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Beijing, June 10 (Xinhua) --- Torrential (倾泻的) rains that troubled southern China for days have killed 66 people and resulted in 12 missing by 6:00 p.m. (Beijing time) on Sunday, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. “Floods caused by heavy rains have affected about 294,800 hectares of crops, completely destroying 53,000 hectares of them,” said an official with the ministry. The floods have torn down 48,000 and damaged 94,000 houses in southern China, and forced about 591,000 people to move from their homes, the official said.
From Wednesday to Saturday, continuous torrential rains, mudslides and floods hit Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Fujian, affecting more than 8.97 million people. The disasters have caused an overall economic loss of more than 2.9 billion yuan, according to the ministry. The ministry has sent rescue teams to the disaster areas to assist relief work. In Guangdong, heavy rains have killed 18 people and left four missing by 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, according to local authorities. A total of 1.72 million people were affected in the province.
Floods have damaged 49 roads in the seriously affected Meizhou City, of which 29 remained closed to traffic by 7:00 p.m. The number of people who died in floods in Guangxi has reached 13 and one remained missing by Sunday, according to local civil affairs authority. More than 1.97 million people have been affected after the floods caused by continuous heavy rains hit some 40 counties since Wednesday.
According to the local civil affairs bureau, 9,200 houses were knocked down and 75,181 hectares of crops were affected, resulting in 529 million yuan in direct economic losses. There are fewer rainstorms and the rain belt is moving out of Guangxi, but the water levels in major rivers will keep rising in next few days, according to the latest forecast of the region’s meteorological bureau on Sunday afternoon.
小题1: The underlined phrase “torn down” (para. 1) is closest in meaning to _______.
A.knocked downB.placed downC.set downD.torn open
小题2: In Meizhou city, 49 roads were damaged and by 7:00 p.m. only _______ roads can be used again after the repair work.
A.66 B.29C.20D.19
小题3: Which of the following statements is true according to the news?
A.Hubei is one of the provinces struck by the torrential rains.
B.The floods have caused a total loss of nearly 3 billion yuan.
C.13 people died in Guangdong province as a result of the floods.
D.The rain belt will remain in Guangxi in the next few days.
小题4: What’s the best title for this news story?
A.A Disaster.B.Heavy rains.C.A Flood.D.Heavy rains in Southern China.
小题5: What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The rainstorms are becoming stronger.
B.The water levels in major rivers are to go down soon.
C.The rainstorms are becoming less powerful.
D.In the next few days, rainstorms will stay in Guangxi.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tsunami warning system is tested
If he, the founder of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, were alive, Thomas Jaggar would be proud of the U.S. tsunami warning system after Friday’s devastating earthquake in Japan sent a surge (大浪,汹涌) of ocean water dashing toward the West Coast.
● WASHINGTON — So many people surged to the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center website that it slowed to a crawl early Friday, unable to provide critical information to the public about the coastal impact in the U.S. of a massive earthquake in Japan.
McClatchy Washington Bureau — Mar 11 06:09 p.m.
● CHICAGO — A tsunami warning has been issued for the central and northern California coast and Oregon, the National Weather Service announced early Friday.
Chicago Tribune— Mar 11 06:07 a.m.
● HONOLULU — A tsunami warning was issued late on Thursday for Hawaii after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific near Japan, prompting state civil defense officials to order all coastal areas evacuated(把…撤出…)by 2 a.m. local time. Tsunami sirens (警报) began sounding at 9:59 p.m. on Thursday. They have sounded every hour since 11:15 p.m.
Alaska Tsunami Warning Center also issued a warning for much of the coasts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California.
Reuters via Yahoo! News — Mar 11 01:22 a.m.
● LOMPOC — Tsunami warning ‘a wake-up call’
A tsunami warning that led to evacuations for coastal

communities and campgrounds in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties Friday served as a successful trial for a more serious emergency, officials said after the danger passed.
The Lompoc Record — Mar 11 11:29 p.m.
● WELLINGTON — The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued a warning after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific near Japan, and it said the sea level readings confirm that a tsunami has been generated and was in effect for some Pacific islands — Hawaii, China’s Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia etc.
New Straits Times — Mar 11 07:48 a.m.
— Reproduced by Yahoo Greenwich Meantime
. A tsunami warning was issued for all the following states in the U.S. except for _____.
The underlined word “prompting” (in the fourth paragraph) most probably means _____.
A.promotingB.advocating C.urgingD.appealing
According to the passage, the Pacific Tsunami warning was first reported by _____.
A.New Straits TimesB.Reuters via Yahoo! News
C.McClatchy Washington BureauD.Chicago Tribune
In which city did the news agency issue a tsunami affecting for some other places apart from Japan and Hawaii?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Soccer star David Beckham will be there with his pop star wife Victoria. Elton John is attending with partner David Furnish.
The guest list for the April 29 union of Prince William and Kate Middleton is still being kept secret, but details have begun to leak out, with some coming forward to say they are attending and the Mail on Sunday newspaper claiming to have  the  official  invitation  roster (名单).
The palace dismissed the newspaper's list as speculation (猜测) Sunday.
It won't be clear until the day how the royal couple has balanced the protocol demands (王室规则) that they invite statesmen, diplomats, religious leaders, politicians and the like with invitations to the people they really want to see, particularly the crowd they made friends with when they met and fell in love at St. Andrews University in Scotland.
Kate Reardon, editor of high-society magazine Tatler, said many prominent Britons acted as if they didn't really care about receiving an invitation while secretly checking the mail every day to see if the invitation had arrived.
"Everyone's been hoping," she said.
William and Middleton have showed their modern side by inviting a number of close friends, including some former sweethearts, the newspaper said.
The wedding is not technically a state event, which somewhat limits the protocol requirements applied to the guest list. But royal obligations (职责) still order that a large number of the 1,900 or so seats go to guests from the world of politics, not actual friends of the couple.
The couple have also invited many guests from the charities they work with, and Middleton has used her influence to invite the butcher, shopkeeper and pub owner from her home village of Bucklebury.
President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were not invited and many other international leaders are also expected to be watching on TV, not from a seat at Westminster Abbey.
It is not clear if treasured Brits from the world of stage and screen and pop music will be on the list.
小题1: Who were not invited to Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding?    
A.David Beckham and his wife.
B.Elton John and his partner David Furnish.
C.People from the charities they work with.
D.President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.
小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?     
A.The guest list for the wedding is officially announced.
B.The wedding is technically a state event.
C.Only the actual friends of the couple will be invited to the wedding.
D.A large number of guests from the world of politics will be invited.
小题3:The word "prominent" in paragraph 5 probably means         .  
C.well known and importantD.busy and hardworking
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that         .  
A.their wedding will be held at Westminster Abbey on April 29th.
B.Kate Reardon was invited to the wedding.
C.journalists will not be allowed to attend the wedding.
D.their former sweethearts are sure to attend their wedding.
小题5:The best title for the passage might be         .   
A.Prince William and Middleton fall in love at St. Andrews University
B.British royal wedding guest list details leaks out
C.Prince William and Middleton prepares for their grand wedding
D.British singers and movie stars invited to the wedding


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

SEOUL, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) — Hundreds of families from the two Koreas on Saturday met at the DPRK's (朝鲜人民主主义人民共和国) Mount Kumgang resort (度假胜地)in the first government-arranged reunion since the inauguration(就职)of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak.
Earlier in the day, 96 South Koreans, of whom more than three-quarters were at the age of 70 or older, crossed the inter-Korean border(韩朝边界), heading for the Kumgang resort to meet their families separated by the 1950—1953 Korean War.
Arriving at the DPRK's resort in the afternoon, South Koreans met with their long-separated families at a large-scale gathering at around 3 p.m. local time, and later are to have a dining meeting in the evening.
The separate, personal meetings are planned to be held on Sunday.
The South Korean families will come back home on Monday after the three-day gathering, followed by the second-session reunion event which will last from Tuesday to Thursday.
The reunion, which had become a semi-regular event(半定期举行的活动) since 2000 after a historic inter-Korean summit in Pyongyang(平壤), was suspended(取消)in 2007 with a worsening mood in inter-Korean relations.
Saturday's family meeting, however, came as a result of an agreement reached last month between the DPRK leader Kim Jong-il and Hyun Jeong-eun, chairwoman of South Korea's Hyundai Group.
The recovery of the family meetings is regarded as conveying the DPRK's reconciliatory(和解) intentions, along with the country's recent moves including lifting a ban(解禁) on cross-border traffic to and from the Kaesong Joint Industrial Park, local media said.
About 600,000 South Koreans are believed to have relatives in the DPRK. Ordinary citizens were not allowed to make phone calls, send letters or exchange e-mails across the border.
小题1:.  Why were there so many families separated according to the passage?
A.Because they were from different countries.
B.Because of the war which broke out in 1950.
C.Because of the ban that ordinary citizens were not allowed to cross the border.
D.Because the different policies between the two countries.
小题2:.. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.It is the first reunion since they were separated.
B.These separated families haven’t seen their relatives for more than 7 years.
C.The first day of the reunion fell on a Saturday.
D.Ordinary citizens are now not allowed to make phone calls, or exchange e-mails across the border.
小题3:.  The underlined word “reunion” can be replaced by _______________.
A.living together again
B.joining together again
C.reaching an agreement again
D.meeting together again
小题4:.  What’s the best title of this news?
A.South Korean, DPRK families meet in reunion event.
B.A Special Family Gathering.
C.The improvement of inter-Korean relations.
D.A Peaceful Meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On May 8, last Thursday morning, the Olympic flame was lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma! It was a historic moment for China exactly three months ahead of the Beijing Games.
Tibetan female climber Cering Wangmo reached the summit with a special extreme-altitude Olympic torch. This event is what China has promised to the world as the high point of the torch relay, the longest and mostchallengingof all time.
Five torchbearers(火炬手) finished the highest relay ever—three of the climbers are Tibetan athletes.
Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in Chinese, English and Tibetan, as they stood at the summit celebrating, with the event broadcast on national television.
“I finally fulfilled the last dream of my husband,” said Gyigyi with tears in her eyes. She was the first torchbearer. Her husband lost his life in an attempt to climb all 14 mountains in China more than 8,000 meters three years ago.
“We are on top of the world! One world, one dream,” shouted Nima Cering, at the top of his voice. He said that although he had climbed the peak(峰顶)several times, this was the most significant ascent(登高). “As a Tibetan and a Chinese I pray for the success of Beijing 2008,” he added.
The special torch is different from the one currently touring the Chinese mainland, after an around-the-world relay. Officials organizing the trek up the peak had earlier set an April 26 target to begin the ascent, but high winds and heavy snow had delayed the mission.
The Xinhua News Agency said that the Qomolangma leg of the torch relay represents the Olympic motto, “higher, faster and stronger,” in practice and will promote unity among all 56 ethnic groups in China.
小题1:It was a historic moment because ______.
A.some Tibetan torchbearers took part in it
B.it was lit three months before the Olympic Games were held
C.it was the first time that the Olympic torch had been lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma
D.it was the longest attempt in history
小题2:Which is RIGHT according to the whole passage?
A.All the five torchbearers are men.
B.Only the five torchbearers reached the summit.
C.Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in their native language.
D.At least two of the five torchbearers are females.
小题3: What does the word “leg” underlined in the last paragraph refer to?
A.One part of a journey or race.
B.One of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body.
C.The leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten.
D.The part of a pair of trousers that covers the leg.
小题4: What would be the best title for the text?
A.One world, one dream
B.Torch relay reaches its highest point
C.Qomolangma, the highest summit in the world
D.A special torch
小题5: Where can you read about this passage?
A.In the English textbook.
B.In the newspaper.
C.In the science report.
D.On the street wall.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Researchers found that people become happier and experience less worry after they reach the age of fifty.In fact, they say by the age of eighty-five, people are happier with their life than they were when they were eighteen years old.
The findings came from a survey of more than 340,000 adults in the United States.The Gallup(民意调查) Organization questioned them by telephone in 2008.At that time, the people were between the ages of eighteen and eighty-five.
The researchers asked questions about emotions like happiness, sadness and worry.They also asked about mental or emotional stress.
Arthur Stone at Stony Brook University in New York led the study.His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five.The findings showed that stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties.Happiness was highest among the youngest adults and those in their early seventies.The people least likely to report feeling negative emotions were those in their seventies and eighties.
Researchers say they do not know why happiness increases as people get older.One theory is that, as people grow older, they grow more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions.They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.
Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world, or maybe even changes in brain chemistry.
The researchers also considered possible influences like having young children, being unemployed or being single.But they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age.
The study also showed that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older.However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men.
小题1:What can be the best title of the text?
A.Happiness Varies with AgesB.Experience More, Worry Less
C.The Older, the WiserD.Being Young, Being Happy
小题2:We can learn from the research that _________.
A.only when people get older will they feel happier
B.stress levels among the youngest are the highest
C.older people tend to be grateful
D.older people usually have no worries
小题3:According to the research, when people get older, _________.
A.they miss the old daysB.they are physically weak
C.they have better self-controlD.they are more emotional
小题4:What would the author probably talk about next?
A.What influences happiness.B.How to live better.
C.How to keep happier.D.Why women are less happier.
小题5:The author is intended to _________.
A.advise how to reduce stressB.introduce a scientific finding
C.describe how to do researchD.talk about human emotions


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING — After a night of wining and dining with 50 of China’s richest people, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates told the journalists on Thursday that the biggest difference between eating with Chinese tycoons(企业界大亨) and Western ones was the food.
“I was amazed last night, really, at how similar the questions and discussions and all that were to those in the dinners we had in the U.S.,” said Mr. Buffett.
Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates, two of the best known Westerners here, announced in September, 2010 that they planned to invite 50 wealthy Chinese tycoons to dinner in Beijing to encourage philanthropy(慈善事业) among China’s new rich.
On Thursday, the two men pronounced the dinner a great success, saying that two-thirds of those invited had shown up, and that more than half of them had offered their own ideas on how Chinese philanthropy should work.
The guest list wasn’t made public, but the Chinese news media reported that it included Jet Li, the movie star; Niu Gensheng, the founder of a Chinese dairy business; and Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin, who control the SOHO China real estate(房地产) empire.
As with four earlier dinners held in the United States, Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates said, no one at the Beijing event was asked to donate money or to promise to engage in charity. “Bill and I won’t be calling anybody. What happens in China will depend on what the Chinese people feel about a project of this sort,” said Mr. Buffett.
China is widely reported to be second only to the United States in the number of dollar billionaires. Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett said the nation was unique because its wealthy class had arisen almost wholly in the past 30 years, so the philanthropic practices established among European and American dynasties are new here, and open to change.
The two said the dinner wasn’t a long planned matter, but an offshoot of a trip that Mr. Buffett had already scheduled to Guangdong and Hunan Provinces, where BYD Company, a maker of clean-energy automobiles, has factories. Mr. Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, holds a 10% stake(股金) in the company.
But Mr. Gates suggested that their philanthropic trip wasn’t yet over. “We may do an event in India,” he said.
小题1:What is the text mainly about?
A.A brief analysis of future philanthropy.
B.The development of Chinese philanthropy.
C.An introduction on Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates’ trip in China.
D.A charity dinner held in Beijing by Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates.
小题2:According to the first two paragraphs, Mr Buffett really wanted to say that ________.
A.the dinner was quite a success
B.the food in the dinner was very delicious
C.Chinese tycoons are similar to Western ones
D.it was pleasing to discuss with Chinese tycoons
小题3:We can learn from the text that __________.
A.China has the largest number of dollar billionaires in Asia
B.many people have promised to donate money at dinner
C.Beijing will be the last stop of their philanthropic trip
D.the Chinese news media published the complete guest list of the dinner
小题4:The underlined words “an offshoot” in Paragraph 8 can probably be replaced by “________”.
A.a reportB.an additionC.a beginningD.an end


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

AIDS’ Threat to Asia Grows
NEW DELHI----Just a few years ago, Mala was a typical middle-class Indian housewife. She cooked, cleaned and looked after her two small children.
Last year, her life took a tragic turn. Her husband died of AIDS; she was found out HIV-positive and her mother-in-law took her children away from her, saying they would get the disease. “When friends dropped for a visit, she would introduce me, saying, ‘She is my son’s widow. She has AIDS,’” said Mala. AIDS is now described as “explosive(炸药)” around the world. A study of a hospital in the port city of Durban in South Africa, where the world’s biggest and Africa’s second AIDS conference opened last Sunday, found that almost half the beds in medical wards (病房) were occupied by AIDS patients.
South Africa has one of the world’s fastest growing HIV infections, with 1,700 people infected daily, adding to the 4.3 million, or 10 percent of its population, living with HIV. Until now, Asia has been more successful in holding the AIDS virus than Africa, where the disease has killed about 12 million people.
AIDS is now threatening to surround many of Asia’s poverty-stricken countries. Countries in Asia, such as Cambodia, and Thailand, have HIV infection speeds over 1 percent. But the low speeds hide huge numbers of infected people, because of the population base.
In India, for example, 3.7 million are infected, more than in any other country except South Africa. In China, an estimated 860,000 people (the actual number may be a little larger), mainly drug users, live with HIV/AIDS. Gordon Alexander, a senior advisor for UN AIDS in India, estimates that the number hit by AIDS in Asia will climb about eight million over the next five years from about six million.
In many Asian countries, the battle against HIV is a social and cultural one against public discussion of sexual health put a nationwide media campaign into action to limit the speed of HIV through unsafe sex. Brenton Wong, an official for Singapore’s Action for AIDS, says the actual HIV incidence in the city state of 3.9 million people is at least eight times higher than official data. “Shame and deny is still very, very common so people are afraid to get tested and many times won’t even tell their families if they test positive,” said Wong.
小题1:We can conclude from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph that ______.
A.The official data always tell lies and cheat people to hide the truth.
B.3.9 million people in Singapore suffered from AIDS.
C.Singapore has a population of 3.9 million
D.The number of people infected with HIV is at least eight times larger than that of the AIDS patients in Singapore.
小题2:It is judged that there are ______ people hit by AIDS in Asia or so.
A.4.3 millionB.6 millionC.8 millionD.3.7 million
小题3:According to the passage, the main reasons that AIDS spread in Asia is through_______. 
A. bloodB.unsafe sexC.loveD.drugs
小题4:Which of the following statements is not right?     
A.The battle against Aids in many Asian countries is against their culture and
social customs.
B.Though the HIV infection in Asia develops with low speed, the infected number
is still quite large compared to other continents.
C.India has the second largest number of HIV infected people.
D.Aids might affect the poverty-stricken countries more severely.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

CANBERRA(Reuters)—Australia’s kangaroos are genetically similar to humans and may have first evolved in China, Australian researchers said Tuesday.
Scientists said they had for the first time mapped the genetic code of the Australian marsupials(有袋类)and found much of it was similar to the genome for humans, the government backed Center of Excellence for Kangaroo Genomics said.
“There are a few differences, we have a few more of this, a few less of that, but they are the same genes and a lot of them are in the same order,”center Director Jenny Graves told reporters in Melbourne.
“We thought they’d be completely scrambled, but they’re not. There is great chunks of the human genome which is sitting right there in the kangaroo genome,” Graves said, according to AAP.
Humans and knagaroos last shared an ancestor at least 150 million years ago, the researchers found, while mice and humans separated and went in different ways from one another only 70 million years ago.
Kangaroos first evolved in China, but migrated across the America to Australia and Antarctica, they said.
“Kangaroos are hugely informative about what we were like 150 million years ago,” Graves said.
68.Where does the kangaroo first develop according the scientists?
A.In China.    B.In America. C.In Australia.       D.In Antarctica.
69.What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.How the Kangaroo first evolved.      B.Kangaroo’ genetic code have been mapped.
C.Kangaroos’genes are close to humans’.     D.Scientists did much research into Kangaroos.
70.What does the underlined word “scrambled” probably mean in the fourth paragraph?
A.Funny. B.Wrong.       C.Curious.      D.Right.

