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Recently the average number of personal computers in every 100 families has been increasing rapidly in our city. In 1995                                                          












Recently the average number of personal computers in every 100 families has been increasing rapidly in our city. In 1995 there were only two or three computers in per hundred families. In 1997,10% of families began to own computers, and 20% in 1999.With the wide use of computer in all kinds of fields and the increase of family income,50% of the families have their own computers at home in 2001.Searching for information easily and conveniently on internet and computer lessons taught in schools are also the reasons why so many families have computers. It is believed that in the near future more and more people will buy computers for their own.

(111 words)




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We _______ on it for several hours but we have not yet reached any conclusion.

A.work B.are working     C.have been working D.have been worked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You might think that “global warming” means nothing more than a rise in the world’s temperature But rising sea levels caused by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离)of an island nation—the citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland.

During the 20th century ,sea level rose 8—12 inches. As a result .Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water which has polluted the country’s drinking water.

 Paani Laupepa , a Tuvaluan government official ,reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years .Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.

Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(导致温室效应的气体排放),which are a main cause of global warming . “By refusing to sign the agreement ,the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live where their forefathers have lived for thousands of years,” Laupepa told the BBC.

Tuvalu has asked Australia and New Zealand to allow the gradual move of its people to both countries .

Tuvalu is not the only country that is vulnerable (易受影响的)to rising sea levels .Maumoon Gayoon ,president of the Maldives ,told the United Nations that global warming has made his country of 311,000 an “endangered nation”.

1.The text is mainly about           .

A.rapid changes in earth’s temperature  B.bad effects of global warming

C.moving of a country to a new place       D.reasons for lowland flooding

2.According to scientists ,the DIRECT cause of more and fiercer storms is           .

A.greenhouse gas emissions in industrialized nations

B.higher surface water temperatures of the sea

C.continuous global warming                  

D.rising sea levels

3.Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States because it did not        .

A.agree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions

B.sign an agreement with Tuvalu

C.allow Tuvaluans to move to the US

D.believe the problems facing Tuvalu were real

4.The country whose situation is similar to that of Tuvalu is          .

A.Australia             B.New Zealand       

C.the Maldives        D.the United States


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Beldon and Canfield are two seashore towns, not far apart. Both towns have many hotels, and in summer the hotels are full of holiday-makers and other tourists.

Last August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in Beldon. The next day, this news appeared on page two of the town’s newspaper. The Beldon Post:


Late last night firemen hurried to the Seabreeze Hotel and quickly put out a small fire in a bedroom. The hotel manager said that a cigarette started the fire. We say again to all our visitors: “Please don’t smoke cigarettes in bed.” This was Beldon’s first hotel fire for five years.

The Canfield Times gave the news in these words on page one:


Last night Beldon firemen arrived just too late to save clothing, bedclothes and some furniture at the Seabreeze Hotel. An angry holiday-maker said, “An electric lamp probably started the fire. The bedroom lamps are very old at some of these hotels. When I put my bedside light on, I heard a funny noise from the lamp.” We are glad to tell our readers that this sort of adventure does not happen in Canfield.

What are the facts, then? It is never easy to find out the exact truth about an accident. There was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel last August: that is one fact. Do we know anything else? Yes, we know that firemen went to the hotel.

Now what do you think of the rest of the “news” ?

Which of the following best gives the main idea of this text?

A. Beldon and Canfield are both good places for tourists in summer.

B. A fire broke out night in Seabreeze Hotel last summer.

C. It was not easy to find out exact truth from newspapers.

D. Two newspapers gave reports on the same matter.

Which of the following are probably facts? 

a. The fire broke out in a bedroom at the hotel.

b. A cigarette started the fire.

c. An old lamp started the fire.

d. The fire broke out at night.

e. There has never been a fire in Canfield.

A. b and c      B. a and d       C. c and e                     D. a and c

The Canfield Times used the headline like this in order to make its readers think _______. 

A. hotels in Beldon often catch fire

B. hotels in Beldon don’t often catch fire

C. this was the second fire at the Seabreeze Hotel

D. Beldon was a good place except that hotels there are not quite safe

The Canfield newspaper gave a report just the opposite to the Beldon Post by saying that _______. 

A. the bedroom lamps were very old at the Seabreeze Hotel

B. the bedroom lights made funny noise when the fire took place

C. the firemen failed to save clothing, bedclothes and other things

D. such accidents never happened in Canfield for the past 5 years


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My husband and children think they are very lucky that they are living and that it’s Christmas again. They can’t see that we live on a dirty street in a dirty house among people who aren’t much good. But Johnny and children can’t see this. What a pity it is that our neighbours have to make happiness out of all this dirt. I decided that my children must get out of this. The money that we’ve saved isn’t nearly enough.

The McGaritys have money but they are so proud. They look down upon the poor. The McGarity girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of candy(糖果)while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts; and when she couldn’t eat any more she threw the rest down the sewer(下水道). Why, is it only because they have money ? There is more to happiness than money in the world, isn’t there?

Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isn’t rich, but she knows things. She understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. She can read your mind. I’d like to see the children be like Miss Jackson when they grow up.

This passage mainly suggests that the writer _______.

A. is easy to get along with      

B. is unhappy with the life they are living

C. is good at observing and understanding  

D. is never pleased with her neigbours

What do you think of McGarity girl?

A. She is proud and hungry.         B. She is selfish and cruel.

C. She is lonely and friendless.     D. She is unhappy and misunderstood.

In this text, the writer tries to tell us that _______.

A. money is the key to everything  

B. the more money you have, the less happy you’ll be

C. there is something more important than money

D. when talking to people we should look into their eyes

Pick out the one that does NOT describe the writer’s view on money.

A. Why, is it only because they have money?

B. There is more to happiness than money.

C. Miss Jackson isn’t rich, but she knows things.

D. The money we saved isn’t nearly enough.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Erik Weihenmayer was born with an eye disorder. As a child his eyesight became worse and then, at the age of 13, he lost his sight completely. However, he did not lose his determination to lead a full and active life.

       Erik became an adventurer. He took up parachuting, wrestling and scuba diving. He competed in long-distance biking, marathons and skiing. His favorite sport, thought, is mountaineering.

       As a young man, Erik started to climb mountains. He reached the summit of Mount McKinley in 1995 and then climbed the dangerous 1000-metre rock wall of EI Capitan. Two years later, while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya with his girlfriend, they stopped for a time at 13,000 feet above sea level-in order to get married. In 1999, he climbed Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America. And then , on May 25, 2001, at the age of 33, Erik successfully completed the greatest mountaineering challenge of all. He climbed Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

       Erik invented his own method for climbing mountains. He carries two long poles: one to lean on and the other to test the way ahead of him. The climber in front of him wears a bell to guide him. Erik is a good team member. He does his share of the job, such as setting up tents and building snow walls.

       Although he could not enjoy the view, Erik felt the excitement of being on the summit of Everest. He hopes that his success will change how people think about the blind. “When people think about a blind person or blindness, now they will think about a person standing on top of the world.” 

When was Erik born?

       A. In 1968.                   B. In 1995.                   C. In 1967.                   D. In 1969.

What was unusual about his wedding?

       A. He got married on the summit of Mount McKinley.

B. He got married when climbing Mount Everest.

       C. .His wedding was held after he prepared a lot.

D. His wedding was held at 13,000 feet above sea level.

What is Erik’s special method for climbing a mountain?

A. He takes his girlfriend with him.       B. He does his share of the jobs.

C. He uses two long poles to help himself.     D. He keeps a good team around him.

Which of the following shows the right order of what happened?

a. He topped Mount McKinley.

b. He became blind.

c. He challenged Mount Everest.

d. He reached the peak of Kilimanjaro.

e. He climbed the rock wall of EI Capitan.

A. b, e, d, c, a    B. b, a, e, d, c          C. a, b, e, d, c       D. b, d, a, c, d


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under Control

       The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control. A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern end of the long coastline; production limits have been laid down (though these have already been raised); and oil companies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers. But the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems, and few people believe that the Government will be able to hold things back for long. As on Norwegian politician said last week: “We will soon be changed beyond all recognition.”

       Ever since the war, the Government has been carrying out a programme of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle. During the past few years this programme has had a great deal of success: Tromso(特罗姆瑟[挪威北部港市])has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to draw people south, and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.

       The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north, however. With nearly 100 percent employment, everyone can see a situation developing in which the service industries and the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry. Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.

       The real argument over oil is its threat to the Norwegian way of life. Farmers and fishermen do not make up most of the population, but they are an important part of it, because Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride as essentially Norwegian. And it is the farmers and the fishermen who are most critical of the oil industry because of the damage that it might cause to the countryside and to the sea.

The Norwegian Government would prefer the oil industry to

A provide more jobs for foreign workers.

B slow down the rate of its development.

C sell the oil it is producing abroad.

D develop more quickly than at present.

The Norwegian Government has tried to

A encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sources.

B prevent oil companies employing people from northern Norway.

C help the oil companies solve many of their problems.

D keep the oil industry to something near its present size.

According to the passage, the oil industry might lead northern Norway to

A the development of industry.

B a growth in population.

C the failure of the development programme.

D the development of new towns.

In the south, one effect to the development of the oil industry might be

A a large reduction on unemployment.

B a growth in the tourist industry.

C a reduction in the number of existing industries.

D the development of a number of service industries.

Norwegian farmers and fishermen have an important influence because

A they form such a large part of Norwegian ideal.

B their lives and values represent the Norwegian ideal.

C their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian society.

D they regard oil as a threat to the Norwegian way of life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Not only ______ interested in the football but _______ beginning to show an interest in it.

  A.the teacher himself is; all his students are;

  B.the teacher himself is; are all his students;

  C.is the teacher himself; are all his students;

  D.is the teacher himself; all his students are;


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

_______makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.

A. What     B. Who      C. Whatever        D. Whoever

