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动词填空 用所给动词的适当形式填空。
小题1:The new way of solving the problems is well worth ______________ (try).
小题2:Another two months will be needed before the new bridge _______ (complete).
小题3:She _____ (not realize) how special her mother was until she became an adult.
小题4:He worked all the night ________________ (solve) the problem.
小题5:The life that we are used to _______________ (change) greatly since the 1990s.
小题6:I think it’s good for the Hospital uniforms to be green because the colour __________(relax) the patients.
小题7:---Have you finished your homework, Lucy?
---Not yet, mum. I _________ (do) it at once.
小题8:The patient smiled when he heard his illness could ______________ (cure).

小题2:is completed
小题3:didn’t realize
小题4:to solve
小题5:has changed
小题7:will do
小题8:be cured

小题1:试题分析:在英文中be worth doing sth表示值得做某事,故本题空格处填trying。
点评:本题be worth是系表结构,动词try的动名词做worth的补语,在英文中应注重此类用法。
小题2:试题分析:本题用before引导一个时间状语从句,从句通常用一般现在代替将来,根据句意可知从句表示被动的意思,使用被动结构,结构为be+动词过去分词,本题主语为单数第三人称,故本题空格处填is completed。
点评:在英文中,应注重被动语态的使用,不同的时态要使用不同的结构形态,被动语态也有时态的变化,本题为一般现在时,所以使用is completed。
小题3:试题分析:本题的从句用过去时,所以主句也要用过去时,主句的否定结构应该用didn't+动词原形,故本题的空格处填didn't realize。
小题4:试题分析:本题的含义是他工作一整夜为了解决那个问题,在英文中表示目的,用动词不定式来表示,作状语,故本题的空格处填to solve。
点评:在英文中,我们应该注意表示做某件事的目的有两种表达方式,一种是用动词不定式to do,另一种是用for sth,注意它们的使用在英文学习中很有必要。
小题5:试题分析:在英文中,since引导的从句或短语,主句通常用完成时态,结构为have或has+过去分词,本题主句的主语是the life,为单数第三人称,故本题的空格应填has changed。
小题7:试题分析:本题回答语表示的含义是我马上去做,表示即将要做的事,用将来时,结构为will+动词原形,故本题的空格处填will do。
点评:在英文中,应注意表示将要发生的事一般用将来时来表示,结构为will+动词原形,at once是立刻或马上的意思,有时也可用于将来时。
小题8:试题分析:本题的含义是当病人听到他的病可以治愈的时候,病人笑了。本题hear后的宾语从句表示被动的意思,用被动句,结构为be+过去分词,本题含有情态动词could,情态动词后跟动词原形,故本题的空格处填be cured。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:All of us can get lots of presents on             Day. (child)
小题2:Our school is big and beautiful. What about           ?(they)
小题3: Be quiet! The mother with her twin babies            .(sleep)
小题4:You just need to practise           English more. (speak)
小题5: A good breakfast helps Amy           fit and health. (keep)
小题6:            there a pair of trousers on the bed? I can’t find mine. (be)
小题7:I don't know what             (choose) in the clothes shop.
小题8:There are some boys __________basketball on the playground. (play)
小题9:It takes me 2 hours ______________ my homework every day. (do)
小题10: It's six o'clock now. Millie and Sandy            (not run) in the playground .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:When did you get these old c      (硬币)
小题2:As we know,China,Japanese are both A           (亚洲)countries
小题3:On my way home I d      (掉)my book yesterday.
小题4:Be c      (小心的)when you walk across the street.
小题5:Everyone is here except Cheng Gang. What is wrong with him?
P            (也许)he has got a bad cold


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Hainan  is a  good place to go s________.
小题2:Tom and Sam are twins,but there are some d__________between them.
小题3:F_______ is quite important to everyone .We all need friends.
小题4:You should practice more to __________(提高)your English.
小题5:I am _________(口渴的)and I  world like something to drink.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Millie: You look w__小题1:______. What’s happening?
Amy: There’s too much homework. I must c__小题2:____ it before I go to
bed . And I always have no time for my h__小题3:____.
Millie: I think you should a____小题4:____ a balance between them. Maybe you
can ask Mr Wu to give you some s___小题5:_____


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say i _小题1:____   is good for us. It makes your heart and body s__小题2:___. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活的). This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.
There are many w__小题3:____ to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you e__小题4:___ in the following ways: you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough --- but not too m__小题5:____. It’s best to exercise t__小题6:___ each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel r__小题7:__for you.
You can exercise at fitness centers (健身中心). They have l__小题8:____ of equipment (设备) there . The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you f __小题9:____. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive.
Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise t _小题10:____ at a fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Those are            (pen).
小题2:(be)those your parents?
小题3:This is           (he)ruler.
小题4:I have two dogs. I love         (they) very much.
小题5:How are ____________(your)?
小题6:He _________(be) Bob Smith.
小题7:Is this           (Tom)son?
小题8:Are these your         (picture)?
小题9:They are my        ( photo).
小题10:Is this your pencil?  No, it’s not        .( I )
小题11:Here        (be ) your family photo.
小题12: Are  _________ (this) her teachers?
小题13:Is this notebook       ? (she)
小题14:You must        (find) your notebook.
小题15:Are these pencils         ? No, they aren’t. They are Anna’s.(you).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Amy is very________(幽默的).She often makes us laugh.
小题2:Young people usually have more_________(活力)than the old.
小题3:People in our town like________(储蓄)money in the bank.
小题4:No one can________(允诺)you success.All you need to do is to work hard.
小题5:The doctor________(建议)me to take more exercise and I acted as he told me.
小题6:Be_______(practice)!We don’t have enough money to buy such an expensive car.
小题7:Chairman Hu Jintao is the top_______(lead)in China.
小题8:It’s_________(fair)to make him do it alone.
小题9:The sun gives us______(warm)and makes us feel comfortable.
小题10:The sun gives us not only light but also________(hot)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Liu Xiang is a famous r_______ in the world.
小题2:My little brother has a m______ plane, he likes to play with it.
小题3:Kate likes vegetables, and also likes red, she eats three t_______ every day .
小题4:Kate doesn't play basketball. She only w       __ them on TV.
小题5:Volleyball is so d      _ , I can't play it.

