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It’s natural that every parent wishes his or her children to make great progress and have a bright future. But we shouldn’t pin(expect) too much on(of) them. From the picture we can see that the father has made a plan for his little son. According to the timetable, his son should go to college at the age of 15, turn writer at twenty, win the Nobel Prize at thirty and such so forth. Facing the great plan, his son is watching with a puzzled face.

In my opinion, people should let their children develop naturally, following their own interests, instead of parents fixing their future, which might be against their kid’s will.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西柳州市2009-2010学年高一下学期第一次阶段考试题(英语) 题型:书面表达








Dear Wang Bin,

I’m very glad to hear you are considering coming to study in our school…




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A lady was going by ship from a city to another in America. On board she was with her baby boy and a maid. The maid was carrying  36  in her arms.

     37  the ship came near to the landing-place, it began to reduce speed. The maid walked to the side of the ship to  38 , when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and  39  the water below. The swift stream carried it quickly away.

    The mother was  40  wild with grief and fear. The  41  began to lower a boat.  42  everyone could see that the child would be drowned before  43  could reach it. What was to be done?

    Hearing the cries of the mother, a gentleman who was reading in the ship came  44  forward and said, “Can you give me  45  the child has worn?”

    The maid gave him a tiny apron. The gentleman  46  a fine dog that stood near, looking up into his face. He pointed first  47  the apron, and then to the spot  48  the child had sunk.

     49  did the dog spring into the water. Soon the dog was seen far away with something in his  50  . More than one on board cried for  51  as the boat reached the dog and the sailors saved the child. Then the mother burst into tears and said to his owner, “Oh, sir, I  52  have this dog! I will give anything for the dog!” “I’m very  53  , madam, that Hector has been of service to you; but I couldn’t lose him for anything in the world,” the gentleman said. The dog  54  at his master’s feet, with a look that seemed to say, “No, master, nothing shall  55  us!”

36.A.the lady 

B. a dog

C. a bag

D. the child

37.A. While

B. As

C. Until

D. After

38.A. look at

B. look out     

C. look over

D. look up

39.A. fell behind

B. fell into

C. fell off

D. fell down

40.A. nearly

B. mainly

C. mostly

D. hardly

41.A. lady

B. maid

C. passenger

D. sailors

42.A. But

B. So

C. Then

D. Although

43.A. the lady

B. the dog

C. the maid

D. the boat

44.A. quickly

B. anxiously

C. suddenly

D. surprisingly

45.A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing

46.A. turned down

B. turned to

C. bent to

D. said to

47.A. in

B. to

C. out

D. down

48.A. that

B. what

C. where 

D. which

49.A. On the way

B. By this means

C. Out of question

D. In no time

50.A. mouth

B. hand

C. arm

D. leg

51.A. joy

B. help

C. surprise

D. sorrow

52.A. can

B. should

C. must

D. need

53.A. sorry

B. glad

C. grateful

D. sad

54.A. sit down

B. rushed out

C. moved around

D. lay down

55.A. save

B. bother

C. part

D. kill


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节 翻译(共6题,满分15分)


He _______________ at the party with _____________, _______________everybody present.

67. 我把那件事告诉了小王,小王又告诉了小李

  I told Xiao Wang about that and __________________________.


  They had to give up their plan to go to Tibet, because _______________________________.


  ___________________________________, so I bought a bicycle and began riding to work.


  My ____________________region is that great changes ________________________there.


  When they got to the station, the train from Shanghai ________________ platform five and the train to Shenyang _________________________.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


My impression on the northwest region is that great changes have been ______ _______ there.

