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My six-year-old came home from school this week with two envelopes. One was for a donation to help people in the Philippines. The other was to help hungry families have a Thanksgiving meal.
“I’ll put a check in each of these. Then you can add your own money from your piggy bank, okay?” I said, thinking he’d be so excited to put his own stamp on things.
“That’s okay, mom. You put money in. I don’t want to waste mine,” he sweetly sang as he colored. “I want to fill my bank all the way up.”
Ack! I guess I know what our dinnertime discussion will be about tonight, I thought.
I had figured that through watching his parents donate items, helping us take toys from time to time to needy kids and putting money in the basket at church, he would just understand why it was important to help people in need — and even want to do it himself.
But of course he doesn’t really understand yet. “There’s a big disconnect between the people ‘over there’ and my piggy bank,” said parenting educator Vicki Hoefle.
“There’s nothing wrong with the child. There’s just no connection.”
As for having that conversation immediately, or forcing my son to put money into the envelopes: “Try not to do it now,” Hoefle said. Teaching a child about donating their own money or toys or time to people in need “should be a gentle introduction into what we hope will be a way of life for our kids.”
She suggested these things to help children understand the importance of giving:
* Just talk about it. Then explore the issue from a perspective he can understand.
* Use the course of a year to introduce kids to opportunities. That way, they won’t be shocked when you ask them to stuff their own money into an envelope (like this writer just did).
* Pick a family charity for the year and have a conversation about how you all can help throughout the year.
* Think of this not as something you must teach, but as something to expose them to.
At her house, Hoefle said, “When you got something new, you gave something up.” Each birthday, her children would pick what toys they had outgrown and give them away. “There was a comfort in it. It just became a natural part of the kids’ lives.”
So I will fill those envelopes alone this time. But I’ll make sure he understands why they should be filled—gradually.
小题1:When the writer asked her son to give money to help the poor, he __________.
A.declined to donate
B.sang a sweet song
C.put all his money in a bank
D.seemed very surprised
小题2:Hoefle’s attitude towards children’s unwillingness to donate money can be best described as “_______”.
小题3:Which of the following is Hoefle’s approach to educating kids about charity?
A.Giving courses about charity.
B.Setting a rule for children to give.
C.Inviting a lot of poor people home.
D.Giving children enough real life chances.
小题4:What can we learn about the writer from the passage?
A.She often makes donations for people in need.
B.She taught her son a lesson over dinner that evening.
C.She is at a loss as for what she should do next.
D.She invited a parenting educator home for advice.
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Kids, please help those in need.
B.Why are kids unwilling to donate?
C.Kindness is lost in the young generation.
D.How can we help kids learn generosity?


小题1:细节题:从文章第三段的句子:“That’s okay, mom. You put money in. I don’t want to waste mine,” he sweetly sang as he colored. “I want to fill my bank all the way up.”可知作者让儿子将储蓄罐里面的钱捐出来一些,儿子却拒绝了,选A。
小题2:推理题:从第七段的句子:“There’s nothing wrong with the child. There’s just no connection.” 可知Hoefle对于孩子不愿意捐赠钱的态度的容忍的,选B。
小题3:推理题:从第八段的句子:Teaching a child about donating their own money or toys or time to people in need “should be a gentle introduction into what we hope will be a way of life for our kids.” 可知Hoefle认为教育孩子捐赠给有需要的人要给孩子足够的生活的机会。选D。
小题4:推理题:从第四段的句子:I had figured that through watching his parents donate items, helping us take toys from time to time to needy kids and putting money in the basket at church, he would just understand why it was important to help people in need — and even want to do it himself.可知作者经常给有需要的人捐东西,选A。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Password (密码) strength has been a topic about the Internet lately. I have seen lots of clever methods for generating and remembering strong passwords. Some are better than others, but in my opinion, none are adequate. Here's the problem: It doesn't matter how strong your passwords are if you use the same one on multiple sites. All it takes is for a site to get hacked(侵入), like Gawker media, or even Sony did, and now your super­strong password has been stolen, and every site on which you used that password has been accessed.
So, the bottom line is that no matter how strong your passwords are, and no matter what clever tricks you use to help you remember them, if you surf internet often, the only truly secure password system is what you need.
Enter LastPass. It's not the only password manager out there, but I like it the best. You create ONE strong password that you have to memorize and use it to access your LastPass database. The LastPass database is stored online, on LastPass's servers. LastPass recognizes the site you're on and automatically logs you in (after, optionally, asking you to re­enter your master password). LastPass also has automatic form fill and automatic password generation. This means that you can have a different, unique, very strong password for every site you log into, but you only have to remember one master password. It's the best of both worlds.
One argument against LastPass is that if their database is attacked, then all of your sites are in danger, and that's true, but given that their entire line of work is keeping that information safe, I'm willing to take that chance. The alternative is rolling dice(掷骰子) or picking phrases to create passwords, writing all of them down on a piece of paper or something, and then having to manually type them in when I go to a site. A terrible mess.
There is a free version of LastPass, with some additional features unlocked if you pay a $12 a year subscription.
­Joshua Bardwell 
小题1:The writer thinks using the same password everywhere is ________.
小题2:When using Lastpass, users have to remember ________.
A.all passwords used
B.the last password
C.unique password each time
D.the master password only
小题3:Critics are against Lastpass because ________.
A.they have better ways to create password
B.they think rolling dice is more convenient
C.they have no faith in Lastpass database's safety
D.Gawker media and Lastpass were hacked once
小题4:Joshua Bardwell writes the passage to ________.
A.share his experience
B.introduce a product of good quality
C.advertise his product
D.teach how to use a new product


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Kids undergo a large amount of pressure and stress during their school exams, which can often become quite overwhelming (to much) for them. It may be the first experience of stress, at this level, they have ever experienced and therefore quite frightening. Yes, you may say that it's all a part of growing up and therefore good lessons for them to learn, and to an extent I agree with you. However, it’s important to learn how to prepare for life’s challenges so that they aren’t overwhelming or scary and so that we are able to manage them the best we can.
Here are some tips you can use during your kids exam time.
Break their revision plan down into small parts. Doing this will help transform what once seemed like a huge impossible task into a more manageable one.
Help them arrange properly so that the subjects they like the least (perhaps ones that require more time and effort) are worked on first; once they are out of the way, it will help reduce the worry.
Plan week on week to make sure they are on track. Ticking items of a list each week will help them to feel good about themselves and their progress.
Create rewards for all the ticks - a favourite TV programme, a delicious snack, an hour’s surfing the Internet, computer games or whatever it was that they enjoy the most. This will encourage them to carry on and make them feel good.
Think of strategies on how to deal with exams calmly so their anxieties don't get the better of them.
Talk about times in their lives when they had been successful at something and look at the qualities they used to get them there - determination, persistence, hard work, patience, positivity, dedication - discuss how they can apply these skills to their exams.
Acknowledge that if they do their best that is good enough.
Ensure they realize that this period in their lives will pass and that exams are only a temporary time in their lives; nothing can and does last forever.
Ensure they keep their eye on the prize: enjoying their long summer holiday when the exams are finished; giving them something to look forward to will help to motivate them and provide a positive end in sight.
小题1:According to paragraph 1, it’s important to learn how to prepare for exams because___.
A.it is a part of growing up.
B.It is the first experience of stress
C.it helps kid release stress and do better.
D.it is important to get a good mark in exams.
小题2:Which subjects should be worked on first?
A.Their best ones.B.Their favourite ones.
C.the easiest onesD.the most difficult ones
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.Kid should become aware of the importance of exams.
B.Kids should learn to deal with exam pressure independently.
C.Parents should keep their kids away from entertainment.
D.Parents should care about the psychological development of children.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Swaying palm trees,turquoise­blue(青绿色的)water and sugar­white sand make beach lovers sigh with delight.But not all beaches have those ingredients.The most interesting beaches come in different shapes,sizes and colors.
Those who want beauty and something unique can go to the Seychells' La Digue Island.Large granite(花岗岩)rock formations overlook beautiful,white­sand beaches.The pinkish­grey rocks look like sculptures that have been forgotten on the beach.Tourists traveling to La Digue Island to see the unique rocks will also discover one of the world's most beautiful islands.
Hawaii's Big Island has one of the rarest beaches of all—a beach made up entirely of green sand.The sand,which is formed by dark green crystals called olivine(橄榄石),is deposited(堆积)by volcanic activity.Green Sand Beach lies on the slopes of the world's largest active volcano,Mauna Loa.
One of the world's most unusual beaches lies on the island of Santorini,Greece.The sand on Red Beach gets its reddish color from the red volcanic rocks that make up the cliffs(悬崖)around the beach.Tourists flock(蜂拥)to see the red sand,making Red Beach one of Santorini's most popular beach destinations.
Black sand makes up the huge beach of Karakare.Through the years,volcanic sand mixed with iron ash to form this black beach on New Zealand's wild,west coast.Many have seen Karekare in the movie The Piano and the TV show Xena:Warrior Princess.
With all the beautiful beaches in the world,beach lovers have lots of choices.But for those ready for something different,a unique beach vacation might be just the ticket!
小题1:What would be the best title of the passage?
A.One of the world's most unusual beaches.
B.Beach lovers having more choices.
C.A unique beach vacation.
D.Unique beaches around the world.
小题2:According to the text,______ would be regarded as the general characteristics of beautiful beaches?
A.swaying palm trees,turquoise­blue water,sugar­white sand
B.rocks,white sand,pinkish­grey,sculptures
C.green sand,slopes of an active volcano
D.black sand,iron ash,wild coast
小题3:Beaches on the island of Santorini is red because of ______.
A.the cliffs around the beach
B.the large granite rocks
C.the red volcanic rocks
D.crystals called olivine
小题4:If you want to see pinkish­grey rocks,then go to ______.
A.Santorini,GreeceB.Seychells' La Digue Island
C.Hawaii's Big IslandD.New Zealand
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Different beaches have different colors.
B.Different places have different beaches.
C.White sand and the blue water is the main characteristics of beaches.
D.People have many choices for beach vacations.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people think of the brain as a mystery. They don't know much about intelligence and how it works. When they do think about what intelligence is, many people believe that a person is born smart, average, or dumb — and stays that way in the whole life. But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscle — it changes and gets stronger when you use it. And scientists have been able to show just how the brain grows and gets stronger when you learn.
Everyone knows that when you lift weights, your muscles get bigger and you get stronger. A person who can't lift 20 pounds when he/she starts exercising can get strong enough to lift 100 pounds after working out for a long time. That's because the muscles become larger and stronger with exercise. And when you stop exercising, the muscles shrink and you get weaker. That's why people say “Use it or lose it!”
But most people don't know that when they practice and learn new things, parts of their brain change and get larger a lot like muscles do when they exercise. Inside the cortex (皮层) of the brain are billions of tiny nerve cells, called neurons. The nerve cells have branches connecting them to other cells in a complicated network. Communication between these brain cells is what allows us to think and solve problems. When you learn new things, these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger. The more you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow. Then, things that you once found very hard or even impossible to do — like speaking a foreign language or doing algebra (代数) — seem to become easy after learning them for a period of time. The result is a stronger, smarter brain.
Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and change when they studied animals' brains. They found out that animals that lived in a challenging environment were more “perspicacious” — they were better at solving problems and learning new things.
小题1:According to the first paragraph,________.
A.the function of our brain is like that of the muscle
B.until now it's impossible to explain the brain's mystery
C.many people believe one's intelligence is naturally determined
D.one's brain grows stronger as the age increases
小题2:Training muscles is compared to ________.
A.using the brain
B.connecting things in your brain
C.lifting weights
D.doing research about the brain
小题3:What is Paragraph 3 mainly about_________?
The complex structure of the brain.
B. How changes in the muscles affect the brain.
C. The importance of the brain.
D. How the brain becomes stronger by learning new things.
小题4:What does the underlined word “perspicacious” in the last paragraph probably mean_________?
小题5:The paragraph that follows the passage will most probably talk about _______.
A.the differences between animals’ brains and humans’ brains
B.the relation between human brains and muscles
C.scientists’ findings about animals’ brains
D.how to make your brain smarter through self-development


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Want to travel as cheaply as possible while enjoying the great scenery as much as you like?
Backpacking is the way. As the most popular traveling choice among young western people, backpacking allows you to travel at your own free will. Carrying a tent, sleeping bag and clothes, backpackers also need to pack an attitude that will help them deal with many mental and physical challenges.
It is a thrill to put our ability to test and challenge ourselves with sorts of difficulties we might come across. So, backpacking is something young people can hardly deny.
Young people in Europe often travel around by train. Now, with plane tickets dropping in price, more are traveling to distant countries, such as Australia and China. And some just travel within their own countries.
But no matter where a backpacker travels, planning in advance is important if he or she wants to enjoy the trip.
In summer, light, waterproof clothes are best. Backpackers must remember to travel lightly and not pack too many clothes.
There are many medicines, especially for summer, such as those for sunstroke, snake bites and mosquitoes. Others are useful in every season, such as those for common colds, poisoning and diarrhea.
Three types of cards are of great value for backpacks: student Identity Card, personal ID and a credit card.
A student ID card can be helpful for saving money. It often gets train tickets and entrance tickets for cheaper prices in many Western countries.
Personal ID card can, not only get you out of trouble with local police, but also prove useful in all sorts of other situations.
Carrying a credit card can be a safe way of carrying money, as cash can easily get lost, stolen or wet.
And of course, don’t forget to enjoy your trip!
小题1:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.Backpackers also need to be in high spirits when they want to travel.
B.Backpackers may also face dangerous situations.
C.Backpackers also need to talk with doctors about their traveling.
D.Backpackers need to make preparation for many kinds of difficulty in advance.
小题2:What does the underlined word “waterproof” mean?
A.Easy to wash.B.Not letting water go through.C.Washed without water.D.Used in water.
小题3:If you are stopped by a policeman in the street, you should show ______ to the police.
A.your student IDB.your credit cardC.your personal IDD.your passport
小题4:What is of most advantage to backpackers?
A.They can travel very easily.
B.They won’t worry about where to live.
C.They can have the chance to take some adventures.
D.They can take some physical exercise.
小题5:What is the author’s purpose to write this passage?
A.To give some ideas about traveling.
B.To encourage the young to travel.
C.To tell people how to avoid something unpleasant.
D.To offer some useful advice for traveling.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most parents of kids under age 8 don't worry about how much time they spend watching TV or using other media, from computers to smart phones to tablets PCs, according to a new survey that found a child's use of media often reflects how much time parents spend in the similar way.
¨We generally found that media use is not a source of conflict in the home" for families with young children, Ellen Wartella, a researcher from Northwestem University, told USA Today. She led a survey of 2,326 parents who have children 8 and younger.It found that in 80 percent of families, children's media use was not a problem, with 55 percent “not too" or“ not at all"  concerned about it. It also showed parents have more positive than negative feelings about how media consumption affects a child's learning and the development of creativity.The exception is video games, which are viewed more negatively than TV, computers or mobile devices.“Parents rated video games as more likely to have a negative effect on children's school performance, attention time, creativity, social skills, behavior and sleep than any other medium," the researchers said in a news conference about the survey.
¨The findings exposes a generational shift (转移) in parental attitudes about technology's role in young children's lives," said Wartella.“Today's parents grew up with technology as a central pact of their lives, so they think about it differently than earlier generations of parents, instead of a battle with kids on one side and parents on the other, the use of media and technology has become a family affair. "
The researchers identified three media environments created by parents: media-centric (39 percent of families) , media-moderate (45%)and media-light (16%). Children  in media-centric families spend at least three hours more each day watching TV or using computers, video games and tablet PCs don't make parenting easier.And 88 percent of parents say they are most likely to turn to toys or activities to keep their children occupied.Slightly fewer turn to books (79%) and TV(78%).
The survey didn't look at how media affects children. That's a topic that the American Academy of Pediatrics has handled a number of times. The AAP says studies have found too much media use can lead to attention- problems, school difficulties, sleep and eating disorders and being fat. In addition, the Internet and cell phones can provide platforms for illegal and risky behaviors.¨By limiting screen time and offering educational media and non-electronic formats (格式)such as books, newspapers and board games, and watching television with their children, parents can help guide their children's media experience. Putting questionable content into context and teaching kids a700ut advertising contributes to their media literacy (素养) ," it says.
The pediatricians' group says parents should have “screen-free zones"  and TV should be turned off during dinner. At most, it recommends children and teens engage with entertainment media for no more than two hours a day and that should be high-quality content. It is important for kids to spend time on outdoor play, reading, hobbies  and  using their imaginations  in free  play.“ Kids  under 2 should not use television and other entertainment media because their brains are developing quickly and they learn best from direct human interaction," the group says.
An article on screen time by t.he Mayo Clinic also notes problems linked t.o over screen time, including  being  fat, irregular  sleep , behavioral  problems , weak  school  performance , violence  and  less time for active and creative play.
小题1:Parents have more negative than positive feelings about media consumption like    
A.computersB.smart phones
C.video gamesD.tablets PCs
小题2:Most parents don't worry about kid's media use because        
A.they can limit the screen time
B.they want their children happy
C.they also grew up with technology
D.they can teach their children themselves
小题3:From the data of the survey, we learn       
A.children in media-centric families are smarter than others
B.children in media-light families spend one hour watching TV
C.more than half of the parents think children's media use was a problem
D.media-centric children spend more than three hours each day on media use
小题4:To make parenting easier, most parents probably        
A.try to persuade their children to read books
B.ask their children questions while watching TV
C.allow their children watching TV or using computers
D.turn to toys or activities to keep their children occupied
小题5:Which of the following is a suggestion by the researchers?
A.Media use time for babies under 2 should be limited.
B.Entertainment media use should be high-quality content.
C.Schools should provide more time for active and creative play.
D.Home media use should provide platforms for illegal and risky behaviors.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Forbes asked a panel of architects and campus designers to nominate their picks for the best-looking campuses in the world. These are their top choices.
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio, US
Mike Evans, a principal at Norfolk, Va., design firm Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company, says to be beautiful a campus must have a “signature campus space as a carrier of the campus brand.” At Kenyon College, that space is “Middle Path,” a 10-foot-wide footpath that serves as the Gothic hilltop campus’ central artery. More than just a trail, it’s a village green for the tight-knit campus community. Sergei Lobanov-Rostovsky, who teaches 17th-century poetry at Kenyon, says the college, both isolated and pastoral, is “a small place to think big thoughts.”
Oxford University
Oxford, England
Teaching within Oxford’s stone walls dates as far back as the 11th century, and the school is considered a paradigm(典范) for all college campuses. With its labyrinth of quads, cloisters, and archways, it evokes elegance and tradition at every turn. “Its monastic roots and the spectacular quality of its buildings make it an architectural wonderland,” says David Mayernik, associate professor at Notre Dame’s School of Architecture.
Princeton University
Princeton, N.J., US
Princeton’s style is pure Collegiate Gothic(学院派哥特式); most of it executed in gray stone covered in, yes, ivy. As imposing as these old stone structures are, the campus keeps life on a “human scale” by preserving green spaces and walkability.Sinuous footpaths, archways, plazas – all are designed to inspire spontaneous discussion and learning.
Scripps College
Claremont, Calif., US
The total plan of this women’s college, founded in the 1920′s, has always called for artistic connection between buildings and landscape. Together, architect Gordon Kaufmann, in collaboration with landscape architect Edward Huntsman-Trout, created a distinctively Southern Californian blend of Mission Revival-inspired architecture and landscape, which is lovely, evocative and intact. An expert in deciduous trees, Trout planted rows of liquid amber trees to give the students “a sense of autumn” come fall. He also peppered the campus with tulip trees, sycamores, almond and orange trees, as well as rare shrubs.
Stanford University
Palo Alto, Calif., US
New additions like the Science and Engineering Quad manage to gracefully blend modern and technological elements with the timeless, elegant aesthetics of the campus’ early California Mission Revival architecture. The campus also scores big points for its dramatic entrance via Palm Drive, its romantic Spanish red-tile roofs and myriad patches of green.
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China
Forbe’s panel of architects says natural setting plays a big part in assessing a campus’ beauty. In that regard, this campus is blessed: Founded in 1925, Tsinghua sits on the former site of the Qing Dynasty’s royal gardens. Many of Beijing’s most notable historical sites, like the Summer Palace, are close by. The campus is peppered with artificial ponds where stone benches and floating lotus blossoms inspire reflection.
小题1:In this text, the writer mentioned many best-looking campuses in the world. How many Universities are in America?
小题2:which school is considered a paradigm for all college campuses.?
A.Oxford University.B.Stanford University.
C.Scripps College.D.Princeton University.
小题3:Which University has the style of pure Collegiate Gothic?
A.Tsinghua UniversityB.Oxford University
C.Princeton UniversityD.Kenyon College
小题4: In which part of a magazine can we probably read this passage?
小题5:Why does Tsinghua University enter the list of the best-looking campuses in the world?
A.because the amber trees give the students “a sense of autumn” come fall.
B.because the artistic connects between buildings and landscape.
C.because its natural setting plays a big part.
D.because it is founded in 1925.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  Mass transportation revised the social and economic fabric of the American city in three fundamental ways. It catalyzed physical expansion, it sorted out people and land uses, and it accelerated the inherent instability of urban life. By opening vast areas of unoccupied land for residential expansion, the omnibuses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric trolleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more distant form city centers than they were in the premodern era. In 1850, for example, the borders of Boston lay scarcely two miles from the old business district; by the turn of the century the radius extended ten miles. Now those who could afford it could live far removed from the old city center and still commute there for work, shopping, and entertainment. The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new residential lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outlying areas. Over the same period, another 550,000 were plotted outside the city limits but within the metropolitan area. Anxious to take advantage of the possibilities of commuting, real estate developers added 800,000 potential building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years – lots that could have housed five to six million people.
Of course, many were never occupied; there was always a huge surplus of subdivided, but vacant, land around Chicago and other cities. These excesses underscore a feature of residential expansion related to the growth of mass transportation: urban sprawl was essentially unplanned. It was carried out by thousands of small investors who paid little heed to coordinated land use or to future land users. Those who purchased and prepared land for residential purposes, particularly land near or outside city borders where transit lines and middle-class inhabitants were anticipated, did so to create demand as much as to respond to it. Chicago is a prime example of this process. Real estate subdivision there proceeded much faster than population growth.
小题1:With which of the following subjects is the passage mainly concerned?
[A] Types of mass transportation.
[B] Instability of urban life.
[C] How supply and demand determine land use.
[D] The effect of mass transportation on urban expansion.
小题2:Why does the author mention both Boston and Chicago?
[A] To demonstrate positive and negative effects of growth.
[B] To exemplify cities with and without mass transportation.
[C] To show mass transportation changed many cities.
[D] To contrast their rate of growth.
小题3:According to the passage, what was one disadvantage of residential expansion?
[A] It was expensive.
[B] It happened too slowly.
[C] It was unplanned.
[D] It created a demand for public transportation.
小题4:The author mentions Chicago in the second paragraph as an example of a city,
[A] that is large.
[B] that is used as a model for land development.
[C] where the development of land exceeded population growth.
[D] with an excellent mass transportation system.
1.revise          改变
2.fabric          结构
3.catalyze          催化,加速
4.sort out          把……分门别类,拣选
5.omnibus          公共汽车/马车
6.trolley          (美)有轨电车,(英)无轨电车
7.periphery       周围,边缘
8.sprawl          建筑物无计划延伸,蔓延,四面八方散开
9.lot          小片土地
10.underscore       强调,在下面划横线
11.transit lines       运输线路
12.subdivision       (出售的)小块土地,再划分小区

