精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

1. 今天比昨天热得多。

It is               today than yesterday.   

2. 你能照看一下我的猫吗?

Can you help me                      my cat?

3. 这次地震中至少有150人失去生命。

              150 people lost their lives in the earthquake.

4. 像你这样的朋友在一个新地方很容易相处。

                     make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.

5. 我长大的时候,我想做我想做的事。

When I               , I’m going to do what I want to do.  

6. 208名运动员参加了昨天的火炬传递仪式。

208 athletes                      yesterday’s Olympic torch relay ceremony

7. 起床后请自己整理床铺。

Please                      yourself after you get up.

8. 下星期我们学校将有一场才艺表演。

There is going to be a               in our school next week.     

1. much hotter      2.take care of        3. At least            4. Friends like you  

5. grow up         6. took part in        7. make up/the bed    8. talent show

