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Here are some potatoes, please ________.
A.cut it upB.cut them upC.cut up itD.cut up them

试题分析:it人称代词主格,宾格,它,指代前文提到的单数事物;them人称代词宾格,他们,指代前文提到的复数事物。当宾格人称代词作由动词(vt. )+副词构成的短语的宾语时,一般要放在动词后面,副词前面。句意:这有些土豆,请把它们切碎了。结合语境可知下文代词指代前文的复数名词potatoes,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

China is larger than ________ country in Africa.
A.any otherB.otherC.anyD.all others


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Whose book is this? There is no name on it.
---Let me see. Oh, it’s          . I lost it a few days ago. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The dog is my good friend and it ____________(跟着) me every day.
小题2:Do you like to see ______________(西方的) films?
小题3:Daniel often makes me _____________(笑) .
小题4:__________(当地的) people like to go fishing at weekends.
小题5:Giraffes like eating ____________(树叶)from trees.
小题6:How __________ (幸运的) you are!
小题7:They are all sleeping. The room is very q         .
小题8:There is n___________ wrong with my computer. It works well.
小题9:I don’t like to s____________ a bedroom with others.
小题10:My father d____________ me to school every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My pet cat’s ________(die)kept me sad for a long time.
小题2:Parents should spend more time______(stay)with their children.
小题3:We ­­­­should ________( allow) to go to the movies on Friday nights.
小题4:He always cares for others but hardly think for_________(he).
小题5:Liu Mei can speak English very well. Her ______ (pronounce) is very good.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Dear students,
As we all know, good health is important for success in exams, so I’m   小题1:  (写) to give you all some ways which are    小题2:  (有帮助的) to you
First of all, it is necessary that you sleep well    小题3:  (在……期间) the exam period in order that you can have   小题4:  (足够的) energy. Second, a healthy, balanced   小题5:  (饮食) is important to your success. In order to eat healthily, try to avoid eating food high in fat. It’s   小题6: (更好) for you to eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are   小题7: (充满) of vitamins. Besides, don’t forget to take exercise no matter how busy you are. It can help you build a strong  小题8:   (身体) as well as making you relaxed.
 小题9: (另一个) way I will share with you is this: studying with other people will help you discuss and form your own ideas. Plus, you won’t feel   小题10: (孤单的)!
Best wishes and stay healthy.
Li Hua


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:What’s the n_____ of the dog?      Wangwang.
小题2:It is a photo of a family. Is it y____?
小题3:One and six is s_____.
小题4:---The blue pen is my brother’s.  What a____ his pencil box?
---- It is black.
小题5:The o____ jacket is my sister’s. She likes the color.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 (每空不限一词)。
小题1:­­­­­­_________(sad),a Chinese girl lost her life in the Boston bombing.
小题2:The medals and cups belong to those __________(direct).
小题3:Mr Smith is a teacher. His _______ life is very common. (day)
小题4:I agree with you. The story _________(it) is interesting.
小题5:We all know that the knives _____________(use) to cut things.
小题6:Tom’s father will have a party to celebrate his _____ birthday. (44)
小题7:Because of the rain, the photos ____________ out yet. (not come)
小题8:Many parents worry about the _____________(weigh) of their children at present.
小题9:Look! The children are making cards _______________(show) love for their fathers.
小题10:John had an         (please) trip to Qin Lake National Wetland Park because of the heavy traffic.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Is Beijing the ______________(首都) of China?
小题2:      (/?f?l??/) me, boys and girls! Let’s enjoy our trip to the zoo.
小题3:Would you like to live in a _____________(宫殿)
小题4:Jane,        (记住) to put your English book into your bag before going out.
小题5:We are very        (幸运的) to have a good teacher like Mr. Wang.
小题6:Would you please open the windows? The air is not        (清新的) at all.
小题7:Hangzhou is            (近的) to Shanghai.
小题8:Just go        (径直) along the road, and you’ll see the bookshop on your right.
小题9: —Please send me a text        (信息) about the trip to Australia?
— Sure.
小题10:Mo Yan is quite f      (known by many people) now. Many people know about him.

