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Nicola’s Love for Her Violin

     Can love between partners with a 237-year age gap (差距) lead to the perfect match (绝配)? Nicola Benedetti thinks so. The 18-year-old   36   and her “partner, a 255-year-old Italian violin,   37   to China for the first time last weekend. She   38   in Beijing on September 15 and also performed in Hangzhou and Shanghai.

     Nicola is from Scotland and   39   playing the violin when she was four years old.   40  , it was not something her parents   41   her do. She went with her sister to violin lessons and   42   it and improved very quickly.

     “There are so many different things I am fond of about the   43  ,” she said. “I can’t really   44   it but I love giving live performances, I like the feeling of playing and communicating with the   45  . I love the feeling of the violin under my chin (下巴).”

     However, playing violin six hours a day is not a/an   46   job. “I usually   47   in an upstairs bedroom when I’m at home.” she said. “But sometimes, when it’s   48   outside, it can be upset. The house is right on the   49   and I can see others having fun   50   I’m on my own.”

     Although practising is sometimes lonely, Nicola   51   felt she was lucky. “You can’t have    52  . I am really lucky to do what I love doing,” she said. Her   53   paid off (终有回报). Nicola won BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2004 at 16.

       54   her performing and recording activities, Nicola is a/an   55  of UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会). She said that she would travel to Lesotho in southern Africa at the end of this year to help poor kids there.

A. singer                 B. writer                C. pianist              D. violinist

A. came                 B. turned                 C. ran                       D. moved

A. checked                  B. played                    C. visited                D. remained

A. stopped                        B. requested                  C. started                     D. ignored

A. So                            B. And                        C. But                          D. However

A. made                       B. persuaded                C. wanted                    D. got

A. noticed                  B. concerned                C. minded                D. loved

A. lessons                B. violin               C. performances           D. show

A. explain                     B. imagine             C. determine              D. refuse

A. foreigners                  B. friends                         C. audience                  D. teenagers

A. boring                      B. easy                  C. wonderful             D. tiring

A. work                  B. rest              C. stay                        D. practise

A. cool                    B. sunny                C. windy               D. cloudy

A. river                         B. hill                      C. farm                        D. beach

A. while                     B. as                   C. so                       D. for

A. even                     B. still              C. ever                   D. almost

A. anything                 B. something            C. everything                      D. nothing

A. time                  B. music              C. efforts                     D. action

A. Because of            B. Besides              C. Instead of              D. Thanks to

A. adviser                    B. manager              C. organizer                 D. supporter























科目:高中英语 来源:必修一导练英语外研版 外研版 题型:030


N=Nicola A=Annie

N:Hi, Annie.Did you have a good holiday?

A:Oh, yes.I had a great t  1  .But I’ve to tell you-the most amazing thing happened.

N:R  2  ?What was that?

A:Well, I was swimming in the sea and a huge wave came along and k  3   my sunglasses into the water.I…

N:Why were you swimming in your sunglasses?

A:Oh, I don’t know.I’d just l  4  them on top of my head.I’d forgotten they were there.Anyway, they were g  5  .I was very upset.You know they were quite expensive.

N:I remember-n  6   100 pounds.

A:Yeah.Anyway, the next day I was lying on the beach, sunbathing.Then suddenly another huge wave…

N:Are you s  7  this was a good holiday?

A:Yeah-but listen! When I looked down, there on the sand, r  8   next to me, were my sunglasses.I couldn’t b  9  my eyes.

N:You’re j  10  ! That is amazing!


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修一英语译林 题型:030


  N=Nicola  A=Annie

  N:Hi, Annie.Did you have a good holiday?

  A:Oh, yes.I had a great(1)t________.But I’ve to tell you-the most amazing thing happened.

  N:(2)R________?What was that?

  A:Well, I was swimming in the sea and a huge wave came along and(3)k    my sunglasses into the water.I…

  N:Why were you swimming in your sunglasses?

  A:Oh, I don’t know.I’d just(4)l________ them on top of my head.I’d forgotten they were there.Anyway, they were(5)g________.I was very upset.You know they were quite expensive.

  N:I remember(6)n________ 100 pounds.

  A:Yeah.Anyway, the next day I was lying on the beach, sunbathing.Then suddenly another huge wave…

  N.Are you(7)s________ this was a good holiday?

  A:Yeah-but listen!When I looked down, there on the sand,(8)r________ next to me, were my sunglasses.I couldn’t(9)b________ my eyes.

  N:You’re(10)j________!That is amazing.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目:高中英语 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编 精华大字版》、英语 题型:030


N=Nicola A=Annie

N:Hi, Ann.How do you like your new place?

A:I like it a lot.It's(1)c________ to school-it only takes about ten minutes by bike.But how did you know that I moved?

N:Bob told me about it.Actually, I'm(2)i________ because I'm looking for a place to move(3)m________ right now.

So how is the rent? Is it(4)r________?

A:Yes, I think so.It's especially low because I do housecleaning once a week for the landlady.

N:That sounds like a good idea.How do you get(5)a________ with the landlady?

A:Fine.Actually I don't(6)s________ much of her.We share the kitchen but it seems she's not in there much when I'm there.

N:How did you(7)f________ the place?

A:(8)T________ an ad in the newspaper.I didn't spend too much time(9)l________.I hear that the university housing office has a good rental list.I'd check over there if I were you.

N:Thanks for the idea.I really want to get settled.



科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:情景交际

N= Nicola   A= Annie
N: Hi, Annie. Did you have a good holiday?
A: Oh, yeah, I had a great (1)t ______ . But I've to tell you --- the most amazing thing happened.
N: (2) R_____? What was that?
A: Well, I was swimming in the sea and a huge wave came along and (3)k _____ my sunglasses into
the water. I …
N: Why were you swimming in the sunglasses?
A: Oh, I don't know. I'd just (4)l _____ them on top of my head. I'd forgotten they were there. Anyway,
they were (5)g_____. I was very upset. You know they were quite expensive.
N: I remember - (6)n _____ 100 pounds.
A: Yeah. Anyway, the next day I was lying on the beach, sunbathing. Then suddenly another huge wave…
N: Are you (7)s _____ this was a good holiday?
A: Yeah-but listen! When I looked down, there on the sand, (8)r ___ next to me , were my sunglasses.
I couldn't (9)b___ my eyes!
N: You're (10)j ____ ! That is amazing!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

N=Nicola   A=Annie

N:  Hi, Ann. How do you like your new place?

A:  I like it a lot. It’s (76) c        to school ― it only takes about ten minutes by bike. But how did you know that I moved?

N:  Bob told me about it. Actually, I’m (77) i               because I’m looking for a place to move (78) m       right now.

So how is the rent? Is it (79) r      ?

A:  Yes, I think so. It’s especially low because I do housecleaning once a week for the landlady.

N:  That sounds like a good idea. How do you get (80)a       with the landlady?

A:  Fine. Actually I don’t see much of her. We (81)s_________ the kitchen but it seems she’s not in there much when I’m there.

N:  How did you (82) f         the place?

A:  (83) T        an ad in the newspaper. I didn’t spend too much time (84) l       . I hear that the university housing office has a good rental list. I’d check over there if I were you.

N:  Thanks for the idea. I really want to get settled.

A:  Good (85) l          !



76. ____________


77. ____________

78. ____________

79. ____________



80. ____________


81. ____________


82. ____________

83. ____________

84. ____________



85. ____________

