He is 12   5   old.        
Jack:   6_ is his birthday?
Lucy: His birthday is November 11th.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答


Lucy: Hello, Jack.
Jack: Hello, Lucy. Who is that boy (1)______ blue?
Lucy: (2)______ name is Bill.
Jack: (4)______ (3)______ is he?
Lucy: He is 12 (5)______ old.
Jack: (6)______ is his birthday?
Lucy: His birthday is November 11th.

