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We all_______(钦佩)her for the way she saved the child from the fire.

Just to satisfy my_______(好奇心),how much did you pay for your house?

The ______(氛围)over dinner was warm and friendly.

You are only ______(稍稍)underweight for your height.

Several _______(十年)have passed since I graduated from the college.

Let’s get something to eat ; I’m s________.

Medals were a_______ to the best speakers on the debating team.

It’s said Yoga is of great b_______ to human health.

I’ll come tomorrow if weather p________.

The s_______ of the disease frightened the villagers.

1.admire  2, curiosity  3. atmosphere  4. slightly  5. decades  6. starving  7. awarded

8. benefit   9. permits   10. spread



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I have no idea of the ___________(平均) size of classes in the UK.

Great changes have taken place in our country ___________(近来).

Good ________(准备) should be made before we have the important meeting.

Don’t feel e__________ about being different from others.

I would p________ playing outdoors to watching TV at home.

__________ (注意力集中) more on your work or you will be fired.

I found it difficult to keep my b________ on the icy road.

She performed the most c_________ task without a mistake.

I’m learning German, but I still can’t speak it p_________.

Children should be encouraged to be i____________ thinkers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年度安徽省蚌埠二中高一下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

1. We all_______(钦佩)her for the way she saved the child from the fire.
2. Just to satisfy my_______(好奇心),how much did you pay for your house?
3. The ______(氛围)over dinner was warm and friendly.
4. You are only ______(稍稍)underweight for your height.
5. Several _______(十年)have passed since I graduated from the college.
6. Let’s get something to eat ; I’m s________.
7. Medals were a_______ to the best speakers on the debating team.
8. It’s said Yoga is of great b_______ to human health.
9. I’ll come tomorrow if weather p________.
10.The s_______ of the disease frightened the villagers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届度安徽省高一下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写


1.  We all_______(钦佩)her for the way she saved the child from the fire.

2.  Just to satisfy my_______(好奇心),how much did you pay for your house?

3.  The ______(氛围)over dinner was warm and friendly.

4.  You are only ______(稍稍)underweight for your height.

5.  Several _______(十年)have passed since I graduated from the college.

6.  Let’s get something to eat ; I’m s________.

7.  Medals were a_______ to the best speakers on the debating team.

8.  It’s said Yoga is of great b_______ to human health.

9.  I’ll come tomorrow if weather p________.

10. The s_______ of the disease frightened the villagers.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



81.I show my sincere congratulations on your g_____________ from Beijing University.

82.I quite like living alone, because it makes me more _______________(独立).

83.John and Mike are twins, but the l___________ is taller than the former.

84.An English girl will feel ____________(尴尬的) when you ask how old she is.

85.They got married in 1999 but surprisingly d______________ the next year.

86.It’s rare that rain is ________(缺少的) in spring in the southwestern provinces of China.

87.Are you a__________ of the problem that your son has difficulty in studying at school.

88.One w__________ claimed to have seen the process of the traffic accident and he was questioned by the police.

89.He said he had never come___________ such a funny person.

90.The ______________(关系) between the two countries is being improved.

