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  The holiday shopping season is once again upon us.The super malls and smaller shopping centers will all be packed as hurried Americans search for the perfect gift.The crooks and thieves that prey upon innocent shoppers are well aware of this fact.

  Even if you don’t involve yourself with holiday gift buying,you could end up a victim of theft.Thieves do not distinguish the holiday shopper from the everyday shopper.Thieves only know that there are more potential targets of opportunity at this time of year.

  They also know that many people are complacent (不以为然的) about personal safety issues year round.They’ll factor in the belief that many people take on added stress this time of year while running from store to store with so much to do and so little time to do it.Shoppers who might normally consider personal safety an afterthought push it back even further as they try to negotiate their way through the month of December.College students are not an exception to the rule!

  As a member of our university community,you’re also easily influenced by the dangers of mall shopping this time of year.Take a minute and picture any of the local area malls.Close your eyes and think about the overflowing parking lots and the crowds moving around.The sights,sounds and distractions all can lull you into a state of personal safety complacency.

  Aside from the shoplifters who steal merchandise from store shelves are the thieves who perpetrate (犯) snatch and grab crimes.And this is the sort of crime that you’re most vulnerable to,especially when you find yourself carrying a large number of shopping bags and packages.However,as is the case with most other types of criminal behavior,there are a number of crime prevention measures you can take to lessen or stop your chances of becoming a victim.So take the time to read and then put into practice the following holiday shopping tips.

1.The author is most probably     .

  A.a newspaper reporter

  B.a novelist

  C.a member of university community

  D.a police spokesman


2.What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A.Shoppers.           B.Thieves.

  C.Personal safety issues.       D.College students.


3.Why is a person more likely to become a victim of theft during holiday shopping?

  A.Because he often has much to buy.

  B.Because he often does shopping in a hurry.

  C.Because there are crowds of shoppers.

  D.All of the above.


4.What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?

  A.To tell readers different kinds of crimes.

  B.To make readers aware of holiday shopping dangers.

  C.To give advice on selecting the perfect gift.

  D.To introduce American public security situation.


5.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

  A.Holiday Shopping Safety

  B.Suitable Shopping Places

  C.Personal Safety During Holidays

  D.How to Identify a Thief


1. 答案 C

  解析 根据第三段最后一句和第四段第一句可知,作者是大学校园人士,该文面向的群体是大学生。

2. 答案 B

  解析 结合第二段最后一句和第三段第一、二两句可得出答案。

3. 答案 D

  解析 第一段中“will all be packed”和第三段中“with so much to do and so little time to do it”说明A、B、C都正确,故答案选D。

4. 答案 B

  解析 作者通过描述节假日消费高峰期存在的问题,旨在提醒读者提高防范意识。

5. 答案 A

  解析 整篇文章围绕节假日消费安全展开。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009



 Mrs Henry had two sons. One morning during the    holi-


day, when she was going washing for the family,




her younger son came and asked from some money 




for sweets (糖果). Sweets is bad for your teeth, 




Mrs Henry said, Take these two oranges, give




one to your elder brother. One of the oranges was a lot big


than the other, 




and as the small boy liked to eat orange, he kept that




one for him, and gave his brother the smaller one. 




When the elder boy saw that his brother had a


very bigger orange than his own, he




said to him, It's bad to take the bigger one to




yourself. If Mother had given me the oranges, I'd have given


you the bigger one. I know you would, answered his brother,


“That's what I took it.”





科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:051


  My name is Niharica and I come from India.I think that India has the best festivals in the whole world.In fact, it is a land of festivals.Diwali(排灯节),the festival of lights, and Holi(胡里节),the festival of colours, are two of my favorite holidays in India.

  On Diwali all the shops are decorated brightly.They are filled to capacity in this festive season.Everybody buys new things and decorates their homes.People visit their friends and relatives and give them sweets.On Diwali my friends come over for the whole day and relatives come and go.We have a wonderful time.Diwali is a day when all the sad things are forgotten and happy times are remembered.

  Many people make“rangoli”in their house or outside.Rangoli is a pattern which is made on the floor, normally by coloured powder(粉末),but in the house it is made with paint.My mother and I once made a rangoli with coloured powder in our garden, but unfortunately it started to rain and ________.I felt a bit sad.

  In the evening the family prays to Laskmi, the goddess of wealth.After the prayer I normally help my mother to put diyas(oil lamps)all around the house.After that I get ready and wear a“ghagra”.A ghagra is a long skirt with lots of designs on and has a blouse for the top.Then the family eats a grand meal together.The food to me tastes better than any food I ever had.

  About 9∶00 pm the fireworks start.This is the time when the whole of India is lit up.Everybody lights tons of fireworks until midnight.Then I go to sleep and don’t get up until the next morning.The day after Diwali is a new year according to the Hindu calendar and is yet another time for visiting.Diwali is celebrated from mid-October to mid-November.It is celebrated on a new moon day and it is my favorite time of the year.

1.The suitable title for the passage would be ________.(within 5 words)

2.Which sentence(s)in the passage has/have the same meaning as the following one?

After that I get ready and wear a“ghagra”, which is a long skirt with lots of designs on and has a blouse for the top.

3.Which day in Chinese lunar calendar is most like the last day of Diwali?

4.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph.

Diwali is a day when all the sad things are forgotten and happy times are remembered.

5.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper sentence, words or phrases to complete the sentence.

