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   Do you have a sore throat, a running nose and a headache? Do you keep coughing and sneezing? If you do, the chances are that you have a cold or perhaps flu---but which one? Although both colds and flu are caused by viruses, they are very different illnesses.

   Colds, which usually last about a week, affect the nose most. They commonly cause a running nose and sneezing. Sometimes, they cause a headache, a cough and slightly aching muscles.

   Flu is a much more serious illness and is caused by different groups of viruses. People with flu usually get all the symptoms(症状) described above. However, they also get a high fever, a dry cough and much worse aching. Fever is one of the characteristic symptoms of the flu for all ages. The symptoms also last much longer. Sometimes they don’t disappear for at least two weeks.

   Flu can be a deadly disease. The elderly(年长的), who are weaker and less healthy than most younger people, can die from flu. This is one reason why old people are advised to have a flu injection(预防针) before the start of winter when flu is most common. This injection is inexpensive and definitely(明显地)worth it.

   If you have a cold or flu, you must always deal with used tissues(手巾纸) carefully. Don’t leave dirty tissues on your desk or on the floor. Someone else has to pick these up and viruses could be passed on. And finally, remember to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze! You don’t want to see the small drops of liquids blown(喷) out of your nose and mouth when you sneeze, do you? Disgusting(令人作呕), eh? Now you can understand why it’s a good idea to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze!

【小题1】 In paragraph 4, we learn that ________.

    A. flu injection can cause death            B. most old people die from flu

    C. flu can kill old people easily           D. flu is most common in summer

【小题1】 Dealing with used tissues properly(正确地) is important because ________.

    A. it helps keep your classroom tidy        B. it prevents the spread of colds and flu

        C. people hate picking up dirty tissues     D. picking up lots of tissues is hard work

【小题1】 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Both colds and flu last the same time.   

B. Both colds and flu can be prevented by injection.   

C. Both colds and flu are caused by the same viruses.

D. Both colds and flu have an aching symptom.

【小题1】Which is probably the best title for the passage?

    A. Colds and Flu               B. The Different Symptoms of a Cold and Flu

    C. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

D. Cover Your Nose and Mouth When Sneezing











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


   Do you have a sore throat, a running nose and a headache? Do you keep coughing and sneezing? If you do, the chances are that you have a cold or perhaps flu---but which one? Although both colds and flu are caused by viruses, they are very different illnesses.

   Colds, which usually last about a week, affect the nose most. They commonly cause a running nose and sneezing. Sometimes, they cause a headache, a cough and slightly aching muscles.

   Flu is a much more serious illness and is caused by different groups of viruses. People with flu usually get all the symptoms(症状) described above. However, they also get a high fever, a dry cough and much worse aching. Fever is one of the characteristic symptoms of the flu for all ages. The symptoms also last much longer. Sometimes they don’t disappear for at least two weeks.

   Flu can be a deadly disease. The elderly(年长的), who are weaker and less healthy than most younger people, can die from flu. This is one reason why old people are advised to have a flu injection(预防针) before the start of winter when flu is most common. This injection is inexpensive and definitely(明显地)worth it.

   If you have a cold or flu, you must always deal with used tissues(手巾纸) carefully. Don’t leave dirty tissues on your desk or on the floor. Someone else has to pick these up and viruses could be passed on. And finally, remember to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze! You don’t want to see the small drops of liquids blown(喷) out of your nose and mouth when you sneeze, do you? Disgusting(令人作呕), eh? Now you can understand why it’s a good idea to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze!

In paragraph 4, we learn that ________.

    A. flu injection can cause death            B. most old people die from flu

    C. flu can kill old people easily           D. flu is most common in summer

Dealing with used tissues properly(正确地) is important because ________.

    A. it helps keep your classroom tidy        B. it prevents the spread of colds and flu

        C. people hate picking up dirty tissues     D. picking up lots of tissues is hard work

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Both colds and flu last the same time.   

B. Both colds and flu can be prevented by injection.   

C. Both colds and flu are caused by the same viruses.

D. Both colds and flu have an aching symptom.

Which is probably the best title for the passage?

    A. Colds and Flu               B. The Different Symptoms of a Cold and Flu

    C. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

D. Cover Your Nose and Mouth When Sneezing


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年广西北海市合浦县教研室高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Do you have a sore throat, a running nose and a headache? Do you keep coughing and sneezing? If you do, the chances are that you have a cold or perhaps flu---but which one? Although both colds and flu are caused by viruses, they are very different illnesses.
Colds, which usually last about a week, affect the nose most. They commonly cause a running nose and sneezing. Sometimes, they cause a headache, a cough and slightly aching muscles.
Flu is a much more serious illness and is caused by different groups of viruses. People with flu usually get all the symptoms(症状) described above. However, they also get a high fever, a dry cough and much worse aching. Fever is one of the characteristic symptoms of the flu for all ages. The symptoms also last much longer. Sometimes they don’t disappear for at least two weeks.
Flu can be a deadly disease. The elderly(年长的), who are weaker and less healthy than most younger people, can die from flu. This is one reason why old people are advised to have a flu injection(预防针) before the start of winter when flu is most common. This injection is inexpensive and definitely(明显地)worth it.
If you have a cold or flu, you must always deal with used tissues(手巾纸) carefully. Don’t leave dirty tissues on your desk or on the floor. Someone else has to pick these up and viruses could be passed on. And finally, remember to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze! You don’t want to see the small drops of liquids blown(喷) out of your nose and mouth when you sneeze, do you? Disgusting(令人作呕), eh? Now you can understand why it’s a good idea to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze!
【小题1】 In paragraph 4, we learn that ________.

A.flu injection can cause death
B.most old people die from flu
C.flu can kill old people easily
D.flu is most common in summer
【小题2】 Dealing with used tissues properly(正确地) is important because ________.
A.it helps keep your classroom tidy
B.it prevents the spread of colds and flu
C.people hate picking up dirty tissues
D.picking up lots of tissues is hard work
【小题3】 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Both colds and flu last the same time.
B.Both colds and flu can be prevented by injection.
C.Both colds and flu are caused by the same viruses.
D.Both colds and flu have an aching symptom.
【小题4】Which is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Colds and Flu
B.The Different Symptoms of a Cold and Flu
C.Prevention Is Better Than Cure
D.Cover Your Nose and Mouth When Sneezing


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher?I do.Her name was Mrs White.
     I don't remember much about what we learned in her class,but my mother once told me
that we
used to write a lot.And I would bring back what I wrote and she would look at it and find
there were so many mistakes,but no red corrections,and always a star.Sometimes even a
Good!This worried my mother,so one day when she went to meet Mrs White for one of
those ParentTeacher meetings,she asked her why she never redpenciled my mistakes in the
right spellings of words or pointed out grammatical errors.
     "The children are just beginning to get excited about using words,or forming sentences.
I don't want to damage that enthusiasm with red ink.Spelling and grammar can wait.The
wonder of words won't." Mrs White said.
     Later I knew that if Mrs White had used her red pen often I probably wouldn't be telling
you about this now.I look back now and think she must have been a rather extraordinary
teacher to exercise such redpenrestraint (限制).I used to misspell "beautiful" a lot,and never
could quite remember that the "e" went before the "a".It annoyed my teacher in high school.
If I was going to employ the word with such lavishness (华丽丰富的语言) she figured the
least I could do was spell it right.Eventually the e's and a's settled into their right hold as much
as you mean sometimes.
     And thanks to Mrs White,I had no worry about writing what I meant even if I couldn't quite
spell it out.Because life isn't "Pretty".It's "Baeutiful".
1.The underlined word "This" in the second paragraph refers to the fact that________.
A.I always made mistakes in my spelling
B.Mrs White often made wrong corrections
C.Mrs White's attitude towards my mistakes was special
D.mother wanted to know how to improve my spellings
2.From what Mrs White said we can infer that________.
A.grammar and spelling should be paid more attention to
B.children don't have the patience in spelling words
C.children's interest of learning words is very important
D.red corrections are used to draw children's attention
3.From the passage we can know that the writer believes________.
A.one should help children spell correct words
B.active learning is better than just to listen to a teacher's instructions
C.children should know how to use simple words to express themselves
D.using words to express is more important than just correcting spelling
4.The writer may probably think his/her high school teacher________.
A.taught in the same way as Mrs White had done
B.was not satisfied with his/her mistakes made in spelling
C.should tell him/her how to improve words spelling
D.paid much attention to teach students to use proper words


科目:高中英语 来源:高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Do you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive (欺骗)? When someone tells you something that
is true, but leaves out important information that should be included, he can give you a false picture.
     For example, some might say, "I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery (彩票). It was great. I took
that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for on e hundred dollars!"
     This guy's a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought $200 worth of tickets,
and only on e was a winner. He's really a big loser!
     He didn't say anything that was false, but he left out important information on purpose. That's called a
half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies, but they are just as dishonest.
     Some politicians often use this trick. Let's say that during Governor Smith's last term, her state lost one
million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One of her opponents (对手) says,
"During Governor Smith's term, the state lost one million jobs!" that's true. However, and honest statement
would have been, "During Governor Smith's term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs."
     Advertisers (广告商) will sometimes use half-truths. It's against the law to make false statements so they
try to mislead you with the truth. An advertisement might say, "Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients
to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache." It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them
work for the Yucky Company.
     This kind of deception happens too of often. It's a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth
can lie as well.
1. How much did the lottery winner lose?
A. One hundred dollars.
B. Two hundred dollars.
C. Three hundred dollars.
D. Four hundred dollars.
2. We may infer that the author believes people should _____.
A. buy lottery tickets
B. make use of half-truths
C. not take anything at face value
D. not trust the Yucky Company
3. What do the underline words "net gain" in Paragraph 5 mean?
A. final increase
B. big advantage
C. large share
D. total saving
4. What can we know from the example of the Yucky Pill advertisement?
A. False statements are easy to see through.
B. Half-truths are often used to mislead people.
C. Doctors like to act in advertisements.
D. Advertisements are based on facts.

