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I started a QQ group named GZ(Guangzhou) English Club two weeks ago. It has 30 members now. We need some more friends who are glad to chat in English. If you are interested in the group and want to be a member of it, please learn and follow these rules.
1. It is an English chat place. Everyone in our group must speak English to communicate with each other. If you speak Chinese, nobody else will chat with you.
2. We often have parties. If there is a party, you’d better come. It’s good for you. You can practice speaking English at the party. And at the same time you can make friends.
3. If you live in Guangzhou, you can join our group. That’s because it is easy for us to enjoy parties.
4. Chatting in English does not mean English is the most important. I think Chinese is our mother language and it is the most important.
Wait for you, my dear friends!
Information Card
When the group started
The number of the group rules
What will happen if a member chat in Chinese in the group
Where you should live if you want to join the group
Which language the writer thinks is the most important

小题1:Two weeks ago
小题3:Nobody will chat with him/her

小题1:细节理解题。问题:该团队什么时候开始的?原文:I started a QQ group named GZ(Guangzhou) English Club two weeks ago.句意:我开始组建一个QQ组名为广州英语俱乐部在两周前。故填:Two weeks ago
小题2:细节分析题。问题:这组规则的数目?分析短文中明确的将其用数字列出 共四点,故填:Four
小题3:细节理解题。问题:如果队员用中文聊天,会发生什么事?原文:If you speak Chinese, nobody else will chat with you.句意:如果你用中国聊天,没人会和你聊天。也就是说没有人与你聊天。故填:Nobody will chat with him/her
小题4:细节理解题。问题:如果你想加入这个团队,你应该在哪居住?原句:If you live in Guangzhou, you can join our group.句意:如果你生活在广州,你可以加入我们的团队。加入团队的条件已经说明,只有住在广州的可以加入,故填:Guangzhou
小题5:细节理解题。问题:作者认为哪种语言是最重要的?原文:Chatting in English does not mean English is the most important. I think Chinese is our mother language and it is the most important.句意:英语聊天并不意味着英语是最重要的。我认为汉语是我们的母语,这是最重要的。很明确的说明中文的重要。故填:Chinese

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

看图填词(10分). 阅读下面的短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

I have a twin sister. Her 小题1:_____is Kitty. Many people think we have lots of things in common, 小题2:_____ this is not true. When my parents' friends 小题3:_______to our home, Kitty often sits there and says小题4: _______, but I like to have a talk with them. So I'm more outgoing (外向的) than her.
Kitty 小题5:______ reading books, singing and cooking and I like 小题6:______basketball. She has more hobbies than me, but she is not as athletic as me. Because Kitty does better than me at school, my parents often ask me to 小题7:______ from her. Kitty is helpful and she often小题8:____ other students. We do have something in common. For小题9:_____ , we both like going shopping and 小题10: _____to pop music.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“ Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing.
Taobao, China’s largest online shopping site(网站), has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang Lin enjoy shopping online. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home use products (产品) are the most popular online.
It was reported that more than 250 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao. 
Taobao means “looking for treasure” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.
You may question the security (安全) online shopping. Wang Lin said, “It is very safe and convenient (便利). Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the product.”
Taobao: China’s   小题1:    online shopping center
More Internet users   _小题2:    shopping online.
Women like online shopping   _小题3:     than men.
Clothing and home use produces are the ___小题4:  popular.
People spent 250 billion yuan on ___小题5: shopping last year.
It means “小题6:   for treasure” .
You can find almost    小题7:  you need.
It is very   小题8:    and convenient.
Don’t need to   小题9:    about the security.
If you are not satisfied with the products, you can get your money   小题10:  .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题纸上写出完整单词)(每空一词;共10空,每空1分,满分10分)
A young man goes to the supermarket and buys a p  小题1:   of socks. When he comes back home, he goes to his room and tries t  小题2:    on. He finds they are in different colours. One is blue but the other is g  小题3:   .
His mother and sister are cooking d  小题4:   in the kitchen. He tells them: “My new socks are in different colours. I should make them in the same c   小题5:. Would you please h  小题6:me?” His mother and sister are b 小题7:   and they don’t say anything. When his mother finishes cooking, she g 小题8:  to her son’s room and makes the green sock blue. She comes back without saying a 小题9:   . After her supper, the man’s
s  小题10:  goes to her brother’s room and makes one blue sock green without telling her brother.
How will the young man feel the next morning?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

默写(共7个空,共10分, 每空不限一个词)
NCE Lesson 41.
‘We mustn’t buy things we don’t need.’ I remarked suddenly. I     小题1:      almost at once.
‘You needn’t have said that,’ my wife answered, ‘And I needn’t    小题2:      that terrible tie you bought yesterday.
NCE Lesson 42.
As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which  小题3:     coins and opened one of the baskets. … The snake, however,    小题4:     ‘dance’ slowly. It obviously could not     小题5:     Indian music and jazz!
English: fun for life
On the last day of English Week, the head teacher     小题6:     to the whole school. ….   小题7:     , you should enjoy English.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“USA? Britain? Which country is the better to study in ?” We often hear such discussions. As China opens its door, it’s a dream for many Chinese students to study abroad. They want to learn about the outside world.
It’s true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Their foreign language skills will be improved and it may be easier to find jobs.
But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time to learn another language.
Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven’t done before, like looking after themselves. There are reports about Chinese students abroad running into an ocean of difficulties and giving up finally when they have to take care of themselves. It’s hard for students to study well.
Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth ?
We know that there are many famous people who have achieved success through their hard work in China. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American coach invited him there, but he refused. He kept training hard with his Chinese coach. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, think it again.
Information Card
For Chinese students, studying abroad has become 
The first problem of studying abroad is
Studying abroad can help students develop themselves, find jobs easily and
It's hard for Chinese students to be used to the life abroad without
By describing Liu Xiang’s example, to tell us studying abroad is not the only way to


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Do you always agree with your teacher? Sometimes you might have a different a  小题1:   to a Maths problem. Or maybe they scold(责备) you when you don’t think you did anything w  小题2:  .What do you do then? A story on sina.com said that more and more students choose to s  小题3: out and sometimes even shout(喊叫) at their teachers. It’s i  小题4:  for students to say what they think. In the past, few Chinese students dared(敢于) to speak d  小题5:   to their teacher. It was an unwritten rule(不成文的规定) that what the teachers said is always right. But now students are b  小题6:   to think more of themselves and dare to say what they think right. But students should choose the right way to speak out. We should respect(尊重) teachers. They are older than you and know more things. So, never use i  小题7:   words when speaking to them. And don’t make them u  小题8:   when you don’t agree with them. Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher. For e  小题9:  , talk about the problem after class. R  小题10:  to talk about it in a friendly way.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hobbies are activities(活动), which we do in our free time. There are so many kinds of hobbies one can choose for his or her own. Some hobbies are really expensive, and some are even dangerous.
The most popular hobbies in our country are as follows:
Collecting hobbies  We can collect a lot of things. Usually people collect the stamps, postcards or coins. Some people collect unusual things like old cars, old motorbikes or other interesting things, which could be very expensive.
Art hobbies    Going to the theatre, concert(音乐会), opera; playing some instrument ( the most popular instrument is guitar ); painting, writing, poetry. There are many clubs—such as singing, dancing, etc.
Sports games  Everybody do some sport activities—sport can keep us fit. Many students are members of a sports club—basketball, volleyball or swimming.
The other popular hobby is watching TV or a video, playing computer or video games, but it is not so good for your eyes and your mind. Many people here like to spend their free time reading books, magazines and newspapers. Some people like listening to music better. Going out can be very expensive now.
Many students would like to make use of their hobbies in their future jobs, e.g. working with computer, but it is not so easy. Hobbies are very important for everybody. A man would be very poor without a hobby and would not be pleased.
 小题1: for Us to Choose From
There are many hobbies one can choose: expensive or dangerous.
 小题2: body
Collecting hobbies
Many people like  小题3: stamps, postcards or coins.
Some people like to collect   小题4: things, such as old cars, old motorbikes, etc.
Art hobbies
We can go to the theatre, concert or opera.
We can also learn to play some instrument.
Some have  小题5: painting, writing or poetry.
Going to   小题6: for entertainment(娱乐)is also very interesting.
Sports games
We can take part in some sports activities or  小题7:   sports clubs.
Other hobbies
Watching TV or a video and playing computer or video games are interesting things to do, but not too much, for they may be  小题8:
for our eyes and mind.
We can choose to  小题9: or enjoy music for pleasure.
For many students hobbies are  小题10: for their future jobs.
Hobbies are important for everyone, without which we would be poor and not pleased.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

DIY, which means Do It Yourself, is quite popular in the UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV programs show people how to DIY.
English people like DIY. If there is anything that needs fixing (修理) around their homes, such as                       p 小题1:   the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They share DIY                 e 小题2:   with their friends. More and more people are fond of DIY and have d 小题3:  the joy of DIY. Sometimes people also DIY for saving money. At present, many people can’t a 小题4:   a big house. They are looking at how they can make their houses better without spending a lot of money. It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.
DIY can be difficult. There is a large market for DIY furniture (家具) which needs to be got together by people themselves w 小题5:   a few tools. However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can’t understand the instructions (指令). Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture i 小题6:  is difficult to build. DIY can also be dangerous if you are not careful enough. It is r 小题7:   that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in the UK, including 41,000 who fell off ladders.
DIY can bring us a lot of f 小题8:   and can help us save some money, but it is not always as easy as it is t 小题9:  to be if we do something that is too hard. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and s 小题10:   for us to DIY.

