精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
It is well-known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. But do you know what future really is? I have to say that future is now. That is to say, we must treasure every minute now. If we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well.
There is an old English saying: “Gain time, gain life.” Then what’s time? Time is something that we can’t see or touch, but we can feel it passing by. Time is always with us. When we are at table, time passes; when we play, time goes by unnoticeable. We always say “Time is money,” but time is even more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn it back. But if time is gone, it well never return. So some of us even say time is priceless.
We should always remember: Future is now. For us students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own. We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today. We should do everything before us as well as possible. And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow.
As we all know, “Time and tide wait for no man.” If you waste today, you will regret tomorrow. So from now on, work hard. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be brighter. Remember: “No pains, no gains.” Today’s hard work is the cause of tomorrow’s harvest.
小题1:If we want to have a bright future, we should know the _____ of time and make every minute useful.
小题2:Time is money, but time is even more ______ than money.
小题3:When money is _____, we can earn it back.
小题4:Time is priceless. _____ time will return no more.
小题5:As students, we should never put off what can be done today till tomorrow and we should try our _____ to do everything well.


小题1:细节理解题。根据原文If we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well.可知如果我们想有一个光明的未来,我们就要知道时间的重要性并且能充分利用时间。importance名词,重要性。故填importance。
小题2:细节理解题。根据原文but time is even more precious than money,可知时间甚至比金钱更珍贵。故填useful。
小题3:细节理解题。根据原文when money is spent, we can earn it back.可知钱被花掉了,我们还可以赚回来。故填spent。
小题4:细节理解题。根据原文But if time is gone, it well never return.如果时间过去了,它将永远不会再回来,never从不,no more 不再,故填lost/missing/past。
小题5:细节理解题。try one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大的努力做某事。句意:作为学生,我们不应该把今天该完成的事儿拖到明天,我们应该尽我们最大的努力做好每一件事儿。故填best。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1: Carol is an assistant in a company. She is interested in English and wants to buy some newspapers to read so that she can improve it.
小题2: Mr Smith wants to travel to Africa. He wants to get some information about the climate and the culture in Africa.
小题3: Linda wants to know something about the inventions such as shoes with adjustable heels.
小题4: Helen hopes that she can give some help to the people who lost their home in the flood.
小题5: Lily doesn’t want to stay at home and read books all day during the winter holiday. She plans to take some lessons on singing.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It’s said that eyes are the windows of our soul. Beautiful and bright eyes not only show a good health but also make you look attractive. However, to have healthy eyes, you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need everyday attention.
Pay more attention to your diet. First, eat food that is good for your eyes. They are fresh fruits and vegetables as well as fish, eggs and milk. Besides, a regular amount(数量) of Vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.
A regular and sound sleep is a must. It relaxes the eye muscles(肌肉) and gives them the rest. Sleep not only helps the body to repair its tired tissues(组织). Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eyes.
You must exercise your eyes every day. Blink(眨眼) your eyes at regular periods, which makes the eyeballs watery and gives them a good wash.
We use our eyes in many unnoticeable and wrong ways. For example, if a small thing goes into our eye, we start rubbing(揉) it, which is wrong. Rubbing can cause damage to your eyes. Don’t read or write in poor or bright sunlight. Always use sunglasses as sunlight can cause eye tiredness. Light should not shine directly in your eyes. Too much reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness.
to keep your eyes healthy
Eating food good for your eyes,小题3:__________ as  fresh fruits , vegetables and food high in protein(蛋白质)
.Taking a proper amount of Vitamins A and B2 regularly
.Having a regular and sound sleep is 小题4:__________ .
.Reducing loss of 小题5:_________
Eye 小题6:________
.Having your eyes exercised every day.
.Blinking your eyes at regular periods.
Eye using
.It’s小题7:_________ to rub your eye when something goes in.
.Read or write in soft sunlight.
.Light should never shine in your eyes in a 小题8:_______ way.
.Take a 小题9:________ after reading,writing,watching TV or
working on the computer.
Eye 小题10:__________ matters a lot.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Napoga is a 12-year-old girl in Ghana, Africa. It is hard for her family to get clean water. Every morning, she leaves home at half past five to get clean water for her family in a village far away. It takes her six hours to get enough clean water for daily cooking and drinking. She has no time to go to school or to play with her friends. Millions of people in the world are like Napoga. They can’t get enough clean water to keep healthy.
Earth Day is April 22. But on all other days, we must also remember it. The water we use is the most important natural resource on the earth.
Water covers 70% of the earth’s surface. But most of that is sea water. We can’t use it for very many things. Fresh water covers only 1% of the earth’s surface. You probably feel lucky that your life isn’t as hard as Napoga’s. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about water. We all face serious water problems. One of them is water pollution. All kinds of things from cars, factories, farms and homes make our rivers, lakes, and oceans dirty. Polluted water is very bad for people to drink. And dirty water is bad for fish, too. Now, 34% of all kinds of fish are dying out. How do cars and factories make our water dirty? First, they pollute the air. Then, when it rains, the rain water comes down and makes our drinking water dirty. Dirty rain called acid rain(酸雨), is also bad for plants, animals and buildings. Something must be done to prevent water form be­ing polluted.
Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves and our children. Here is some advice for saving water:
●Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. You can save as much as 450 liters(升) each month.
●Leaky taps(漏水的龙头) waste a lot of water. Fix them right away!
●You can easily cut your 10-minute showers in half—and you’ll be just as clean.
●When you wash dishes, don’t let the water run.
●Only wash clothes when you have a lot to wash. If your washing machine isn’t full, you’re wasting water!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

提示词语:share…with…;experience; interest; learn; change; encourage; enjoy; happiness; confident


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

"The Chinese Dream" is a hot topic of this year. Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream. Everyone has their 小题1:  dreams. They give us courage and confidence to keep us going t 小题2:  difficulties. Here are some advice on how to 小题3:   our beautiful dreams.
Never g 小题4:  up is the key to make our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we 小题5:  our goals. Our life is like a long j  小题6:  which is not all roses. It sometimes has wind and rain. We believe rainbows will a 小题7:  after storms.
Cooperation is also 小题8:. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society most problems can't be 小题9:   by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important 小题10: for people living in the developing society.
Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)
Popular majors
Other information
The university of Melbourne
11 art clubs
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Free school bus
The University of Tokyo
Earthquake Study;
Easy to get part-time jobs
The University of Leeds
The UK
Many  libraries
The University of Michigan
Large libraries
The University of Pennsylvania
Near the city center
小题1:Li Qi plans to study in England. She likes universities with many libraries.
小题2:Chen Jun hopes to major in Engineering. He wants to get a part-time job during his study.
小题3:Xia Jie dreams to be a businessman. Hong Kong is his favorite city.
小题4: Han Yi would like to study at a university in the USA. He is interested in Engineering.
小题5: Sun Hao wants to learn Arts. She thinks joining an art club can be helpful.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their h 小题1: was to perform one act of random(任意的) kindness. His students did not understand the assignment(任务), but the professor would not answer their questions. He e  小题2:  his students to find it out for themselves.
One week later, the students entered the classroom excited to s  小题3:  their stories. One student told of distributing (分配,散发)blankets to the homeless, another had contacted a long, lost friend, and another student r   小题4: that he had helped a dog to find its owner. Students were energized(激励) by the homework assignment and wanted other people to be kind too. W  小题5:  the support of local businesses, the students made stickers to put on cars that invited people to do something k 小题6: for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind –not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.
Since then, s  小题7: kindness activities have been organized in schools all over the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week, a 小题8: November 13, to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform d  小题9:   kind acts, such as making a new friend, helping someone, doing community service, or raising money for a charity. Students learn to c  小题10: other people and think about how small actions can make the world a better place.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

最近,你班就“学生的良好学习习惯和生活习惯”话题展开了广泛讨论。请你根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇题为“A good habit, a successful life”的短文。

参考词汇:预习preview v.
A good habit, a successful life
Recently our class have had a discussion on students' good habits. In order to make our life successful, first we should have good habits of learning. ________________________________
In a word, good habits will give us a successful life.

