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New Beijing, Great Olympics
The 2008 Olympic Games has been the most cheerful and anticipated(预先的) event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to carrying out the promise made.
  In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. To begin with, basic-structure construction should be the primary concern. Such basic-structures as communications and transportation system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention. For example, traffic jam has been an age-old headache in Beijing. The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great disorder, and impair the image of the city meanwhile. Next, to add charm to convenience, overall cityplanning is quite necessary. Time permitting, a redesign of city plan and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for cultivating the characteristic, mixing oriental elegance(东方的雅致) with international greatness, will tower aloft(在高处) among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effect, Beijing shall seek opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan. Thirdly, quality of the population should be improved. To make an international metropolis, both “hardware” and “software” are important.
  However, Rome was not built in a day. To carry out the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, deeds speak louder than words.
小题1:What does the underlined word “metropolis” in paragraph 2 mean ?
A.suburbB.small cityC.capital cityD.town
小题2:Which sentence is not true according to the author’s opinion in the passage?
A.Beijing has a crowded traffic since a long time ago.
B.Experts in architecture are also important to the city’s construction.
C.In order to host the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing has preparations to make in many ways.
D.Hardware” refers to quality of people in Beijing.
小题3: How many aspects does the author mention to prepare for the Olympics in Beijing?
A.two: basic-structure construction and people’s quality
B.three: basic-structure construction, traffic problem and overall city planning.
C.two: basic-structure construction and overall city planning
D.three: basic-structure construction, overall city planning and people’s quality.
小题4:What can be inferred from the text?
A.Beijing is going to host the 2008 Olympic Games.
B.To carry out the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”is a long-term work.
C.Traffic jams will cause a lot of trouble and make people feel sick..
D.An overall city plan is to make Beijing a city with eastern and western cultures mixed together.


小题2:从文章的第二段可以看出A,B 两个选项都是正确的,再从整篇文章可以看出北京确实做了许多准备工作,所以C也是对的,而硬件一般是指设备,软件才指人的素质,所以选D。
小题3:文章第二段举了三个方面,从to begin with, next,thirdly 可以看出是选D。
小题4: A,C,D 三个选项都可以直接在文章中找到,所以不需推断,而B答案可以从“Rome was not built in a day” 这句话可以推断出。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

LONDON — Britain awoke on Easter Monday to a period of mourning for the Queen Mother, who died over the weekend after a life spanning a century of noisy and evident change. The 101-year-old royal matriarch died in her sleep last Saturday with Queen Elizabeth, her elder and only surviving daughter, at her bedside. For a woman who was one of the best-known figures in Britain for more than 80 years — from the era of tinted portraits on tin biscuit boxes and cigarette cards to the age of the Internet, the Queen Mother remained an enigmatic(不可思议的) and elusive(躲避的) figure.
She achieved such a respect through aeons(永世, 亿万年) of, first, fawning and, later, intrusive media fascination, by remaining almost entirely silent. Her private thoughts were never paraded(炫耀) in public. What the public saw was a charming and benign elderly lady, adept at winning the admiration of press photographers, whom she always favoured with a particular smile.
CHINA’s third unmanned spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅲ, landed safely in central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Monday afternoon, after orbiting the earth 108 times in slightly less than a week. The craft, which lifted off from Jiuquan in Gansu Province last Monday night, landed after successfully conducting a chain of flight and scientific experiments over a period of 162 hours.
A powerful earthquake jolted Taiwan, killing five construction workers, authorities(官方) said. Over 200 injuries ware reported across the island, mostly minor, as a result of Sunday’s 7.5-magnitude quake. The quake was centred off Hualien, 180 kilometres east of Taipei. It struck at 2:53 pm and lasted for nearly a minute.
1. Which of the following statements is true according to the news?
  A. The Queen Mother died on Easter Monday alone.
  B. The Queen Mother was an attractive person in her political life.
  C. The British people felt sorry for the death of the Queen Mother.
  D. The Queen Mother was suffering a lot when she was dying.
  2. It can be inferred that _______.
  A. the craft landed in central Inner Mongolia unexpectedly
  B. it took the craft at least 2 hours to orbit the earth once
  C. the Chinese scientists did a lot of experiments in space
  D. China was successful in sending an unmanned spacecraft into space
3. The third news mainly talks about the _______ in Taiwan.
A. political matters                         B. social problems
  C. unexpected damage                    D. construction workers


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Get a reward for every bug you bring to live in new science museum exhibit.
In a city with trillions of American cockroaches(蟑螂), the Houston Museum of Natural Science has agreed to pay a quarter per bug-up to 1,000-as it seeks to populate a new insect exhibit alongside its Cockrell Butterfly Center.
Nancy Greig, the museum’s director insists the public payday for roaches isn’t just a marketing ploy(炒作).
“Absolutely, this wasn’t devised as a joke,” Greig said. “We needed more roaches for the exhibit, so I sent this message out to everyone in the museum asking people to bring them in. Well, someone decided to tell the press, and all hell has broken loose.”
“But we really do need cockroaches.”
“One might be forgiven for never considering how to catch a live cockroach. But it’s simple enough to fool them,” Greig said, “and even easier to catch them.” American cockroaches are the most common kind in Texas, measuring up to 2 inches long and invading homes.
Despite their less-than-attractive reputation, cockroaches actually aren’t that dirty. Greig even went so far as to call them “fastidious” saying they don’t enjoy rooting(用嘴拱食) in waste. They’re only dirty if, say, they used a sewer(下水道)line to gain access into a home.
The roaches collected by the museum will become part of a display in a new exhibit that showcases insects such as cockroaches, dung beetles and termites.
There’s more to like about roaches, too. They don’t bite, and they don’t carry diseases like a mosquito, so they’re generally safe to handle.
56.For what does the museum pay for cockroaches?
A.For a marketing ploy.                     B. It’s devised to make fun.
C.People really need them.                   D. For a new exhibit.
57.The underlined word “fastidious” probably means extremely ________.
A.clean              B.dirty               C.unpleasant      D.fast      
58.What do we know about American roaches?
A.It’s not easy for people in Houston to collect roaches.
B.They all measure 2 inches and are often found in homes
C.They don’t bite and they are free of disease.
D.We have reasons to like them.
59.Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?
A.The Houston Museum of Natural Science
B.A new exhibit
C.Quarters for cockroaches                       
D.A cockroach is lovely


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The UN Security Council was created in 1945. It is made up of 10 rotating (轮值的) members and five permanent members, which have a veto, the power to stop a resolution (决议). Most UN members now consider the organization's structure outdated. But any changes need the agreement of two-thirds of the 191 members, and no veto from any of the five permanent council members.
Last year, Japan, Germany, Brazil and India formed a lobbying (游说) group to get permanent council seats. But North and South Korea have doubts about Japan, Italy opposes Germany for a seat, Pakistan is against India's candidacy (候选资格) and Mexico and Argentina frown on Brazil.
A wave of emotion swept through China last week as millions voiced their opposition to Japan's permanent membership of the United Nations (UN) Security Council. By last Friday over 22 million Chinese had signed an online petition (请愿) against Japan's bid for a permanent seat on the council.
According to major Chinese websites, such as sina.com, more than 170,000 overseas Chinese also signed. This is the first online activity of its kind.
The petition was started by US-based Alliance for Preserving the Truth of the Sino-Japanese War (抗日战争史实维护会). They want Japan to apologize for crimes during World War II. The group also plans to present the petition to the UN this autumn.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said he didn't think the petition shows anti-Japanese feeling. He believed instead it is a request for Japan to take a responsible attitude towards history.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Function of the UN in world affairs.B.Members of the UN.
C.Facts about the UN Security Council. D.Reform of the UN Security Council.
小题2: Which statement is true according to the text?
A.Four countries, such as Japan, Germany, Brazil and India are applying for joining the UN.
B.Some countries, such as North and South Korea, Italy, Pakistan, Mexico and Argentina
propose ticking the four countries out of the UN.
C.If the countries’ bids for permanent membership of the Council are turned down, the
opponent countries will take the place.
D.The UN Security Council is going to take in new members.
小题3:The underlined phrase “frown on” in the third paragraph can be replaced by _____.
A.agree on B.disapprove of
C.give a firm support toD.say yes to
小题4:What’s the main reason for China’s opposition to Japan’s permanent membership of the
A.Japan is unwilling to admit to its crimes against the Chinese in the World War II.
B.Millions of people in Asia signed a petition against it.
C.The Chinese people have strong anti-Japanese feeling.
D.Japan is an irresponsible country that once had a history of invasion.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Orkney Islands are about 14 kilometres from the north coast of Scotland. They are mostly low-lying, except for Hoy which has the highest sea cliff(峭壁) in Britain. The   36 and the climate are good in Orkney,  37 there are a lot of farms.
To get to Orkney you have to fly or go by  38 . Ships bringing passengers come from Aberdeen every week. They also bring food, machines and so on. Most Orkney farmers   39  cows or sheep. Because of this, grass is the most  40 crop on the islands. One of the islands has sheep which  41 sea plants   42  grass---they are  43 , but very strong and healthy.
Many people in the Orkney Islands are fishermen. Some go a long way out to  44 to catch large fish,   45 others catch  46 like crabs(螃蟹) and lobsters(龙虾),near the shore. The islanders  47 the crab meat and then pack it and send it to the  48 . They do not cook the lobsters. They send them  49 to restaurants in many of the large  50 of Europe. Most of the islands have their own  51 but of course some of them are very small---with only one group of children from five to ten years old. In fact there are  52 young people at all on the quietest islands. Usually they go the main town of Kirkwall,  53 modern lives.
Some people come from other parts of Britain to find a  54 life on the islands. Everyone is very friendly and they all know each other. Things are changing slowly, but the old way of life   55 continues.
36.A.land         B.hill         C.mountain     D.forest
37.A.yet          B.but          C.or           D.and so


38.A.train        B.bus        C.boat         D.car

39.A.feed         B.buy         C.kill         D.like
40.A.useless      B.harmful      C.important    D.unimportant


41.A.drink        B.eat          C.produce      D.plant

42.A.instead of   B.instead      C.for          D.with
43.A.small        B.big          C.large        D.tall
44.A.field        B.sea          C.sky          D.space
45.A.when         B.since            C.while           D.for
46.A.birds        B.tigers           C.lions            D.shellfish
47.A.cook         B.burn            C.sell            D.buy
48.A.desert       B.ship            C.island          D.mainland
49.A.alone        B.alive            C.about            D.asleep
50.A.libraries    B.lakes            C.cities           D.banks
51.A.zoos         B.colleges        C.schools         D.universities
52.A.very few     B.a lot of        C.a great many    D.a number of
53.A.live         B.to live         C.living          D.lives
54.A.happy        B.busy            C.quiet            D.noisy
55.A.also         B.still            C.never            D.nearly


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The snow has paralysed(使瘫痪) transport in China during the country’s most important vacation period, the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Not only have transport delays hindered personal trips, but they have also slowed the delivery of fresh produce to markets. Consequently, in Zhengzhou, the capital city of the Henan province, tomato prices have doubled, and the cost of 47 other vegetables has increased by 36%, as reported by local media at the end of January.
According to an inside PR source, “wholesalers in Beijing were quoted as saying that only about 20% of the usual fresh vegetable supplies were reaching the city.” As an Asian country with a diet based on fresh produce, the shortage of vegetables and the rise in prices is not only affecting fresh food producers, but also the final consumers.
In terms of production, this is the worst snow disaster to hit China in the last 50 years, affecting a total of 9.4 million hectares of farmland in the country, according to a report published on 4 February 2008 by Feng Tao of Xinhua News, at the Chinese government website. Most of the crops devastated(毁坏)by the frost are located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the traditional natural border between North and South China.
Chen Xiwen, Director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Rural Work, pointed out at the end of last week that “the blizzard disaster in the south has had a severe impact on winter crops, and the impact on fresh vegetables could be catastrophic in certain areas”, as stated in the Xinhua News report.
The Chinese government has been quick to take extreme measures. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has sent 13 teams of experts to 8 of the areas most seriously affected by the harsh weather. The aim of this initiative is to provide farmers with technical assistance to minimize their losses.
小题1:From this passage, we can know that the snow happened _____.
A.During the Spring Festival
B.In the coldest days of the winter
C.In the North of China.
D.It’s not mentioned here.
小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph four?
A.worstB.snowstormC.cold weatherD.biggest
小题3:This passage mainly tells us _____ .
A.The snow in the south of China caused many problems.
B.The effect of the snow in the south of China on the fresh food
C.The snow in the south of China slowed the delivery of fresh produce to markets.
D.The Chinese government has taken extreme measures to help the suffered farmers.
小题4:The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has sent 13 teams of experts to 8 of the areas to _____ .
A. help the farmers plant crops          B. give money to the farmers
C. give directions to the farmers with their technic(技术;技巧).
D. deliver crops for the farmers.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Starting high school means many changes in your life.Most teenagers look forward to the first day of high school,but still feel a little bit nervous.In order to make your high school life easier, you can follow these tips.
Learn all you can about your first day before the first day.Take part in some activities that are held at the school for new students to know the school better.If parents are invited to these activities, take yours with you.Carefully look over all the materials you receive.Be sure you know where the school’s buildings are.
Get the things you will need for class.Buy the things suggested on your teachers’ supply lists and place your materials for each class separately.
Keep up with your high school workload(工作量).If you fmd you’re not doing well in a subject,make use of after-school study groups or ask your teacher to help you with your schoolwork.Consider private tutoring to get you through a difficult time.
There’re more extracurricular(课外的)activities in high school than in middle school,such as clubs,music and theater groups,student government,and sports teams. Make friends and be seen at such school activities.Join a club or other organizations to meet people and develop friendships.Ask someone in school activities if you don’t know how.This is a good time to do what you like doing and an opportunity to try new things.Whe said school has to be aH work and no play?
Since you’ll attend more activities in high school than in middle school,you’ll have to learn how to manage your time.
小题1: The writer wrote this passage to        .
A.advise us to study hard in high school
B.tell us how to live an easier life in high school
C.show that we may live a hard life in high school
D.explain why there will be many changes in high school
小题2: In Paragraph 2,the writer suggests that we should      
A.ask our parents to walk us to school
B.ask other students about our high school
C.prepare all the things we need for our classes
D.1earn about our high school well before attending it
小题3: According to Paragraph 4,what should we do if we are not doing well in a subject?
A.We should get help from others.
B.We should stop going to activities.
C.We should spend most of our time on it.
D.We should give it up if it is not important.
小题4: In Paragraph 5.the writer wants to tell us that   
A.every coin has two sides
B.the early bird catches the worm
C.where there is a will, there is a way
D.all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
小题5: What will the Writer most probably talk about next?
A.How to manage time well in high school.
B.Why we need to learn how to manage time.
C.How to attend more activities in high school.
D.Why middle school is difierent from high school.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Berlin — Germany will allow entry 20,000 foreign high-tech workers, under a plan announced on May 31st. Chancellor(总理) Gerhard Schroreder sees this as a way to keep the country from falling behind in information technology.
The plan for this so-called ‘green cards’, not like the US work permit system, came in answer to industry demands that there were not enough qualified workers to fill positions.
Workers who came to Germany under the new rules, effective from August will be given a five-year work permit after proving they have completed studies in a related field or can promise to at least 100,000 marks (US$48 000).
Family members are also allowed, though they too will receive work permits. “They are strong competition in the rest of the world for these people,” Schroreder said mentioning not only the United States but also British and France. Germany would be making a mistake if it didn’t take part in this competition.
He said employers have already offered 11,000 jobs through a “green card hotline” and some 4,700 applications emailed information requests.
The Chancellor also said the number of workers and the time limits of their stay may be extended, possibly under current German law. Allowing the workers to stay longer means they could finally become citizens. Since the beginning of this year, foreigners who have lived in the country for eight years can ask for being naturalized.
53. From the first paragraph we can get to know that Germany______.
A. is a less-developed country                            B. used to be a developed country
C. is short of high-tech workers                  D. once lost interest in information technology
54. If a high-tech worker wants to work in Germany, he or she can enter Germany______.
A. in June      B. after July    C. before August    D. at any time
55. It is mentioned in the passage that competition in high tech______.
A. is only in America,Britain and France
B. has nothing to do with small countries
C. is weak in Asian countries
D. will affect the future of a country
56. To be naturalized as a German, according to this passage, seems______.
A. difficult    B. easy    C. impossible    D. popular


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING  March l ( Reuters)  - China hailed its best ever Winter Olympics on Mon- day, crediting technology, foreign coaches and even improved language skills for the winning five gold,  two silver and four bronze medals in 'Vancouver.
Only eight years after skater Yang Yang (A) won the  country's first Winter gold at Salt Lake City, a sweep of the women' s short track speed skating and a first figure skating  title helped China to joint seventh place in the medals table.
"Cold Standard" read the banner headline on the front  page China Daily, while the People' s Daily led its sports page with "Vancouver historical breakthrough " .
"We have made an important breakthrough at these Games" Xiao Tian, deputy chef de mission of China' s largest ever Winter Games delegation, told the Xinhua news agency.
" Actually the five - gold finish was within my expectation before we set off for the Games,but I couldn't say that at that time because I would not want to put any pressure on the ath- letes.Now I can speak out."
Xiao was quick to retun to the earlier subject of conversation to pessirrustic(悲观)  type,  however, when discussing the future, emphasizing the huge task the Winter Sports adnunistra-   tion faced to close the gap on their Summer counterparts, who topped the table at the 2008 Bei- jing Olympics.
"Despite the good results at these Games, we still have a long way to go in the develop-ment of China's winter sports," he said.
"It' s impossible for us to reach the same -level as we have done in Summer sports,  but we will try to minimize the gap as much as we can."
Xiao said that progress would come not through a vast expansion of the Winter sports pro- gramme but by using the best coaches, wherever they came from, and technology.
71.China regarded the Vancouver Winter Olympics as a breakthrough because___________
A.China gained-seventh place in the medals table
B. many people were crazy about the Vancouver.Games
C.'Yang Yang (A) won the country's first Winter gold
D.People's Daily thought it a historical breakthrough
72.Which contribution to China's success is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Technology.B.Foreign coaches.C.Language skills.D.Hardworking.
73.The reason why Xiao Tian didn't speak out the five - gold finish before setting off for the Games is that___________
A.he wanted to give us a big surprise at Vancouver
B.he didn't want to put any stress on the athletes
C.he didn't have an optimistic attitude to the athletes
D. he  thought the five - gold finish was a huge task
74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The headline of China Daily is "Vancouver historical breakthrough"
B.The results in Winter Olympic8 are as good as those in Summer Olympics:
C.We will try to narrow the gap between the Winter and Summer Sports.
D.It's easy for us to reach the same level as we have done in Summer sports.
75.What' s the main idea of this passage?
A.China hails Winter Games 'breakthrough  at Vancouver.
B.A first figure skating title helped China succeed.
C.Cluna swept the women's short track speed skating.
D.Using the best coaches is important for China Winter Games.

