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● 课外阅读既能拓展知识,也是一种休闲娱乐;
● 书籍是人类智慧的结晶;
● 中外历史上有很多有关读书的名人
名句 (举例说明)。
你的观点 (两到三点)
3.参考词汇:结晶crystal;课外阅读out-of-class reading
Dear editor,
Students of today are reading more than ever before. Indeed, the importance of reading can never be too much stressed.
Best Wishes.
Yours Sincerely,
Jiang Ping

One possible version:
Dear editor,
Students of today are reading more than ever before. Indeed, the importance of reading can never be too much stressed.
First of all, reading, especially out-of-class reading, enriches our mind and broadens our horizon. People say that books are the crystal of human wisdom. Through reading, we learn what cannot be learnt in our classrooms. Besides, reading is also a way of relaxation. It is so refreshing to read a story before going to bed, or after a day of study.
There’re many famous sayings about reading, like “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”. Then, how can we develop the habit of reading? In the first place, I believe we need to begin from an early age, then stick to it and never give up. Secondly, …
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Jiang Ping



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高三上学期模拟考试(一) 题型:其他题




71._____(没必要)for you to get up early tomorrow.(need)

72._____(是因为坏天气)that the football match had to be put off?(because of)

73.So _____(考试如此难)that only a few students passed it.(difficult)

74._____(若她知道)that Mary would come to see her,she would never have gone to the party.(know)

75.I can’t go out to play,with_____(如此多的作业要做).(do)

76.We have produced_____(两倍多的棉花)this year as we did last year.(twice)

77.The news reporters hurried to the airport,_____(结果被告知)the film stars had left.(tell)

78._____(一直没有收到)any letter from him for so long,I gave him a call.(receive)

79._____(他是否出过国)doesn’t make much difference.(abroad)

80.The river looks more beautiful,_____(两岸长满了鲜花和绿草).(grow)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


71._____(没必要)for you to get up early tomorrow.(need)

72._____(是因为坏天气)that the football match had to be put off?(because of)

73.So _____(考试如此难)that only a few students passed it.(difficult)

74._____(若她知道)that Mary would come to see her,she would never have gone to the party.(know)

75.I can’t go out to play,with_____(如此多的作业要做).(do)

76.We have produced_____(两倍多的棉花)this year as we did last year.(twice)

77.The news reporters hurried to the airport,_____(结果被告知)the film stars had left.(tell)

78._____(一直没有收到)any letter from him for so long,I gave him a call.(receive)

79._____(他是否出过国)doesn’t make much difference.(abroad)

80.The river looks more beautiful,_____(两岸长满了鲜花和绿草).(grow)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


71._____(没必要)for you to get up early tomorrow.(need)

72._____(是因为坏天气)that the football match had to be put off?(because of)

73.So _____(考试如此难)that only a few students passed it.(difficult)

74._____(若她知道)that Mary would come to see her,she would never have gone to the party.(know)

75.I can’t go out to play,with_____(如此多的作业要做).(do)

76.We have produced_____(两倍多的棉花)this year as we did last year.(twice)

77.The news reporters hurried to the airport,_____(结果被告知)the film stars had left.(tell)

78._____(一直没有收到)any letter from him for so long,I gave him a call.(receive)

79._____(他是否出过国)doesn’t make much difference.(abroad)

80.The river looks more beautiful,_____(两岸长满了鲜花和绿草).(grow)

