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第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分。满分30分)
I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.
What I   36   most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we   37   ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to   38  his family as cold. When we got into the   39   to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40   , he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he is a caring man through the glass.
I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often  41   me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant  42  or inquiry about my life ,just financial instructions. This manner of his  43  me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his  44    morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I  45   him.
When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt   46  . For example, I always return phone calls   47   and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the   48   : She wasn’t a good friend! My anger   49    as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I   50  and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was   51    at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be   52   . Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.
Far too often, I ignored their   53    expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my   54   .Over the years, however, I’ve learned to   55    other persons, love signs.
36. A. remember      B. enjoy           C. value          D. admire
37. A. excitedly       B. nervously       C. silently         D. instantly
38. A. regard         B. treat            C. take           D. think
39. A. bus           B. train            C. car             D. plane
40. A. Punctually     B. Carefully        C. Proudly         D. Coldly
41. A. visited        B. interrupted       C. warned          D. telephoned
42. A. greeting       B. meeting          C. apology         D. explanation
43. A. interested      B. angered          C. encouraged      D. surprised
44. A. long         B. short            C. warm           D. polite
45. A. praised       B. remembered       C. blamed         D. thanked
46. A. content       B. guilty            C. curious         D. disappointed
47. A. in order      B. in turn            C. without delay    D. without difficulty
48. A. feeling       B. suggestion        C. judgment        D. belief
49. A. disappeared   B. grew             C. helped          D. declined
50. A. opened       B. refused          C. hosted           D. invited
51. A. depressed    B. upset            C. fascinated         D. shocked
52. A. uncaring     B. dishonest         C. unhappy          D. uncooperative
53. A. unique       B. common         C. pleasant         D. familiar
54. A. opinion      B. way              C. mind           D. life
55. A. send         B. read             C. give            D. express

36---55   ACACB   DABBD   DCCBC  DAABB   

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

第三节:阅读理解(共25小题; 每小题2分, 满分50分)
It was 3:12 a. m. when nine-year-old Glenn Kreamer awoke to the smell of burning. Except for the crackling(爆裂声)of flames somewhere below there was not a sound in the two-storey house at Baldwin, Long Island.
With his father away on night duty at a local factory, Glenn was worried about the safety of his mother, his sister Karen, 14 and his 12-year-old brother Todd. He ran downstairs through the smoke filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up. Then he helped each one through the house to the safety of the garden. There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and coughing, collapsed on the lawn (草坪).
The nine-year-old raced back into the house and upstairs to his mother’s room. He found it impossible to woke her up. Mrs. Kreamer, a victim of the smoke, was unconscious, and there was nobody to help Glenn carry her to the garden. But the boy remained calm and, as a fireman said later, “acted with all the self-control of a trained adult.”
On the bedroom telephone, luckily still working, Glenn called his father and, leaving Mr. Kreamer to telephone the fire brigade and ambulance service, got on with the task of saving his mother.
First he filled a bucket with water from the bathroom and threw water over his mother and her bed. Then, with a wet cloth around his head he went back to the garden.
He could hear the fire engine coming up, but how would the firemen find his mother in the smoke-filled house where flames had almost swallowed up the ground floor?
Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garage, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother’s room. Tying one end of the string to her hand he ran back, laying out the string as he went, through the hall and back out into the garden.
Minutes later he was telling fire chief John Coughlan: “The string will lead you to mother.” Mrs. Kreamer was carried to safety as the flames were breaking through her bedroom floor.
1.Why did Glenn run downstairs first?
A.He wanted to find out what was happening.  
B.He was worried about his mother’s safety.
C.He wanted to save his sister and brother.    
D.He went to see if his father had come back from work.
2.How did Glenn help the firemen to save his mother?
A.By throwing water all over her and her bed.    
B.By carrying her to safety with his brother.
C.By pushing and pulling at her.              
D.By tying a string to her hand.
3.Who called the fire brigade and ambulance service?
A.Glenn.    B.Glenn’s father.     C.Glenn’s sister.    D.Glenn’s neighbor.
4.What did Glenn do to protect himself?
A.He put a wet cloth around his head.      B.He threw water all over himself.
C.He hid himself in the bathroom.         D.He rushed out to the lawn.
5.Glenn saved his family because___________.
A.his father had taught him to do so on the phone   
B.he had learned something about first aid
C.he had dealt with the emergency calmly and wisely 
D.he had followed his mother’s instruction


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I had an interesting experience playing ping-pong last year. I was playing against a 16 opponent(对手). The score was 20 to 17 in her  17 . I won the next three points which made the score 20 to 20. I  18 my paddle on the table and thanked my opponent and began to walk away. She called me  19  and said we had to continue until one of us  20 .
“Look,”I said, “if we 21 , one of two events will take place, either you or I will win.If you win, I will begin to 22  my skill. If I win, you will be unhappy. Isn’t it better to know that we both played 23  , that we enjoyed the competition, and that we played an even(相等) score?” This was a 24  ending for my opponent and for the persons watching this contest. It made  25  to me to leave with a tie(不分胜负) game, an impasse(僵局): no winner, no 26  .
So, my friends, here is the problem  27   me. Our present technology makes it possible for nations to  28  other nations for retaliatory(报复) strikes. In such a nuclear time, there  29  be no winners, only losers. Under these conditions, the only choice to  30  global destruction is glogal impasse. This would be a  31  “tie game” where no nation wins and no nation loses. An impasse reached through compromise(妥协). This is because compromise becomes the only means of  32 . We cannot destroy this beautiful planet by holding on to  33  understanding of victory. The 34  victory is in achieving a desirable impasse. No one wins, 35  no one loses either.
16.A.tiring                                 B.poor                         C.fine                          D.brave
17.A.favor                                  B.side                          C.lead                          D.place
18.A.threw                                 B.placed                       C.stuck                         D.dropped
19.A.up                                      B.over                          C.on                                   D.back
20.A.lost                                    B.won                          C.gave up                    D.tired out
21.A.perform                              B.stop                          C.continue                    D.leave
22.A.doubt                                 B.hate                          C.practise                     D.desert
23.A.hard                                          B.fair                           C.poorly                       D.well
24.A.close                                  B.surprising                  C.satisfying                  D.reasonable
25.A.progress                          B.room                        C.sense                         D.time
26.A.loser                                  B.fighter                      C.success                      D.player
27.A.encouraging                        B.frightening                C.shocking                   D.troubling
28.A.destroy                               B.attack                        C.seize                         D.rule
29.A.may                                          B.should                       C.can                           D.must
30.A.escape                                B.flee                           C.accept                       D.avoid
31.A.different                             B.small                        C.huge                         D.familiar
32.A.surviving                            B.living                        C.staying                      D.pleasing
33.A.an old                                B.an unusual                 C.the same                   D.a complete
34.A.great                                 B.only                         C.same                         D.equal
35.A.where                                 B.but                           C.as                             D.since


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Thirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My parents divorced and I moved to a new town with my father, far from my old family and friends. I was terribly lonely and would cry myself to sleep each night. To ease my sadness, my father purchased an old horse for me at a local auction.(拍卖) I named him Cowboy.
Cowboy was without a doubt the ugliest horse in the world. But I didn’t care. I loved him beyond all reason. I joined a riding club and suffered rude comments and mean snickers about Cowboy’s looks. I never let on about how I felt, but deep inside, my heart was broken. The other members rode beautiful, registered horses.
When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance, we were quickly shown the gate. No amount of preparation and love would turn Cowboy into a beauty. My only chance to compete would be in the speed events. I chose the jumping race.?
One girl named Becky rode a big brown horse in the race events. She always won the blue ribbons.  Needless to say, she didn’t feel threatened when I competed against her at the next show. She didn’t need to. I came in next to last.
The stinging memory of Becky’s smirks(得意的笑) made me determined to beat her. For the whole next month I woke up early every day and rode Cowboy five miles to the arena (赛马场). We practiced running and jumping for hours in the hot sun and then I would walk Cowboy home totally exhausted. All of our hard work didn’t make me feel confident by the time the show came. I sat at the gate and sweated it out while I watched Becky and her horse charge through the course and finish in first place.
My turn finally came. I put on my hat, rubbed Cowboy’s neck and entered the arena. At the signal, we dashed toward the first fence, jumped it without trouble and raced on to the next one. Cowboy then flew over the second, third and fourth fences like a bird and I turned him toward the finish line. As we crossed the line the crowd was shocked into silence. Cowboy and I had beaten Becky and her fancy horse by two seconds!
I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that no matter what the odds, I’d always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it.
1. The underlined expression "shown the gate" (paragraph 3) most probably means ______.
A. told how to enter the arena
B. shown how to make the horse beautiful
C. removed from the competition early
D. told to enter the timed-speed events
2. When the final race finished, nobody cheered because________.
A. the audience didn’t like Cowboy      B. people envied the writer
C. the win was unexpected?        D. the writer bad run out of time
3. Why was the writer not confident of victory?
A. He was an inexperienced rider.
B. He had not practiced enough.
C. He believed he was unpopular with the crowd.
D. He thought his horse wasn’t as good as the others.
4. What did the writer learn from his experience?
A. Life can sometimes be unfair.
B. Anything is possible if one tries hard enough.
C. A positive attitude will bring success.
D. One should not make judgments based on appearance.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you want to deal with the association (交往) between boys and girls properly, here are some advice for you to follow.
1) Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very natural for the boys and girls to contact each other and build up the friendship with the students of the other sex. Generally speaking, we should broaden the circle of the association. We should make as many friends as possible. We should have more friends of the opposite sex instead of one or two. We should contact the students in public instead of in secret. 
2) Contact students of opposite sex warmly, generously and sincerely. Don’t be too nervous or too shy in contact with a person of the opposite sex. In that case it is very difficult for you to make a lot of friends, as no one likes a person who is too shy to say a word. If you are too shy a person, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can contact the students with the same interest and hobby with you. As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.
3) Don't fall into the ditch (泥潭) of early love. The boys and girls at adolescence(青春期)are rich in feelings and full of imagination. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love, and fall in love with other at an early age. In my opinion, boys and girls at middle school are too young and too tender to shoulder the heavy duty of love. Early love is a green apple that can't be eaten. An apple won't taste sweet until it is fully ripe. Do keep out of early love.
1  The underlined word “broaden” in the passage means ________.
A. close down         B. make small        C. make broad         D. make known
2. We should contact (交往)the student of the opposite sex in the following ways EXCEPT ________.
A. with a good state of mind            B. in public
C. in secret                          D. warmly and generously
4. A person at adolescence is NOT ________.
A. rich in feelings                    B. full of imagination   
C. old enough to fall in love            D. easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love
4. The best title of the passage is ________.
A. The early love
B. Some advice on how to associate between boys and girls
C. The contact does good not only to the boys but also to the girls
D. How to talk with a girl


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Social Studies Society and Library Club are working together to organize Clean and Green Week activities to encourage recycling.
The competition is divided into two parts: Individual (个人) and Team. Each team should be made up of three members. The inventions must be made out of small or used materials.
First prize
Second prize
Third prize
$ 50 book voucher (代金券)
$ 30 book voucher
$ 20 book voucher
$ 180 book voucher
$ 120 book voucher
$ 90 book voucher
You can get the application forms (申请表) from the library during opening hours.
Deadline for the submission (提交) of inventions: 31 January 2005.
Please call us at 792-4868 for further information.
An exhibition on recycling is now on in the library.
Videos on the subject will also be screened.  
Please refer to the library notice board for the timetable of the screening dates and time.
Library Club & Social Studies Society
1. If you want to know the screening dates, you can _______.
A. fill in the application form          B. make a telephone call at 792-4868
C. go to the exhibition hall           D. refer to the library notice board
2. What can we get from the notice?
A. The exhibition is organized by Library Club.
B. The exhibition on recycling will be on in the library.
C. The students have to send their inventions before 31 January 2005.
D. The students can make their inventions from all kinds of materials.
3. What is the purpose of the activities?
A. To get more book vouchers.            B. To invent more useful things.
C. To encourage students to recycle things.   D. To make students’ life more colorful.
4.If you want more information, you can_________.
A. surf the internet.      B.telephone the teacher 
C. call at 792-4868      D. read the guide book.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This is why Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo came back.
The Chinese pair finally won the Olympic gold medal that eluded (避开) them for so many years Monday night, a prize so compelling it lured(诱使)them out of the cozy life of a happily retired married couple. It wasn’t the best skate of their career, but it was good enough for gold and that was all that mattered.
Their score of 216. 57 points was more than three points ahead of teammates Pang Qing and Tong Jian. When Shen and Zhao finished their routine, Zhao knelt to the ice, burying his face in his hands while his wife patted his back. He pumped his fist several times while she smiled, her grin was so bright it could light up the entire arena(圆形运动场).
Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy of Germany dropped to the bronze medal after a flawed free skate.
It’s the first time since 1960 that a Russian or Soviet couple isn’t atop the Olympic platform, ending one of the longest winning streaks in sports. Perhaps even more shocking, the Russians are leaving empty - handed, with no medals of any color.
Shen and Zhao, bronze medalists at the last two Olympic Games, retired after winning their third title in 2007.  They got married, and lived the easy life of retirees, doing shows and appearances. But something was missing--that gold medal.
1. Which statement is WRONG according to paragraph one?
A. It was the Chinese pair who eventurelly won the Olympic gold medal.
B. The Chinese pair performed the excellent skate of their career.
C. The Chinese pair have been living a comfortable life.
D. The Chinese pair don’t get along well with each other.
2. From paragraph two and three, we can learn ________.
A. Shen and Zhao’s efforts paid off at last
B. Shen was so tired that she knelt to the ice
C. Pang and Tong won the bronze medal
D. The German pair ranked the second place
3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “grin” ?
A. wide smile     B. happy laugh       C. excited feeling     D. happiness
4. What can we know from the passage?
A. The Soviet pair also got some medals in the Olympic.
B. Shen and Zhao retired in 2007 and got married after they got their silver medal.
C. It’s the gold medal that lures them back to the Olympic.
D. The German pair always performed well during the competition.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

IV. 阅读理解(30%)
The future is time that is to come. The future is not the present or the past. It is later. We have seen many possible futures in science fiction. They range from the world’s polar ice caps melting to nuclear winters. But not all futures are this morbid. We have seen the human race spread all over our universe, humans and aliens living in harmony together all over the universe.
It is very likely that we will make some kind of breakthrough in our ability to travel through space sometime in the next 150 years. This would give us the ability to rule other planets. Ultimately, the earth will die whether it be 1,000 years or 100,000 years. We will be forced to move to another planet then. It’s really just a matter of time. When we do so, what will we discover?
Personally, I think everyone will be speaking the same language in 200 years. A world government definitely seems to be in our future. It is stable and has few wars. Indeed, the only type of wars that can happen is the civil war.
And what if we face aliens? If they are friendly, we would probably benefit a lot from putting our knowledge together. They must have advanced technology to travel for great distances. We could seriously benefit from their technology. But if they aren’t friendly, then we are in trouble. Hope that we have become advanced enough, smart enough, and generally a better race by the time we meet them. But this is all probably being discussed for nothing, because any race out there among the stars is probably as curious as we are about other creatures.
1. The underlined word in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by ___________.
A. unpleasant         B. shocking           C. expected            D. serious
2. What will humans do if the earth dies?
A. Humans have to face death.                    B. Humans will travel and live in space.
C. Humans will move to another planet.             D. Humans will go back to the past time.
3. According to the author, the following statements are right about aliens EXCEPT that _________.
A. we can learn from aliens if they are friendly
B. when aliens arrive, humans will be smarter than them
C. aliens may be as curious as we human beings about other planets
D. aliens have more advanced technology than us
4. After reading the passage, we can know that the passage is based on_________.
A. scientific facts                   B. time and space
C. advanced technology               D. the author’s imagination


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Your mobile phone rings and instead of the usual electronic signals it’s playing your favourite music.A friend sends your favourite song to cheer you up.One day,a record company might forward new records and music videos to your phone.
The mobile business is getting into the music business.For the moment,the interest is in pleasant ring tones,but some companies are hoping to take full advantage of the next generation of mobile phones—all purpose gadgets that blend phone,personal stereo,video player and Internet browser into one.
Finally,record companies might send new records and videos to fans who register their cell phone numbers.
The fans could pass music or songs along to friends—a kind of musical trading card.Unlike Internet tracks,mobile downloads would be easy for record companies to control,said former record industry official Ralph,Simon,who is now chairman of Yourmobile,based in Santa Monic,California.
“If you pass a song along to other phones through a network,each phone can be charged,” said Simon.“It’s like going through toll gate (收费站).There’s more possibility for copyright control than there is on the Internet.”
Massachusetts-based Converse is offering service in Portugal and the Netherlands that lets people record tunes on their voice mail or send music as presents to friends.Finally,people might be able to sing karaoke and pass them along.The company is sure that people will want to use music to reach out and touch someone.
“A mobile phone is not a listening machine,and you’ll be disappointed if you think you can change it into a radio,” said Ouzel,a creative manager for Converse in Israel.“But if someone sends you a song while you’re on vacation,you appreciate the feeling.”
72.The underlined word “blend” in the second paragraph most probably means _____.
A.send                B.come               C.mix                 D.compare
73.“Massachusetts-based Converse”in the sixth paragraph probably refers to ______.
A.a person                                      B.a city in Israel        
C.a state of the USA                    D.a company
74.Record companies ______ the idea of passing songs and music along mobile phones.
A.are worried about                         B.are interested in
C.try hard to stop                             D.take no notice of
75.According to Ralph Simon it would be easier to _______ through mobile phone network than through the Internet.
A.protect copyright of music works   B.send personal messages
C.pass along songs and music            D.send voice mail

