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If you want to know how crazy people can be about their pets, you might remember that Helmsley left $12 million to her little Maltese dog when she died last year.
The dog's name is Trouble. And apparendy Trouble is still alive. Of course, I would hang on,too, if someone left me $12 million. Look! Top-shelf dog food, soft pillows everywhere, drivers walking me in nice leafy parks. I would live to be 110 in dog years.
The dog's story is still fresh in my mind the other night when I leave a steak house after a superb meal. Then I notice a woman carrying a small bag out of the door behind me.
Once outside, she walks over to where a man is holding a tiny dog hke it's a baby. The dog looks like a Maltese, too, barking and annoying, with a cute haircut,
And now I am treated to an absolute astonishing sight. Because now the woman reaches into the bag and begins pulling out little pieces of meat, which she puts on a plastic spoon and feeds to the dog.
This is no cheap steak house. It's actually, way out of my league --I'm there only because it's a special occasion. I can tell you this: if I walked out of the place with any leftover steak, it sure wouldn't go to a dog. Not at those prices.
So now the woman is Spoon-feeding the dog and the man is just standing there, holding this dog and looking as if this is the most normal thing in the world. And the dog is calmly chewing these pieces of steak as if he's a little king. And this dog is in no hurry. He's having a great time.
A few minutes go by, and now the dog finishes all of his steak. At this point, I hear the woman say to the man "Think he's still hungry?" And she glances behind her at the restaurant, as if she might go back in there to get more steak for the dog.
Watching all this, I'm afraid I'm going to shout, "Are you out of your mind? Feeding all that pricey steak to that little dog? Did you see what our American life is like today? We're all going to be eating dog food if this keeps up!"        
【小题1】Why would the author live to be 110 in dog years?

A.Because he is always in poor health and falls ill.
B.Because a Maltese dog lives longer than a human being.
C.Because his grandparents left him a large sum of money.
D.Because he thinks the dog is treated extremely well.
【小题2】What is the story mainly about?
A.An American family's happy life.
B.A Maltese dog getting $12 million from its owner.
C.A New Yorker spending $ 8 billion for a few banks.
D.A pet dog being fed with expensive food.
【小题3】The underlined sentence "It's actually way out of my league. " (in Para. 6) means __
A.the restaurant is too expensive for the author
B.the author hates the dog being taken there
C.the superb restaurant is about to be out of service
D.the dog doesn't belong to the author's group
【小题4】Seeing the dog.is being treated to expensive steak, the author becomes extremely ____
A.indifferentB.annoyed C.concernedD.envious


【小题1】D 推理题。根据文章第二段Of course, I would hang on,too, if someone left me $12 million. Look! Top-shelf dog food, soft pillows everywhere, drivers walking me in nice leafy parks.说明这只狗的待遇非常好,让作者很羡慕。所以他才这样说。故D正确。
【小题2】D 段落大意题。根据文章后四段内容可知,这四段内容讲述的是一个富人给这只狗吃昂贵的牛排的故事,故D正确。
【小题3】A 推理题。根据本句This is no cheap steak house. It's actually, way out of my league --I'm there only because it's a special occasion.说明这里的牛排很贵,超出了作者承受的范围。故A正确。
【小题4】B 推理题。根据文章最后3行Watching all this, I'm afraid I'm going to shout, "Are you out of your mind? Feeding all that pricey steak to that little dog? Did you see what our American life is like today? We're all going to be eating dog food if this keeps up!"说明作者很生气,故B正确。


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语·下 题型:050


  Chess-playing machines were a common feature at the 19th century carnivals(狂欢节) .They would take on all competitors and usually wan, but they were all frauds(骗局)with human beings concealed inside.

  Two centuries later, the “machine” is real.

  A computer programmer Deep Fritz held world champion, Vladimir Kramnik, to a 4-4 tie. In doing so, Kramnik felt just short of avenging (复仇)the 1997 defeat of his predecessor Garry Kasparov at the hands of IBM's Deep Blue.

  Deep Fritz is a commercially available product produced by Germany's Chessbase Gmbh. In this match it was running on 8,900 Mhz processors and could analyze 3 million positions a second.

  Kramnk admitted he found the match exhausting. “ I need some time to recover. ”he said comparing the match with his 2000 defeat of Kasparov. “The pressure is similar but preparing against a computer is much more difficult. It has all the knowledge and you have to be prepared for all openings. With a human, you know that certain openings don't suit his style and won't happen, but not with a computer. ”

  “The games themselves were different,” he said, “Against a computer, you have a feeling that if you make one mistake, it's over. So it's like going through a minefield. You're always watching for tactics, even in a quiet position.”

  He also said that computers play faster. “The game has a different rhythm and it puts more pressure on you.”

  “The main problem, ”he said, “is that you can never understand its logic. In a human sense, it has no logic. With a human opponent, you feel him and you know what path he will take.”

  Chess enthusiasts have been arguing for centuries whether it's an art, a science, a sport or something else.

  Kramnik doesn't see the emergence of computers making any difference to this argument. “Chess is very wide. It's not merely these things but a small model of the world. ”

  Next spring, Kramnik is scheduled to defend his title as Einstein Classical Chess World Champion against Peter Leko of Hungary. While he welcomes a rematch against Fritz, it's not certain when it will take place.

1.The difficulties of competing with the computer doesn't lie in that ________.

[  ]

A.you can never understand its logic

B.the computer plays faster

C.it has all knowledge and you have to prepare for all openings

D.if you make one mistake, it's over

2.The underlined word “exhausing” ( in Para. 5 ) means ________.

[  ]

A.making something interesting

B.making someone excited

C.making someone tired

D.making something endless

3.Put the following events in the right order:

(1) Garry Kasparov was defeated by Deep Blue .

(2)Chess-playing machines were not real.

( 3 ) After competing with Deep Fritz, Kramnik felt exhausted .

(4)Kramnik's competition with Peter Leko of Hungary.

[  ]





4.What did Kramnik think of the chess?

[  ]

A.It became more and more difficult after the chess-playing machines were invented.

B.Chess is an art, a science, a sport, etc.

C.It's more and more popular, with the computer developing.

D.Chess is a small world which is wide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—How much if I wan to take one?

—You can take as many as you like because they are free of _____.

A. cost  B. charge  C. money  D. pay


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Beijing, April 2----Starting from this year, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will begin to promote a home medical service. With this service a medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will be sent to some communities in the city. They will set up a medical filing recorder for every resident in community and publicize their contact information to them. If people in the community feel sick, they can consult their community doctor first. If community doctors cannot treat their illness, they will then be transferred to large hospitals. Liang Wan, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, made the statement last Friday .

   In addition ,the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will set up some funds to train home medical service workers for families whose members suffer either from high blood pressure, diabetes,cerebral apoplexy , or coronary heart disease . The home medical service workers will remind patients to take pills on time and lead the patients to follow some health tips in their daily life. They will also learn some practical knowledge to save patients in case of an emergency .

The work will first begin in the medical service room in the 25 community centers and spread to all communities in Beijing. The disease prevention and control centers at various counties and districts in Beijing will be responsible for teaching community doctors and giving home medical service lectures, or advice . These workers will not be able to work until they pass related examination and obtain the work certificates. It is expected that by the end of this year, there will be 10000 home medical service workers in Beijing .

26. Where does a person go to see first if he gets sick according to the passage ?

A. The community clinics.           B. Large hospital .

C. Private clinic .                  D. Small hospital .

27. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will set up a medical filing record for every resident.

B. The home medical service workers not only give some healthy suggestions to the patients, but also learn practical knowledge about first aid.

C. Some funds will be provided by Beijing Municipal Health Bureau for home medical service training.

D. The government aims to offer the home medical service for free.

28. If you want to work as a home medical worker, you need to _____________.

A. receive the training about medical service.

B. pass related examinations.

C. obtain the work certificates.

D. All the above.

29. What can we learn from the passage?

A. All communities in Beijing have started home medical service.

B. People in Beijing will not easily get ill.

C. Medical service in Beijing will be promoted greatly in the future.

D. The other cities in China should learn from Beijing.

30. The main purpose of the passage is __________

A. to introduce community service in Beijing.

B. to report home medical service available in Beijing.

C. to provide some efficient treatments for diseases in community.

D. to describe a special medical team in Beijing.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年甘肃省高三下学期第一次诊断考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Beijing, April 2----Starting from this year, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will begin to promote a home medical service. With this service a medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will be sent to some communities in the city. They will set up a medical filing recorder for every resident in community and publicize their contact information to them. If people in the community feel sick, they can consult their community doctor first. If community doctors cannot treat their illness, they will then be transferred to large hospitals. Liang Wan, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, made the statement last Friday .

In addition ,the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will set up some funds to train home medical service workers for families whose members suffer either from high blood pressure, diabetes,cerebral apoplexy , or coronary heart disease . The home medical service workers will remind patients to take pills on time and lead the patients to follow some health tips in their daily life. They will also learn some practical knowledge to save patients in case of an emergency .

The work will first begin in the medical service room in the 25 community centers and spread to all communities in Beijing. The disease prevention and control centers at various counties and districts in Beijing will be responsible for teaching community doctors and giving home medical service lectures, or advice . These workers will not be able to work until they pass related examination and obtain the work certificates. It is expected that by the end of this year, there will be 10000 home medical service workers in Beijing .

1.Where does a person go to see first if he gets sick according to the passage ?

A. The community clinics.?????????? B. Large hospital .

C. Private clinic .???????? ???????? D. Small hospital .

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will set up a medical filing record for every resident.

B. The home medical service workers not only give some healthy suggestions to the patients, but also learn practical knowledge about first aid.

C. Some funds will be provided by Beijing Municipal Health Bureau for home medical service training.

D. The government aims to offer the home medical service for free.

3.If you want to work as a home medical worker, you need to _____________.

A. receive the training about medical service.????????

B. pass related examinations.

C. obtain the work certificates.???????????????????

D. All the above.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. All communities in Beijing have started home medical service.

B. People in Beijing will not easily get ill.

C. Medical service in Beijing will be promoted greatly in the future.

D. The other cities in China should learn from Beijing.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

---How much if I wan to take one?
---You can take as many as you like because they are free of _____

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

