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When Debbie Parkhurst choked on a piece of apple at her Maryland home, her dog jumped in, landing hard on her chest and forcing the piece of apple to pop out of her throat. Debbie Parkhurst’s husband, Kevin, was at his job at a Wilmington, Del., chemical firm when she took a midday break from jewelry and bit into an apple. When the Keesling family of Indiana were about to be overcome by carbon monoxide(CO), their cat clawed(抓) at wife Cathy’s hair until she woke up and called for help.
  For their timely acts, Toby, a golden 2 1/2-year-old dog, and Winnie, a gray-eyed American shorthair, were named Dog and Cat of the Year by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Neither Parkhurst nor Keesling could explain their pets’ timely heroics,though Parkhurst suggested it might have been guided by God intervention(干预). “That’s what our veterinarian(兽医) said,”she said. “He wasn’t making a joke; he’s very spiritual, and now I have to agree with him.” 
But both pets were themselves rescued in baby, Toby as a 4-week-old baby thrown into a garbage bin to die, and Winnie as a week-old orphan hiding under a barn, so helpless that Keesling’s husband, Eric, had to feed her milk.
As the Keeslings recalled it, a gas-driven pump spread carbon monoxide through the house. By the time Winnie moved into rescue spot, the couple’s 14-year-old son, Michael, was already unconscious. “Winnie jumped on the bed and was clawing at me, with a kind of angry noise,” Cathy Keesling said. “When I woke up I felt like a T-bar had hit me across the head.”
State police and officers responding to her 911 call said the family was only minutes from death, judging by the amount of poisonous gas in the house

  1. 1.

    We can know Debbie Parkhurst______.

    1. A.
      works in a Wilmington, Del.,chemical firm
    2. B.
      was making jewelry when she had the accident
    3. C.
      might have died but for her pet’s help
    4. D.
      was unconscious when her pet found her
  2. 2.

    Both pet’s heroic acts most probably connected with______.

    1. A.
      God arrangements
    2. B.
      their being once helped
    3. C.
      their sense of danger
    4. D.
      their veterinarians’ training
  3. 3.

    Why did Winnie try to wake Cathy Keesling up?

    1. A.
      Because a T-bar was going to hit him
    2. B.
      Because he was hungry and wanted milk
    3. C.
      Because Debbie choked something in her throat
    4. D.
      Because there was danger in her house
  4. 4.

    From the passage we can infer that______.

    1. A.
      if you love me love my animals
    2. B.
      all pets are useful to people
    3. C.
      we can’t never be too careful in our daily life
    4. D.
      to help others sometimes can get reward
试题分析:这篇文章主要讲了Cathy Keesling一家人曾经救了一只小猫和小狗,而这两只小宠物在危急时刻,又救了主人。
1.根据State police and officers responding to her 911 call said the family was only minutes from death, judging by the amount of poisonous gas in the house,故选C。
2.根据But both pets were themselves rescued in baby.故选B。
3.根据By the time Winnie moved into rescue spot, the couple’s 14-year-old son, Michael, was already unconscious. “Winnie jumped on the bed and was clawing at me, with a kind of angry noise,” Cathy Keesling said. “When I woke up I felt like a T-bar had hit me across the head.可知Winnie想让Cathy Keesling醒来的原因是房子里有危险,故选D。
4.这篇文章主要讲了Cathy Keesling一家人曾经救了小猫和小狗,而这两只小宠物在危急时刻,又救了主人,故选D。

科目:高中英语 来源:云南省2010届高三下学期第二次统一检测 题型:阅读理解

On the last day of his life, my dog Otto spent that morning of spring napping in the garden. This was always one of his favorite things to do, even before the days when he was too old and too weak to get out of a car by himself.
I probably would have started crying over Otto right then, if my two other little dogs hadn't suddenly raced past. Larry, who was a puppy, got knocked into Otto, then licked Otto's ear, and that got Otto excited, and Otto barked and tried to stand up again, but it was hard for him.
Soon it was time for me to drive to see Steve, our vet.
When Steve gave Otto the first shot, it made him woozy (眩晕的). Otto wandered over to where Steve and I were sitting and settled down between us. He has always liked to touch everyone in his pack, if possible, while he sleeps.
After Steve gave him the last shot and Otto stopped breathing, he didn't look like Otto anymore. He looked like an old gray-brown piece of beat-up carpet, and I suddenly realized what bad shape he'd been in for a long, long time. I wondered if he'd been in much more pain than I knew. Wondering made me feel even worse.
The week after Otto died was not good. Every morning when I walked Larry and Sticky in the neighborhood, somebody would come up and say they had heard about Otto and they were sorry. They were all Otto's friends and some of them cried. Others, like Debbie who lives on my street, reminded me about how, even at the end. Otto would stand between her twins' stroller (婴儿车) and the street when the garbage truck went by. "Like it was his job to protect them," she marveled.
Otto has left us, but his memory lives on.
60. How did the author feel when Otto was napping in the garden?
A. She felt like crying.                      B. She thought life was beautiful.           C. She found spring was wonderful.            D. She was relieved.
61. According to the passage, how did the dog die?
A. He had an accident on the street.          B. He died naturally.                  C. He was made to die by a vet.                   D. He starved.
62. What can we know about Otto?
A. He was already too old to bark.                            B. He liked people to keep him company.     C. He died a very painful death.                       D. He was protected by the neighbours.
63. We can see from the passage that Sticky is a ______.
A. cat                 B. dog              C. child            D. Neighbour


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江哈师大附中高二下期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

When Debbie Parkhurst choked on a piece of apple at her Maryland home, her dog jumped in, landing hard on her chest and forcing the piece of apple to pop out of her throat. Debbie Parkhurst’s husband, Kevin, was at his job at a Wilmington, Del., chemical firm when she took a midday break from jewelry and bit into an apple. When the Keesling family of Indiana were about to be overcome by carbon monoxide(CO), their cat clawed(抓) at wife Cathy’s hair until she woke up and called for help.
  For their timely acts, Toby, a golden 2 1/2-year-old dog, and Winnie, a gray-eyed American shorthair, were named Dog and Cat of the Year by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Neither Parkhurst nor Keesling could explain their pets’ timely heroics,though Parkhurst suggested it might have been guided by God intervention(干预). “That’s what our veterinarian(兽医) said,”she said. “He wasn’t making a joke; he’s very spiritual, and now I have to agree with him.” 
But both pets were themselves rescued in baby, Toby as a 4-week-old baby thrown into a garbage bin to die, and Winnie as a week-old orphan hiding under a barn, so helpless that Keesling’s husband, Eric, had to feed her milk.
As the Keeslings recalled it, a gas-driven pump spread carbon monoxide through the house. By the time Winnie moved into rescue spot, the couple’s 14-year-old son, Michael, was already unconscious. “Winnie jumped on the bed and was clawing at me, with a kind of angry noise,” Cathy Keesling said. “When I woke up I felt like a T-bar had hit me across the head.”
State police and officers responding to her 911 call said the family was only minutes from death, judging by the amount of poisonous gas in the house.
【小题1】We can know Debbie Parkhurst _________.

A.works in a Wilmington, Del.,chemical firm
B.was making jewelry when she had the accident
C.might have died but for her pet’s help
D.was unconscious when her pet found her
【小题2】Both pet’s heroic acts most probably connected with _________.
A.God arrangementsB.their being once helped
C.their sense of dangerD.their veterinarians’ training
【小题3】Why did Winnie try to wake Cathy Keesling up?
A.Because a T-bar was going to hit him.
B.Because he was hungry and wanted milk.
C.Because Debbie choked something in her throat.
D.Because there was danger in her house.
【小题4】From the passage we can infer that _________.
A.if you love me love my animals
B.all pets are useful to people
C.we can’t never be too careful in our daily life
D.to help others sometimes can get reward


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届黑龙江哈师大附中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When Debbie Parkhurst choked on a piece of apple at her Maryland home, her dog jumped in, landing hard on her chest and forcing the piece of apple to pop out of her throat. Debbie Parkhurst’s husband, Kevin, was at his job at a Wilmington, Del., chemical firm when she took a midday break from jewelry and bit into an apple. When the Keesling family of Indiana were about to be overcome by carbon monoxide(CO), their cat clawed(抓) at wife Cathy’s hair until she woke up and called for help.

  For their timely acts, Toby, a golden 2 1/2-year-old dog, and Winnie, a gray-eyed American shorthair, were named Dog and Cat of the Year by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Neither Parkhurst nor Keesling could explain their pets’ timely heroics,though Parkhurst suggested it might have been guided by God intervention(干预). “That’s what our veterinarian(兽医) said,”she said. “He wasn’t making a joke; he’s very spiritual, and now I have to agree with him.” 

But both pets were themselves rescued in baby, Toby as a 4-week-old baby thrown into a garbage bin to die, and Winnie as a week-old orphan hiding under a barn, so helpless that Keesling’s husband, Eric, had to feed her milk.

As the Keeslings recalled it, a gas-driven pump spread carbon monoxide through the house. By the time Winnie moved into rescue spot, the couple’s 14-year-old son, Michael, was already unconscious. “Winnie jumped on the bed and was clawing at me, with a kind of angry noise,” Cathy Keesling said. “When I woke up I felt like a T-bar had hit me across the head.”

State police and officers responding to her 911 call said the family was only minutes from death, judging by the amount of poisonous gas in the house.

1.We can know Debbie Parkhurst _________.

A.works in a Wilmington, Del.,chemical firm

B.was making jewelry when she had the accident

C.might have died but for her pet’s help

D.was unconscious when her pet found her

2.Both pet’s heroic acts most probably connected with _________.

A.God arrangements                      B.their being once helped

C.their sense of danger                    D.their veterinarians’ training

3.Why did Winnie try to wake Cathy Keesling up?

A.Because a T-bar was going to hit him.

B.Because he was hungry and wanted milk.

C.Because Debbie choked something in her throat.

D.Because there was danger in her house.

4.From the passage we can infer that _________.

A.if you love me love my animals

B.all pets are useful to people

C.we can’t never be too careful in our daily life

D.to help others sometimes can get reward



科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省2010届高三第八次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


III.阅读理解:(共20 小题,每小题2分,满分40分)



         For her first twenty-four year, she’d been known as Debbie---a name that didn’t suit her good looks and elegant manner.” My name has always made me think I should be a cheerleader, ”She complained.”I just don’t feel like a Debbie!”

         One day ,while filling out an application form for publishing job, the young woman suddenly changed middle name, Lynne, for her first name Debbie.“That was the smartest thing I ever did,” She says now.“ As soon as I stopped calling myself Debbie.I felt more comfortable with myself… and other people started to take me more seriously”.Two years after her successful magazine editor--- friends and associates call her Lynne.

         Naturally, the name change didn’t cause Debbie/Lynne’s professional achievement--- but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence to her talents.Social scientists say that what you are called can affect your life.Through history, names have not only identified people but also described them.”… As his name is, so is he …? says the Bible.For better or worse, qualities such as friendliness or reserves, simpleness or charm may be suggested by your name and encourage other people before they even meet you.

         Of course , names with a good sense can work for you ---even encouraging new acquaintances.A recent survey showed that American men thought Susan to be the attractive female name, while women believed Richard and David were the most attractive to men.One woman I know turned down a blind date with a man named Harry because “he sounded dull.” Several evenings later she came up to me at a party, pressing for an introduction to a very nice man with whom they looked at each other all evening.“Oh, “ I said.” You mean Harry?” She was ill at ease.

1.Debbie’s changing her name ____.

         A.had actually little to do with her career.

         B.was what she happened to do when filling out the form

         C.did have an effect on her success

         D.entirely contributed to her luck

2.The author introduced Harry to the woman___

         A.at the request of the woman herself

         B.to tell her that names didn’t matter really

         C.to make her feel uneasy in mind

         D.the person is more important than his /her name

3.The name Debbie may be connected with something ____

         A.huge           B.quiet            C.dull               D.attractive

4.The best possible title for the passage may be ____

         A.Names are the most important         B.Your name is your fortune

         C.Don’t care much for names       D.Names and making friends


