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In the early hours of March 8, a Boeing 777 took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Its destination was Beijing. But for unknown reasons, it never arrived there.
There were 239 people on the Malaysia Airlines flight, including 154 Chinese. As of March 13, 12 different countries, including Malaysia, China, Vietnam and the US, were searching for the plane.
The disappearance is an “aviation (航空) mystery”, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, the head of Malaysia’s Civil Aviation Authority, said on March 10.There was no clear sign of a crash by March 13.
Between 1-2 hours after takeoff, the plane suddenly lost contact with people on the ground. The weather was clear, and the pilots didn’t make any calls . No evidence was found in the area where the flight last made contact. People are also talking about a possible hijacking (劫机).
International police agency Interpol confirmed on March 9 that at least two passengers on the flight had used stolen passports to get on board. “We are looking at all possibilities,” said Malaysian Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein. The incident is now being called simply a “plane disappearance”.
So, what are some possible causes of a plane disappearance? An AP story provided a summary.
1. A failure of the plane’s body or its engines. However, even if both engines stopped working, the plane could still glide (滑翔) for up to 20 minutes, giving pilots time to make an emergency call.
2. Bad weather. Planes are designed to fly through most severe storms. However, in June 2009, an Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashed during a bad storm over the Atlantic Ocean.
3. A bomb. Throughout history, several planes have been brought down by bombs.
4. An accidental shoot-down by some country’s military. In July 1988, the US Navy accidentally shot down an Iran Air flight. In September 1983, a Korean Air Lines flight was shot down by a Russian fighter jet.
No matter how unlikely a situation, it’s too early to determine what really happened to MH370. It could take months, if not years, to rule out any possibilities, say experts..
小题1:How many cities are mentioned in this passage?
A.Four cities.B.five cities.C.Six cities.D.Seven cities.
小题2:What could the underlined phrase “rule out” in the last paragraph mean?
A.cross outB.get rid ofC.take outD.take the place of
小题3:What could be the best title of the passage?
A.An Air CrashB.The Causes of the Disappearance
C.The Disappearance of MH 370D.An Aviation Mystery


试题分析: 本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了在2014年3月8日,从马来西亚飞往北京的370客机神秘失踪的事件。在文章中一些专家对此分析了几种可能存在的情况,但是真正的原因得需要几个月,甚至几年的时间才可能查明。
小题1:A 细节理解题。从文章第一段和倒数第二段中的内容可知,文章一共提到了四个城市,即Kuala Lumpur、;Beijing、 Rio de Janeiro 、Paris,选A。
小题2:B词义猜测题。根据上文分析的飞机失踪的原因,以及it’s too early to determine what really happened to MH370可以判断该词指“排除”,句意:专家说如果不是几年的话,也可能要花费几个月的时间排除任何的可能。选B。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Don't go to Kauai. Go to any of the other Hawaiian Islands --- Maui, Lanai, the Big Island --- but leave Kauai for us. The weather on Kauai is so unpredictable (不可预测的) that sometimes it rains all day --- in fact, it's the second-wettest spot on the earth. Yes, there are giant double rainbows all the time, and the sunlight through the clouds is magical. But if you are not interested in these, go somewhere else. You just can't control the nature on Kauai, and who wants to surrender (屈服) to the nature when you could be at a fine hotel, lying in a comfortable chair next to a swimming pool, with food served upon request?
So what if Kauai produces surf champions the way Texas produces cowboys?Most of its 300 white-sand beaches are unmarked. Unless you connect with the local people, the hidden spots are hard to find. While Hanalei is the most beautiful town you've ever dreamed of, you can forget about discos and clubs. Worse, it doesn't have one single four-star restaurant. What it does have is the original drive-through places where you pass by a rambutan tree (红毛丹树), and pick a piece of fruit.
Shopping in Kauai? Forget it --- unless you are interested in shell necklaces and beautifully carved wood bowls. Kauai is not about pampering. It's about going natural and finding the nature within you. It's a do-it-yourself place that offers walking along the coast, diving and swimming in the Pacific Ocean, and lying on the beach.
Don't go to Kauai unless you have a lot of time, because there's only one road, which can be slightly dull. It winds through the beautiful scenery of waterfalls, rivers flowing into the ocean, and taro (芋头) fields. You have no choice but to look at everything, because the speed limit is 35 m.p.h.
If you're not interested in color, don't bother with Kauai, because that's what you get --- red roads, blue oceans, and a hundred different shades of green. It's like diving on land. Many people on Kauai believe that this is Lemuria --- a lost island in the Atlantic. Can you imagine? Those Hawaiians, surfers, New Agers, and people who love nature and beauty and want a different quality of life --- what do they know, anyway? Forget about it --- you're not going to like it. Go somewhere else. Leave Kauai for us.
小题1: After reading the text, we come to know that it is _____.
A.a piece of shocking newsB.an exciting story
C.an interesting introductionD.a moving advertisement
小题2:It can be learned from the text that _____.
A.Kauai is an island near the Hawaiian Islands
B.Kauai is another name of the Hawaiian Islands
C.Kauai is one of the Hawaiian Islands
D.Kauai does not belong to the Hawaiian Islands
小题3: In the writer's real opinion, Kauai _____.
A.is not worth visiting at allB.is well worth visiting
C.is not a beautiful islandD.is a dangerous island
小题4:Who would like to visit Kauai?
A.Those who love nature.B.Those who love city life.
C.Those who love the comfort in a fine hotel.D.Those who love going shopping.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Together. 31 years.
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
They make you sway. With a dance form all their own. Originating as an intimate, innovative dance company, it has evolved into an international force. Taking the spirit of African—American culture and translating it into dance and community programs for more than 31 years. A heritage of bringing together a repertoire of Ailey classics and great dance masterpieces along with exciting new works by emerging artists. Modern Vibrant. Athletic. Colorful. Involving. Because it is dance in step with the people. Part of the neighborhood, their pulse beats—beats—beats of life. Lifting spirits. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Pirouetting the globe. Soaring, moving as one, moving dance into the future. Join Philip Morris in its 8th year of supporting Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. And celebrate the achievement of the Ailey past as they boldly step forward.
5. What does the advertisement ask people to do?
A. To see a play.     B. To watch a match.  C. To ball there.                     D. To see Philip Morris.
6. How is the company?
A. Modern and involving.  B. Intimate and innovative. 
C. Athletic and colorful   D. Vibrant and innovative.
7. What does Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater hold this activity for?
A. To develop the spirit of African—American culture.  
B. To leap tall buildings in a single bound.
C. To pirouette the globe.            
D. To celebrate the achievement of the Ailey past.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

      Our warming planet is expected to face serious water crisis(危机)in the coming decades — which means each nation’s natural resource will be more important than ever.

小题1:According to the statistics, what is the world average of freshwater resource per person?
A.244,973 cubic kilometers
B.241 cubic kilometers
C.3,642 cubic kilometers
D.6,122 cubic kilometers
小题2:Which country or region has the most freshwater resource per year?
小题3:Which country or region appears twice on the top 5 lists?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Three Central Texas men were honored with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Director’s Award in a Tuesday morning ceremony for their heroism in saving the victims of a serious two­car accident.
The accident occurred on March 25 when a vehicle lost control while traveling on rain­soaked State Highway 6 near Baylor Camp Road. It ran into an oncoming vehicle, leaving the occupants trapped inside as both vehicles burst into flames.
Bonge was the first on the scene and heard children screaming. He broke through a back window and pulled Mallory Smith, 10, and her sister, Megan Smith,9, from the wreckage.
The girls’ mother, Beckie Smith, was not with them at the time of the wreck, as they were traveling with their baby sitter, Lisa Bowbin.
Beckie Smith still remembers the sickening feeling she had upon receiving the call informing her of the wreck and the despair as she drove to the scene.
Bozeman and Clemmons arrived shortly after Bonge and helped rescue the other victims and attempted to put out the fires.
“I was nervous,” Bozeman said. “I don’t feel like I’m a hero. I was just doing what anyone should do in that situation. I hope someone would do the same for me.”
Everyone at the accident made it out alive, with the victims suffering from nonlife­threatening injuries. Mallory Smith broke both femurs(股骨), and Megan had neck and back injuries. Bowbin is still recovering from a broken pelvis(骨盆), ankle and foot.
The rescuers also were taken to the hospital and treated for cuts and smoke breathing, Bonge said.
In addition, Bozeman got to meet accident victim Anthony Russo in the hospital after the accident, where Russo presented him with a glass frame inscribed with “Thank you”, Bozeman said. Those involved in that fateful encounter on Highway 6 credited God blessing for bringing them together.
“Whatever the circumstances, Tuesday’s ceremony provided a time to be grateful for those who put their lives on the line for the lives of complete strangers,” Beckie Smith said, “We’re calling it The Miracle on Highway 6.”
小题1: What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Three persons were awarded for rescuing victims in a car accident.
B.Three ordinary people were regarded as great heroes.
C.Several victims were carried to safety from the burning cars.
D.A car accident occurred on rain­soaked State Highway 6.
小题2: Who saved Megan Smith from the damaged car?
A.Clemmons.B.Anthony Russo.
小题3:Which of the following can be used to describe Bozeman?
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Luckily, no one received too serious injuries in the accident.
B.All the victims received slight injuries in the accident.
C.The rescuers were taken to the hospital to visit the victims.
D.The injured will soon recover from their injuries.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When scientists accidentally killed what turned out to be the world’s oldest living creature, it was bad enough. Now, their mistake has been worsened after further research found it was even older – at 507 years.
The ocean quahog, a type of deep-sea clam, was dredged (捕捞) alive from the bottom of the North Atlantic near Iceland in 2006 by researchers. They then put it in a fridge-freezer, as is normal practice, unaware of its age. It was only when it was taken to a laboratory that scientists from Bangor University studied it and concluded it was 400 years old.
The discovery made it into the Guinness Book of World Records. However, by this time, it was too late for Ming the Mollusc(软体动物), named after the Chinese dynasty when its life began. Unfortunately researchers who calculated Ming’s age killed it instantly by opening its shell.
The researchers opened the ancient clam up to judge its age by counting growth rings inside. But the rings were so close together that scientists ended up having to count the rings on the outside to be accurate, leading CBS journalists to point out that if scientists had just started there, Ming could have lived on. Now, after examining the quahog more closely, using more advanced methods, the researchers have found the animal was actually 100 years older than they first thought.
Dr Paul Butler, from the University’s School of Ocean Sciences, said: “We got it wrong the first time and maybe we were a bit hasty publishing our findings back then. But we are absolutely certain that we’ve got the right age now.” The mollusc was born in 1499 – just seven years after Columbus discovered America and before Henry VIII had even married his first wife, Catherine of Aragon in 1509.
A quahog’s shell grows by a layer every year, in the summer when the water is warmer and food is plentiful. It means that when its shell is cut in half, scientists can count the lines in a similar way that trees can be dated by rings in their trunks.
Jan Heinemeier, associate professor at the University of Denmark, who helped date Ming, told Science Nordic: “The fact that we got our hands on a 507-year-old animal is incredibly fascinating, but the really exciting thing is of course everything we can learn from studying the mollusk.”
小题1:At first, the scientists found that _____________.
A.The ocean quahog got a deadly disease
B.The growth rings inside were so close together
C.it was accurate to count the growth rings outside
D.The ocean quahog was 400 years old
小题2:Why did the scientists open the ancient clam up?
A.To count the growth rings outside of the clam.
B.To study how old the clam was.
C.To see the structure of it.
D.To give an immediate operation on it.
小题3:The sixth paragraph is mainly about_____________. 
A.How to calculate the age of a tree
B.Why a quahog’s shell grows by a layer each year
C.How to calculate the age of a quahog
D.Why a quahog likes it when the water is warmer
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The researchers have got the right age of the ocean quahog.
B.The mollusc was born after Columbus discovered America.
C.The ocean quahog was named after the Chinese dynasty.
D.A quahog’s shell grows by a layer every season.
小题5:Where does the text probably come from?
A.A magazine of marine life.B.A travel brochure.
C.A biography.D.A science fiction.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The world’s oldest person, Ms. Baines, died. She celebrated her 115th birthday with congratulations from Barack Obama, President of the United States.  Over her life she lived through the terms of 21 US presidents.
Gertrude Baines passed away(去世) peacefully in her sleep at the Western Convalescent Hospital in Los Angeles, where she had lived for her last ten years. Emma Camanag , the hospital’s leader ,said she was a respectable lady. "It is really an honor for the hospital to take care of her over the last 10 years and we will greatly miss her. It is just like we have lost a relative(亲戚)," said Emma.
Ms. Baines, who was born in Shellman, Georgia, in 1894, had no living relatives. She grew up in the southern US during difficult times. During that time, African American people were required to use separate, often poor, public services. She married young and later divorced (离婚). Her only child, a daughter, was born in 1909 and died of a terrible disease at the age of 18. Ms. Baines worked as a maid (女佣) in Ohio before moving to Los Angeles where she lived on her own until she was well over 100.
She once told an interviewer(记者), "As for the secrets of long life, I do not have any disappointments(失望) in my own life."
She gained some fame when she voted for Mr. Obama in the US presidential election(总统大选), saying she supported him "because he’s for the colored people". It was only the second time in her life she had voted, the first time being for John F. Kennedy.
Ms. Baines became the world’s oldest person in January. Japanese woman, Kama Chien, 114, has now taken over the title.
小题1:It was an honor for the hospital to take care of Ms. Baines because ________.
A.she was a respectable lady
B.she was a relative of the hospital’s leader
C.she lived in the hospital for years
D.she voted for Mr. Obama in the election
小题2:Ms. Baines voted for Mr. Obama because he ________.
A.was very popular in the hospital
B.did even better than John F. Kennedy
C.did good things for African Americans
D.congratulated her on her birthday
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Ms. Baines used to serve others in Ohio.
B.Ms. Baines died in a hospital in Los Angeles.
C.Ms. Baines and her husband had only one child.
D.Ms. Baines liked to live alone.
小题4:The passage is mainly about ________.
A.the world’s oldest person, Ms. Baines
B.why Ms. Baines voted for Mr. Obama
C.how Ms. Baines lived for so long
D.Ms. Baines and President Obama


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mainland couples who give birth to a second child in Hong Kong will be fined for breaking the family planning policy,a senior official has warned.
As more women flock to Hong Kong to give birth to their second child,Zhang Feng,family planning department director of Guangdong Province,stressed that this violated China's policies.
“And those who are government employees will even be dismissed from their posts.”he said.
“It doesn’t matter if they give birth to their second child on the mainland or in other countries and regions , they have violated the country’s policies and the probince’s regulations”.
He said that some families had been punished in the past few months after having a second in Hong Kong , but gave no details .
Zhang made his remarks when a Hong Kong newspaper carried a controversial notice claiming residents’ medical services had been affected by the growing number of mainland women who arrive in the city to give birth and gain fight of abode (居住)there.
According to statistics revealed by Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government,about 88,000 babies were born in Hong Kong in 2010,but more than 41,000 or 47 percent,were to mainland couples,including a large number from Guangdong.
Hong Kong has limited the number of mainland women permitted to give birth in the city at 34,000 this year.
The issue also has caused calls for an amendment(修正)to Hong Kong's Basic Law so that babies born to mainland women are no longer granted permanent fight of abode.
“I support Hong Kong government's decision to reduce or limit the number for mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong.”Zhang said.
China introduced its family planning policy in 1979 to limit births in the world's most populous nation,although the rules have been relaxed in recent years.
小题1:Which of the following is true?
A.Those who give birth to a second child in Hong Kong will be fined.
B.Many government employees have been dismissed from their posts.
C.Zhang Feng is family planning department director of Guangdong Province.
D.It doesn't matter if they give birth to their second child on the mainland.
小题2:What does the word “violated” mean in the second paragraph?
A.went againstB.was obeyedC.was forD.was dismissed
小题3:Zhang Feng said that          .
A.few families had been punished after having a second child in China
B.about 88,000 babies were born in Hong Kong in 2010
C.the residents' medical services in Hong Kong had been affected
D.he agreed to reduce or limit the number for mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong
小题4:From the passage we can infer       .
A.in 2010 most of the babies born in Hong Kong belonged to mainland couples
B.the number of mainland women permitted to give birth in Hong Kong has been reduced
C.babies born to mainland women in Hong Kong can't get permanent right of abode now
D.the family planning policy in China is as strict as before
小题5:Which is NOT the reason why some people want to give birth to a second child in Hong Kong?
A.They want to gain right of abode(居住)there for their babies.
B.They want to escape being punished for breaking the family planning policy.
C.They want to cause calls for an amendment(修正)to Hong Kong's Basic Law.
D.They want their babies to enjoy the good medical services in Hong Kong.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Xinxin, a 12-year-old student from Beijing, enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore. During their visit, he even had the chance to       some of Singapore's sights by himself       his father was busy with other things.
Xinxin’s first adventure       in Singapore was at a water park near their hotel. He enjoyed swimming and       into the water by himself, and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was       by his father.
The boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore       a guardian. He had already been to the park with his father two times during the trip. Xinxin volunteered to make his       trip by himself. His father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch, and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studios. He spent a whole day there and had a       time.
In an interview with Beijing Evening News, Xinxin’s father said that       he was too busy to spend all his time with his son, he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of      . Had Xinxin’s mother been there, she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight, the father commented.
A.along B.aliveC.alone D.lonely
A.made B.set C.decidedD.asked
A.firstB.secondC.third D.fourth
A.terribleB.miserableC.fantastic D.flexible
A.independence B.daring C.prideD.diligence

