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Edinburgh Mela
Time: 25th – 31st August 2008
Tel / Fax: 0131 557 1400
E-mail: info@edinburgh-mela.co.uk
Website: www.edinburgh-mela.co.uk
Each year Edinburgh Mela is Scotland’s biggest multicultural(多文化的)arts festival that celebrates in Scotland. Although Edinburgh Mela’s roots are in South Asian cultures, this is a festival for everybody. Music, colour, dance, art, fashion, food, children’s activities, the Mela bazaar(集市)and much more!
Edinburgh International Book Festival
Time: 9th – 25th August 2008
Tel: 0131 718 5666
Fax: 0131 226 5335
E-mail: admin@edbookfest.co.uk
Website: www.edbookfest.co.uk
Edinburgh International Book Festival is the world’s biggest book festival. We present different programs for both adults and children including discussions, lectures, debates and workshops, all in one of Edinburgh’s most beautiful spaces, Charlotte Square Gardens.
Edinburgh International Festival
Time: 8th – 31st August 2008
Tel: + 44 (0) 131 473 2000
Fax: +44 (0) 131 473 2002
E-mail: eif@eif.co.uk
Website: www.eif@eif.co.uk
Each year the Edinburgh International Festival stages one of the greatest celebrations of the arts, attracting audiences from around the world to the city’s exciting atmosphere. The festivities offer a special opportunity to experience the excitement of live performance by internationally well-known artists as well as the joy of discovering new and unfamiliar works.
Edinburgh International Science Festival
Time: 25th March-5th April 2008
Tel: 0131 558 7666                                
Fax: 0131 557 9177
E-mail: esf@scifest.demon.co.uk
Website: www.sciencefestival.co.uk
The UK’s largest Science Festival is back with one of the most exciting line-ups in the Festival’s 16-year history. The Science Festival is an unbelievable place for everyone, with events at all levels, all ages and all purses. On offer are 10 days of non-stop shows workshops, presentations, hands-on activities, exhibitions and tours designed to amuse and entertain. Call our ticket hotline on 0131 557 5588.
小题1:According to the passage, the four festivals         .
A.are all about artsB.all happen in 2008 only
C.are all celebrated in EdinburghD.are all mainly for children
小题2:What do we know about Edinburgh Mela?
A.It is deeply rooted in Edinburgh.B.It is a place to buy and sell things.
C.It shows kinds of cultures in Scotland.D.It offers a chance for you to buy books.
小题3: How many ways are available for you to get the information about each festival?
A.Only one.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.
小题4:If you want to book tickets to Edinburgh International Science Festival, you’d better dial       .
A.0131 557 5588B.0131 558 7666
C.+ 44 (0) 131 473 2000D.0131 557 1400


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New friends. Fresh lifestyle. Better career opportunities… Those are attractions of overseas study for young people in China. “Start early, finish strong,” some of them say.
More than 300 universities from 27 countries and regions were represented at last weekend’s international education exposition.


The US

       The US has always been oft the top destination list for Chinese students, with its high education standards and enough scholarships.
Good news: It's easier to get a US student visa nowadays.Last year, the refusal rate was only 20 to 30 percent, much lower than a few years before, according to US embassy.                                  
Concerns: There're a lot to prepare The TOFEL, GRE… It's longer time to apply to US universities than schools in the UK or Australia.
Useful link: www.Usemhassy.org.cn                 

The UK


Easier access to visas and international environment are the UK's great attractions for Chinese students.
Good news: There are many new scholarships this year, both from the government and universities, such as the Scotland International Scholarship.
Concerns: Money.Money.Money.It's expensive to study in the UK, with an average cost of 200, 000 to 300, 000 yuan a year.
Useful link; www.educationuk.org.en



       Canada's multicultural environment is good for students' studies and careers.
Good news: Students are allowed to take off-campus part-tim'e job's during their studies from last year.It'll help pay living expenses.
Students can get two-year work permits after graduation.
Concerns: Only a limited number of scholarships are available.
They rarely cover the full cost of a study program.
Useful link; www.studycanada.en



       Good climate, high quality education and favorable immigration policy—these make Australia one of the most popular choices among Chinese students.
Good news: A new E-visa policy ensures a quick application process (four weeks compared with 12 weeks before).                                
Concerns: Tuition fees have risen in past years.The total cost is about 200, 000 yuan to attend a university located in big cities like sydney or Melbourne.
Useful link; www.students, idp.corn
小题1:If you want to have more chances of getting scholarship to study in a foreign country, you'd better choose_____.
A.CanadaB.the UKC.the USD.Australia
小题2:Many young people go to study in the US because _____.
A.it is very difficult for them to get a student visa
B.it is easier for them to pass the TOFEL or GRE
C.they don't spend much time applying to US universities
D.they think they can receive good university education
小题3:If you want to go on staying in the country after you finish studying there, you will choose ______.
A.Australia or the UKB.Canada or Australia
C.the US or the UKD.Canada or the UK
小题4:In which of the following countries may money be the most concern while studying abroad?
A.The US &- the UK.B.The UK &- Canada.
C.The UK &- Australia.D.Canada &- the US.
小题5:The passage is intended to give _____.
A.information for foreign study
B.advice on job seeking
C.suggestions on traveling abroad
D.tips on getting-visas


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some of Man's closest relatives in the animal kingdom are under serious threat because of human activity, according to a recently published report.
According to the document, almost one in three of all apes and monkeys - that is non-human primate species (灵长类动物) are now considered to be in danger of dying out and disappearing from our planet, if action is not taken soon.
The report, which was produced for the World Conservation Union (WCU), states that 114 of the world's 394 primate species could be lost forever, and the main reason they are threatened is the continuing destruction of forests where most of these animals live. In addition, illegal wildlife trade, climate change and commercial hunting for meat are also pressuring existing primate populations.
What's more, the problem is getting more serious. The number of species on the organization’s Red List - listing those primate species most threatened and in very serious danger of dying out - has increased by 3 to 25 since 2005.
Russell Mittermeier, the chief researcher of the WCU report, said, "You could fit all the surviving members of these 25 species in a single football stadium. So the problem is obviously urgent."
The scientists, who drew up the Red List, believe that the situation is now so bad that if action is not taken immediately, it will result in primate species becoming extinct - something which has not happened in over a century.
The loss of habitat caused by the clearing of forests for wood, farmland and fuel continues to be the main reason for the declining number of primates, according to the report, and the problem was most severe in Asia.
The loss of forest trees is also responsible for approximately 20 percent of all greenhouse gases - more than all the cars, trucks, trains and aeroplanes in the world combined.
Mr. Mittermeier added, "By preserving the world's remaining forests, we save primates and protect other animals while preventing more pollution from entering the atmosphere to warm the climate."
46.What is the main subject of the report discussed in the text?
A.Climate change.         B.Loss of animal habitat.
C.Endangered animals.       D.Animal protection.
47.According to the text, when did an ape or monkey species last die out?
A.In 1908.                B.In 2005.
C.Over a hundred years ago.     D.Almost a hundred years ago.
48.How many animals were on the Red List in 2005?
A.19. B.22. C.25. D.28.
49.The spokesman refers to 'a football stadium' in paragraph 5 to stress that ______.
A.the animals enjoy playing sports
B.there are not many of these animals left
C.these animals should be placed there for protection
D.the report was announced there
50.What is the main cause of the greenhouse gas problem according to the text?
A.Aeroplanes.           B.Road vehicles.   
C.Factory pollution.        D.Loss of trees.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The following is a recent survey among teenagers:
Most teenagers nowadays are not regular listeners to radio. They may occasionally tune in, but they do not try to listen to a program specifically. The main reason teenagers listen to the radio is for music, but now with online sites streaming music for free they do not bother, and users can choose the songs they want instead of listening to what the radio presenter/DJ chooses.
Most teenagers watch television, but usually there are points in the year where they watch more than average. This is due to programs coming on in seasons, so they will watch a particular show at a certain time (as long as it lasts) but then they may watch no television for weeks.
Teenagers are also watching less television because of services such as BBC iPlayer, which allows them to watch shows when they want. Whilst watching TV, adverts come on quite regularly (18 minutes of every hour) and teenagers do not want to watch these, so they switch to another channel, or do something else whilst the adverts run.
No teenager that I know of regularly reads a newspaper, as most do not have the time and cannot be bothered to read pages and pages of text while they could watch the news summarized on the Internet or on TV.
Every teenager has some access to the Internet, be it at school or home. Home use is mainly used for fun (such as social networking) whilst school (or library) use is for work. Most teenagers are heavily active on a combination of social networking sites. Facebook is the most common, with nearly everyone with an Internet connection registered and visiting >4 times a week. Facebook is popular as one can interact with friends on a wide scale.
For searching the web, Google is the dominant figure, simply because it is well known and easy to use. Some teenagers make purchases on the Internet (on sites like eBay) but this is only used by a small percentage, as a credit card is required and most teenagers do not have credit cards. Many teenagers use YouTube to watch videos (usually anime which cannot be watched anywhere else) and some use it as a music player by having a video with the music they want to listen to playing in the background.
Mobile Phones
99pc of teenagers have a mobile phone and most are quite capable phones. Usually, teenagers only use their phones for texting, calling. Features such as video messaging or video calling are not used—because they are expensive.
Services such as instant messaging are used, but not by everyone. It usually depends whether the phone is Wi-Fi compatible, because otherwise it is very expensive to get Internet off the phone network. As most teenagers’ phones have Bluetooth support, and Bluetooth is free, they utilize this feature often.
Mobile email is not used as teenagers have no need; they do not need to be connected to their inbox all the time as they don’t receive important emails.
小题1:   The survey carried out recently is mainly concerned with ______.
A.how teenagers consume media
B.what electric devices teenagers favor
C.which new trend teenagers are following
D.how teenagers contact others and make their social net
小题2:   As is mentioned in the survey, the reason why teenagers watch less TV mainly lies in that ______.
A.teenagers do not watch regular programs
B.all the TV programs are on for only a few weeks
C.teenagers may turn to other devices to watch their favorite
D.the TV adverts coming on every channel are just the same
小题3:   Which of the following is TRUE according to the survey?
A.Radio presenter or DJ used to invite the listeners to choose the songs they want.
B.The main source for teenagers to get news is Internet as well as newspapers.
C.Google is the most common social networking sites due to its convenience.
D.Some features of modern mobile phones are not widely used by teenagers.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

McGill Comedy Club
Important meetings today. Discussion on putting on Blazing Saddles. Union room 302, 3-4pm. New members (both actors and non-actors, living and dead) are welcome.
History Students’ Association
Prof. Michael Cross of Dalhouseie University will be speaking on “Unskilled Labor on Rivers and Canals in Upper Canada, 1820-1850: The beginning of Class Struggle” at 10am. in Peacock 230.
Design Mirror Sale
All types and sizes of design mirrors priced to please. Sale today in Union room 108.
McGill Teaching Assistants’ Association
A general meeting, for all the Tas will be held at 4pm. in peacock 116.
Women’s Union
Important general meeting at 6pm. Union room 423. Speaker on “Importance of Deciding Basic Goals of the Women’s Union.” Everyone ----old, new and those interviewed, please attend.
Film Society
Last meeting of the term for all members. All managers are required to be present at 6pm. sharp, Union room 434.
Canadian University Students Overseas
CUSO presents “Guess Who’s Coming to Breakfast” at 7pm. newman Centre, 3848 Peel. Find out about CUSO here and overseas. Everyone welcome.
小题1:Which of the following is the name of a play?
A.Blazing Saddles.B.Guess Who’s Coming to Breakfast.
C.Important of Deciding Basic Goals of the Women’s Union.
D.Unskilled Labor on Rivers and Canals in Upper Canada, 1820-1850.
小题2:If you are interested in arts, where can you go for a visit?
A.Peacock 116B.Union room 423
C.Union room 108D.Newman Centre, 3848 Peel
小题3:Which of the following will occupy Union room 423?
A.Film Society.B.Canadian University Students Overseas
C.Women’s Union D.Design Mirror Sale
小题4: Where can you probably find this text?
A.In a school magazine.B.In a national paper.
C.In a guide book.D.In a university daily newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并答题卡上将该项涂黑。
If you go to Brisbane, Australia, you can easily get a small book called Discover Brisbane free. Here is something about banks on page 49:
ANZ Banking Group
Corner Greek & Queen Sts ………………………………………238-3228
Bank of New Zealand
410 Queen Street  ……………………………………………… 221-0411
Bank of Queensland
229 Elizabeth Street …………………………………………… 229-3122
Commonwealth Banking Group
240 Queen Street ………………………………………………… 237-3111
National Australia Bank Ltd
225 Adelaide Street ……………………………………………… 221-6422
Westpac Banking Corp
260 Queen Street ………………………………………………… 227-2666
Banking hours are Mon.—Thu. 9:30 am to 4 pm. Fri. 9:30 am to 5 pm. All banks close Sat. Sun.& Public Holidays.
小题1: You can find ANZ Banking Group on _________.
A.Queen Street
B.Elizabeth Street
C.the corner of Greek Street and Queen Street
D.the corner of Queen Street and Elizabeth Street
小题2: _________ seems to be the most important street in Brisbane.
A.Queen StreetB.Elizabeth Street
C.Greek StreetD.Adelaide Street
小题3: On Saturdays, you can go to _________ to put your money in or take your money out.
A.ANZ Banking GroupB.Bank of Queensland
C.National Australia Bank Ltd D.none of the banks


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In November of 2007, NBC Universal launched its first official Green Week. Throughout the week, NBC Universal presented over 150 hours of environmentally themed content across multiple platforms.
Now, NBC Universal is proud to present Green Week 2009. With a new theme and message of "Green Your Routine," Here at NBC and NBC.com we celebrate our talent in the "The More You Know" PSA campaign, presenting green-themed tips in several of our daytime life, among several other features here on the "Green Your Routine" site.
Fashion & Beauty
Throw a clothes swap party! Dying for that sweater your friend wore the other day? Well, maybe she'll trade for that old T-shirt you have. Here's a website that helps you organize a swap party (www.swapstyle.com), or just plan your own!
Go natural with organic make-up. Applying unnatural products directly on your skin wasn't exactly what nature intended. Try switching to a line of organic make-up and cosmetics for a different way to bring out your natural beauty.
Drop a brick in your toilet tank! Literally! According to the EPA, flushing makes up 30 percent of a household's water use (about three to six gallons per flush). By placing a brick in your toilet tank, you can help to conserve the amount of water used during each flush.
Wash clothes efficiently. 90 percent of the energy used in washing clothes is to heat the water. You can reduce your energy bill by washing in cold water and hanging items to dry.
Print smarter. Printing and copying can be one of the most costly operations in any office. To save on ink and paper costs, print double-sided and try to fit more than one page on a sheet. More printing tips can be found here: lifehacker.com
Turn off your computer. Do you leave your computer on overnight? If so, you're using up a good amount of electricity. When you can, try turning off your computer and the power strip it's connected to. If you can't, at least shut off your monitor. Remember, screen savers don't save energy.
Organize a carpool. There are many benefits to carpooling. You save on gas, reduce wear and tear on your car, and you get to ride in the HOV lanes. Get connected with your neighbours and co-workers to start sharing rides and check out this website for more tips: www.erideshare.com.
Lose the car, get a bike. If you live close to where you work, try taking a bike instead of driving. You'll keep in shape and save on gas!
Every small step and effort makes a difference! Be sure to GREEN YOUR ROUTINE!
小题1:NBC Universal holds Green Week activities ___________.
A.in a university B.in a parkC.in an officeD.on the internet
小题2:This year, Green Week welcomes ____________.
A.advice on how to improve the website
B.suggestions about how to make their activities more interesting
C.tips on what to do to make our life greener
D.opinions on whether we should have campaigns
小题3:If you want to carpool with somebody, you can find more advice and information at______.
A. www.swapstyle.com                                            B. www.erideshare.com
C. www. lifehacker.com                                           D. www. NBC.com
小题4:Which is NOT recommended(推荐) by Green Week this year?
A.Using things like cucumbers to beautify your skin.
B.Reducing the room of your toilet tank to save water when flushing.
C.Giving away your old clothes to those in need of them.
D.Printing and using computers in an economical way.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What’ s the fastest way to learn a language?
Learning a new language seems hard and frightening as
we look back on the years of grammar and translations in
school.Yet babies communicate t eighteen months and speak
the language fluently before they go to school.
Firstly and most importantly, a child’ s natural language-learning ability exits only in a speech environment free of translations and explanations of translations and explanations of grammar.Secondly, a child’ s language learning speeds up by constant feedback(反馈)from family and friends.Thirdly, children learn through play.
At Rosetta Stone, you know adults can recover the native language-learning ability they once had as children.At every step and in every skill, you receive immediate and actionable feedback, including speech recognition(识别), advice and attention.
Every act is an act of play for children and there’ s no reason why it should be different for learners of any age.With Rosetta Stone programs, you rediscover the joy of learning languages.Clever, puzzle-like activities produce sudden “aha!” moments and astonishing language discoveries, we see it all the time.A slow of recognition, as though the brain suddenly realizes what is like to learn a language as a child.
Visit our website and find out how you can make your own language-learning ability active with Rosetta Stone.It’ s the fastest way to learn a language.
小题1:Which of the following as is TRUE about Rosetta Stone?
A.You can learn only a few languages.
B.You will get some advice in time during learning.
C.You may take part in the language school today.
D.You can get your money back after seven months.
小题2:The main purpose of the text is to         
A.tell adults how to 1earn a language well
B.present readers to buy CDs of Rosetta Stone
C.present some problems of learning languages
D.compare adults and children 1earning 1anguages
小题3:If there’ s a$499 program,you order it today and pay       .
A.$479B.$459C.$449 D.$439
小题4:The passage is most 1ikely to be a( n)          
A.education paperB.review on 1anguage
C.science report D.advertisement for a product


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bored?Lonely?Out of condition?
Why not try the
Indoor and outdoor courts.Coaching from beginners to advanced,everyday not evenings.Children only—Sat.mornings.   
Dry slopes一3 levels instructors at weekends and Fridays.Daytime practice.8 years upwards.
2 pools I heated Olympic length.Tuition available.
Women:Tuesday and Thursday.
Men:Monday,Wednesday and Friday.
Family day:Sunday
9 hole practice COi/Ese.Professional Coaching.Lessons must be booked in advance in daytime.Evening practice.Minimum age一9 years.
Maximum age一18 years.Children aged 5—10.Monday and Wednesdays.4:00—6:00 P.m.10—18 year—old.Friday evenings.Bar work Oil Sunday mornings.
Table Tennis,Snooker(斯诺克),Darts(标枪),Chess(everyday and evening),C班(allday),Bar(1unch time and evenings),Nursery(weekdays and weekends,not evenings).Centreopen 10:00 a.m.一10:00 P.m.Daily.Interested.'?More details inside.Quote Card Number:99.
64.What is this ad mainly about?
A.It mainly show8 US some way8 to spend weekends.
B.It mainly 8bows us a place to relax Olll',sehTe8.
C.It shows the way8 saving OUr time.
D.It shows US a lot of ways to spend OUr holidays.
65.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.Men and women swim in the SPORTS CENTER separately.
B.People can play termi8 day and night.
C.Children at any age can pky golf in the SPORTS CENTER.
D.People under 20  can  all take gymllfltstic8.
66.How many sports items title mentioned in the passage?
A.5.    B.7    C.9   D.12.
67.Where carl we find this ad in your opinion?
A·In a company.    B.In a restaurant.    C.In a park D.On a newspaper.

