精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

I was 16 and I grew up in a community called Estepona. One morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a ___31___ village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be ___32___ at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and ___33____ to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the ___34___. With several hours to spare, I went to a theater. ___35___, when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late!

   I knew Dad would be angry if he ___36___ I'd been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I ____37____ there I apologized for being late, and told him I'd ___38__ as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed some major repairs. I'll never forget the ___39___ he gave me. "I'm disappointed you ___40___ you have to lie to me, Jason." Dad looked at me again. "When you didn't ___41___, I called the garage to ask if there were any ___42___, and they told me you hadn't yet picked up the car." I felt ____43___ as I weakly told him the real reason. A___44___passed through Dad as he listened attentively." I'm angry with ___45___. I realize I've failed as a father. I'm going to walk home now and think seriously about___46___ I've gone wrong all these years." "But Dad, it's 18 miles!" My protests and apologies(道歉) were __47___. Dad walked home that day.I drove behind him, ___48___ him all the way, but he walked silently.

   Seeing Dad in so much ___49___ and emotional(情感的) pain was my most painful experience. However, it was ___50__­__ the most successful lesson. I have never lied since.

1.                A.familiar         B.distant          C.small D.lonely


2.                A.serviced        B.watched        C.washed   D.kept


3.                A.planned        B.agreed         C.determined   D.promised


4.                A.company       B.village          C.theater   D.garage


5.                A.However       B.Still            C.So   D.Then


6.                A.discovered      B.realized         C.recognized    D.thought


7.                A.walked         B.ran            C.hurried   D.went


8.                A.come          B.arrived         C.left  D.started


9.                A.face           B.look           C.word D.appearance


10.               A.find           B.feel           C.believe    D.decide


11.               A.drive out       B.come out       C.go away   D.turn up


12.               A.mistakes        B.questions       C.problems  D.changes


13.               A.sorry          B.nervous        C.surprised  D.frightened


14.               A.silence         B.nervousness     C.sadness   D.thought


15.               A.me            B.nobody         C.myself D.yourself


16.               A.when          B.how           C.why  D.where


17.               A.useless         B.worthless       C.helpless   D.meaningless


18.               A.persuading      B.following        C.begging   D.asking


19.               A.possible        B.physical        C.natural    D.personal


20.               A.also           B.actually         C.almost D. always


























1.由文中的But Dad, it’s 18 miles可知距离远且其他三项small小,lonely偏僻,familiar熟悉,均未在原文中有所提示,故选B


3.promise意为“承诺、答应”,“我”向父亲承诺下午4点来接他。agree同意,与……一致;plan计划,设计;determine决定, 确定;promise允诺,答应,口头答应。 


5.however意为“然而”,由上下文的内容可知此处表示转折,故选A.however然而,可是,表示转折关系;then在那时, 那么,表示时间或推理意义;therefore 因此, 所以,表示因果关系;still依然,还,表示原来的状态的持续。

6.逻辑推理.句意:我想若是父亲知道我是一直在看电影,他会生气的。realize认识到,表示思维的顿悟;find out找出, 发现, 查明(真相等);think 想, 思索;figure out合计为, 计算出。



9.词义辨析前后照应.look意为“眼神”,由下文父亲再次看着“我”可知此处父亲的眼神让“我”难以忘记。face脸,面容,指脸部表情;look脸色, 面容, 目光,外表;appearance外貌, 外观。

10.feel觉得,以为,强调心理的感受。文意:你认为不得不对我说谎,我对此感到很失望,find认为,发现;decide决定, 决心,强调意志行为;believe相信,认为。

11.turn up 意为“出现、露面”,drive out驾车外出, 逐出;go away走开,离开;come out 出来。父亲等了很久,“我”却仍未出现。

12.problem意为“问题、难题”,与困难有关;mistakes 错误, 犯错,通常指有意性;faults过错,过失,通常指无意性。父亲是在担心出了什么问题。



15.根据后句I realize I’ve failed as a father可知父亲是对自己感到生气,故选答案C

16.常识运用逻辑推理 父亲要一路上严肃认真地想想他这些年来在对作者的教育方面哪儿出了差错,哪儿有不对劲的地方(where),而不是为什么(why)、怎么(how)或何时(when)出的错。17.meaningless意为“无意义的”,useless意为“无用的”,helpless意为“无助的”,worthless意为“无价值的”,父亲已下决心,我所做的也就变得毫无意义。


19.physical身体的,体格的;practical实际的,应用的;personal私人的,个人的;natural自然的。 相对于emotional(情感上的)的是physical(身体上),由父亲采取步行回家的方式可知他还遭受了身体上的痛苦。

20.also意为“也……”,这件事是“我”最痛苦的经历,也是“我最成功的教训”。indeed真正地,确实表示情况的属实;always总是, 永远, 表示情况的不变;also也, 同样表示情况的并存;almost 几乎, 差不多





科目:高中英语 来源:2012届云南省红河州高三统一检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

My father is a strong fisherman. He loved the sea and would stay out until he caught enough to 16 the family .
When we met   17  weather , he would drive me to school with his old truck . And after we 18  , he would bend over and give me a 19  on the face and then tell me to be a good boy. I always felt very 20 in front of so many other  21 . I was already a twelve-year–old young man , but my father still kissed me goodbye !
Then on a rainy day I   22 to tell him my feeling . When we stopped at the school gate, the   23 big smile appeared on my father’s face . I   24  what would happen next. I   25   put my hand up and for the first time said “ No” to him . The smile on his face immediately changed into a 26 look. He looked at me for a long time and   27   began to appear in his eyes. I was shocked. I had never   28   him cry ! Then he said, “ You’re right . You are a big boy … a man. I won’t kiss you 29  .’’
Not long after that, my father went to sea on a bad day. 30  of the fishermen stayed at home , but not Dad , because he had a big family to feed . But after that day, he  31 came back . Later his boat was 32 with his nets half in and half out . He must have   33 a strong wind and was trying to save the nets.
How I wished I had not   34  my father’s kiss! And from this I have learned that we should take every chance with our family and friends as the last one in our lives. We can have  35 regrets by doing so .

A.enjoyB. feedC.keepD.save
A.fineB. warm .C.coolD.bad
A.leftB. arrivedC.appearedD.drove
A.kissB. smileC.touchD.welcome
A.excitedB. funnyC.gladD.shy
A.passengersB. workersC.schoolmatesD.friends
A.decidedB. agreedC.advisedD.happened
A.strangeB. usualC.beautifulD.kind
A.doubtedB. wonderedC.knewD.remembered
A.clearlyB. carefullyC.quietlyD.quickly
A.disappointedB. worriedC.surprisedD.tired
A.angerB. tearsC.understandingD.happiness
A.wantedB. seenC.likedD.minded
A.foreverB. immediatelyC.sometimesD.any more
A.MostB. AllC.NoneD.Every
A.laterB. finallyC.neverD.seldom
A.caughtB. foundC.boughtD.returned
A.missedB. managedC.metD.hoped
A.refusedB. forgottenC.hatedD.accepted
A.newB. goodC.smallD.few


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届辽宁大连育明高级中学高三上期第一次验收考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


It was 20 years ago. I was driving home with my 4-year-old son. Traffic was light. I was singing quietly along   36   the song playing on the radio. I   37    at the intersection(交叉路口) and looked both ways. The road was   38  . I slowly started to make a right turn when suddenly a car rounded the curve at high speed and came straight at me. I stomped (猛踩) on the brakes of my car  39  the engine in the process. The speeder zoomed (疾驰) past my dead car  40   me by inches without even slowing down.

  41   I knew it, a stream of rude words was flying from my lips,   42   after the car and its driver. I then saw my son who was staring up at me   43  . With a red face and a(an)   44   smile I started the car, pulled back onto the road, and headed home.

Later that evening I was reading a book when I heard certain  45  words coming from my son’s bedroom. He was replaying the   46   over and over in his mind. Too   47   I realized the   48   of those words that had   49   from my lips in that moment of anger. It took a lot of talks about good language and bad language with my son to undo (消除)the   50   of that incident.

That  51   , however, did teach me just how strong words  52   be. It helped me to decide to stop swearing (咒骂) in my own life and to start using words uplifting and    53    instead. I slowly realized that language is a gift from God and should be used to make our world better but not worse. I learned   54  that a few loving words can help a hurting heart, strengthen a   55   spirit, and lighten a heavy load. I pray then that all of your words today are full of love, joy, happiness, and light.

1.A. to                B. by                   C. through             D. over

2.A. pulled in         B. pulled up           C. pulled out      D. pulled back

3.A. clean            B. light                 C. clear               D. busy

4.A. slowing         B. killing        C. running        D. firing

5.A. leaving           B. missing              C. knocking            D. approaching

6.A. When           B. After                C. Before              D. Until

7.A. chasing          B. hunting              C. looking              D. seeking

8.A. awfully           B. innocently          C. bravely              D. typically

9.A. pleased         B. embarrassed        C. surprised           D. worried

10.A. acute           B. unpleasant     C. accurate       D. marvelous

11.A. music          B. story                C. language            D. incident

12.A. sorry          B. badly               C. soon                D. late

13.A. power       B. strength       C. nature          D. potential

14.A. said            B. spoken             C. flown               D. floated

15.A. damage      B. lesson               C. image               D. process

16.A. mistake                B. accident            C. crash          D. phenomenon

17.A. should         B. can                    C. need                  D. would

18.A. considering     B. promising     C. inspiring       D. motivated

19.A. or                                B. otherwise               C. too                          D. however

20.A. challenging     B. struggling            C. rising               D. caring



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江大庆实验中学高三下期高考仿真训练英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I was watching a TV series one night when I took in one scene. A man was seeking his community votes, and people   36  wanted to know why they should give him their   37 . He took them to his house and on every   38   in his house was the word “Faith” pasted. People raised lots of   39   to find out why the word was pasted on his mirrors. He said, “My dad often   40  me to believe that as long as you have   41 , you should have faith. Every time you look in to the mirror, you’re looking at yourself and see ‘Faith’. ”

The   42   I learned from this is simple — faith is a living thing and in the same way we’re all   43   given 24 hours a day and we’re all given the same measure of faith. Faith keeps us going when things get   44  ! Why is some people’s faith stronger than that of others? Exercise! If we choose to exercise our faith, it will   45  ; but if we choose not to, it remains weak. Some people might   46   that they don’t have faith, but we all practice faith every day even if we don’t   47   it was faith. Daily   48  , such as studying, investing or reaching for a dream, take faith.

Faith   49  hearing and doing. I made a decision yesterday — to   50  reading the newspaper full of too much sad and   51  news. Why? Because I   52  there was a drop of my mental state after reading the newspapers.

Faith, when it’s put to   53 , becomes a beautiful thing, It lifts your mental state to a higher place that   54  you to raise yourself up and declare, “Yes we can.” So make the decision today to strengthen your faith by   55  it.

1.                A.mostly         B.briefly          C.bravely   D.finally


2.                A.support        B.instruction      C.pity  D.information


3.                A.wall           B.mirror          C.picture   D.book


4.                A.questions       B.voices          C.rules D.standards


5.                A.teaches        B.permits         C.forces    D.promises


6.                A.friendship       B.breath          C.wealth   D.success


7.                A.view           B.lesson          C.choice   D.example


8.                A.extremely       B.freely          C.equally   D.frequently


9.                A.strange         B.difficult         C.funny    D.different


10.               A.stay           B.return         C.slow  D.grow


11.               A.realize         B.argue          C.understand D.predict


12.               A.agree          B.appreciate      C.admire    D.acknowledge


13.               A.services        B.steps          C.tasks  D.experiment


14.               A.comes from     B.dreams of       C.feels like  D.keeps on


15.               A.consider        B.delay          C.stop  D.risk


16.               A.various         B.genuine        C.negative   D.latest


17.               A.heard          B.noticed         C.declared  D.explained


18.               A.check          B.list            C.sleep D.work


19.               A.warns          B.causes         C.orders    D.forbids


20.               A.forming        B.exercising       C.obtaining  D.thinking




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东曲阜师大附中高一下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

I was on a bus one March evening. The driver didn’t   1  to start the bus soon because it was not yet   2 . A middle-aged woman got on. Tired and sad, she told her story    3 , not to anyone in particular. On her way to the station, half of her   4  was stolen. The other half was hidden under her blouse, so she   5  still had some left. A few minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked   6  .

When all the seats were taken, the driver started the engine. The conductor began to collect fares. When she came to an old man in worn-out clothes, he   7  that he had spent all his money when he had accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. On hearing this, she ordered the old man to   8 the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he   9 her to let him take the bus home. The driver took the conductor’s side and repeated the conductor’s   10 .

The woman was watching the incident.  11 the driver and the conductor raised their voices at the old man, she interfered (干预).

“Stop   12  him! Can’t you see he’s only trying to get home?”

“He doesn’t have any money!” the driver   13  .

“Well, that’s no   14  to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.

Then she reached inside her blouse, took out her   15  money, and handed it to the conductor. “Here’s his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a   16  time.”

All heads turned to the woman. “It’s only money,” she shrugged(耸肩). She rode the rest of the way home   17  a happy smile, with the money she’d lost earlier   18  .

On the road of life, the help of strangers can   19  our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the   20  will be when we make it a little smoother for others!

1.                A.try            B.care           C.decide   D.want


2.                A.empty          B.full            C.crowded  D.ready


3.                A.tearfully        B.seriously        C.carefully  D.calmly


4.                A.fare           B.possession      C.money   D.wealth


5.                A.strangely       B.happily         C.secretly  D.luckily


6.                A.unsatisfied      B.weak           C.unhappy  D.excited


7.                A.explained       B.announced      C.admitted  D.found


8.                A.get off         B.start           C.get on    D.stop


9.                A.begged         B.scolded         C.praised   D.thanked


10.               A.request        B.action          C.suggestion D.command


11.               A.Unless         B.Although       C.Until  D.When


12.               A.attacking       B.Bothering       C.complaining    D.wronging


13.               A.warned        B.whispered      C.shouted   D.repeated


14.               A.problem        B.need          C.matter    D.reason


15.               A.spending       B.collected       C.remaining  D.borrowed


16.               A.busy           B.cold           C.hard  D.fearful


17.               A.giving          B.wearing        C.taking D.forcing


18.               A.forgotten       B.Used           C.earned    D.returned


19.               A.move          B.increase        C.lighten    D.carry


20.               A.world          B.journey        C.smile D.friendship




科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江杭州西湖高级中学高二8月开学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, and my sister a few days ago.  16 , I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to 17 them.

   My aunt and I were 18 for some things to buy for our family when I noticed two 19 on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her 20 nearby and the other one was 21 . So, I decided to sit down. While I was 22  my own thing there, I 23 that the family were not in front of the  24  anymore. I saw the girl 25 and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in 26, crying.

   I knew that she 27 her family and was all by herself . Now, I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or 28 big before and we all know that feeling. 29 I went up to her and asked what was 30 and in between tears she told me she was lost. I 31 her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the 32 on her face when she read it. Then I went up to customer service center and 33 them what happened. People there promised to 34 her. After I left, the little girl’s parents went there and I could see them looking around for the person who had found their daughter and given her the35. Little did they know it was a regular teenager who did it.

1.A. Luckily       B. Usually          C. Sadly            D. Surprisingly

2.A. help          B. encourage        C. join             D. support

3.A. answering     B. looking          C. preparing        D. calling

4.A. chairs         B. children         C. signs            D. toys

5.A. friends        B. book             C. family           D. bags

6.A. clean         B. large            C. empty            D. beautiful

7.A. studying       B. carrying        C. buying           D. doing

8.A. noticed        B. believed         C. doubted          D. understood

9.A. shop          B. gift             C. girl             D. lady

10.A. get up            B. come up          C. give up         D. make up

11.A. return            B. detail          C. vain            D. tears

12.A. hated             B. raised           C. lost             D. lived

13.A. somewhere     B. something        C. everywhere      D. everything

14.A. If                B. As               C. So               D. Or

15.A. important         B. wrong            C. strange          D. different

16.A. lent          B. gave             C. sent             D. posted

17.A. smile             B. hope             C. puzzle           D. worry

18.A. reminded         B. warned           C. asked            D. told

19.A. look out for     B. take care of     C. wait for      D. call up

20.A. courage           B. money            C. explanation     D. card


