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     Happy isn¡¯ t always connected with money. It goes hand in hand with a positive attitude to life. It is known to us that attitude is everything. The long I live,the more 

I realized the effect attitude has on our life. On my view,attitude is more important than facts or the past,that we cannot change. The only thing we can do is take in a positive attitude. After all,a positive attitude to life is necessary unless you want to be happy. I am convincing that we are in charge of our attitudes. And so life is 10 percent what happen to me and 90 percent I react to it.

1. Happy isn¡¯t always ...   Happy¡úHappiness 

2. The long I live ...   long¡úlonger

3. . .. I realized the ...   realized realize

4. On my view ...   On ¡úIn

5. . .. that we cannot...   that¡ú which

6. . .. take in a positive ...   È¥µô in

7. . .. unless you want...   unless¡úif

8. 1 am convincing ...   convincing ¡úconvinced

9. . .. happen to me ...   happen ¡úhappens   

10. . .. 90 percent I react...   I Ç°¼Ó how

ÌâÄ¿À´Ô´£º2016ÄêÓ¢ÓïÖܱ¨¸ßÈýпαê > µÚ43ÆÚ 2015-2016¸ßÈý¿Î±ê


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   Whatever we do,let's not forget the burbot (½­öà) , a dark,mysterious,unusual creature which lives down deep in the bottom of deep lakes.

   The fish is ¡°fat looking and a little bit soft¡±. With large flat heads,small eyes,downtumed mouths full of sharp teeth,they are not exactly pretty. They are also extremely slimy(Õ³ºýºýµÄ) and under the chin is a single long,fleshy barbel(ÓãµÄ´¥Ðë) £¬

giving the impression of a goatee(ɽÑòºú×Ó). These characteristics are important. Their teeth are essential for catching a huge variety of food. ¡°They¡¯ re a very greedy animal,says Steve Simpson,marine biologist and lover of burbot at Exeter University. ¡°There are reports of them eating birds,eating snakes,eating frogs Ò» they really will eat anything they can get.¡±

   Once upon a time,they were ice-age fish that once swam freely in a cold world,until the ice moved away 10,000 years ago leaving small populations throughout the northern hemisphere including eastern England. For several months a year burbot can be trapped under ice Ò» they need cold temperatures to lay eggs and all that unpleasant thick ice provides excellent protection.

   Although still present throughout the rest of Europe and North America,the only burbot in England today can be found in the rooms of the Natural History Museum in London, preserved in jars. The Angling Times offered a reward of £100 to anyone who found one in the UK,but that money lies unclaimed.

   When it comes to animals threatened with extinction,the cute and soft ones tend to get the most attention. But what about the unattractive ones that go unnoticed when their numbers start to become gradually smaller and smaller? Someone has got to speak up for the burbot.

5. Which of the following best describes burbot's appearance?

   A. Bony. B. Ugly.

   C. Small. D. Attractive.

6. The burbot .

   A. eats a lot

   B. is a light eater

   C. is a picky eater

   D. eats many kinds of food

7. For what purpose do burbot stay under ice?

   A. To go to sleep. B. To meet friends.

   C. To produce eggs. D. To look for food.

8. What does the underlined part ¡°that money lies unclaimed¡± mean?

   A. A reward of £100 is not appealing at all.

   B. The English don't care much about money.

   C. The burbot only lives in the bottom of lakes.

   D. The burbot has disappeared in British waters.

9. What is the author's attitude towards the burbot?

   A. Worried. B. Critical.

   C. Crazy. D. Proud.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

   Yoga is a kind of sport that is very popular around the world now. Everyone,1. young or old,men or women,can do yoga. It¡¯s 2.(benefit) to people's health,both physically and 3. (mental) .

   Why do people like yoga? There's a short answer and a long aliswer to that question. The short answer is 4. yoga helps you feel better and makes you healthier in body,mind and spirit. If you are interested,read on.

   Yoga began in India about 5 ,000 years ago. At that time,people wanted to be free,healthy and live 5. long life,so this kind of exercise was bom. The early yoga was part of a religion. Usually yoga 6. (teach) one to one then Ò» one teacher with one student. Yoga is an Indian word 7. (mean) ¡°to join together¡±. There are three parts of yoga altogether: exercise,breathing and meditation(Ú¤Ï룩. In the past,more attention was paid 8. the spirit. The idea behind the exercise was to unite the mind,body and spirit. Yoga can help you feel 9. (relax) and have fewer worries and 10. (ill) .


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   When Pheidippides left school,he was proud 1. (serve) in the Athenian army. A famous battle was fought on the plain of Marathon. Finally their enemy knew 2. their arrows were not strong enough and they ran back to their ships. The Greeks won 3. battle.

   The soldiers were very happy,and they wanted to tell their people about the battle. 4.(sudden) Pheidippides decided that he must carry the good news to the people in Athens. So he 5.(start) running towards the city.

   He seemed to have wings on his feet. He was running 6. (fast) than ever before in his life.He never stopped to think about the distance to Athens,7. was over 20 miles away from Marathon. The brave soldier didn¡¯t stop 8.(run) until he reached the market place in Athens.9. his last breath he shouted,uThe battle is over and Greece is safe!¡± and he fell dead.

   Pheidippides had run the longest race and he became a Greek hero. Even today,the longest distance run in the Olympic Games 10.(call) the Marathon.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

Mother: Hi,honey. Do you have anything exciting 1 . (report) today?

Mary: The big news is that George won. He actually 2. (come) in first in the spelling bee today.

Mother: Well,that's quite 3. achievement,and he should be proud 4. himself.

So,what was the winning word?

Miary: Mayonnaise(µ°»Æ½´) .Can you believe it? I guess it's a lot 5. (hard) to spell than you think.

Mother: M-A-Y-O-N ¡­Is it one ¡°n¡± or two?

Mary: See what I mean?

Mother: You know,I can remember when George¡¯s parents and his teachers were really 6. (worry) about his spelling.That was just a couple of years ago. He sure has come a long way. So what happens next?

Mary: There is a play-off against the 7.(win) from Central High next week,and then the districts,and after that the state. Who knows,maybe we 8. (be) neighbours to the next national champ.

Mother: Maybe. 9. (speak) of mayonnaise,could you get me the jar from the fridge?

Mary: Only if you can spell it 10. (correct) .


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    2. Ö»³äÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶àÕß(´ÓµÚ11´¦Æð) ²»¼Æ·Ö¡£

     Sitting for long periods of time can cause so many negative health effects as smoking. Here is some simple ways sit less that you can try. First,choosing a task that involves standing,that can help you sit less during the day. Second,eat one meal the day while standing. Standing while eating doesn¡¯ t mean you have to eat quickly or make poorly food choices. You can still enjoy a meal while on your foot just as well as in a chair. Finally,push your chair to the side of your desk each night. Your chair¡¯s usual position can remind you to stand for a bit of longer in the morning.


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    2. Ö»³äÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶àÕß(´ÓµÚ11´¦Æð) ²»¼Æ·Ö¡£

   I strong recommend that physical activities in children are encouraged. Parents who are supposed to make sure that their children get some form of exercise one hour daily because exercise is better for character building. When this comes to exercise,many people end up picturing heavy exercise at the gym. As matter of fact,exercise for children can mean going out and having funs. For example,they can walk or cycle to nearby places instead of take a bus. They can take their dogs out for 15-minute walks twice a day.Beside,children should be encouraged to make new friends for whom they can actively play sports.


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Dear Editor,

  Recently a survey has been carried out on which is more important in choosing a major in college:  interest or job prospect.                                                                                                                                                  

  I hope you find my article useful.

                                                    Yours faithfully,

                                                             Li Hua


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   Nobody likes feeling lonely,and isolation (¹ÂÁ¢) isn¡¯t only a psychological problem. Loneliness increases a person¡¯s risk of death by 26 percent,an effect comparable to the health risks posed by obesity.

   So some researchers are investigating what it is,exactly,that makes lonely people stay lonely. One long-held theory has been that people become socially isolated because of their poor social skills ¡ª as they spend more time alone,the few skills they do have start to fail from lack of use. But new research suggests that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the socially isolated. It's just that when they¡¯ re in situations where they need those skills the most,they choke.

   Professor Megan L. Knowles and her team tested the social skills of 86 undergraduates,showing them 24 faces oif a computer screen and asking them to name the basic human emotion each face was showing: anger,fear,happiness,or sadness. In the end,the lonelier students did worse than the non-lonely students on the emotion-reading task ¡ª but only when they were told they were being tested on their social skills. When the lonely were told they were just taking a general knowledge test,they performed better than the non-lonely.

   So the lonelier people are,the better they are at accurately reading facial expressions and decoding tone of voice. Lonely people may be paying closer attention to emotional cues (°µÊ¾£© precisely because of their willingness to belong somewhere and form interpersonal connections,which results in technically superior social skills.

   This presents a fairly new way to think about lonely people. It's not that they need to improve the basics of social skills,which they,ve likely already shared. Instead,lonely people may need to focus more on getting out of their own heads,so they can actually use the skills they¡¯ve got to form friendships and begin to find a way out of their isolation.

29. According to the traditional point of view,why do lonely people stay lonely?

   A. They are happy to stay alone.

   B. They are difficult to get along with.

   C. They have few chances to practice social skills.

   D. They are likely to misunderstand others¡¯ opinion.

30. In the test mentioned in Paragraph 3 ,the lonely performed better when they.

   A. felt not very lonely

   B. were under great pressure

   C. were told it was a test on social skills

   D. did not know the real purpose of the test

31. Compared to non-lonely people,lonely people.

   A. can better control their emotions

   B. can better express their emotions

   C. can better read people's emotions

   D. can better handle people¡¯s emotions 

32. What inspiration may lonely people get from the text?

   A. Be brave to make friends.

   B. Show sincerity in friendship.

   G. Find ways to learn social skills.

   D. Make good use of your lonely time.

