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第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
A lot of us lose life's tough battles by starting a frontal attack--when a touch of humor might well enable us to win. Consider the case of a young friend of mine, who was on his trapped way to work shortly after receiving an ultimatum(最后通牒) about the job. Although there was a good reason for Sam's being late--serious illness at home--he decided that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn't work any longer. His supervisor was probably already pacing up and down preparing a dismissal speech.
Yes, the boss was, Sam entered the office at 9:35. The place was as quiet as a locker room; everyone was hard at work. Sam's supervisor came up to him. Suddenly, Sam forced a grin and stretched out his hand. "How do you do!" he said. "I'm Sam Maynard. I'm applying for a job, which, I understand, became available just 35 minutes ago. Does the early bird get the worm?"
The room exploded in laughter, except that the supervisor had to clamp off a smile and walked back to his office. Sam Maynard had saved his job--with the only tool that could win, a laugh.
Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying "no", criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it's the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialog may start a quarrel. For example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.
51. Why was Sam late for his job?
A. Because he was seriously ill at home.           B. Because he received an ultimatum.
C. Because he was busy applying for a new job.  D. Because he was caught in a traffic jam.
52. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Sam Maynard saved his job with humor     B. Humor is important in our lives
C. Early bird can get the worm               D. Humor can solve racial discriminations
53. The phrase "clamp off" in Paragraph 3 means       .
A. try to hold back    B. pretend to set      C. send off         D. give out
54. Which of the following statements can we infer from the passage?
A. Many lose life's battles for they are always late.
B. Sam was supposed to come to his office at 8:30.
C. It wasn't the first time that Sam came late for his work.
D. Humor is the most effective way of solving problems.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was a little girl, every Sunday my family of six would put on our best clothes and go to Sunday School and then church. The __21__ in elementary school would all meet together to sing songs, and then later divide into groups based __22__ their ages.
One Easter Sunday, all the kids __23__ with big __24__ about what the Easter Bunny(复活节兔子) had brought. __25__ all of the kids shared their stories with __26__, one young boy, whom I should call Bobby, sat __27__. One of the teachers, noticing this, said to him, “And what did the Easter Bunny __28__ you?” He replied, “My mum __29__ the door by accident so the Easter Bunny couldn’t get __30__ because he hadn’t got a key.”
This sounded like a __31__ idea to all of us kids, so we kept on going with the stories. My mom knew the true story, __32__. Bobby’s mom was a single parent, and she suspected(怀疑) that they just couldn’t __33__ the Easter Bunny.
After Sunday School was over, everyone went off to __34__. But my mom announced that we were going home __35__. At home, she explained that to make Bobby feel __36__, we were going to pretend to be the Easter Bunny, make a basket of our candies for him and __37__ it at church. We all donated some to the basket, and _38__ back to church. There, mom hung the basket over the hanger(挂钩) and attached a(n) __39__:
Dear Bobby,
I’m sorry I __40__ your house last night. Happy Easter!
The Easter Bunny


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

第二节:语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Childhood is a time ­­(41) there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (42) is impossible that he will ever again in his life (43) (give) so much without having to do anything in return. But a child has his pains; he is not so free to do (44) he wishes to; he is continually being told not to do something, or being punished for what he has done wrong.
When the child has become a young man and this young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect (45) to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work on his own if he wants to live (46) (comfort). If he spends most of his time (47) (play) about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go (48) (hunger). If, (49), he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in (50) (social).


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Han Duan started her professional career at 16, China’s national women’s football team was defeated in the final of the World Cup by the US. While she was asked to play in her first World Cup in 2003, she largely remained on the bench after the first match.
But things have changed. Now, Han is one of the most important players in China’s team. “I can’t wait to play. Life is short. You must make the most out of it,” Han always says like that. 
Han wants every possible honor that a football player can get — an Asian Cup, a World Cup and an Olympic medal. She has always been good at sports, especially swimming and horizontal bars. At school, she was the fastest in the 60m and 100m.
But the reason she picked football was that she wanted to get more compliments (称赞). “Football is for boys. But I feel more fulfilled when I can do better than them and win more compliments,” she said. Later, when she entered a football school, the coach always asked Han to show others what to do.
However, nobody can be good at everything. Han described her singing as “howling” and the only school subject she was good at was Chinese. “I was very happy every time my essay was posted on the wall for my schoolmates to read.” But Han still has some regrets about her school years. Her handwriting was terrible at school. She ever wanted to improve her handwriting but didn’t achieve much.
“My fans ask for my signature (签名), so I’d better practice and practice. It’s not too late,” she says.
56. In the World Cup in 2003, Han Duan was a(n) ______.
A. member of the audience     
B. unimportant player
C. team captain          
D. fan of a sports star
57. What does the underlined part in the second paragraph imply?
A. Han Duan siezes every chance to learn more to fulfill herself.
B. Han Duan never wastes any of her practicing time.
C. Han Duan seizes every chance to take part in matches.
D. Han Duan has become ill and she will die quite soon.
58. According to the passage, we know that Han Duan ________.
A. has won an Asian Cup, a World Cup and an Olympic medal
B. was good at sports when she was at school
C. did very well in singing and Chinese when she was at school
D. often gets compliments because of her beautiful handwriting
59. From the fourth paragraph, it can be inferred that Han Duan most probably ________.
A. felt sad as the boys laughed at her
B. felt proud as she got compliments from others
C. felt sad as she was too strong as a girl
D. hated herself as she couldn’t do anything else well
60. What’s the best title of this passage?
A. Growth of a sports star.           B. The World Cup.
C. Honor of a football player.        D. Star of tomorrow.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street comer and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives(察觉) something different about it. 
Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception(感知) is the minds’ interpretation of what the senses — in this case our eyes — tell us.
Many psychologists(心理学家)today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene.
小题1:Perceiving is an action that takes place ______.
A.in our eyesB.only when we think very hard about something
C.only under the direction of a psychologistD.in every person’s mind
小题2:People perceive different things about the same scene because ______.
A.they see different thingsB.they can not agree about things
C.some have better eyesightD.none of these
小题3: Psychologists study perception by ______.
A.setting up many experimentsB.asking each other what they see
C.looking out of windowsD.studying people’s eyes
小题4:The best title for this article is ______.
A.How We SeeB.Learning About Our Minds Through Science
C.What Psychologists PerceiveD.How To Become An Experimental Psychologist


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever thought, “I wish I could take a year off and just travel around the world”?
Well,three lucky American teenagers were able to do just that.The teens—two males and one female--got an all-expenses paid, yearlong hike to five continents.
This trip didn’t include any five-star hotels or shopping funs.Eighteen-year-old Jamie Fiel from Keller, Texas, 17-year-old Arsen Ewing from Canyon, California, and 16-year-old Tyler Robinson from Lincoln, Massachusetts, didn’t expect fancy treatment.They signed up for the experience of a lifetime, which included hard work, often uncomfortable accommodations, and encounters with(遭遇) some of nature’s most dangerous animals and environments.
Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler were among hundreds of high school kids nominated by their science teachers to take this trip.Earthwatch Institute sponsored this adventure.Each year, Earthwatch employs thousands of volunteers worldwide to help with scientific research projects.
The group went all around the world to get a close look at the most pressing environmental issues of our time.Their assignments were as varied as their locations, and included measuring and attending pink flamingos in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, and tracking giant sea turtles in Costa Rica.
As they worked with the Earthwatch scientists, Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler began to understand that we are at a critical moment in the life of our planet.Time for change is running out.As the teens went from country to country and witnessed different environmental dangers and challenges, they understood that solutions to important environmental issues start with the power of one person's actions.They realized that each of them can make a difference.
小题1:These teenagers went on the journey around the world _____.
A.to experience the most serous environmental problems on the earth
B.to bring the kindness of America to the other parts of the world
C.to go on sightseeing around the world
D.to call on more teenagers to join Earthwatch Institute
小题2:What’s true about their journey?
A.They had to pay for their journey at their own expense.
B.They often had to move from one hotel to another.
C.They had to take great pains to collect environmental information.
D.They received a warm welcome every time they arrived at a new place.
小题3:It can be inferred that Earthwatch Institute could be _____.
A.an international university that takes in students from all over the world
B.a TV station that makes programmes on the beautiful scenery of the earth
C.a travel agency that organizes adventure trips specially for school children
D.an organization that brings science to life for people concerned about the earth’s environment
小题4:What did they these teenagers learn from the journey?
A.It was high time that people protected the environment.
B.Long journey was not suitable for school children.
C.It should take the whole world to help the children.
D.Environmental problems can be solved if school children take part.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People seem to have a natural need for friends and with good reason. Friends increase your enjoyment of life and relieve feelings of loneliness. They even can help reduce stress and improve your health. Having good friends is especially helpful when you are going through any kind of hard time such as when you are experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, or depression.
When you are with good friends you feel good about yourself, and you are glad to be with them. A friend is someone who —
●you like, respect, and trust, and who likes, respects and trusts you
●doesn’t always understand you, but accepts and likes you as you are, even as you grow and change
●allows you the space to change, grow, make decisions, and even make mistakes
●listens to you and shares with you both the good times and the bad times
●respects your need for secrets, so you can tell them anything
●lets you freely express your feelings and emotions without judging, teasing, or criticizing you
●accepts the limitations you have put on yourself and helps you to remove them
A person once said, “Friendship is a continuing source of bonding(连接), releasing, and creating in yourself and with the other person. There is an emotional bond between the two people.”
A good friend or supporter may or may not be the same age or the same sex as you, and may not have the same educational, cultural, or religious background, or share interests that are similar to yours. Friendships also have different depths. Some are closer to the heart and some more superficial, but they’re all useful and good.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT a function of a friend?
A.He brings you some happiness.B.He helps you feel less lonely.
C.He helps you get over the difficulties.D.He helps you cheat on the exam.
小题2: The underlined word “superficial” means _______.
小题3:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed B.What Kind of Person A Friend Should Be
C.To Be A Good FriendD.How to Get on with Your Friend


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you ever run out of great books to read? So what should I read next? Is fast-paced crime fiction your thing?
Try the new Patricia Cornwell book, Scarpetta(Putnam). She is such an able writer and handles complex forensic(法庭的) intelligence with ease. You need to be prepared, though, for the world you're entering—this isn't for the faint of heart, let's say.
If peace is more your thing, try Mary Pipher's wonderful new book, Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World (Riverhead). Mary is a lovely, comfortable writer who takes the reader through her personal awakening after reputation and fortune came her way. Even if you've never experienced life as a bestselling writer (as she has done, in her book years back, Reviving Ophelia), you'll totally understand and sympathize with her renewed need for privacy, distance and quiet.
What if you want a straightforward, totally thrilling read with vivid characters, set about World War II? You cannot go wrong with Jim Lehrer's new novel, Oh, Johnny(Random House), about a young Marine whose life is changed forever when he meets a woman on his way to war. His relationship with her lasts him through danger and hardship, and there's an impressive ending. See our interview with the productive novelist/newsman in the current issue of Reader's Digest (March, on stands now), by the way, for insight into the very talented Mr. Lehrer and what interests him.
Well, what about something wickedly funny and totally offbeat? Does the name Carrie Fisher do anything for you? Try her vivid and new life in Hollywood and elsewhere, Wishful Drinking(Simon & Schuster). Be prepared for humor as sharp as knives.
小题1: What does the writer want to tell us by the underlined sentence?
A.The world is complex and hard.B.Scarpetta is a thriller.
C.The fiction is hard to understand.D.Society is hard to fit into.
小题2:Which of the following is true of Mary Pipher?
A.She is an adventurous writer.B.She doesn’t care about fortune.
C.Her books normally sell well.D.She can help you achieve writing skills.
小题3: To get further information about Jim Lehrer, you may________.
A.go to Reader’s Digest issued in MarchB.go to Random House
C.analyze the characters in Oh, JohnnyD.read the novel Oh, Johnny
小题4:Which book isn’t directly based on the writer’s own life?__________________
A. Seeking Peace.B.Reviving Ophelia.
C.Wishful Drinking.D.Oh, Johnny.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you don’t prepare yourself now, retirement may be some of the most boring and dull years of your life. To have a happy, fulfilling retirement, you need to start preparing right away.
The most obvious thing for people to do when they retire is to take up a hobby. The most important step to take before retiring, though, is to make sure that you actually have started some hobbies. Once you’re retired, unless you ‘ve already started a hobby, you’ll find it very hard to get into something new. Some hobbies aren’t for everyone. Think about what you enjoy doing and start participating on a casual basis now.
Another thing many people participate in is volunteering. Not only does volunteering give you something to do, it also gives you a sense of accomplishment(成就) and can add meaning to your life .Volunteering is also rewarding in other ways, too. There are hundreds of different types of volunteer services and you’ll always be able to meet new and interesting people. Also, don’t think that volunteering is always only about helping someone for free. Many companies pay their volunteers after they’ve had enough experience and prove themselves to be valuable workers.
There are plenty of other potions, as well. Going back to school is a great way to keep yourself feeling young. Taking a vacation around the world with your loved ones is another great way to spend your retirement.
Ultimately, though, the key to a happy retirement is simply keeping yourself busy and doing whatever you love. If there’s nothing you love doing now, then you’ll find that once you have a vast amount of free time, your life will be pretty empty. Now is the time to find out what you want to do when you retire.
小题1:Why does the author suggest starting a hobby before retirement?
A.Because we are likely to have difficulty starting a hobby after retirement.
B.Because we are gong to have a vast amount of free time after retirement.
C.Because we will only have a limited choice of hobbies after retirement
D.Because not every one of us has already started some hobbies already.
小题2:What can we learn about volunteering from the text?
A.We can make devoted friends through volunteering.
B.It can help companies find hard-working workers.
C.One can even make some money by volunteering.
D.Almost everyone is willing to help in some way.
小题3:Which of the following can best explain “a happy retirement”?
A.Travelling around the world every year.
B.Going back to university for further study.
C.Having plenty of free time for one’s hobbies.
D.Living a busy life and doing what one enjoys doing

