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【小题1】Public bicycles in Foshan can help p__________ the development and use of public transport.
【小题2】Both the earthquake and the flood are natural d__________.
【小题3】Anything that is dropped falls towards the ground because of the force of g__________.
【小题4】Because of his hard work, he has got b __________ achievements in the field of physics.
【小题5】You’d better not go to Guilin for Golden Week. It is c__________ at that time.
【小题6】I am sorry to tell you that your son c__________ (犯)a terrible fault just now.
【小题7】During the weekend, I usually go __________ (骑自行车) in suburb areas with some friends.
【小题8】Bill stopped__________(挥手) to us and drove away.
【小题9】He chose Germany, but __________ (就自己而言) I would like to go to Spain.
【小题10】I am fond of classical music now, but in the past I __________ (更喜欢) pop music.

【小题1】 promote
【小题2】 disasters
【小题8】 waving
【小题10】 Prefer

解析【小题1】promote 动词促进:promote
【小题2】disasters     名词灾难:disaster.本句的主语是Both the earthquake and the flood,故使用复数形式。
【小题3】gravity     名词地球引力:gravity
【小题4】 brilliant    形容词巨大的,出色的:brilliant
【小题5】crowded     形容词拥挤的:crowded
【小题6】committed     动词犯罪:commit。根据后面的just now说明使用过去时
【小题7】cycling       固定词组go cycling骑自行车。
【小题8】waving    动词挥动;stop doing sth停止做某事;
【小题9】personally    副词就自己而言,personally
【小题10】preferred    动词更喜欢:prefer;根据in the past说明使用过去时。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


As a student, what you said on such an occasion was not s_____________ .

It is i___________ to buy or sell drugs.

I used to a__________ early in the morning.

These pancakes made by my mother are really t__________ .

According to the evidence, the judge c___________ that he hadn’t killed the man.

In his life he gave an example of______________ (勇敢) and wisdom.

The clever boy has _____________ (吸收) all the knowledge his teacher could give him.

His brother works in a ______________ (出版) house.

For a___________ (某种) political reason, he had to leave his motherland 20 years ago.

After a long____________(争论), we decided where to go for our holiday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

单词拼写  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


_ If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S______ of Liberty by yourself.

_ While traveling, we often find many r_________ paintings on the walls of temples.

_The first living ______________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.

_. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful s___________ to the nuclear problem.

_ Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ______________(优雅地) on the stage.

_The world-famous artist’s works are on _______________(展览) here.

_ He worked so hard that e_______________ he made himself ill.

_ It was our ____________ (祖先) who invented the paper-making, the compass and so on.

_ They give 10% d________________ for cash payment.

_ At the crossing of the street you can find the ____________ (农业的) Bank of China.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省佛山市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The day was breaking and we could see a ship on the h________.

2.Susan's a very bright and i________ girl who can always be No.1 in her class.

3.The moment I picked up the telephone,I ________ (辨认出) your voice.

4.The young woman danced so ________ (优雅地)in the ball that everybody gave her loud applause.

5.He wiped the s________from time to time in such a hot day.

6.China joined the World Trade O________ on December 11th, 2001.

7.The old man is as ________ (精力充沛的)as a young person and he can’t sit still.

8.A stream f_______ gently down into the valley.

9.After the serious earthquake, the government will provide a________ for up to three thousand people.

10.ThenextdayItriedto ________ (道歉)and sayitwasamistake.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Public bicycles in Foshan can help p__________ the development and use of public transport.

2.Both the earthquake and the flood are natural d__________.

3.Anything that is dropped falls towards the ground because of the force of g__________.

4.Because of his hard work, he has got b __________ achievements in the field of physics.

5.You’d better not go to Guilin for Golden Week. It is c__________ at that time.

6.I am sorry to tell you that your son c__________ (犯)a terrible fault just now.

7.During the weekend, I usually go __________ (骑自行车) in suburb areas with some friends.

8.Bill stopped__________(挥手) to us and drove away.

9.He chose Germany, but __________ (就自己而言) I would like to go to Spain.

10.I am fond of classical music now, but in the past I __________ (更喜欢) pop music.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省高二上学期第一次段考英语卷 题型:单词拼写


1.As a student, what you said on such an occasion was not s_____________ .

2. It is i___________ to buy or sell drugs.

3.I used to a__________ early in the morning.

4.These pancakes made by my mother are really t__________ .

5.According to the evidence, the judge c___________ that he hadn’t killed the man.

6. In his life he gave an example of______________ (勇敢) and wisdom.

7.The clever boy has _____________ (吸收) all the knowledge his teacher could give him.

8.His brother works in a ______________ (出版) house.

9.For a___________ (某种) political reason, he had to leave his motherland 20 years ago.

10. After a long____________(争论), we decided where to go for our holiday.


