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5.The two pictures areslightly(稍微) different.

分析 这两幅图画稍有不同.

解答 答案:slightly

点评 本题考查了单词拼写;做类似的题时,除了掌握单词的正确拼写外,还应根据句意,从语法分析的角度去判断句中所填单词的形式;做本题时,需要明确副词可以用来修饰形容词的这一用法.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Disease,poverty,hate,love-Charles Dickens'stories opened his readers eyes to the most important themes of his age.Two hundred years on,his stories still speak volumes(有意义)across the world,proving that Dickens'legacy(遗产)was far greater than just"great literature"
     February 7 marks the 20th anniversary of the writer's birthday.To mark this date,BBC writer Alex Hudson listed six things Dickens gave the modem world.Let's take a look at two of them.
A white Christmas
     Dickens is described  as"the man who invented Christmas"-not the religious festival,but the cultural aspects that we associate with the festive season today.In the early 19th century,Christmas was barely worth mentioning,according to critic and writer Leigh Hunt.The committee which ran the Conservative Party even held ordinary business meetings on Christmas Day-unthinkable in the West nowadays,when everyone but the most necessary workers takes at least three days off.
  Many people believe that Dickens'popular descriptions of the festive period became a blueprint for generations to come.In his classic novel,A Christmas Carol,he not only put forward the idea of snow at Christmas,but also painted a picture of glowing warmth-home enjoyments,affections and hopes.
    In his biography of Dickens,Peter Ackroyd wrote:"Dickens Can be said to have almost single-handedly created the modem idea of Christmas."
      Dickens was one of the first to take an honest look at the underclass and the poor of Victorian(the period during British Queen Victoria's reign from l837 to 1901)London.
He helped popularize the term"red tape"to describe situations where people in power use needless amounts of bureaucracy(官僚作风)in a way that particularly hurts the weaker and  poorer members of society.
"Dickensian"has now become a powerful word for describing an unacceptable level of poverty.In 2009,when the president of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers in the UK wanted to talk about deprivation(剥夺权利)in some areas of Britain,she did not use words like"terrible"or"horrific",but rather described it as"life mirroring the times of Dickens".

60.What is the main idea of the article?B
  A.An introduction to Charles Dickens'classic novels.
  B.Charles dickens'impact on the world.
  C.Charles Dickens'amazing characters.
  D.Why Charles Dickens is popular across the world.
61.Why is Dickens called"the man who invented Christmas"?B
  A.Because he created the religious festival.
  B.Because many of his novels have something to do with Christmas.
  C.Because one of his novels helped to shape Christmas celebrations. 
  D.Because he was the first man to have proposed celebrating Christmas.
62.According to the article,the phrase"red tape"refers toD.
  A.rules or procedures that are required to accomplish a task
  B.a situation in which poor members of society are hurt.
  C.conflict between people in power and weaker people
  D.pointlessly time-consuming official procedures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.The Goldbergs,______ of six family members,are a working class family filled with lovable and loud characters.(  )
A.consistsB.is consistedC.to consistD.consisting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Have you ever wished for a thirty-hour day?Surely this extra time would relieve the tremendous pressure which we live.Our lives leave a trail of unfinished tasks.Unanswered letters,unvisited friends,unwritten articles,and unread books haunt quiet moments when we stop to evaluate.We desperately need relief.
But would a thirty-hour day really solve the problem?Wouldn't we soon be just as frustrated as we are now with our twenty-four allotment?A mother's work is never finished,and neither is that of any manager,student,teacher,minister,or anyone else we know.Nor will the passage of time help us catch up.Children grow in number and age to require more of our time.Greater experience brings more exacting assignments.So we find ourselves working more and enjoying it less.We are accuslomed to working without stop.
When we stop to evaluate,we realize that our dilemma goes deeper than shortage of time; it is basically the problem of priorities(优先顺序).Actually hard work does not hurt us.We all know what it is to go full speed for long hours,totally involved in an important task.The resulting weariness is matched by a sense of achievement and joy.Not hard work,but doubt and misgiving (疑虑) produce anxiety as we review a month or year and become oppressed by the pile of unfinished tasks.We sense demands have driven us onto a reef of frustration.We confess,quite apart from our sins,"we have left undone those things,which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done."To do the urgent thing or to finisnh the important thing,is a sharp question.
Several years ago an experienced cotton-mill manager said to me,"Your greatest danger is letting the urgent things crowd out of the important."He didn't realized how hard his maxim hit.It often returns to haunt and rebuke me by raising the critical problem of priorities.
We live in constant tension between the urgent and the important.The problem is that the important task rarely must be done today,or even this week.The urgent task calls for instant action-endless demands,pressure every hour and day.
A man's home is no longer his castle; it is no longer a place away from urgent tasks because the telephone breaches the walls with imperious(专横的) demands.The momentary appeal of these tasks seems irresistible and important,and they devour our energy.But in the light of time's perspective their deceptive prominence fades; with a sense of loss we recall the important tasks pushed aside.We realize we've become slaves to the"tyranny(暴政) of the urgent."

51.The reason why we sometimes wish to have a thirty-hour day is that weC.
A.have too much work to complete  
B.need more time to enjoy our lives
C.need longer hours to ease pressure                
D.are used to working without stop
52.From Paragraph 3,we find anxiety increases when weD.
A.stop to think about our dilemma 
B.go full speed working at our task
C.are doing meaningless things    
D.recall lots of unfinished work
53.The motto that hits the writer tells usB.
A.to finish the urgent and the important thing
B.to avoid the urgent pushing out the important
C.the urgent thing shouldn't be done instantly
D.the important thing is different from the urgent
54.The writer presents the article to remind us thatA.
A.the urgent is not always to come first
B.the problem of time shortage is tough
C.the important is not always depressing
D.the way to deal with the urgent is hard.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Hisshoulder (肩膀 )was injured in the accident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Almost a decade after the hit Finding Nemo made clownfish seem totally warm and lovable,environmentalists are now looking for a real-life sequel:Saving Nemo.
    In the United States,a request has been made to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act to marine species including the clownfish.
But before you start shedding tears for Nemo and his buddies,keep in mind that this request is not based on any evidence of a decline in the clownfish population.Instead,what has sparked concern is the worsening health of coral reefs,which more than one million aquatic species including the clownfish depend on to thrive,even survive.
    In ways it makes more sense to move to protect a species when its habitat declines rather than its actual population.The most important mission of the Endangered Species Act is the protection of species'habitats; without their habitats,there's almost no hope of saving endangered animals,except perhaps in a zoo.
   Earlier this year,alarming news came about the world's largest coral reef system,Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR,大堡礁).A study has shown the Reef is in sharp decline,with half of its coral cover gone in the past 27 years.
    Katharina Fabricius,an Australian coral reef ecologist co-authoring the study,has been diving and working on the GBR since 1988-and has watched the decline."There are still a lot of fish…but not the same color and diversity as in the past,"she said.
   The study team used information from more than 2,000 surveys to determine the rate of decline between 1985 and 2012.That overall 50-percent decline,they estimate,is a yearly loss of about 3.4 percent of the Reef.If the trend continued,the coral cover could halve again by 2022.
   Several main factors are responsible for the decline,the study found.Intense tropical cyclones (热带气旋),believed to be fueled by global warming,have caused massive damage to reefs in the central and southern parts of the Reef.Meanwhile,population explosions of the coral-consuming crown-of-thorns starfish (长棘海星) have affected coral populations along the length of the Reef.Two severe coral bleaching (变白) events,caused by ocean warming,have also had major damaging impacts in northern and central parts of the GBR.
72.A request has been made in the United States to save the clownfish becauseB.
A.it is a totally warm and lovable species        
B.the health of its habitat is worsening
C.its population has dropped sharply          
D.few clownfish can be found in zoos
72.What does the underlined word"thrive"in Paragraph 3 probably mean?C
A.To feed oneself
B.To keep oneself safe.
C.To grow and develop well
D.To attract attention.
74.According to the article,what is the AUTHOR'S attitude toward the request in the U.S.?A
A.He/she supports it.
B.He/she finds it ridiculous.
C.He/she thinks it is reasonable but needs revising.
D.There's no WAY to tell.
75.According to the article,all of the following factors contribute to the decline of Great Barrier Reef's coral cover exceptA.
A.the growing popularity of scuba (水肺)diving around the Reef
B.stronger tropical cyclones fueled by global warming
C.the rapidly growing population of type of coral-eating starfish
D.coral bleaching caused by rising temperature of the ocean water.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Cooperative learning allows us to have more chances to acquire ______ is beneficial to ourselves.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Scientists have discovered thirteen kinds of vitamins.They say vitamins help to carry out chemical changes within cells.If we do not get enough of the vitamins we need in our food,we are at risk of developing a number of diseases.Which foods should be eaten to keep us healthy?Let us look at some important vitamins.
Vitamin A helps prevent skin and other tissues from becoming dry.People who do not get enough vitamin A cannot see well in darkness.Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil and the yellow part of eggs.
Vitamin B-1is also called thiamine.Thiamine changes starchy(含淀粉的)foods into energy.Thiamine is found not just in whole grains like brown rice,but also in beans and peas,nuts,and meat and fish.
Vitamin B-12is needed so folic acid can do its work.Together,they help produce red blood cells.Folic acid has been shown to prevent physical problems in babies when taken by their mothers during pregnancy.Vitamin B-12is found naturally in foods like eggs,meat,fish and milk products.Vitamin B-12is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods,like legumes and citrus fruits (柑橘类水果).
Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teeth.The body stores little vitamin C.So we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits,tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.
Vitamin D prevents the children's bone disease rickets (佝偻病).Ultraviolet light from the sun changes a substance in the skin into vitamin D.Fish liver oil also contains vitamin D.
Vitamin K is needed for healthy blood.It thickens the blood around a cut to stop bleeding.It can also be found in pork products,liver and in vegetables like cabbage,kale and spinach (菠菜).
Vitamins are important to our health.A lack of required vitamins can lead to health problems.

28.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.There are thirteen kinds of vitamins in total.
B.One can not live without enough vitamins.
C.Vitamins can carry out chemical changes within cells.
D.Enough vitamins are vital to keep healthy.
29.Women who wish to become mothers should take inC.
A.vitamin A      
B.vitamin B-1      
C.vitamin B-12      
D.vitamin C
30.What can change a substance in the skin into vitamin D?B
A.Fish liver oil.
B.Ultraviolet light from the sun.
C.Fresh milk drunk by people.
D.Doing a certain amount of exercise.
31.According to the passage,taking in enough vitamin C canC.
A.make our eyesight better             
B.help to stop bleeding
C.make our bones and teeth strong       
D.help produce red blood cells.

