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(   ) 12.        is Teddy's teammate.

   A. Li Dong   B. Lin Dong   C. Lin Hong


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. Jim got up early        he could catch the early bus to go to work.

   A. when   B. so that   C. that   D. then


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. Kitty often stands in front of my house ,        beautiful flowers in her hand.

   A. holds   B. hold

   C. held   D. holding


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 13. Some people are        in the afternoon.

   A. walking and talking

   B. singing

   C. swimming


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 7. Why is Liu Yang angry with Liu Jian?

   A. Because he got up late.

   B. Because he got up early.

   C. Because they missed the bus.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Soccer is the world's favorite sport. It has around 3 billion (十亿) fans―about half the world's population (AO) ! And about 300 million (百万) people play this game. That's 4       percent (百分之) of the world's population !

  It's hard to say where soccer was born. Many people in old days played early forms of this modern (现代化的) game. Cu ju,a ballkicking game inChina,was reported (报道) as early as 2       ,500   B. C.(公元前) . Around the same time in Greece,people were also playing a similar ball game without using their hands. But modern soccer didn't become official until 1863. An Englishman called Cobb Marley and other people made up the FIFA. which organizes (组织) the World Gup.

  It's not easy to tell what makes soccer so popular. But one reason (原因) is how easy the sport is. Soccer needs only two feet and a ball. This makes it a sport that many poor countries can easily play. Some of the sport's best players come from these countries.

  No one knows who will at the next World Cup. But one thing is certain. The world will be watching.


(   ) 1. How many soccer fans are there in the world?

   A. About 300 million.

   B. About 4 percent of the world's population.

   C. About 3 billion.

   D. About three quarters of the world's population.

(   ) 2. Where was soccer born?

   A. In oldChina.

   B. InGreece.

   C. InEngland.

   D. No one knows.

(   ) 3. Who organizes the World Cup?

   A. People in old days.

   B. Cobb Morley.

   C. Other people.

   D. The FIFA.

(   ) 4. What does playing soccer need?

   A. Two feet and a ball.

   B. Two hands and a ball.

   C. Two balls and two feet.

   D. Two feet and two hands.

(   ) 5. Which of following is TRUE?

   A. Playing soccer isn't very popular in the world.

   B. It's hard to tell what makes soccer so popular.

   C. Modern soccer becomes official before 1863.

   D. The best soccer players all come from poor countries.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 莉莉喜欢与孩子们交朋友。

Lily likes to        kids.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


B : Speaking. Who is that?

A : 2      Lucy,I want to do some shopping this afternoon. Let's go together. B:0K. 3      

A : Let's make it half past three. 

B: 4      

A;At the gate of our school. 

B:AU right. 5       

A;See you.

   A. See you then.

   B. When shall we go?

   C. May I speak to Lucy?

   D. This is Mike.

   E. Where shall we meet?

1.        2.       3.        4.        5.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Young children like eating        (糖果) ,but it's bad for their teeth.

