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                        GENEVA(Reuters) -Pregnant women and other people at high risk should be vaccinated(注射疫苗) against the H1N1 swine flu virus as the cold weather begins to bite in the northern hemisphere(半球), the World Health Organization(WHO) said on Tuesday.

It voiced concern that some vulnerable(弱势的) people don’t have access to the pandemic(传染病) vaccine, which the WHO stressed had not caused any unusual side effects in hundreds of thousands of people to have received it worldwide so far.

“Certainly th e fact that the vaccine isn’t being used by those who would have access to it and who would be in priority risk groups is of concern, yes,” WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl told a news briefing.

At least 5, 712 people have died from the swine flu virus, according to the United Nations agency. Health workers, pregnant women and people with conditions such as asthma are deemed at greatest risk and should be top priority for getting the shot.

“We have seen many, many examples of people in high risk groups such as pregnant women who have very severe disease or outcomes. These outcomes could be in all likelihood avoided if one were to get vaccinated,” Hartl said.

Unlike seasonal flu, which is most dangerous to the elderly, H1N1 is hitting younger adults and children especially hard.

The WHO recommends a single vaccine dose for protecting adults against H1N1. It has also urged governments to consider giving a single dose to as many children under age 10 as possible, but says more research is needed into child dosages.

In the United States, studies show that children under the age of 9 will need two doses of the vaccine to be fully protected, officials there said on Monday.

Parts of North America and Europe have already crossed the epidemic (流行病) threshold( 开始了), ahead of the normal influenza season which peaks in January-February for the northern hemisphere, WHO says.

51.   According to the passage, what is WHO probably most concerned about now?

A. Whether the vaccine has side effect or not.

B. How many people are infected by the H1N1 swine flu virus.

C. Whether pregnant women and those at high risk can get the vaccination.

D. What is the difference between H1N1 and seasonal flu.

52.   According to the passage, what group of people are more vulnerable to H1N1 swine flu virus?

   A. The elderly.                    B. A teenager with asthma. 

   C. An adult with heatstroke.         D. A newly-born baby.

53.   In paragraph 4, “getting the shot” means ____________.

     A. being shot       B. being vaccinated      C. being cured      D. getting killed

54.   What can we learn from this passage?

      A. Pregnant women will surely get severe disease if infected with H1N1.

   B. Seasonal flu is more likely to hit younger adults and children.

   C. one more dose of vaccine should be given to the children under 9.

   D. About 6000 people have died from seasonal flu.

55.   Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Pregnant women need flu shot. 

B. Differences between H1N1 flu and seasonal flu.

C. The harm caused by H1N1 swine flu virus.

D. A breakthrough in H1N1 cure: vaccination.







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




         网民:netizens;课程:curriculum;文理科:arts and science。

Dear Tom,

         Recently many netizens have taken part in the survey about whether the curriculum of senior high school should be divided into arts and science in China.







Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

三、阅读理解 (2分/题,共分30分)

Most dog owners feel that their dogs are their best friends. Almost everyone likes dogs because they try hard to please their owners. One of my favorite stories is about a dog who wanted his owner to please him.

  One of my friends has a large German shepherd ( 牧羊狗) named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, my friend takes Jack for a walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.

  One Sunday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time, and he talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk, but the visitor didn’t leave. Jack became very worried about his walk in the park. He walked around the room several times and then sat down directly in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention. He continued talking. Finally, Jack couldn’t stand it any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he held the man’s hat in his mouth.

  German shepherds aren’t the only intelligent dogs. Another intelligent dog is a Seeing Eye dog. This is a special dog which helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things. We call these dogs Seeing Eye dogs because they are the “eye” of the blind people and they help them to “see”. Seeing Eye dogs generally go to special schools for several years to learn to help blind people.

36. The writer tells the story about the dog Jack to show that____.

  A. it always tried to please its master like many other dogs

  B. it always wanted its master to please it unlike many other dogs

  C. it was more intelligent than many other dogs

  D. it was the most faithful dog of his friend’s

37. Jack came to sit in front of the visitor in order to______.

A. please him     B. be pleased    C. ask him to leave immediately   D. invite him for a walk

38. The underlined sentence “Finally, Jack couldn’t stand it any longer.” Means______.

  A. Jack could no longer put up with the visitor

  B. Jack could no longer stand but he might sit down

  C. Jack was very tired and wanted a rest

  D. Jack was very angry with the owner

39. Seeing the dog holding his hat in its mouth, the visitor would probably______.

A. think the dog was foolish and boring

B. kicked the dog away by himself

C. beat the dog in front of its owner

D. get up and say good-bye to his friend

40. Which of the following titles would be the best for the passage?

A. Dogs─A Great Help to People

B. Dogs ─ Our Faithful Friend

C. An Introduction to Dogs

D. Famous Dogs in Germany


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节    完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Once there was a very brilliant, creative and educated man. He gained much   36   while traveling throughout the world. Unfortunately he lost his legs and left arm in a tragic accident, leaving only a finger and thumb on his right hand. He became so   37   that he was afraid he would spend his life   38   and would no longer be able to use his life in a(n)   39   way.

One day, he remembered how he had always loved getting   40  . He realized that he still had partial   41   of his right hand and could write with   42  . Then, he had an idea. “Why not write to other people who need encouragement?”

He   43   where he could find those who could be encouraged if they read his letters. He thought of people in   44  . Many of them had hope of regaining their   45  . Others would keep feeling depressed and remain put away for the rest of their lives. He decided that he must try to   46   them. So he wrote to a prison ministry about sending letters to the prisoners. The prison minister replied that writing to the prisoners would be   47  . However, it would be against prison rules for the prisoners to write back.

48   with the intention, the man began sending   49   messages of God’s love, hope, strength, and encouragement. He wrote twice a week, testing his strength and ability to the   50  . He poured his heart and soul into his words,   51   his experience, sense of humor, optimism, and faith.

It was difficult to write those letters, especially without hope of any   52  . Frequently, he felt discouraged, wondering if anyone   53    read his letters. However, this was his   54   chance,so he determined to continue.

At last, he received a letter from the prison officer, which said, “Please write on the best paper you can afford. Your letters are passed from cell (牢房) to cell until they almost fall to   55  !”

We all have unique experiences, abilities and talents. We can discover ways to reach others in need of encouragement and strength.

36. A. wealth               B. faith       C. experience  D. confidence

37. A. depressed             B. embarrassed       C. ashamed        D. thrilled

38. A. writing        B. suffering        C. weeping        D. wandering

39. A. abnormal             B. regular           C. comfortable       D. meaningful

40. A. presents          B. e-mails           C. letters    D. prizes

41. A. sense                B. strength          C. shape          D. function

42. A. affection             B. caution           C. difficulty        D. confidence

43. A. estimated        B. doubted          C. assumed          D. wondered

44. A. hospitals             B. churches         C. prisons         D. charities

45. A. families              B. letters     C. freedom          D. conscience

46. A. release               B. reach          C. defend           D. know

47. A. acceptable       B. reasonable  C. prohibited        D. considered

48. A. Faced               B. Filled          C. Satisfied    D. Impressed

49. A. holy                B. daily           C. one-way      D. round-way

50. A. point                B. worst          C. degree         D. limit

51. A. sharing               B. learning         C. gaining         D. enriching

52. A. success               B. reply           C. help            D. progress

53. A. curiously             B. patiently         C. carefully        D. actually

54. A. only                B. better            C. extra           D. lost

55. A. ruin                 B. pieces     C. the ground  D. the bottom


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The bird hid _____ food inside trees for the winters.

A.a number of                     B. a large number of      

C.the number of                    D. a great many


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 The book is not popular with the youth, but ______ I think it is very good.

A. exactly                     B. personally         C. possibly                   D. generally


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The pair of leather boots that I bought last weekend_______ comfortably.

A. wears         B. is worn       C. was worn     D. was wearing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 你认为良好的师生关系应该是怎样的?

2. 如何才能建立这种关系?


1. 可以使用一些具体的实例支持你的论点;

2. 词数100—120左右,开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。

As a middle school student, it is necessary to build a good relationship with our teachers

