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A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t move. What was the __36__ was he found himself unable to ask for help-his mobile phone went out of __37__ as a result of exhausted battery. Nothing could be done but to __38__ in cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke, and then the __39__ of the rescue.
It is almost __40__ that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his __41__: “First of all I checked up my __42__ conditions and found myself not in fatal danger. As there was no __43__ to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from __44__.  In this way I dozed (打盹) off.”
His story put an end to my regret for the __45__ of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men __46__ to explore a mountain cave and got lost. __47__ to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of __48__. Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the __49__ people that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the __50__ of the cave. If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to __51__ themselves, they would probably sense a faint light glimmering (闪烁) not far away.
Don’t you think that you can compare it with __52__ itself? When you meet with obstacles in life and work, you are lost in darkness. __53__ you it’s unclear yet and you needn’t put up struggle __54__. It seems to be a negative attitude, __55__ a person who can afford to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.
36.A.hopeless B.worst   C.more    D.best
37.A.service   B.way     C.order   D.work
38.A.cry  B.lie       C.wait     D.sleep
39.A.delay      B.success C.team    D.arrival
40.A.untrue    B.unimaginable      C.true     D.useless
41.A.plan       B.decision      C.explanation  D.excuse
42.A.physical  B.mental C.working      D.medical
43.A.method   B.way     C.alternative   D.strength
44.A.rotting    B.spreading    C.hurting D.bleeding
45.A.loss B.failure  C.disappointment   D.sadness
46.A.had B.managed     C.tried    D.planned
47.A.Willing  B.Unable C.Determined D.Deciding
48.A.hearing   B.sight    C.feeling D.direction
49.A.rescue    B.village C.local    D.brave
50.A.end B.top      C.opening       D.side
51.A.save       B.help     C.stop     D.calm
52.A.adventure      B.work    C.life      D.mankind
53.A.Mind      B.Watch  C.Imagine      D.Warn
54.A.really     B.immediately       C.carefully     D.hopefully
55.A.and B.so C.but      D.while

36---55     BDCDB   CABDB   CBDAC   DCABC   

36.B 此处突出强调状况之“糟”。他动不了,更为糟糕的是他不能求救。
37.D 因为电池用尽,手机不能用了,go out of work意为“不工作”。out of service当“停止服务”讲,out of order当“混乱”讲。
38.C 此处表示除了“等”之外,别无选择。此处是固定句型nothing can be done but do, 相当于have no choice but to do从作者叙述的朋友在深夜受伤但非常镇静这一事实可知其他动词不合题意。
39.D 从后文看,作者的朋友最终获救了,因此此处应是援救“到来”了。“耽误”不合题意,因为作者已经说明朋友没有办法呼救;此处作者强调的也不是“成功”。
40.B 在黑夜里如此长时间忍受恐惧,作者认为这是令人“无法想象的”。作者此处是在赞扬朋友在那样的情况下能如此镇静,其他选项不合题意。
41.C 这是指朋友后来的“解释”。从后文可以排除其他选项,此处不是朋友的“借口”,更不是“计划”和“决定”。
42.A 在受伤的情况下,检查的应是“身体的”状况,后面“没有生命危险”也印证了这一点。“精神的”,“工作的”,“医疗的”在此都不合语境。
43.B 此处指做事情的“方式”,应用way,指没有办法呼救。method多表示解决问题的具体“方法”。如:his studying method。
44.D 因为朋友在车祸中受了重伤,又没法“呼救”,因此应实施自救,阻止伤口“流血”。
45.B 从后文可知,探险“失败”了。loss的意思是“损失”,不合题意。
46.C 探险没有成功,因此此处只能是“尝试”去做。manage to do sth.表示“设法干成了某事”,与整个事情的结局矛盾。
47.B 从后文“这群年轻人乱作一团”可知,他们找不到出口。其他选项“决心”,“愿意”等不合逻辑。
48.D 由这群年轻人迷路可知,他们乱跑一气,没有了“方向”感。
49.A 发现年轻人失败真相的应是“营救”人员。由具体的语境可排除其他选项,此处不是指“当地的人”,作者强调的也不是“勇敢的人”。
50.C 从后面“亮光闪烁”可知,这儿指的是“出口”,故用opening。
51.D 作者强调的就是人们处于危急或困境时应“保持镇静”,故用calm。
52.C 作者由上述两个事例联想到“生活”。life意义最具有概括性。作者把上述的经验和教训与人们的实际生活联系起来,其他选项都太片面。
53.A  mind sb.当“提醒某人”讲。处于迷茫状态时,你应该提醒自己情况不明朗,不要轻举妄动。watch“注视、监视”;imagine“想象”不合题意;warn“警告”语气太强,用在此处也不合适。
54.B 作者强调人们在处于危急或困境时应“保持镇静”,不要轻举妄动,因此不必“立即”去斗争。其他副词都偏离了作者所表达的中心。
55.C 前后文构成的是转折关系。这种态度似乎是消极的,但却表现了一个人的智慧和勇气。理顺了上下文的逻辑关系,就能排除其他选项的干扰。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I worked as a(n)     36   at Mr. Breen’s fruit shop .The fruit shop did    37    business . Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood,     38    he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars . Mr Breen    39    them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up , always     40   me to carry it out to their car . They were clearly long-standing customers , and I    41    they must have stayed faithful to him   42     he had promised to sell good quality     43   . He had a way with them —I had to   44     that . He called every woman “madam” for a start ,    45    those who clearly were not, but when he     46   it , it did not sound like flattery (奉承). It just sounded     47   in an old-fashioned way . He was a great chatter     48   . If he did not know them , he would greet them with a few    49    about the weather ,     50   he did , he would ask about their families or make    51    , always cutting his cloth    52    his customers . Whatever their bills came to , be     53   gave them back the few odd pence (零钱), and I am sure they thought he was very generous (慷慨). But I thought he was the opposite . He never    54    anything away . He was always looking for     55   for nothing .
36.A.operator        B.assistant      C.waiter              D.secretary
37.A.good           B.poor        C.big                 D.usual
38.A.so                 B.when          C.therefore          D.but
39.A.sold           B.knew          C.gave          D.sent
40.A.making        B.letting       C.getting             D.keeping
41.A.wish          B.insist         C.declare        D.suppose
42.A.when         B.if              C.because            D.though
43.A.food          B.fruit            C.vegetables   D.drink
44.A.admit         B.expect         C.announce   D.promise
45.A.yet            B.only            C.just                D.even
46.A.told           B.said                C.spoke        D.talked
47.A.serious          B.strange        C.polite             D.familiar
48.A.as well          B.as usual     C.either             D.also
49.A.sayings          B.questions   C.words        D.speeches
50.A.and then        B.and so       C.even if            D.but if
51.A.preparations   B.jokes           C.repairs       D.friends
52.A.according to   B.due to                C.instead of  D.up to
53.A.never           B.ever            C.seldom             D.always
54.A.took          B.moved       C.threw       D.turned .
55.A.something      B.anything      C.somebody  D.anybody


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

While I studied at school,I felt a great difficulty in learning my Latin translations. I was always very 36  in using a dictionary,and   37  it most difficult,while to other boys it seemed no  38  .
I formed an alliance(盟友) with a boy in the Sixth Grade. He was very clever and 39  read Latin as easily as English .My friend for his part was almost as  40 troubled by the English essays he had to write for the headmaster as I was  41 these Latin words. We agreed together that he should   42   me my Latin translations and that I should do his essays. The arrangement   43     wonderfully . The headmaster seemed quite  44  with my work,and I had more time to myself in the morning .On the other hand,once a week   45  I had to compose the essays of my friend. For several months no difficulty  46 ,but once we were nearly caught out.
One afternoon,the headmaster  47  my friend to discuss one essay with him in a lively spirit. “I was interested in this   48  you make here. I think you might have gone further. Tell me   49   you had in your mind.” The headmaster continued in this  50  for some time to fear of my friend. However the headmaster,not wishing to  51  an occasion of praise into 52  of fault-finding,finally  53  him go. He came back to me like a man who had had a very narrow 54  and I made up my mind to make every effort to study my 55 .
36. A. quick         B. slow                C. hard                D. good
37. A .made            B. got                  C. found              D. left
38. A. trouble       B. difference               C. labor                      D. worry
39. A. might         B. would             C. should             D. could
40. A. very                 B. little                C. much              D. few
41. A. for            B. by                   C. in                   D. to
42. A. change       B. take                C. forgive            D. tell
43. A. worked      B. tried                C. happened         D. developed
44. A. angry         B. satisfied           C. frightened        D. sad
45. A. or so                 B. or else             C. as usual           D. as far
46. A. became      B. seemed            C. lay                  D. appeared
47. A. called        B. taught             C. arranged                 D. sent
48. A. aim           B. goal                C. point               D. opinion
49. A. why           B. how                C. which              D. what
50. A. excitement          B. way                C. meaning                 D. disappointment
51. A. turn           B. leave               C. grow               D. become
52. A. none                 B. one                        C. either              D. some
53. A. ordered      B. asked              C. took                D. let
54. A. surprise      B. escape             C. hope               D. chance
55. A. reading      B. writing            C. translations      D. essays


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空(共20 小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
The story goes that some time ago, a man had a very lovely little daughter. One day the man  26  his 3-year-old daughter for  27  a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became  28  when the child tried to decorate a  29  to put under the Christmas tree.  30 , the little girl brought the gift to her 31 the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.”
The man was  32  by his earlier  33 , but his anger flared again when he found out the box was  34 . He yelled at her, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is  35  to be something inside?” The little girl looked 36  at him with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I  37  kisses into the box. They are all for you, Daddy.”
The father was crushed. He  38  his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her  39 .
Only a short time later, an  40  took the life of the child. It is also told that her father  41  that gold box by his bed for many years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out a(n)  42  kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.
In a very real sense, each of us, as human beings, has been given a gold container  43  unconditional love and kisses from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other  44 , which anyone could hold, more 45  than this.
26. A. asked
B. praised
C. begged
D. punished
27. A. wasting
B. stealing
C. selling
D. holding
28. A. glad
B. angry
C. sad
D. upset 
29. A. room
B. hall
C. box
D. ball
30. A. Nevertheless
B. But
C. Therefore
D. And
31. A. father
B. mother
C. teacher
D. sister
32. A. puzzled
B. surprised
C. scared
D. embarrassed
33. A. overwork
B. overreaction   
C. overcoat
D. overpass 
34. A. empty
B. heavy
C. full
D. wet 
35. A. happened
B. seemed       
C. supposed
D. used
36. A. down
B. back
C. up
D. forward 
37. A. blew
B. sent
C. set
D. passed 
38. A. put
B. turned
C. handed
D. gave 
39. A. kindness
B. forgiveness   
C. sadness
D. carelessness
40. A. overview
B. incident      
C. accident
D. action 
41. A. remembered
B. owned
C. had
D. kept
42. A. imaginary     
B. kind
C. gentle
D. warm
43. A. filled with
B. pleased with
C. crowded with      
D. equipped with
44. A. world
B. feeling
C. possession
D. love
45. A. expensive  
B. precious     
C. comfortable
D. interesting


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

After lunch, without permission from parents, the two boys set off to explore the part of the beach which lay beyond the headland(陆岬,伸出海面的尖形高地).They had persuaded their young sister to _1_, saying that the long walk would be too _2_for her. Once they had got in the head land, the beach reached away endlessly before them. It was like _3_a new world. There were damp, dark caves to _4_,there were many_5_ among the rocks, full of sea creatures(生物);and, here and there along the beach were those _6_ objects, washed up and _7_ by the tide.
The afternoon passed _8_The sun was already _9_when the boys reluctantly(恋恋不舍地) _10_ to make their _11_ homewards. But long before they reached the headland, they could see that the tide had come in so sudden that they were now _12_from either end of the beach. Their only chance of _13_ was to find a way up the cliff(悬崖) nearby.
They soon find a narrow path _14_ the cliff top. But half way up their path was_15_by a large rock which they could not climb_16_The two boys had to_17_ at the top of their voices, _18_ that someone might_19_over the top of the rock, and finally came their father with two policemen. _20_of them climbed down a rope which was lowered over the rock. The boys were then pulled to safety, and thus saved from spending a miserable night on the cliff.
1. A. keep quiet    B. stay behind       C. take a rest        D. join them
2. A. tiring        B. exciting          C. uninteresting     D. impossible
3. A. discovering   B. facing           C. enjoying         D. imagining
4. A. look up     B. explore           C. hide in          D. search
5. A. lakes        B. rivers            C. waterfalls        D. pools
6. A. dirty        B .light             C. strange           D. clean
7. A. moved       B .covered          C. beaten           D. left
8. A. quickly      B. unexpectedly      C. finally            D. suddenly
9. A. leaving      B. dropping          C. going            D. setting
10. A. forgot      B. decided           C. succeeded        D. turned
11.A. road        B. way             C. track            D. path
12. A. cut off      B. left behind         C. held back        D. put away
13. A. running off  B. keeping clear       C. getting away      D. turning back
14. A. reaching    B. passing            C. going up         D. leading to
15. A. blocked     B. covered           C. stopped          D. filled
16. A. on         B. over              C. round            D. through
17. A. shout       B. shoot             C. repeat            D .renew
18. A. wanting     B. guessing          C. believing          D. hoping
19. A .turn        B. appear            C. hide              D. climb
20. A. Any        B. None             C. One              D. First


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“My name’s Jim Shelley and I’m an addict(有瘾的人). . . ”
With these words I began to ___36___ the problem, the problem of my telephone addiction. I used to call people ___37___, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep. I ___38___ to be phoned, I wanted to phone. Just one more call.
It started socially . It seemed ___39___, just a quick chat. Gradually though, the ___40___ got worse. Soon it was ___41___ use, until, finally, addiction.
And it began to affect(影响) my ___42___. During the day I would disappear for ___43___ call. If I couldn’t make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more ___44___, in the end, I would ring someone, then someone else, ___45___ myself just one more call.
I was phoning people and ___46___ messages to make sure ___47___ calls would see me through the day. I used to arrive at friends
homes and before the door was closed, go straight for the phone with the ___48___ “Is it OK if I just use the phone. . . ?” At work, I became ___49___ when my fellow workers tried to ___50___ me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss(with the phone). Finally, the police caught me ___51___ a phone box that had taken my last one pound coin, and I was ___52___ to see a psychiatrist(心理医生).
I haven’t ___53___ a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it’s several days ___54___ I used a phone box. I try not to watch TV because there are ___55___ people on it making phone calls. My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.
36. A. face      B. find    C. accept D. notice
37. A. now and then      B. all the time C. at home      D. at work
38. A. tried     B. asked  C. waited D. invited
39. A. polite   B. important   C. fine    D. special
40. A. condition     B. situation     C. result  D. effect
41. A. frequent       B. regular       C. unusual      D. particular
42. A. friends  B. study  C. family D. work
43. A. a quick B. a secret      C. an expected       D. an extra
44. A. hopeful B. delighted    C. frightened  D. anxious
45. A. forcing B. telling C. giving D. limiting
46. A. leaving B. taking C. passing       D. recording
47. A. long     B. immediate  C. enough       D. surprising
48. A. saying  B. demands     C. wish   D. words
49. A. careful  B. mad    C. determined D. helpless
50. A. save     B. reduce C. protect       D. stop
51. A. destroying    B. using  C. stealing      D. emptying
52. A. offered B. guided       C. ordered      D. reminded
53. A. missed  B. had     C. received     D. fixed
54. A. as  B. when  C. if D. since
55. A. always  B. just     C. more   D. different


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once there lived a rich merchant(商人) and a poor shoemaker in the same house. The merchant occupied the second floor,  36  the shoemaker lived and worked in a small room on the first floor. The shoemaker was one of the   37  persons on earth. He worked from morning till night, singing merrily. His heart was filled with   38  , whenever he saw the boots and shoes  39 . Now the merchant upstairs was so rich that he   40   knew how much wealth(财产) he had. He was always  41   over his gold and silver coins far into the night. Even in bed his uneasiness(不安) about his riches kept him 42  . When at last he had been asleep for an hour or two, up came the song of the happy shoemaker, who was an   43  riser. It continued all day and was a(n)  44  to the merchant. Day by day the merchant grew more and more tired through want of    45  . He asked a wise friend of his how he could put an   46  to the shoemaker’s song. “Well, if I were you, I would give the shoemaker a hundred pounds,” answered his friend. “You are rich enough to do that, I suppose. Ask for nothing in  47  . Simply give the money.” The merchant    48   the advice.
When the shoemaker   49  the bag that had been sent by the merchant, he was   50   to find shining coins. “I must hide this from the eyes of my neighbors. If they see it, they will think that I have stolen it,” he thought. “I will   51  it away even from my wife.” So he hid the bag of money under the floor. From then on he   52   his neighbors as much as he could. His wife who had been the best  53   to him, became troublesome. Now his mind was too much set on the money bag to   54   to his work with diligence(勤劳). He could not sing merrily now.   55  he thought of the money bag, he became uneasy and unhappy.
36.A.for    B.therefore   C.but    D.however
37.A.poorest     B.happiest    C.richest      D.shortest
38.A.smile B.sorrow      C.sadness     D.joy
39.A.being repaired  B.repair       C.to repair   D.to be repaired
40.A.always      B.completely       C.hardly      D.entirely
41.A.hiding      B.counting   C.calculating       D.figuring
42.A.awake      B.nervous    C.frightened D.asleep
43.A.early B.happy       C.noisy D.late
44.A.threat       B.matter      C.trouble     D.alarm
45.A.sympathy  B.understanding   C.sleep D.treatment
46.A.end B.notice       C.information      D.stop
47.A.trouble     B.need  C.turn   D.return
48.A.refused     B.agreed      C.asked D.followed
49.A.stole  B.opened     C.received    D.closed/carried
50.A.excited     B.amazed     C.ashamed                 D.disappointed
51.A.throw       B.keep  C.give  D.put
52.A.avoided    B.thanked    C.helped      D.attract
53.A.companion       B.fellow      C.shoemaker       D.merchant
54.A.tend        B.turn   C.attend       D.come
55.A.Wherever B.Whatever  C.Whenever D.However


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Last night, I was about to pull out of the parking lot when I noticed a hitchhiker (搭便车的人). I know that picking up a hitchhiker can be   36  , but I want a try, as they may have a sincere need to reach their   37  . I rolled down my window and called the man to my car. I asked him where he was
38   and he told me that he needed a ride to his doctor’s office which would   39   in 15 minutes.
40   he got in he told me that the person who was supposed to drive him there didn’t appear. He continued to tell me that he is a   41   and goes out to sea for weeks at a time. He needs to take
42  for his nerves,   43  which, he told me, it would be impossible for him to work.
With some   44   driving we managed to get there in about ten minutes. I told him I would wait and bring him back. He   45   me and said he should be back only in fifteen minutes.
Shortly after, he came back to tell me that the doctor was still with other   46  and it was going to take a while  47  . I told him that I was going to grab a coffee while I   48   . But it ended up taking about forty-five minutes,   49   we had a bit more time than   50  .
Afterwards he got back in my car and  tried his hardest to   51   for keeping me waiting so long. I tried my best to make him feel at   52   and drove him back to where I had picked him up. Again he   53   his thanks and we said our good-byes.
I feel that the universe or God always   54   us with what we need. Maybe God did put him in my path. In his case it was a   55  , in mine the opportunity to help someone else.
36. A. pleasing                     B. helpful                         C. dangerous                 D. surprising
37. A. home                  B. destination                C. office                       D. clinic[
38. A. coming               B. leaving                     C. living                       D. heading
39. A. close                  B. open                        C. end                          D. stay
40. A. Once                  B. Since                       C. Before                            D. While
41. A. doctor                B. salesman                  C. fisherman                 D. postman
42. A. rest                    B. medicine                  C. temperature                     D. advice
43. A. without               B. with                         C. of                               D. for
44. A. careful                B. exciting                   C. quick                       D. relaxing
45. A. praised               B. thanked                    C. encouraged               D. refused
46. A. relatives                 B. patients                    C. guests                      D. nurses
47. A. later                   B. sooner                      C. faster                       D. longer
48. A. waited                B. visited                      C. examined                 D. drove
49. A. turning up           B. taking out                 C. making up                D. turning out
50. A. promised            B. suggested                 C. limited                        D. expected
51. A. explain               B. excuse                      C. apologize                 D. forgive
52. A. rest                    B. safety                       C. ease                         D. sorrow
53. A. expressed            B. supplied                   C. announced                D. exchanged
54. A. offers                 B. provides                   C. combines                  D. connects
55. A. car                            B. treatment                  C. gift                          D. Ride


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  Several years ago I worked in an office, which I had a locust tree growing outside the window. It had grown into a tall tree and must have been there for a long time. The tree blocked the view and made the office seem dull, unfortunately this happened to be the room assigned to me and I was depressed by it for quite some time.
  When the first spring came, everything was green except the locust tree. Secretly, I was very happy because I had thought it had died.
  One morning when I opened the window for fresh air, I unexpectedly smelt a familiar sweet scent floating into my office but I couldn’t name it. Suddenly, I realized it was the locust tree! The tree that I thought dead was blossoming in full glory.
  From then on, I usually came to the office very early to see dew forming on the locust tree blossoms and every year was eager to see spring again.
  During summer, the green leaves provided shade protecting me from the harsh sunlight, but allowing enough light in to make it pleasant. In autumn, the leaves turned into many different colors. Its beauty touched my soul. Many times I thought to take photos but never did. Then I had to leave in a hurry. Later in life it became a great regret that I had not done so.
  Actually, many times in our lives, we think we own something, therefore we don’t cherish it. We don’t feel regretful until we lose it one day! Moreover, sometimes, we have to accept the things we don’t want and need to discover the hidden beauty to find unexpected joy!
59.The author of the passage employed a writing way ________.
A.of holding and releasing            B.that released first, then held
C.that held first, then released         D.that was not holding or releasing
60.What the author wanted to tell us is that ________.
A.not being delighted for what you have got and not feeling pity on the lost
B.think twice before you leap
C.treat everything calmly
D.cherish what you’ve owned
61.The reason the author came to the office early is ________.
A.to enjoy the dew                 B.to finish her work early
C.to do some cleaning              D.to avoid the burning sun
62.The underlined word “so” in the fifth paragraph perhaps refers to ________.
A.that I couldn’t see the tree any longer    B.that I should have taken some photos
C.that I had to leave                   D.that the tree died

