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    As we all know it,a hero is someone who have courage and is not afraid to help out. There are many hero in our society such as police officers and firefighters. My hero is my grandfather,which is hardworking,smart,inspired and full of energy. He retires from a company two months ago and now works as editor in a newspaper office. He still works hardly in his old age. My grandfather doesn¡¯t give up easily. He often says, ¡°I will do that I can to contribute to my family and society." In my opinion,our grandfather is really a man whom I should learn from.

1. . .. we all know it...   È¥µô it

2. . .. who have courage ...   have¡úhas

3. There are many hero ...   hero¡úheroes

4. . .. which is hardworking...   which¡ú who

5. . .. inspired and full...   inspired¡ú inspiring

6. He retires from ...   retires ¡úretired

7. . .. works as editor ...   editorÇ°¼Óan

8. . .. still works hardly ...   hardly¡úhard

9. . .. do that I can ...   that¡úwhat / whatever   

10. . .. our grandfather is ...   our¡ú my

ÌâÄ¿À´Ô´£º2016ÄêÓ¢ÓïÖܱ¨¸ßÈýпαê > µÚ43ÆÚ 2015-2016¸ßÈý¿Î±ê


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   It has been with me every place V ve lived since I left home at 18 in 1977.

   Dad made it: Carved out of several pieces of wood glued together,shaped and sanded so smooth,it looked as if it had always been a single,solid piece. It was eventually to be a music box; the top flips (·­) up and the inside is hollow(¿ÕµÄ). Dad could ¡ª and

over the years did ¡ª make just about everything anyone can make out of wood.

   He gave me the little man in the bathtub a few weeks after he told me in a letter that he and my mother were divorcing. He apologized for cruel words of days past and said he would understand if I never wanted to see him again. I cried while reading that. I was much closer to my mother,but how could Dad even think that? It never occurred to me to cut my father out of my life.

   Dad was an intelligent,creative and talented man,but he was also deeply insecure,something I didn't fully appreciate until years later. We both matured,and our relationship as adults was far better than when I was younger.

   And he was a fun,loving grandfather whom my sons adored. Dad died in 2013 of cancer. While I will forever treasure it,the little man in the bathtub will never be finished; it was supposed to play ¡°I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles."

1. What does the underlined word ¡°It¡± in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. A present bought by the author.

   B. A present from the author's son.

   C. A present from the author's mother.

   D. A present made by the author's father.

2. The little man in the bathtub.

   A. looked fragile

   B. was very expensive

   C. was skillfully made

   D. looked quite ordinary

3. When the author read the letter from his father,he.

   A. was very angry

   B. felt sad and surprised

   C. was proud of his father

   D. felt happy and thankful

4. As time went by,the relationship between the author and his father .

   A. worsened   B. had failed

   C. had improved   D. remained the same

5. What is the author regretful for?

   A. What he has done.

   B. Cruel words he said.

   C. His parents getting divorced.

   D. The music box not being finished.


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   Manhattan is a small island that is one part of New York City. New York City is actually made up of five sections 1. (call) boroughs(Çø) .These boroughs are Manhattan,Queens,Brooklyn,Staten Island,and the Bronx. Manhattan has the most people of all the boroughs,about 1. 5 million,even though it is the 2. (small) borough by size.If you send a letter to someone who lives on Manhattan,don't write Manhattan 3. the envelope. You should write ¡°New York,New York¡±.

   The island is so small 4. most people live and work in tall buildings. Some of these buildings are called skyscrapers because it looks like they are touching the sky. Manhattan 5.(connect) to the other boroughs by 6.series of bridges and tunnels The most famous bridge may be the Brooklyn Bridge because of 7. (it) brick arches. The New York City subway,a massive mass transit system that 8. (most) runs underground,also connects the island to the rest of the boroughs.

   Manhattan,like the other boroughs,has many different neighborhoods,many of 9. are named for the communities that first 10.(live) there. Some of these neighborhoods include Little Italy,Little Germany,Little Brazil,Chinatown,and Koreatown.


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   Two or three times a week,Miss Martha had a customer in 1. she began to take an interest.He was a middle-aged man 2. glasses and a brown beard. He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn,but he looked neat and had very good manners. He always 3.(buy) two loaves of stale bread. He never asked for anything but stale bread; it cost a lot 4.(little) than fresh bread. Once Miss Martha noticed a red and brown stain on 5. (he) finger. She was sure that he was an artist and very poor.

   Often when having her evening meal,Miss Martha would sigh and wish the artist might share her food instead of 6. (eat) his dry bread. One day the customer came in as usual and asked for his stale bread. As a sudden noise made him hurry to the door,Miss Martha inserted 7. generous quantity of butter into the loaves and put them into a paper bag.

   It turned out 8. the stale bread was used to rub out the pencil 9. (line) in the man's drawing of a new city hall. And Miss Martha¡¯s kindness 10. (complete) ruined the artist's work.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

Lori: I have a lot of business English students and a lot of times we end up 1. (talk) about what leads to success,and 2. is interesting that many of them mention luck.

Mike: People can make their own luck. What people regard 3. being lucky,you can actually create to a degree.

Lori: Right. Luck is down to how you respond to the 4. (opportunity) that come your way.Was 5. any other point you thought was particularly interesting?

Mike: Yes. Many think that talent is something that you have to have to be 6. (success) .In my opinion,if you want to be good at something,talent helps but at 7. end of the day hard work is what you do.

Lori: I agree. And another interesting thing is passion (ÈÈ°®) . If people love the things they do,they,re going to work harder Ò» and the funny thing is that if you do so,the money kind of comes 8. (automatic) .

Mike: And when you love 9. you¡¯ re doing,hard work doesn¡¯t seem like hard work.

Lori: Yeah,and you also have to be prepared for all kinds of problems 10.get in your way. If you give up when things get tough,you will never succeed.


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   John has been lived next door to me for years and has left a real impression on me. Disabled as he is,but he is really a man who is full of positive energy. John always appreciates life and inspires me to be a best that I can be. He uses his mind to learn daily and had independence despite our unfavorable situation. Every time I with him,I feel as if the impossible can be achieved if I just believe on myself. John loves life and doesn¡¯t spend any time feel sorry for himself. I am lucky to have so good a neighbor which can pick me up and inspire me when I am in lower spirits.


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    2. Ö»³äÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶àÕß(´ÓµÚ11´¦Æð) ²»¼Æ·Ö¡£

    I strongly believe that without a friend,world is a wasteland. Two years before,I had my ankle broken while played basketball. Therefore,I had no choices but to be out of school for a month. Fortunate,the whole time I have had many friends with me to help and support me. Most of us came to the end of my bed to encouraging me from time to time. To be honest,it was not until then when I realized the importance of friendship. I cannot thank everyone too much for their help and support. Without them,I won¡¯t have got through the difficult time so smoothly.


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   ¼Ù¶¨ÄãÊÇѧУӢÓﱨµÄ¼æÖ°±à¼­À¡£×î½ü У±¨¿ªÉèÁË Your FeelingsרÀ¸(column) ¡£ÇëÓÃÓ¢Óï дһƪ¶ÌÎĽéÉÜ¿ªÉè¸ÃרÀ¸µÄÄ¿µÄ(½»Á÷Çé¸Ð) ¡¢×¨À¸ÄÚÈÝ(ÓйØÐÄÀí½¡¿µµÄÎÄÕ¼°½â´ðÐÄÀíÎÊÌâ) ²¢ºÅÕÙͬѧÃÇͶ¸å¡£

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                                Summer survival guide

   Finally ... the season of sun,fun,and freedom!36 Follow these steps to keep yourself healthy and safe.

   Don¡¯t rely on sunscreen. Yes,you need to slather(´óÁ¿µØͿĨ) sunscreen on exposed skin,but other precautions are just as important. Seek shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and protect your skin and face with clothing,a hat,and shades.

   37 If you feel thirsty,you¡¯re already dehydrated (ÍÑË®µÄ) ¡ªthat puts you at an increased risk of hot weather-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke ( ÖÐÊ.

   Know the signs of heat stroke. When it¡¯s hot or humid,it becomes harder for your body to release the heat generated during exercise. If your core temperature becomes too high,heat stroke can set in. Avoid ending up in the emergency room by starting slower than normal,then gradually increasing the intensity of your workout over two full weeks. 38 

   Turn down the car radio. Here's a scary fact: 39 So cut out any distractions(·ÖÐĵÄÊÂÎï) while driving Ò» from exciting music to texting ¡ª that can raise your risk of having an accident.

   Learn these lifesaving swim moves. Drowning is the second-most-common cause of accidental injury or death in adolescents. 40 Stick to zones with a lifeguard present,never swim alone,and learn these simple swimming skills ¡ª even if you never plan on getting wet. 1. Turn yourself around in a flill circle while in the water. 2. Float on your back. 3. Tread(²È) water. 4. Swim 25 yards (the length of a standard swimming pool) .

   A. Try to reduce the risk of brain injury.

   B. Float on your back if your arms get tired.

   C. Don¡¯t wait until you¡¯ re thirsty to drink up.

   D. Luckily,there are easy ways to cut this risk.

   E. Try and aim to be back at your usual activity level by day 14.

   F. Don¡¯t waste a minute of it feeling anything less than awesome.

   G. The period between May and September is the deadliest time for teen drivers.

