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Take Action for a Better World: Volunteers Needed
Six months’ preparation in Denmark: Africa studies, team work combined with social work with risk group teenagers.
Six months’ community work in Malawi in People to People Projects: Child Aid, HIV / AIDS. Fights and Teacher Training.
Qualifications: 18 years, hard working and social engagement.
Please contact us by e-mail: takeaction@ betterworld.com.
Part-time work with Exchange Students
YOUTH International is a non-profit high school foreign exchange students organization. We welcome teenagers from over 80 countries worldwide and provide host families. The community Representative is a part-time position designed for people with a strong desire to do something rewarding in the community and earn some extra money.
Applicants best suited for this work should enjoy teenagers, have a strong interest in cross-cultural communication and feel comfortable networking. Full training and support will be provided through branch offices throughout the US. Positions available in most states.
If interested, please email staff@ youth. org or call 888—123—9872.
International Summer Job
Hi, I’m an ESL student in China. I’m 20, quiet and polite, and I speak reasonable English. I’m looking for a summer job in an English-speaking country. I can teach Chinese or do house and garden work and cook Chinese dishes. Can anybody offer me a job? I don’t need to earn much, just enough in two months ( July --- August) to pay for my return ticket to China. My goal is to improve my English and see a bit more of the world.
My email is: ram3462@ hotmail.com.
Call for Native Speaker of English
I am looking for native speakers of English to join in an experiment. This experiment is carried out over the Internet. You don’t need any specific knowledge other than understanding and speaking English at a native level. The first task will take you around 15 minutes. After this task, you can decide whether you want to continue the experiment. The tasks involve reading texts and designing questions and answers.
If you are willing to help me, then please email us: club3864@ hotmail.com
64. Who is suitable to work as a Community Representative in YOUTH International?
A. One who enjoys working with teenagers from different countries.
B. One who hopes to take action in fighting against diseases.
C. One who has a strong desire to improve his or her English.
D. One who wants to earn some pocket money in the program.
65. Where will Jack, a volunteer, receive the training before he is sent to work in Malawi?
A. In some local offices in the US.       
B. In an ESL organization in China.
C. In a preparation program in Demark.   
D. In an exchange student center in Africa.
66. If Mrs. Black in the US hopes to learn some Chinese at home, she may contact _______.
A. takeaction@betterworld.com       B. ram3462@hotmail.com
C. club3864@hotmail.com           D. staff@youth.org  
67. What are volunteers for an experiment over the Internet supposed to do?
A. To interview people online.            B. To do some house work.
C. To offer advice on Child Aid      D. To provide language exercises.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Advertisements can be placed nearly everywhere to catch our attention. They have even become popular on the Internet. That means that customers can see them at any time and from any place. In cities, you can see them on the sides of buses, taxis and trains. There are advertisements high up on the sides of buildings. The names of famous brands, like Nike, Pepsi, Guess and Apple, appear on shoes, clothing and bags. So when people use these branded products in their daily life, they are helping the producers to sell more of them.
Every company gets you to recognize its name. The company name is always printed in the same way, using the same letters and the same colors. So, when customers see the same “look” of the company name day-in and day-out, they begin to recognize it without having to read it.
We cannot predict the future of advertising, but one thing is certain___ advertisements are here to stay and will always change the way of our life.
Title: 53____________


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Read the advertisements, and then choose the best answers.
Driver Wanted
Clean driving license(执照)
Must be of smart appearance.
Aged over 25.
Apply to(申请):Capes Taxis, 17 Palace Road , Boston
Air Hostesses(空姐)for International Flight Wanted
Applicants(申请者) must be between 20 and 33 years old.
Height 1.6m to 1.75m.
Education to GCSE standard.
Two languages. Must be able to swim.
Apply to: Recruitment office, Southern Airlines, Heathrow Airport West HR37KK
Teachers Needed
For private language school. Teaching experience unnecessary.
Apply to: The Director of Studies, Instant Language Ltd, 279 Canal Street
41. What prevent Jack, an experienced taxi driver, working for Capes Taxis?
A. Fond of beer and wine.                 
B. Punished for speeding and wrong parking.
C. Unable to speak a foreign language.                             
D. Not having college education.
42. Ben, aged 22, fond of swimming and driving, has just graduated from a college and can speak two foreign languages. Which job might be given to him?
A. Driving for Capes Taxis.                                           
B. Working for Southern Airlines.
C. Teaching at Instant Language Ltd.                    
D. None of the three jobs mentioned above.
43. If Mary wants to work for Southern Airlines, she must _____.
A. be over 25 years old
B. have some similar working experience
C. look smart and beautiful
D. speak another language besides her own


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shakespeare’s Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeare’s World
Welcome to the world—famous house where William Shakespeare was born in l564 and
where he grew up The property(房产)remained in the ownership of Shakespeare’s family until
1806 .The House has welcomed visitors traveling from all over the world ,for over 250 years.
◆Enter through the Visitors’ Centre and see the highly—
praised exhibition Shakespeare's World,a lively and full
introduction to the life and work of Shakespeare
◆Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up
◆Discover examples of furniture and needlework from
Shakespeare’s period
◆Enjoy the traditional(传统的)English garden,planted
with trees and flower mentioned in the poet’s works
pThe Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car
parks shown on the map;nearest is Windsor Street(3 minutes’
㊣The House may present difficulties but the Visitors’ Centre,
its exhibition.and the garden are accessible (可进入的)to wheelchair users
⊙The Shakespeare Coffee House(opposite the Birthplace)
1.How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and two children?
A.£9.80.       B.£12.00.        C.£14.20.        D.£16.40.
2.Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare’s Birthplace?
A.Behind the exhibition hall.
B.Opposite the Visiturs’Centre.
C.At Windsor Street.
D.Near the Coffee House.
3.A wheelchair user may need help to enter      
A.the House       B.the garden     C.the Visitors’Centne      D.the exhibition hall


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

How can Omar’s class help?
Omar’s class at school learned about taking care of our planet. Children in his class worked hard at collecting newspapers, cans, and bottles. Their teacher took what they collected to a company where the things would be recycled(回收)and used again. Omar hoped that doing his would make progress toward cleaning up our Earth. Omar wished that they could do more. Then Omar’s teacher gave the class this form.
YOU can make a difference!
Help Clean Up Our Texas Beaches
Children from all the schools in our city
Saturday, November 16 Buses will leave from the parking lot at City Park at 8:00 A.M. They will return at 3:00 P.M.
Padre Island on the Texas coast
What should you bring?
Lunch and something to drink; Work gloves (We will have gloves to give to children who do not have a pair.)
What should teachers bring?
Empty bags and small shovels(铲子)
When to sign up?
By Wednesday, November 13
Where to sign up?
Have a parent sign at the back of this form to show that your family will permit you to go. Return this form to your teacher.
Teachers and students will use small shovels and gloves to gather trash on the beach. Papers, cans, and bottles will each be put in different bags. Be sure to sort(分类)trash and put it in the proper bag. At the end of the day, each child will receive a T-shirt that says “I made a difference.” Children will also be treated to a pizza party at the Pizza Palace on the way back to City Park. Each school will receive a small oak tree to plant on the school’s grounds.
Keeping our beaches clean is important. Please sign up.
Parents who want to go should call 555-9753 and talk to Mr. Smith.
1. After the cleanup, the children will ________.
A. report to Mr. Smith                    B. go to the Pizza Palace
C. join the Clean Earth Club                D. buy an oak tree
2 “I made a difference” in the passage probably means “ ________”.
A. I was different from others
B. I became more interested than before
C. I did something for a friend
D. I made something better than it was
3. If you help in the cleanup, at the end of the day you will receive a  ________.
A. pair of gloves      B. breakfast         C. small shovel        D. T-shirt
4. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Schools organized a general cleaning.       B. Children can help clean up our Earth.
C. More bottles are thrown away than cans.     D. Recycling costs a lot of money.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Name: Sam Champion
Hot job: TV Weatherman
Where: WABC-TV, New York City
When you were a child, did you plan to forecast wind, rain, and snow on TV?
I wanted to be a foreign journalist.I took courses in weather science at Eastern Kentucky University, but I majored in broadcasting news.
How did you finally become a weatherman?
My first job in the early 80’s was at the local TV station in Paducah, Kentucky.I did everything from turning on the lights in the morning to writing and delivering morning news.I put together weather forecasts, and became interested in them.
Back then, how did you forecast weather?
Independent companies collected computer information that showed, for example, how a single weather system might split into snow or snow mixed with rain.The information was often opposite and the job of a weatherman was to study the information and make the best educated guess about the storm.
Has weather forecasting changed much with new technology?
Advanced computers, satellites, and Doppler radar (sound waves used to track storms) have made forecasting more exact.But we still know very little about how weather is shaped.So far, we just have theories.
Any advice for children who’d like to become weather scientists?
To me, weather is the most exciting field in the world.There are still so many more questions about weather than answers.After all, if we can’t foresee floods or hurricanes, how safe a society are we? Weather forecasting is wide open for scientists who love to solve puzzling problems.The next generation of meteorologists (weather scientists) will unlock many of Earth’s weather secrets.So get a general knowledge of Earth science, and study meteorology (weather science) in college.
Thanks, Sam.                                
1.Judging from the writing style, the text is ________.
A.a diary   B.an interview     C.a news story     D.an announcement
2.As a child, ABC-TV’s Sam Champion wanted to be a ________.
A.space scientist  B.weatherman     C.news reporter   D.meteorologist
3.Present weather forecasting technology ________.
A.has made weather report more exact than ever            
B.is still not perfect
C.hasn’t changed much in the last 50 years                           
D.both A and B
4.The study of weather science is called ________.
A. meteorology   B. forecasting    C .geography      D. earth science


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Below is adapted from a dictionary.
▲Noun 1(a)[U] liquid without color, smell or taste that falls as ran, in lakes, rivets and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc: Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold. ○drinking water ○ mineral water. (b)[U]this liquid as supplied to homes, factories, etc in pipes: The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought. ○ hot and cold running water ○ [attrib] water shortages (c)[sing]mass of this liquid, esp a lake, river or sea: She fell into the water and drowned. ○ The flood water cowered the whole area. (d)[sing]surface of a lake, river, sea, etc: float on the water ○ We could see fishes under the water
2[U](exp in compounds)preparation containing water or sth similar to water: rose-water ○ soda-water
3 waters[pl](a)mass of water(in lake, river, etc)the (head-)waters of the Nile, ic the lake from which it flows(b)sea near a particular country: British waters ○ in home/ foreign waters 4[U]state or level of the tide: (at)high/low water
▲idioms he in /get into hot water(in formal) be in/get into trouble or disgrace: A person who
breaks a law can be in hot water with the police.
·cast one’s bread upon the waters(formal) do good make him drink you can give a person the
opportunity to do something but he may still refuse to do it.
·Still waters run deep a quiet or apparently calm person can have strong emotions, much
knowledge or wisdom.
·Blood is thicker than water Family is more important than anyone or anything else.
·Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water When deeds without expecting anything in
·fish in troubled waters try to gain advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs
·hold water(in formal)(of an argument, an excuse, etc)be capable of standing up to examination or
testing; be valid
·in smooth water(s) make even and easy progress: The business seems to be in smooth withers
there days.
·keep one’s head above water stay out of debt, difficulty etc: I’m managtag to keep my head
above water, though I am not earning much.
·pour oil on troubled waters (try to) calm a disagreement or violent dispute, etc
·water under the bridge event, mistake, etc that has already occurred and cannot be changed, so
there is no point in worrying about it.
verb [Tn] pour or sprinkle water on (sth): water a flowerbed, lawn, plant 2[Tn]give water to
(an animal) to drink 3[Tn] add water to (a drink )to dilute it: The owner of the pub was accused of
watering the beer.
Phrasal verb water sth down(a)make (a liquid)weaker by adding water(b)weaken the effect of
sth, eg by making the details less vivid: The criticisnts have been watered down so as not to offend
▲Saying You can take a horse to water, but you can’t you are making a change, save what
matters to you and dispose of the rest
·It is no safe to wading in an unknown water it is dangerous for one to be involved in an
uncertain adventure.
·Too much water drowned the miller much gaining is good, but too much goes the opposite.
45.Fill in the blank in the sentence “If you’re caught cheating in the exam, you will___________.”
A.pour oil in troubled waters        B.be in hot water
C.cast your bread upon the waters      D.have to hold water
46.When we say it is “water under the bridge” to a friend who is upset by a mistake he/she has made, we mean “___________.”
A.forget it    B.correct it   C.worry about it  D.avoid it
47.Choose a word to complete the sentence “They gave the press the___________description of what really had happened.”
A.watered-down  B.waters      C.water D.watered
48.Which of the following can be used to describe Jack, who has invested a lot of money in stocks without knowing anything about the stock market?
A.Still waters run deep.
B.Too much water drowned the miller.
C.It is no safe to wading in an unknown water.
D.You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here is what I have been told of the matter.
In the spring of 1842, Marguerite was so weak, so different in her looks, that the doctors had ordered her to take the waters. She therefore set out for Bagneres.
Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.  The fact was that the young Duchess was in the third stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerite's arrival, she passed away.
One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk. It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and, going up to her, he took both her hands, embraced her tearfully and, without asking who she was, begged permission to call on her and to love in her person the living image of his dead daughter.
Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked.
Now there were a number of people at Bagneres who knew her, and they made a point of calling on the Duke to inform him of Marguerite's true situation. It was a terrible blow for the old man, for any resemblance with his daughter stopped there. But it was too late. The young woman had become an emotional necessity, his only excuse and his sole reason for living.
He did not criticize her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, he would offer all the compensations she could want. She agreed.
It should be said that at this point Marguerite, who was by nature somewhat highly strung(excited and nervous), was seriously ill. Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition(迷信) led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her regret and shame.
And indeed the waters, the walks, healthy fatigue and sleep had almost restored her fully by the end of that summer.
The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris, where he continued to call on her as at Bagneres.
This connection, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one,  gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known till now as an enormously wealthy man,  now began to acquire a name for the prodigality(挥霍).
72. Why did the Duke take Marguerite’s both hands when he saw her?
A. His daughter and Marguerite were once good friends.  B. Marguerite is his daughter’s spirit.
C. Marguerite resembles his daughter.                    D. They haven’t seen each other for long.
73. What’s the right order of the events?
a. The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris.
b. Marguerite set out for Bagneres.
c. The Duke took Marguerite as his daughter.
d. The daughter of the Duke passed away.
e. Marguerite took a gravel walk
A. e-c-b-d-a                         B. c-d-e-b-a                         C. b-d-e-c-a                         D. d-a-c-b-e
74. From the passage we can guess that Marguerite _______.
A. doesn’t believe in God                 B. was once a woman without a good fame
C. was strange to all the people in Bagners
D. kept her own way of life while living with the Duke
75. According to the passage, Marguerite went to Bagners _______.
A. just for a gravel walk                                                 B. to find her sister
C. to visit the Duke                                                          D. for treatment


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What to do if you don't feel popular?
●Try to take part in activities. Call your friends. Plan to do something. The worst feeling is staying home alone, because it makes you feel even more lonely.
●Try to make new friends. Choose friends carefully, not just because you think they're popular. And remember, making good friends takes time. Choosing a popular person to be friends with is okay. If they are nice. 
●Be yourself(保持独立). If you want to become friends with someone who's popular, don't make yourself into someone you are not just to impress that person.
●Be nice. Be friendly. Be outgoing(开朗的). But don't overdo it!Talk to trusted friends if you are feeling really bad. Or you might want to write it down in a journal(期刊)or diary.
●Do something special for yourself. You could take pictures of your friends, or collect their school pictures, and take a collage(拼贴画)to hang on your wall. This will remind(提醒)you, when you are feeling unpopular, that you really do have friends.
●Think up your own ideas. These suggestions might not work for everyone.
What to do if you have a problem with your teacher?
●Talk to your parents, or another adult who will listen to you and perhaps can help. Talk to your friends. Maybe they have had problems with the same teacher, too.
●Don't give the teacher a reason to have problems with you. Do your work, complete your task, attend the class seriously and take notes. Maybe you just need to give the teacher a chance(机会).
●Try to find out what the problem is.
●Talk to the teacher if you feel comfortable doing this. Don't be nasty(闹别扭的), but express your concerns(关心). Listen to the teacher, as well.
●Just accept the fact that you're not going to love all your teachers.
72、What do we mean by saying“ not feeling popular?”
A、Not liked by our classmates or workmates.    B、Not doing what we want.
C、Not showing any interest in anything.        D、Not so happy.
73、What does the underlined word “overdo” mean?
A、Do something too much or in an extreme way.     B、Try your best to do something.
C、Do something carefully.                     D、Work too hard.
74、The writer __________.
A、believes that your friend will help you out if you take their pictures
B、suggests that you discuss the reason of problem with your teacher when you feel uncomfortable
C、wants you to know that students usually hates teachers
D、is not too sure if his advice will certainly work on you
75、What's the best title of this passage?
A、Why We Have Problems at School?    
B、Always be Yourself.
C、How to Handle Problems at School?
D、Don't Be Afraid of Problems With Others.

