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Like a growing number of young women in Vietnam's northern part city of Haiphong, Pham Thi Hue was infected with HIV by her husband, one of the town's many drug users. But instead of being shamed into silence, as Vietnamese with HIV and AIDS are, the 25-year-old tailor and mother of one child went public, appearing on television and at conferences. Her business suffered and her neighbors insulted (辱骂) her, but Hue has now become the public face of Mothers and Wives, an HIV/AIDS support group established in Haiphong by a Norwegian nongovernmental organization and her neighborhood's People's Committee. Last year, she founded a smaller group named after a local flower. People who need advice on treatment or help can dial a hot line and get assistance from able and empathetic ( 同情的 ) HIV victims. "We gather to support each other, "Hue says. "When we are sick, what we need most is encouragement and comfort from people who understand our situation and are willing to share our happiness, as well as our sadness."

On a hot and damp night last month, Hue welcomed into her small home a very thin woman, also a tailor, who was HIV positive. The woman tearfully told Hue that she had not told anyone about her condition, fearing that she would lose customers and that her daughter would be insulted at school. Hue became the wise elder, offering medical and personal advice.

64. What did Pham Thi Hue do after she was infected with HIV?

A. She kept silent.                                                            B. She worked as usual.

C. She stayed at home and cried every day.             D. She went public and gave help to others.

65. It can be inferred from the passage that the group Pham Thi Hue founded is made up of ________.

A. drug users                B. HIV victims           C. all kinds of patients             D. poor people

66. From the passage we can learn that Pham Thi Hue is a woman who is __________.

A. weak and kind               B. foolish and idle             C. brave and helpful         D. cautious and energetic





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



阅读下面短文,  从短文后所给各题的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    San Francisco is a big city which lies in the west of the United States very near the Pacific, where two earth’s plates (板块)often meet and jump. So earthquake is a  21         word to hear there. It is recorded that at least  22        big earthquakes have happened in San Francisco since the beginning of the _23         century. One happened in 1906, the other in 1989.

The second worst earthquake _24       _ San Francisco on the evening of October 17, 1989, when people were traveling to their   25       . A wide and busy overhead road fell onto the one  _26      _.  Many people were killed in their cars. A few  27      ones were not hurt, but many thousands became   28        . A large number of weak buildings didn’t  _    29      in the quake and the  30       electricity was cut off for several days, too.                 

21. A. terrible              B. sad                   C. usual                D. funny

22. A. two                   B. three                 C. four                  D. five

23. A. 17th                   B.18th                   C. 19th                  D 20th

24. A. shook                B. felt                  C. discovered         D. moved

25. A. offices                B. homes               C. factories            D. schools

26. A. above                B. nearby                     C. below               D. round

27. A. young                B. tall                   C. strong               D. lucky

28. A. homeless             B. jobless                     C. friendless          D. childless

29. A. put up                B. go up                      C. stay up              D. turn up

30. A. company’s          B. school’s             C. country’s           D. city’s


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn't _____ falling over it in the darkness.

  A. help    B. resist    C. avoid    D. prevent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2010·福建福州屏东中学高三9月阶段性考试)       Medical care in the country cannot compare with _________in big cities.

A. one of            B. that of             C. /                D. the one of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2010·湖南衡阳八中高三上第二次月考)    33. —The problem isn't difficult for the children to work out, is it?

—_____ . Perhaps they should have been given a more difficult one. 

A. Yes, it is    B. Yes, it isn't    C. No, it is    D. No, it isn't


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

He held the young man _______ in his arms after a good _______ handshake.

A. tightly…. firmly                           B. firm …. tight 

C. firmly…. tightly                           D. tight ….firm


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 __________annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.

   A. How     B. Why   C. What  D. Which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考)     30.      we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?

A.If only     B.What if     C.As if D.Even if


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Why do you       laughing all the time?

  A. keep on                       B. keep up with          

C. go on to                                 D. go on with

