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New York: when the first jet struck, World Trade Center at 8:48 am on Tuesday, the People in 2 World Trade Center with a view of the instant damage across the divide had the clearest sense of what they, too, must do: get out fast.
Katherine Hachinski, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. Despite her 70 years of age, Ms Hachinski, an architect working on the 91st floor of 2 World Trade Centre, the south tower, went for the stairs. Twelve floors above her, Judy Wein, an executive (经理), screamed and set off too.
But others up and down the 110 floors, many without clear views of the damage across the way and thus unclear about what was happening, were not so sure. And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off.
Amid the uncertainty about what was the best thing to do, formal announcements inside the sound tower instructed people to stay put, assuring them that the building was sound and the threat was limited to the other tower.
Some left, others stayed. Some began to climb down and, when met with more announcements and other cautions(警告) to stop or return, went hack up. The decisions made in those instants proved to be of great importance, because many who chose to stay were doomed(注定死亡) when the second jet crashed into the south tower, killing many and stranding(使某物留在) many more in the floors above where the jet hit.
One of those caught in indecision was the executive at Fuji Bank UAS.
Richard Jacobs of Fuji Bank left the 79th floor with the other office workers, but on the 48th floor they heard the announcement that the situation was under control. Several got in the lifts and went back up, two minutes or so before the plane crashed-into their floor.
“I just don’t know what happened to them,” Mr. Jacobs said.
1. From the passage, we know that the south tower was hit by the plane_______.
A. at 8: 30                   
B. 18 minutes earlier than the north tower
C. at around 9:06
D. at 8:48
2. The underlined words “stay put” means_______.
A. stay in the building                        B. leave at once
C. put everything back and then leave   D. keep silent
3. Which floor was hit by the second jet?
A. the 91st floor                                 B. the 103rd floor
C. the 60th floor                                D. the 79th floor
4. Fewer people would have died if_______.
A. more announcement had been made
B. people hadn’t used the lifts
C. the incident had happened on a weekend
D. the people had obeyed the office rules

1----4      CADC  

1. C。推断题。根据When the first jet struck World Trade Center at 8:48 a.m. on Tuesday…及And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off.…when the second jet crashed into the south tower… 可知第一架飞机撞击发生在上午8:48,第二架飞机撞击发生在18分钟之后,据此选 C。
2. A。词义猜测题。根据…formal announcements inside the sound tower instructed people to stay put, assuring them that the building was sound and the threat was limited to the other tower 及其后的伴随状语所表达的意思 “向他们保证说这幢建筑物安然无恙并且威胁局限在另一塔”可知是要人们 “留下来”,据此选 A。
3. D。细节题。根据倒数第 2 段得知Richard Jacobs with the other office workers开始开了 79 层,但在 48 层时听说形势已得到控制,有几个人便又返回到了 79 层,大约 2 分钟之后他们的楼层被撞,据此选 D。
4. C。推断题。阅读全文可知这次撞击发生在星期二,人们都在上班;如果发生在周末,就不会有这么多人在上班,自然伤亡的人数也会减少,据此选答案 C。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Until 1954 it was thought that no man could run one mile in less than four minutes.As years
   36  ,the record came closer and closer to four minutes and Roger Bannister,a young English
   37  , began to believe he might   38  this almost magic barrier.
It was a cold afternoon on May 6th,1954,when Bannister knew he had a    39   chance. Bannister had been     40    hard and was very fit,but the weather conditions were a real   41  
to him.Describing the     42    later,Bannister said,“On the way to the track the wind blew strongly.As I     43    for the start I glanced at the flag.It moved   44  now.This was the moment when I made my decision.
“The gun fired.My legs   45  to meet no resistance,as if I was   46  forward by some unknown force.The noise from the faithful   47  gave me greater strength.I felt the   48  of a lifetime had come.”
“I was driven on by a   49  of fear and pride.My body had long since used up all its energy   50  it went on running just the same.This was the critical moment when my legs were strong enough to carry me over the last few yards as they   51  could have done in previous years.When I leapt at(冲向) the   52  tape,I fell,almost__53_____.”
“I knew I had done it,even before I   54  the time.The announcement came.‘Result of the one mile...Time,three minutes...’ the rest was   55  in the noise of excitement.”
36.A.passed along         B.passed down              C.went by              D.went over
37.A.coach                   B.athlete                       C.captain               D.judge
38.A.defeat                   B.move                        C.beat                   D.break
39.A.real                      B.lucky                        C.serious               D.false
40.A.competing            B.training                     C.fighting              D.attending
41.A.eagerness              B.pleasure                    C.relief                 D.worry
42.A.accident                B.event                        C.issue                  D.topic
43.A.did up                  B.made up                    C.put up                D.lined up
44.A.safely                   B.heavily                      C.thinly                 D.gently
45.A.seemed                 B.used                          C.happened            D.had
46.A.dragged                      B.drawn                       C.pulled                D.pushed
47.A.mass                    B.residents                    C.crowd                D.team
48.A.moment                B.period                       C.while                 D.date
49.A.concentration        B.collection                  C.combination              D.classification
50.A.so                        B.but                           C.or                      D.as
51.A.never                   B.ever                          C.even                  D.still
52.A.starting                 B.lasting                       C.finishing            D.running
53.A.unconcerned         B.unconscious               C.unknown            D.unnoticed
54.A.offered                 B.told                          C.announced          D.heard
55.A.stuck                    B.involved                    C.lost                    D.spread


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New York, 10 November—5:27pm,yesterday. Biggest power failure in the city's
? Thousands of people got stuck in lifts. Martin Saltzman spent three hours between the 21st and 22nd floors of the Empire State Building. “There were twelve of us. But no one panicked. We passed the time telling stories and playing word games. One man wanted to smoke but we didn't let him. Firemen finally got us out.”
?“It was the best night we've ever had,”said Angela Carraro,who runs an Italian restaurant on 42nd Street.“We had lots of candles on the tables and the waiters were carrying candles on their trays. The place was full—and all night, in fact, for after we had closed, we let the people stay on and spend the night here.”
?The zoos had their problems like everyone else. Keepers worked through the night. They used blankets to keep flying squirrels and small monkeys warm. While zoos had problems keeping warm, supermarkets had problems keeping cool.“All of our ice cream and frozen foods melted,” said the manager of a store in downtown Manhattan.“They were worth $50,000.”
?   The big electric clock in the lobby(大厅)of the Waldorf?Astoria Hotel in downtown Manhattan started ticking(滴答) again at 5:25 this morning. It was almost
on time.
1.Throughout the period of darkness, Martin Saltzman and the eleven others were  ________ .
A. nervous          B. excited          C. calm      D. frightened 
2.In what way was the night of November 9 the best night for Angela Carraro?
A. She had a taste of adventure.
B. Burning candles brightened the place.
C. Business was better than usual.
D. Many people stayed the night in her restaurant. 
3.How long did the power failure last?
A. Nearly 12 hours.                   B. More than 12 hours.
C. Nearly 24 hours.                   D. More than 24 hours. 


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.
Being alone in outer space can be   36 . That is one reason why astronauts on solo(单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them   37 . They were also in constant communication with people on the earth.   38 , being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone. This is what happens on long submarine(潜水艇) voyages. It will also happen on  39 space flights in the future. Will there be special problems of adjustment under such conditions?
Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages. They have also found that the longer the voyage lasts, the more serious the problem of  40 is. When men are  41 together for a long period, they begin to feel   42  . Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very   43  .
Apparently, although no one wants to be  44 all the time, everyone needs some degree of privacy. When people are enclosed together, they are in what is called stress situation. That means that they are under an unusual amount of  45 or stress.
People who are well-adjusted are able to   46 stress situations better than others. That is one reason why so much care is taken in   47 our astronauts. These men undergo a long period of testing and training. One of the things tested is their behavior under stress, and thus they can do better than ordinary people.
A.So farB.After allC.HoweverD.Therefore
A.shut upB.held upC.brought upD.picked up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After several days’ warm weather around the New Year’s Day,a strong cold wave with a sandstorm from Mongolia attacked Tianjin Sunday afternoon.
From 3 o’clock p.m.,the strong cold wave from Mongolia engulfed(吞没)most areas of North China and the biggest wind-force was 7.Tianjin also suffered this year’s first sandstorm with the cold wind whistling.The sky became dusky and the air was permeated with sand.By 11 o’clock at night,the wind became weaker and the sandstorm died down.From Monday morning,the northern areas had a big drop in temperature.It is learned that flu and the infection of the upper respiratory tract are easy to be infected due to the severe pollution by dust in the air.Relevant experts remind residents to pay attention to their health care.
小题1:.The underlined word“permeated”most probably means______.
A.clearedB.filled      C.blowing     D.replaced
小题2:We learn that ______from the passage.
A.sandstorms result in the fall of temperature
B.we can easily get infected by the dusty air
C.it is usually warmer before sandstorms come
D.sandstorms usually come around the New Year’s Day


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Across the globe, single parent homes are on the rise. In the US, the 2000 census (人口普查) showed 24.8 million, or nearly 24 percent of the nation’s 105.5 million households, were traditional two-parent homes. By comparison, 9.8 million households, or 9 percent of all US households were headed by an adult raising a child alone. The 1990 census showed 26 percent of homes were led by a married mother and father, and 8 percent of homes were led by a single parent.
Similar increases occurred in other countries. In the UK, lone-parent homes increased from 3.3 percent in 1990 to 5.5 percent in 1999. Single parent households in Australia rose from 5.8 percent in 1990 to 7.6 percent in 1999. Belgium saw the increase from 1.8 percent to 2.7 percent during the same period of time. These countries tend to have greater acceptance of the single parent because there are fewer nearby family members to disapprove, Riche, a Census Bureau director, said.
Just as in the US, those changes raised new questions about how involved govenment should be in helping single parent families. Some research suggests children raised in two-parent families are better off than those who depend on one.
“The position of one-parent families in any country is very much a gender (性别) issue-women’s opportunities, especially working-class women on low income,” said Sue Cohen, coordinator (协调员) of the Single Action Parents Network in England.
5.Not considering the exact number of the single-parent families, which country saw the fastest rise rate in 1999, compared with 1990?
A.UK.          B.Australia.               C.America.               D.Belgium.
6.What is the cause of the rise of single parent families across the globe?
A.The nearby family members have a favourable opinion.
B.A lone parent is well off enough to support his /her children.
C.A lot of problems have arisen in two-parent families.
D.We cannot get enough proving information from the text.
7.Which of the following is TRUE about the increase of single parent families according to the passage?
A.It will somewhat limit the growing population of younger generation.
B.Governments should take actions about the social problems brought about by it.
C.Single parent families are not looked down upon in any country mentioned here.
D.Generally speaking, the single parents needn’t worry since they are highly paid.
8.Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the rise of single parent families in the US from
1990 to 2000?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Seriously dry conditions are affecting the lives of 50 million people in Southwestern China. Premier Wen Jiabao has visited drought -plagued Yunnan Province and called for intensified(加强的)and consistent efforts to relieve the situation. Qujing is one of the regions suffering most from the drought in Yunnan province.
Premier Wen Jiabao’s 3 - day visit aimed at comforting affected locals and directing relief work.
He visited a number of farms and spoke to the local people. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said,“As long as we unite together, we can surely overcome this big disaster. ”
Premier Wen called on villagers to dig more wells and construct additional aqueducts (高架), while also encouraging them to save water. The drought has made more than 16 million people and 11 million livestock short of drinking water. Wen Jiabao told local authorities that priority(首要事情)should be given to guarantee the water supply for locals.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao inspects the cracked bottom of the Degehaizi Reservoir in Luliang County, southwest China’s Yunnan Province, March 20, 2010. During a three -day inspection trip in the drought -plagued Yunnan Province ending on Sunday, Premier Wen visited Qujing City, one of the regions that suffered the most from the severe(十分严重的)drought ravaging since last October, to comfort the affected locals and direct relief work. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)
The drought has also affected more than 4 million hectares of farmland with almost a quarter of that unable to yield crops any more.
The Premier asked the farmers to do what they can to make preparations for spring farming. He also warned locals of possible wildfires and urged local officials to maintain the stability of market prices and social stability.
Since autumn last year, southwest China, including Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chongqing Municipality, have received only half the amount of rainfall they usually get.
1. What’s the main idea of paragraph one?
A. People in Yunnan province face the most serious situation.
B. Southwestern China, especially Qujing suffers from the severe drought.
C. Premier Wen calls on people to relieve tile drought.
D. 50 million people in Qujing are affected by the drought.
2. Which of tile following shows Premier Wen’s attitude towards the drought?
A. worried but confident               B. optimistic
C. upset                            D. pessimistic
3. According to the text, which statement is false?
A. Premier Wen’s visit is to comfort the locals and guide relief work.
B. The drought led to a quarter of farmland being unable to yield crops any more.
C. Wildfires have been caused by the drought several times.
D. The officials are urged to maintain the social stability.
4. The best title for the passage would be ________.
A. Premier Wen pays a visit to Qujing
B. The severe drought affects the Southwestern China
C. Chinese Premier urges redoubled drought - relief efforts
D. The practial ways to deal with the severe drought


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

WASHINGTON---Worldwide sales of personal computer in 1995 rose 24.7 percent over 1994 with Compaq(美国康柏电脑公司)holding its first—place position while IBM overcame(击败)Apple for the No.2 slot (表上排名),according to Dataquest.
A total of 59.7 million computers were sold around the world with important gains(获得)in Japan and Europe.
Compaq sold 5.99 million computers ,or 10percent of the market ,unchanged from 1994.
IBM sold 4.7 million with an 8 percent share of the market compared with 8.2 percent in 1994 .
Apple sold 4.7 million ,or 7.8 percent of the trade ,compared with 8.4 percent in 1994.
Their lost market share was taken up by Packard Bell and NEC ,which sold 3.1 million and 2.8 million computers separately.
56.Which company was the first in selling computers in 1994?
A.Compaq     B.IBM   C.Apple D.NEC
57.Which company sold the third most computers in 1995?
A.Compaq     B.IBM   C.Apple D.NEC 
58.What was the market share of Compaq in 1994?
A.5.99%         B.8.2%  C.8.4%  D.10%
59.Packard Bell and NEC take up about            of the market share in 1995.
A.8.2%  B.52%   C.10%   D.5%


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


NANJING, June 13,2009 (Xinhua) – China will see the longest total solar eclipse (日食) in 500 years on July 22, a scientist said Saturday.

The most important time of the total eclipse was expected to
begin from 9:00 a.m. to 9:38 a. m. (Beijing Time), said Wang
Sichao, a research fellow with the Nanjing – based Purple
Mountain Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
“The total eclipse will l ast up to six minutes, which is the longest
one that can be seen in China in almost 500 years from 1814 to 2309,” Wang said.
He said viewers in parts of eleven provinces in China's southwestern, central-southern and eastern areas, such as Tibet, Hunan and Jiangsu, will be able to witness the total solar eclipse, while in most parts of Shanghai, viewers can see the spectacular phenomenon. For viewers in other provinces, including Beijing, they can observe a partial eclipse, he said.
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is caught between the sun and the earth while each of them moves along their fixed orbits. In a total solar eclipse, the sun, the moon and the earth are directly aligned as the sun swings into the cone of shadow cast by the moon.
Wang said the next total solar eclipse that can be seen in China will fall on March 20 th, 2034.     "But it can only be seen remote provinces, such as Tibet and Qinghai. It cannot not be compared with the upcoming one -- in terms of duration and number of cities that can see the eclipse," he added. The last total solar eclipse visible in China took place on Aug. 1 last year. It was observed in northwest China and lasted two minutes in Yiwu County of northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the best place to see the phenomenon.
72.According to the report, the total eclipse on July the 22 nd will last         .
A.over a month                                                    B.about 38 minutes
C.about 6 minutes                                              D.less than 30 minutes
73.Viewers can possibly witness the total solar eclipse in            .
A.Liaoning                   B.Sichuan                    C.Beijing                      D.Xinjiang
74.When a total solar eclipse happens,          .
A.the moon goes into the shadow cast by the sun
B.the earth stays between the sun and the moon
C.the sun temporarily moves into the moon’s orbit
D.the sun is in a line with the moon and the earth
75.Which is the best title for this report?           .
A.China to witness longest total solar eclipse in 500 years
B.The most important total solar eclipse will favor China
C.The beginning time of the total solar eclipse is expected
D.China has been the best place to witness the solar eclipse

