精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
10.A little part of me thought about going to another checkout line.This one had the shortest queue,there was only one guy in it,but he was in a(36)Band there seemed to be some difficulties going on.
    We stepped in behind him.At first,he(37)Cto be having difficulty getting his groceries onto the counter.But after a while,I realized that what he was actually doing was(38)D it into two parts.
     I offered to help,but he and the checkout lady had it under control.He asked Julie if she would mind putting his(39)Abasket away.Then he(40)D for his wallet which was in a bag on one side of his chair.The way he was positioned and the fact he only had one usable arm(41)Cthis troublesome for him,so I helped there.
The checkout operator came around and gave him his(42)D and the goods he needed to have to hand.She(43)Bone bag of groceries over a handle at the back of his chair.
    I offered to get the other bigger bag and he said,"No.But you could do me a favor.Take that bag along to the entrance and give it to Angela."
    Angela,it(44)A,was collecting food for people who might otherwise go hungry!I hadn't even(45)A her before.
This guy,in spite of the limitations,had bought more than twice as much shopping as he needed-and given the bigger bag away to help(46)C people!
He didn't let the fact that he needed help stop him from being a help.He may have been limited(47)B,but his heart was more than able to overcome all that.

40.A.feltB.in search ofC.seizedD.reached
44.A.turned outB.found outC.pointed outD.put out

分析 文章大意:本文主要讲述了作者在超市里遇见了一个残疾人,自己有残疾,但是却在帮助另外一些需要帮助的人.以此来告诉我们:既然这些残疾人都可以相互帮助,还有什么能阻止我们这些健全的人去帮助别人的呢?

解答 36.B 上下文串联.A.超市;B.轮椅;C.头盔;D.制服;通过下文47空后at the back of his chair.描述可知他是一个残疾人.句义:不过他坐在轮椅上并且好像遇到点麻烦.所以本题选择B.
37.C 词义辨析.A.发生;B.使用;C.似乎;D.假装;Seem to do sth似乎做某事.起初他很艰难地似乎想把买的东西放在柜台上上,后来我才意识到他是想要把一袋东西分成两袋.所以本题选择C.
38.D 动词辨析.A.精选;B.包裹;C.传递;D.分开;句意为,后来我才意识到他是想要把一袋东西分成两袋.所以本题选择D.
39.A 形容词辨析.A.空的;B.重的;C.大的;D.坏的;都弄好以后,篮子空了.他问朱莉是否能帮忙把空篮子放到边上去.所以本题选择A.
40.D 动词辨析.A.感觉;B.寻找;C.抓住;D.伸手去拿;句意为,然后他伸手去拿椅子一边的钱包.所以本题选择D
41.C 动词辨析.A.抓住;B.携带;C.使…;让…;D.解决;句意为,这个姿势让他很难够到钱包,所以我帮了他一把.所以本题选择C.
42.D 名词辨析.A.篮子;B.包;C.钱包;D.零钱;女收银员走过来把零钱和手提的物品交到他手里.所以本题选择D.
43.B 动词辨析.A.安排;B.悬挂;C.装载;D.联系;句意为,把其中一个袋子挂到轮椅后面的把手上.所以本题选择B.
44.A 短语辨析.A.结果是,原来是;B.发现;C.指出;D.生产,出版;句意为,原来安吉拉是专门负责收集食品给饥饿的人提供帮助的.所以本题选择A.
45.A 动词辨析.A.注意到;B.知道;C.理解;D.问候;句意为,原来如此,我以前甚至都没有注意到这个人.所以本题选择A.
46.C 形容词辨析.A.富有的;B.普通的;C.其他的;D.正常的;那个大袋子就是为了帮助别人而买的物品.所以本题选择C.
47.B 词义辨析.A.经济上;B.身体上;C.精神上;D.道德上.句意为,他也许是有身体的缺陷,但是他的胸怀却无比宽广.所以本题选择B.

点评 完型填空题是一种综合性比较强的测试题,它把单项填空和阅读理解等题型融为一体,它不仅考查学生对词汇、词组、语法、句型和常识逻辑等语言基础知识的掌握情况和正确使用语法知识的能力,而且也考查学生的理解能力、推理能力、以及情景语感等方面综合理解和运用语言的能力.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

3.When I was growing up,I was embarrassed to be seen with my father.He was severely lame and very short,and when we would walk together,his hand on my arm for balance,people would stare.I would feel ashamed at the unwanted attention.If he ever noticed or was bothered,he never let on,nor did he say anything about it.
It was difficult to coordinate(协调) our steps-his pausing,my impatience-and because of that,we didn't say much as we went along.But as we started out,he always said,"You set the pace,I will try to adjust to you."
Our usual walk was to or from the subway,which was how he got to work.He went to work sick,and despite bad weather.He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not.A matter of pride.
When snow or ice was on the ground,it was impossible for him to walk,even with help.At such times my sisters or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn,NY,on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance.Once there,he would grasp the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free.In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building,and he would not have to go outside until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.
When I think of it now,I wondered at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress.And at how he did it-without bitterness or complaint.
He never talked about himself as an object of pity,nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able.What he looked for in others was a"good heart",and if he found one,the owner was good enough for him.
Now that I am older,I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people,even though I still don't know precisely what a"good heart"is.But I know the times I don't have one myself.
My father has been gone many years now,but I think of him often.I wonder if he sensed my unwillingness to be seen with him during our walks.If he did,I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was,how unworthy I was,how I regretted it.I think of him when I complain about incident,when I am envious of another's good fortune,when I don't have a"good heart".
At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance,and say,"You set the pace,I will try to adjust to you."

56.What wouldn't the author like others to see?(No more than 10words)His father was crippled,short and couldn't keep balance.
57.What's the meaning of the underlined phrase"let on"in the first paragraph?(No more than 5words)Showed his feelings/Told others his feelings.
58.According to the third paragraph,what conclusion can you get about the father's attitude toward his work?(No more than 8words)He loved his work/He took his work seriously./Hewas strict in his work.
59.Find an example in the passage that shows the father was a man with a"good heart".(No more than10words)He subjected himself to indignity and stress./He never talked about himself as an object of pity/He didn't show any envy of the more fortunate or able.
60.What does the author learn from his father?(No more than 15words)To be a man with a good heart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

7.For most people,the word"fashion"means"clothes".When people ask the question,"What's in fashion in Italy?"they normally mean,"What clothes are in fashion?"And they use the adjective"fashionable"in the same way."She was wearing some fashionable boots.""His shirt has a really fashionable color."
But,of course,there are fashions in many things,not only in clothes.There are fashions in holidays,in restaurants,in films and books.There are even fashions in university courses,jobs and in languages.
Fashions change naturally.If you look at pictures of people or objects from the past,you will see that fashions have always changed,An English house of 1750was different from one of 1650.A fashionable man in 1780looked very different from his grandson in1860.
Nowadays,fashions change very quickly.Some of this is natural.We hear about things much more quickly than in the past.Newspapers,radios,telex and televisions send information from one country to another in a few hours.New fashions mean that people will buy new things.There is money in fashion.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.West End theatre is a popular term for mainstream professional theatre in London,or sometimes more specifically for shows staged in the large theatres of London's"Theatreland".Along with New York's Broadway Theatre,West End theatre is usually considered to represent the highest level of theatre in the English speaking world.Seeing a West End show is a common tourist activity in London.
Total attendances broke the 12million in 2002,and in May and June 2005.The Times reported that this record might be broken in 2005.Factors behind high ticket sales in the first half of 2005included new hit musicals such as Billy Elliot,the Producers and Mary Poppins and the high number of film stars appearing.Since the late 1990s there has been an increase in the number of American actors on the London stage.
London's main theatre district is located in the heart of the West End of the city centre.Renowned theatre streets include Drury Lane,Shaftesbury Avenue,and the Strand.This area contains approximately forty large theatres and is often referred to Theatreland.The works staged are mainly musicals,classic or plays,and comedy performances.
Most of the theaters in"Theatreland"are late Victorian of Edwardian,and they are privately owned.Most of them have their own characteristics with a splendid past.On the other hand,present audience will find them not comfortable as the leg room of the seat is often cramped (people were smaller a hundred years ago) and audience facilities such as bars and restrooms are often much smaller than those in modern theatres.The protected status of the buildings and their confined urban locations,combined with financial limit,mean that it is very difficult to make through improvements to the level of comfort offered.In 2004,it was estimated that an investment of£250million was required for modernization,and the theatre owners failed to request a lower tax to help them meet the costs.

66.Which of the following statement does not describe West End theatre right?B
A.West End theatre refers to the professional theatre in London.
B.West End theatre is one of the famous theatres in London.
C.West End theatre also refers to the plays in the theatreland in London.
D.Seeing West End theatre show is a must for tourists to London.
67.What might not be the reason for the increasing ticket sale?D
A.West End theatre often stages best musicals.
B.West End theatre has attracted quite a number of film stars.
C.Theatreland is located in the heart of the West End.
D.The facilities of traditional theatres have been improved.
68.What is the  word cramped in the last paragraph mean?A
A.Limited         B.SmallC.
Comfortable        D.Spacious
69.Which can you not infer from the passage?C
A.Broadway theatre also reflects the high level of theatre in the English-speaking world.
B.West End theatre came into existence around 100years ago.
C.West End theatre used to belong to Queen Victoria and King Edward.
D.The theatre owners did not succeed in persuading government to reduce their tax to rebuild the theatres.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Our building  stays warm at night because the wall ______    the heat of the sun in the daytime.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Earthquake sites should be regarded as a sad memory rather than a tool to ______money.(  )
A.check inB.call inC.bring inD.drop in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.There is no need to be nervous in an examination.Justrelax(放松 ) yourself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.It was not until I had read your letter _____ I understood _____ the true state of affairs was.(  )
A.what; thatB.that; whatC.which; whatD.when; which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

16.(36)GSometimes they try to get out of a class to escape a teacher they don't like.Here is some advice to solve this problem.
Ask yourself,"What can I learn from this teacher?"Even if you don't worship (崇拜) his or her personality or lectures,dig deep until you find a subject in which he or she is very knowledgeable.Focus on that part of the teacher's personality,and use him or her as a tool for learning.Not only will you gain more knowledge in that subject,but a closer relationship with your teacher may help you understand one another better.(37)D   
Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips,tools,and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better.(38)B    
If you still can't get along,make an appointment with the school guidance counselor (辅导员).He or she will offer many tips and suggestions for you to get out of difficult teacher relationships.(39)AThat means they can help you and your teachers get rid of the bad impression on each other.
(40)FYour parents can meet with your teacher and try to work it out.
Teachers are there for more than just homework,and they know about more than just their subject matter.They can help you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner.
Undoubtedly,these will be a few teachers along the way who you will always remember and who might change your life forever.
Sometimes a guidance counselor can act as a mediator between you and the teacher.
If you're too shy to talk to another student,study his or her actions and behavior in the classroom and try to follow that lead.

A.Guidance counselors have the right to blame teacher.
B.If you're too shy to talk to another student,study his or her actions and behavior in the classroom and try to follow that lead.
C.Guidance counselors have the right to blame teachers.
D.There must be something good in every teacher for you to learn from.
E.Students find it easy to get along well with their teachers.
F.If your relationship problems can't be solved in school,then it's time to tell your parents or guardians.
G.Students don't always get along well with their teachers.

