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Nobody likes making mistakes. But, no one is perfect. If you can learn from mistakes correctly, they can move you forward. Therefore, we should analyse how you can learn from them.
If you have made mistakes that harm other people, it is important to offer a sincere apology (道歉)in person. A good apology will likely make the other person forgive you. If you refuse to apologize, the person hurt by you will hold it against you.
If you go through life afraid to make a mistake, you will spend most of you life doing nothing. There is no harm in making mistakes; it is an essential part of going forward. The more duties you take, the more likely you will make mistakes.
Unluckily, it is our natural instinct(本能) to justify(为……辩解) our actions. When you make a mistake, you will first blame someone else. When mistakes are made, the boss is unlikely to be interested in justifications. Sometimes it is best to say, very simply--yes, I made a mistake.
Mistakes happen for various reasons. To avoid(避免)repeating them, you need to understand the main reason. For example, you may have made a mistake by saying some unkind words. If you make mistakes because you are tired, try to get more sleep; if you are stressed, look at ways to relax and keep away from the stress of work.
You should avoid feeling guilty about making mistakes, but at the same time, you should make a decision to learn from them. If you repeat the same mistakes, it shows you aren’t making progress and they cause repeating suffering. Often mistakes are caused by bad habits. To avoid making the same mistakes you need to break these bad habits. The sooner, the better.
How to earn from mistakes
Say sorry___小题1:__
A sincere face-to-face apology helps him___小题2:___ you.
Don’t be a perfectionist(完美主义者).
It is __小题3:___that people make mistakes. A person who takes more duties will make ___小题4:___ mistakes.
Don’t ___小题5:___ time trying to justify mistakes.
When a mistake is ___小题6:___, you’d better admit it rather than blame it on someone else.
Understand___小题7:___the mistake happened.
You may say some unkind words to other people. Find the right ___小题8:___ and try to avoid the same mistake.
Avoid ___小题9:___ the same mistakes.
__小题10:___ your bad habits as soon as possible.


小题1:根据文章If you have made mistakes that harm other people, it is important to offer a sincere apology (道歉)in person.可知,真诚地像他人道歉。truly/sincerely真诚地
小题2:根据文章A good apology will likely make the other person forgive you.可知,真诚地当面道歉能够得到他人的原谅。forgive原谅
小题3:根据文章 it is an essential part of going forward.可知,人们犯错误是很自然的事情。natural自然的
小题4:根据文章The more duties you take, the more likely you will make mistakes.可知,你承担的责任悦动,你犯的错误就越多。more越多
小题5:根据文章Unluckily, it is our natural instinct(本能) to justify(为……辩解) our actions.可知,不要花费时间去狡辩你犯的错误。spend/waste浪费
小题7:根据文章To avoid(避免)repeating them, you need to understand the main reason.可知,为了避免犯同样的错误,你需要去了解为什么会犯这个错误。why为什么
小题10:根据文章To avoid making the same mistakes you need to break these bad habits. The sooner, the better.可知,你应该最快的改掉你的坏习惯。break/change改掉

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. Ming是一位与你年纪相仿的中学生,最近他有了许多烦恼,于是写信向校园杂志的“烦恼我来听”栏目求助。请你根据短文内容和汉语提示完成这封信。每空限填一词。           
Dear editor,
I’m a boy of 15 years old. I have lots of problems these days. I need your help.
First, I have  小题1:     (困难) learning English. I think I’ve tried my best, but it’s just a ____小题2:_ _(浪费) of time. I’m ____小题3:__(害怕) of speaking in front of a group. I often make ____小题4:__ (错误). It seems that I’m so____小题5:_  (愚蠢). Second, I __小题6:_ (将…看做) Jim as my best friend all the time, but I had an argument with him yesterday. As a result I   小题7: (失去) my friendship. Third, after my father’s ___小题8:__ (死)three years ago, I couldn’t get on well with my mother. I don’t think she is ____小题9:_(耐心)enough to pay more attention to me.
I don’t know how to ____小题10:__ _(处理)with all these things. Could you help me?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

Nowadays, traveling is becoming a more and more important part of our life._________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读 请根据材料内容,完成各题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
If you want to live for 100 years, you need healthy food and lots of exercise.
In the morning, you have a big and nice breakfast. A big and nice breakfast can help you start a day. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice and vegetables. (92)Healthy people seldom eat much snacks. Sweet snacks give you energy but they’re not healthy. You can have an orange or an apple after each meal.
Except for keeping a healthy diet, you need lots of (91)______ too. You can do sports (91) ______ 30 minutes every day. After a month, you will feel healthier. You can swim. You can run. You can play ball games. But don’t play computer games or chat with friends on the Internet for many hours every day. This is not exercise.
Get up from your chair, everyone! Change your diet and lifestyle today! You can live for 100 years. You can always feel young with right food and exercise.
小题3:How long can we exercise every day?
You can do some exercise for half an hour every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

China started to make its sixth population census (人口普查) from November 1, 2010. Census workers would go to every home to check who lived there. They would ask family members questions about   1  names, ages, jobs and so on.
China holds a census every about 10 years. The   2  one was in 1953. At that time, there were only about 600 million people in China. But in 2000, the number was 1.29 billion (十亿).
 3  does our country make a population census?
First, the census will help draw a big picture of the country. China has the largest population  4 the world, and it is still growing. The government could use the information from the census to help   5  to live better lives. For example, if the population census shows that there are a lot of kids in your area , the government will know that they have to   6  more schools there.
Second , from the population census, scientists can learn more about population growth. In some years the population grows larger than in others. Even in the same year, population growth is not the same in   7  places. Scientists can use the information to look for reasons behind the growth.
Third, the census will help to find the number of foreigners who are  8  in China. It can also find out how many Chinese have moved to other countries.
1. _______________   2. _______________   3. _______________  
4. _______________   5. _______________   6. _______________  
7. _______________   8. _______________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In winter,when the sun hides behind the clouds,everyone feels a bit low. You may be tired and find you want to sleep all the time. What you may not know is:you are suffering from (患有) SAD(季节性抑郁症).
But don't worry—it's normal. Colder temperatures and fewer hours of daylight can steal your energy and put you in a bad mood.
Read on to find out what SAD is and what you can do to help yourself or those around you.
These days,Linda,a US teenager spends most of her holidays sleeping instead of doing sports outside. She has also had trouble concentrating(集中精力) on her homework. When her mother asks her what's wrong,Linda doesn't know what to tell her. Linda may not realize it yet,but she's suffering from SAD. It causes people to sleep,eat sweet food and get sad or angry for no reason.
About 15 percent of American people now suffer from SAD in winter according to the US Department of Health. The US government has taken measures to help people beat it. Local communities encourage people to take part in activities such as exercise,dance or art. And they advise people not to eat too much sweet food.
Like in the US,cold northern European countries such as Finland,Iceland and Russia see a large number of people suffer from SAD every year. So,the sunlamp is widely used in these countries. It's an electric lamp which is just like a “little sun” that gives off light to make people think the sun is shining and feel better.
小题1:Colder ________ and less ________ are the main causes of SAD.
小题2:Linda is feeling ________ and doesn't ________ doing sports because she's suffering from SAD.
小题3:      people suffer from SAD in        northern European countries.
小题4:In some northern European countries,the ________ is widely used to make people feel____ .
小题5:Taking an active part in ________ and eating ________ sweet food can help people beat SAD.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you know London Zoo?  London Zoo is the world’s oldest scientific (科学的) zoo.  It has a history of about 180 years. London Zoo has about 755 kinds of animals. There are lions, camels, giraffes, snakes, tigers, monkeys and many more. There is also an aquarium(水族馆)in the zoo. It has many kinds of fishes. London Zoo doesn’t open every day. It doesn’t open on December (十二月)25th.So do not go to visit it on that day. The zoo opens at 10 am and closes at 4 pm in winter and 5: 30 pm in spring, summer and autumn.
小题1:How old is London Zoo?_____________________________________________________
小题2:How many kinds of animals does London Zoo have?   ____________________________
小题3:Is there an aquarium in the zoo? _______________________________________________
小题4:Does London Zoo open every day?_____________________________________________
小题5:What time does the zoo open in winter?______ ________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

In English-speaking countries, ____is unlucky number while ____is unlucky number in China.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you ever been to a zoo to see animals? Probably yes.
But for Du Wei, it’s always “No”. The 13-year-old student, at the Lanzhou School for the Blind, Deaf and Mute(盲聋哑学校) has never seen an animal.
Du was born with weak eyesight, but he still has a big dream. He wants to make all the animals as he “sees” in his mind. Du uses clay (黏土) to make sculptures(雕刻). “I love animals.101  By making sculptures,  I want to ask people to protect them.” Du said.
At Du’s school, 30 other blind teens also like working with clay. 102 They spend two hours each week learning to imagine and feel all kinds of things. Then they make them out of clay.
Their teacher, Su Wanjiu, makes pots and animals for them to feel. 103 He makes them imagine what things look like. “all kids have their own ideas. They are very imaginative. One kid even made a dragon with legs! Playing with clay brings them confidence and love of life.” Su said.
Last term, the 16-year-old boy, Li Wenhao, made a pen holder with clay for his little sister. He said, “ 104我想告诉她要努力学习。  ”
Li wants to be a sculptor when he 105_______. “ Whatever normal kids can do, I can do, too.” Li said.
小题2:将划线部分改写 ____________________ to imagine and feel all kinds of things.
小题3:将划线部分改写 They ________________ what things look like.
小题5:填入适当的词语 ____________________

