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假设你校要举办一期英语墙报,交流学习英语的感受,请你按下面表格中的内容要点提示写一篇题为“Find your own way to learn English”,80个词左右的稿件向其投稿,介绍你学习英语的体会。?
学习?困难单词拼写 听力差 语法出错 阅读速度慢 学习?方法 记单元词汇表?(vocabulary list) 多听磁带 借书阅读 学好英语的关键?专心致志?自有方法
Sample answer?
Find Your Own Way to Learn English?
There are many ways to learn English, but everyone should have his or her own way.?
At first, I had many difficulties in Learning English. For example, I couldn't spell some English words, and couldn't understand what people said when they were talking fast. I often made mistakes in grammar and read very slowly.?
Now I have found some ways to improve my English. I copy down the vocabulary lists for each unit and keep them in my mind. I listen to English tapes every day and I can understand mostly what people talk about. I often borrow English books and read them after class.?
The most important thing to learn English well, I think, is to keep your mind on it, so that you can find your own ways to improve your English.(118 words)解析:
1) 单词拼写(2分)?
2) 听力差(2分)?
3) 语法出错(1分)?
4) 阅读速度慢(1分)?
5) 记单元词汇表(2分)?
6) 多听磁带(2分)?
7) 借书阅读(2分)?
2. 评分标准:共分七档,先确定档次,然后在该档次的上限和下限之间给具体分数。
1) 第一档15分(满分):叙述要点完整、正确,清晰,语言连贯流畅,无语言结构、用词、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内(60—120个词),完整、清晰、有效地传达了规定的信息。?
2) 第二档13—14分:叙述要点完整、正确,清晰,语言较连贯流畅,有个别语言、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内,有效传达了规定的信息。?
3) 第三档10—12分:叙述要点较完整、正确,清晰,语言较连贯流畅,有少量语言、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内,较有效地传达了规定的信息。?
4) 第四档7—9分:内容要点遗漏较多,语言连贯流畅性较差,有多处语言、拼写、标点错误,词数未在要求范围之内,部分传达了规定的信息。?
5) 第五档4—6分:表达了少量的内容要点,语言支离破碎,各种错误太多,词数未在要求范围之内,很难传达有效的规定信息。?
6) 第六档1—3分:只能用个别或少量的单词表达,无完整的句子,未能传达有用的规定信息。?
7) 第七档0分:所写单词或句子均为无效内容,未能传达任何规定的信息。

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】My classmates are going to skate in the afternoon. (改为否定句)
My classmates ________ ________ to skate in the afternoon.
【小题2】 Mr. Zhao goes fishing every weekend. (改为反意疑问句)
Mr. Zhao goes fishing every weekend, ________ ________?
【小题3】Bruce has art lessons twice a week. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ does Bruce have art lessons?
【小题4】I spend half an hour doing morning exercises every day. (改为同义句)
It ________ me half an hour to ________ morning exercises every day.
Please ________ ________ our good news!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Kitesurfing as a water sport began in the 1980s, but didn't get popular until the end of last century. It is also known as kiteboarding, and in some European countries as flysurfing. Kitesurfing works through wind power(动力) by using a large kite to pull a rider on the water at high speed.?
At first, kitesurfing was a difficult and dangerous sport. Now it is becoming easier and safer because of the safer kite design. For an able and strong person, kitesurfing can be a very fun, extremely exciting sport, just like skating on the water with a feeling of flying. It has become more and more popular.?
Compared with other water sports, kitesurfing is easier to learn. A beginner can understand how to operate the kite with 5—10 hours of training. And anybody aged from 13 to 65 can learn. It is not expensive to get the equipment for kitesurfing, which costs $1,000 to $2,500. Training lessons range from $200 to $500 for two or three hours. With the development of its equipment progress, kitesurfing is becoming even safer. After some training, you can enjoy its excitement and challenging feeling.?
With the rising popularity of kitesurfing, most major seaside cities have kitesurfing clubs. In China, Xiamen is the only place that has the kitesurfing club, which provides professional kitesurfing training and equipments.
【小题1】Kitesurfing has a history of about      years.?
A.30 B.50 C.100 D.130?
【小题2】     is mentioned in the passage as the power of kitesurfing.?
A.WaterB.Wind C.The sun D.The kite?
【小题3】The underlined word “range” in the third paragraph means “     ” in Chinese.?
【小题4】 The most important reason for the popularity of kitesurfing is that .?
A.its price is getting lower and lower?
B.more and more people are enjoying its excitement?
C.its equipment progress makes it easier and safer?
D.all people can learn and take part in it?
【小题5】The main idea of this passage is about .?
A.the way of operating kitesurfing
B.the progress of kitesurfing equipment?
C.the history of kitesurfing in China
D.the development of kitesurfing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Paul tried to open the door but it didn't work.(改为同义句)
Paul tried to open the door but    ▲  .
【小题2】I want one kilo of fish.(对划线部分提问)
   ▲      ▲      ▲   of fish do you want?
【小题3】 The news report is very exciting.(改为感叹句)
   ▲      ▲   exciting news report it is l
【小题4】 His mother came home. Then he stopped watching TV.(合并为一句)
He    ▲   TV    ▲   his mother came home.
【小题5】the, kites, she, in, flies, Ben, park, with, often (.)(连词成句)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

材料一 古者以天下为主,君为客,凡君之所毕世而经营者,为天下也。今也以君为主,天下为客,凡天下之无地而得安宁者,为君也。……然则为天下之大害者,君而已矣。……世儒不察,以工商为末,妄议抑之;夫工固圣王之所欲来,商又使其愿出于途者,盖皆本也。
材料二 孟德斯鸠在《论法的精神》中明确提出“三权分立”理论:在一个自由的国家里,立法权应该由人民集体享有,人民必须通过自己选出的代表组成立法机关制定法律或监督它所制定的法律的执行。贵族应组成团体和平民团体同时享有立法权,二者有各自的议会。但是贵族的团体是世袭的,在立法上只有反对权,不应有创制权。立法、司法和行政这三种权力既要分立,又要互相制约。行政权应掌握在国王手中,因为政府各部门时时需要采取急速的行动,一个人管理比由几个人管理要好。行政机关有权制止立法机关的越权行为,否则立法机关就要变成专制。行政也应通过它的“反对权”来参与立法。司法权应由选自人民阶层中的人员组成法院,依照法律规定的方式来行使,它不为某一特定阶级或某一特定职业所专有。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Li Hua’s shoes are as _______ as Zhang Hui’s.  
A.cheapB.cheaperC.the cheaperD.the cheapest


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Li Mei is the student _________ handwriting is the best in our class.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There _________ a concert on Qixing Square next Monday evening.
A.isB.is going toC.is going to beD.will have


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr. Green speaks very loudly    all the people can hear him clearly.
A. so that             B. when            C. because

