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单词拼写和完成句子 。
1. Most people living in p______ have a strong desire to earn more money.
2.The house was finally sold out at a r________ price. Both sides are quite satisfied with it.
3. What he is_______ (关心) about most is whether his son will go to an ideal college.
4. Seeing the man, Jane w________ in Mary's ear and then they burst into loud laughter.
5. They finished all the work in such a short time, which was beyond the boss's e_______.
6. Many advertisements are made _____ (视觉地) attractive to hold the audience's attention and try to
    persuade them to buy the products.
7. 他被堵在高速路上,所以没能赶上来机场送我.
   He was stuck in the highway and couldn't get to the airport in time to ___ ___ ____.
8. 居民都支持这个倡议,认为这是一个好措施.
   All the residents ____ _____ ____ ____ the proposal, considering it a good measure.
9. 当你被各种广告包围时,决定买东西之前一定要再三考虑.
   When you are surrounded by various advertisements, do____ ______before deciding to buy something.
10. 比尔?盖茨在大学三年级辍学,与保罗?艾伦一起创办了微软.
   Bill Gates ______ ______ in the third year of his college and founded Software with his friend Paul Allen.
1. poverty 2. reasonable 3. concerned 4. whispered 5. expectation
6. visually 7. see me off 8. are in favor of 9. think twice 10. dropped out

科目:高中英语 来源:2014届四川省高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



He __________ to have seen a round black creature __________ quickly through the water yesterday.


They say that the __________ lake is __________ to be able to __________ such large living creatures.


The gorge __________ __________ 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains.


Every rock looked like a person or animal, every stream that joined the river __________ its legend, and every hill was __________ __________ the past.


On a distant mountain was a sign __________ 20-foot __________. “Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River,” it __________.


You can never imagine the difficulty she had __________ up five children all by herself.


It has also __________ __________ lots of American words and structures __________ into British English.


For Americans things are a little bit easier, __________ __________ the work of Noah Webster, a teacher who __________ from Yale University in 1778.


Gorge Bernard Shaw made the famous __________ __________ the British and The Americans are two nations divided by a common language.


There is probably __________ much __________ of pronunciation __________ the two countries as __________ them.


There is a saying in the travel trade __________ all tourists are __________ __________.


The Elementary Spelling Book suggested __________ the spelling of English words.



科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市期中题 题型:填空题


1. The m______ (神秘的) disappearance of my brother upset everyone.
2. He is still u______ (无意识的) of having done wrong.
3. Teaching is a kind of job i______ (包括,牵涉) in much work.
4. May I introduce one of my c______ (同事) at the bank.
5. Language is always e______ (进化,演变).
6. He p     (陈述) his report to his audience at the meeting clearly.
7. When I arrived, I found dozens of people were q       (排队) up to get tickets.
8. This travel line offers one of the most i       (给人印象深的) routes.
9. Last week there happened a serious car crash in Gansu Province, v       (受害者) including
    nineteen kids aged 4 - 6 and two adults.
10. The father f______ (禁止) his child to play computer games last Saturday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

单词拼写 (共10小题;每空1分,满分10分)


66.     (依靠)on science technology and knowledge is the key to increasing economic power.

67.When I got my      (硕士) degree, I wanted to return home to work for my own country.

68. If I have a chance to choose my own major, I would like to study       (应用) science.

69. Seeing the h      monster the little girl was too scared to speak a single word.

70.The       (特性)of water make the ocean such a great place to live.

71.Most animals and plants are s       to large or sudden changes in temperature, so the ocean is a safe and comfortable habitat.

72. The river water is used by the local people after being          (净化).

73. Martin Luther King led many demonstrations to fight against racial d        in the USA.

74. I ________ (保证) that he will agree with us when he hears what we know now.

75. Experienced travelers may prefer to make their own            (arrange) instead of the advice of a travel agent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



76. She spent years            (观察)and recording their daily activities.

77. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _____________(强项) and weaknesses. 

78. It’s bad _________(礼貌)to talk with your mouth full .                                                          

79. She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in     (防御)

80. It is wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some m________ over 90 meters.

81. He went to America in the 1980s and s_________ down there.

82. It’s too hot. We’d better sit down in the s          of the trees.

83. The building is specially d__________ for the homeless people.                               

84. During the war this village was s_________ by the enemy and more than 200 people were killed.

85. We are c________ that Chinese athletes can perform well in the London Olympic Games.

