精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情

【题目】It was in the small town now is a big city the earthquake occurred.

A. where; which

B. which; where

C. which; that

D. that; where


【解析】此句为强调句,强调地点状语,其中被强调部分含有一个定语从句,修饰the small town。故选C。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1】约特干古城遗址文化层深埋于地下的原因是(  )

板块断裂,地层下陷  河流泥沙沉积

风沙沉积  冰碛物堆积

A. ①② B. ①③

C. ②③ D. ③④

2】据该地层剖面图,可推知约特干古城遗址自然环境变化的特点是(  )

A. 1000年以来气候稳定不变

B. 2000年以来沉积速度加快

C. 6000年以来湿润期长于干旱期

D. 距今7000年开始出现绿洲


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 东北平原地区是我国的主要商品粮基地分布区,该基地也是我国大豆的主产区。但近年来,由于进口大豆的冲击,豆价大幅下跌,由原来的2.2/kg,降到现在的1.6/kg,降幅近30%

材料二 国产大豆与进口大豆比较表 注:运输费用以到达大连为例。

材料三 东北平原某地生态农业示意图





科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Sam ________ a kettle full of boiling water onto his legs.

A.got over B.knocked out

C.took over D.knocked over


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1改革开放初期,山西省经济的核心部门是( )

A.原料业 B.加工业

C.采掘业 D.冶金业

2围绕能源开发,山西省构建的产业链是( )

煤一电一铝 煤一焦一化 煤一气一液

煤一铁一钢 煤一电一钢

A.①②③ B.②③④

C.①②④ D.③④⑤

3下列叙述正确的是(  )






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】--- Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?

--- No, only the two passengers who got hurt.

A. there were

B. it were

C. there was

D. it was


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


California Condor’s Shocking Recovery

California condors are North America’s largest birds, with wing-length of up to 3 meters. In the 1980s, electrical lines and lead poisoning(铅中毒) nearly drove them to dying out. Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.

In the late 1980s, the last few condors were taken from the wild, and there are now more than 150 flying over California and nearby Arizona, Utah and Baja in Mexico.

Electrical lines have been killing them off. “As they go in to rest for the night, they just don’t see the power lines,” says Bruce Rideout of San Diego Zoo. Their wings can bridge the gap between lines, resulting in electrocution(电死) if they touch two lines at once.

So scientists have come up with a shocking idea. Tall poles, placed in large training areas, teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful but undeadly electric shock. Before the training was introduced, 66% of set-freed condors died of electrocution. This has now dropped to 18%.

Lead poisonous has proved more difficult to deal with. When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large quantities of lead. This affects their nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds, and can lead to kidney() failures and death. So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo, where they are treated with calcium EDTA, a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days. This work is starting to pay off. The annual death rate for adult condors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.

Rideout’s team thinks that the California condors’ average survival time in the wild is now just under eight years. “Although these measures are not effective forever, they are vital for now,” he says. “They are truly good birds that are worth every effort we put into recovering them.

【1】California condors attract researchers’ interest because they .

A.are active at night

B.had to be bred in the wild

C.are found on in California

D.almost died out in the 1980s

【2】Researchers have found electrical lines are.

A.blocking condors’ journey home

B. big killers of Califorbnia condoras

C. rest places for condors at night

D. used to keep condors away

【3】According to Paraghaph 5 ,lead poisoning.

A.makes condors too nervous to fly

B. has little effect on condors’ kidneys

C. can hardly be gotten rid of form condors’ blood

D. makes it different for condors to produce baby birds

【4】The passage shows that .

A.the average survival time of condors is satisfactory

B.Rideout’s research interest lies in electric engineering

C.the efforts to protect condors have brought good results

D.researchers have found the final answers to the problem


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】--- Do you think I should buy that camera?

--- The price is reasonable and new arrivals are seldom on sale. It is really a bargain.

A. What for?

B. How funny!

C. Why not?

D. How come?

