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Holding a cell phone against your ear or storing it in your pocket may be dangerous to your health. This explains a warning that cell phone manufacturers include in the small print that is often ignored when a new phone is purchased. Apple, for example, doesn’t want iPhones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters; Research In Motion, BlackBerry’s manufacturer, recommends 2.5 centimeters.
If health issues arise from cell phone use, the possible effects are huge. Voice calls - Americans chat on cell phones 2.26 trillion(万亿)minutes annually - earn $109 billion for the wireless carriers.
Devra Davis, an expert who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh, has published a book about cell phone radiation, “Disconnect.” The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled.
Brain cancer is a concern that Ms. Davis examines. Over all, there has not been an increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older population.
“Most cancers have multiple causes,” she says, but she points to laboratory research that suggests low-energy radiation could damage cells that could possibly lead to cancer.
Children are more vulnerable to radiation than adults, Ms. Davis and other scientists point out. Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid(易吸收的液体). No studies have yet been completed on cell phone radiation and children, she says.
Henry Lai, a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington, began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radiation had damaged DNA in their brains.
Ms. Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone’s speaker. Children should text rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen(腹部).
小题1:Why is the warning in the small print?
A.They think people will not care about it.
B.There is not enough space for the warning.
C.They don’t want the users to pay attention to it.
D.The warning is not important at all.
小题2:What does the underlined word in sixth paragraph probably mean?
A.acceptable B.valuableC.accessible D.easily affected
小题3:What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.Pregnant women should keep cell phones away.
B.People should use cell phones in the correct way.
C.If you are a child, you’d better text than make phone calls.
D.When you use a cell phone, use a wired headset or the phone’s speaker.
小题4:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Be careful when using cell phones.
B.Don’t hold your cell phone against your ear.
C.Rats exposed to radiation have damaged DNA in their brains.
D.Low-energy radiation could damage cells that could lead to cancer.


小题1:C 细节题。根据文章第一段2,3行This explains a warning that cell phone manufacturers include in the small print that is often ignored when a new phone is purchased.可知他们不想使用者了解它的危害。故C正确。
小题2:D 推理题。根据Children are more vulnerable to radiation than adults, Ms. Davis and other scientists point out.说明孩子对于放射性的影响更为敏感,更容易受到影响。故D项正确。
小题3:B 推理题。根据文章最后一段Ms. Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone’s speaker. Children should text rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen(腹部).可知我们要使用耳机之类的工具,如果可能尽量使用短信,来减少对手机的使用。故B正确。
小题4:A 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的就是手机的放射性对人的影响,告诫我们使用手机要当心。故A正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

That Upper class people generally have more educational opportunities, greater financial security, and better jobs than people from lower social classes, but that doesn’t mean they’re more skilled at everything. A new study finds, surprisingly, that lower class people are better at reading the emotions of others.
The researchers were inspired by observing that, for lower class people, success depends more on how much they can rely on other individuals. For example, if you can’t afford to  buy support services, you have to rely on your neighbors or relatives to watch the kids while you’re busy.
One experiment researched on volunteers who worked at a university: some had graduated from college and others had not. Researchers used the educational level as an indicator(标志)for social classes. The volunteers did a test of emotion perception(感知), in which they were instructed to look at pictures of faces and indicate which emotions each face was displaying. People with more education performed worse on the task than people with less education.
In another study, university students who were of higher social status had a more difficult time accurately(准确)reading the emotions of a stranger.
These results suggest that people of upper-class status aren’t very good at recognizing the emotions other people are feeling. This is because they remember their upper status and they think they can solve their problems without relying on others.
In the third experiment, people were made to feel that they were at a lower social class than they actually were, and they got better at reading emotions.
“The differences between upper-class people and lower-class people are not something ingrained(根深蒂固的),” Kraus says. “It’s the cultural environment leading to them.” This work helps show that the traditional image of the classes is wrong. “It’s not true that a lower-class person, no matter what kind of person, is going to be less intelligent than an upper-class person. It’s all about the social environment the person lives in, and the specific challenges the person faces. If you can change the environment even temporarily, social class differences in lots of behaviors can be removed.”
小题1:According to the passage, when lower-class people meet problems, they tend to ______.
A.turn to othersB.work even harder
C.feel more frustratedD.learn from upper-class people
小题2:Why did people perform better in emotion perception in the third experiment?
A.Because they became less independent.
B.Because they didn’t know they were cheated.
C.Because they felt they must ask for help from other.
D.Because they were made to understand lower-class people.
小题3:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Upper-class people are not skilled at everything.
B.Upper-class people have trouble recognizing others’ emotion.
C.Lower-class people need to be given more employment opportunities.
D.There are many differences between upper-class people and lower-class people.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

WASHINGTON---Think you’re savvy about food safety? That you wash your hands well, scrub away germs, cook your meat properly?
Guess again.
Scientists put cameras in the kitchens of 100 families in Logan, Utah. What was caught on tape in this middle-class, well-educated college town suggests why food poisoning hits so many Americans.
People skipped soap when hand-washing. Used the same towel to wipe up raw meat juice as to dry their hands. Made a salad without washing the lettuce. Undercooked the meat loaf. One even tasted the marinade in which bacteria-ridden raw fish had soaked.
Not to mention the mom who handled raw chicken and then fixed her infant a bottle without washing her hands.
Or another mom who merely rinsed(冲洗) her baby’s juice bottle after it fell into raw eggs---no soap against the salmonella(沙门氏菌) that can lurk(潜伏) in eggs.
“Shocking,” was Utah State University nutritionist Janet Anderson’s reaction.
Specialists call this typical of the average U.S. household: Everybody commits at least some safety sins(罪恶) when they are hurried, distracted by fussy children or ringing phones, simply not thinking about germs. Even Anderson made changes in her kitchen after watching the tapes.
The Food and Drug Administration funded Anderson’s $50,000 study to detect how cooks slip up. The goal is to improve consumers’ knowledge of how to protect themselves from the food poisoning that strikes 76 million Americans each year.
“One of the great barriers in getting people to change is they think they’re doing such a good job already,” said FDA consumer research chief Alan Levy.
Surveys show most Americans blame restaurants for food-borne illnesses. Asked if they follow basic bacteria-fighting tips---listed on the Internet at www.fightbac.org---most insist they’re careful in their kitchens.
Levy says most food poisonings probably occur at home. The videotapes suggest why. People have no idea that they’re messing up, Anderson said. “You just go in the kitchen, and it’s something you don’t think about.”
She described preliminary(初步的) study results at a food meeting last week. Having promised the families anonymity, she didn’t show the tapes.
For $50 and free groceries, families agreed to be filmed. Their kitchens looked clean and presumably(perhaps) they were on their best behavior, but they didn’t know it was a safety study. Hoping to see real-life hygiene, scientists called the experiment “market research” on how people cooked a special recipe.
Scientists bought ingredients for a salad plus either Mexican meat loaf, marinaded halibut or herb-breaded chicken breasts with mustard sauce---recipes designed to catch safety slip-ups.
Cameras started rolling as the cooks put away the groceries.
There was mistake No. 1: Only a quarter stored raw meat and seafood on the refrigerator’s bottom shelf so other foods don’t get contaminated(污染) by dripping juices.
Mistake No. 2: Before starting to cook, only 45 percent washed their hands. Of those, 16 percent didn’t use soap. You’re supposed to wash hands often while cooking, especially after handling raw meat. But on average, each cook skipped seven times that Anderson said they should have washed. Only a third consistently used soap---many just rinsed and wiped their hands on a dish towel. That dish towel became Anderson’s nightmare. Using paper towels to clean up raw meat juice is safest. But dozens wiped the countertop(台面板) with that cloth dish towel---further spreading germs the next time they dried their hands.
Thirty percent didn’t wash the lettuce; others placed salad ingredients on meat-contaminated counters.
Scientists checked the finished meal with thermometers, and Anderson found “alarming” results: 35 percent who made the meat loaf undercooked it, 42 percent undercooked the chicken and 17 percent undercooked the fish.
Must you use a thermometer? Anderson says just because the meat isn’t pink doesn’t always mean it got hot enough to kill bacteria.
Anderson’s study found gaps in food-safety campaigns. FDA’s “Fight Bac” antibacterial program doesn’t stress washing vegetables. Levy calls those dirty dish towels troubling; expect more advice stressing paper towels.
Anderson’s main message: “If people would simply wash their hands and clean food surfaces after handling raw meat, so many of the errors would be taken care of.”
小题1:Where did this article most likely come from?
A.The Internet. B.A newspaper.C.A Textbook.D.A brochure.
小题2: What is the purpose of Paragraphs 4 through 6?
A.To present the author’s opinion about the study.
B.To explain how the study was conducted.
C.To state the reason for the food safety study.
D.To describe things observed in the study.
小题3: What prevents many Americans practicing better food safety in their kitchen?
A.They don’t trust the Food and Drug Administration.
B.They’ve followed basic bacteria-fighting tips on the Internet.
C.They think they are being careful enough already.
D.They believe they are well-informed and well-educated enough.
小题4: Which of the following would prevent most cases of food poisoning in the home?
A.Washing hands and cleaning surfaces after handling raw meat.
B.Strictly following recipes and cooking meat long enough.
C.Storing raw meat on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.
D.Using paper towels t clean up raw meat juice.
小题5: What is the main purpose of this article?
A.To discourage people from cooking so much meat at home.
B.To criticize the families who participated in the study.
C.To introduce the Food and Drug Administration’s food safety campaigns.
D.To report the results of a study about the causes of food poisoning.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

56­year­old becomes 1st woman to swim Atlantic
(AP)-Jennifer Figge pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand, excited and exhausted as she touched land this week for the first time in almost a month. Reaching a beach in Trinidad, she became the first woman on record to swim across the Atlantic Ocean—a dream she'd had since the early 1960s,when a stormy trans­Atlantic (飞越大西洋) flight got her thinking she could wear a life vest and swim the rest of the way if needed.
The 56­year­old left the Cape Verde Islands off Africa's western coast on Jan.12,2009, swimming 19 out of 25 days battling waves of up to 30 feet.The distance from Cape Verde to Trinidad is about 700 miles.Crewmembers are still computing exactly how many miles she swam.
The original plan was for her to swim to the Bahamas—a distance of about 2,100 miles—but inclement (恶劣的) weather forced her to change her plans and she arrived at Trinidad on Feb.5.She now plans to swim from Trinidad to the British Virgin Islands,ending her voyage at the Bitter End Yacht Club in late February.
Her journey came a decade after French swimmer Benoit Lecomte made the first known solo trans­Atlantic swim,covering nearly 4,000 miles from Massachusetts to France in 73 days.No woman on record had made the crossing.
Figge wore a red cap and wet suit,with her only good­luck charm (护身符) underneath:an old,red shirt to guard against chafing (磨痛),signed by friends,relatives and her father,who recently died.The other cherished (珍惜) possession she kept onboard was a picture of Gertrude Ederle,an American who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel.“We have a few things in common,”Figge said,“She wore a red hat and she was of German descent (血统).We both talked to the sea,and neither one of us wanted to get out.”
小题1:When did Jennifer Figge want to swim across the Atlantic Ocean?
A.After she reached a beach in Trinidad.
B.After she pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand.
C.After her stormy trans­Atlantic flight in the early 1960s.
D.After her graduation from a university.
小题2:Jennifer Figge had to change her plans     .
A.because she wanted to shorten her voyage
B.because of bad weather conditions
C.because she wanted to end her voyage in late February
D.because she wanted to set a new world record
小题3:When did Benoit Lecomte probably make the first known solo trans­Atlantic swim?
A.In 1999.B.In 1988.C.In 1978 .D.In 1968.
小题4:For what purpose did Jennifer Figge keep a photo of Gertrude Ederle?
A.Figge would like to follow her example.
B.She had the same red cap as Figge always wore.
C.Figge also wanted to swim across the English Channel.
D.They were both born in Germany.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

September 21, 2050----At a press conference today it was announced that the first tourist heading for Mars will be the 38-year-old US businessman Patrick Clifford. He will leave the earth in the  launching window of June 2052 and set his foot on the surface of Mars in November, together with the other 6 astronauts assigned for the mission to further explore the planet.
Patrick has now two years of training ahead of him to get ready for the trip. Not only will he spend five months in getting to Mars, but another 600 days there before he can go back home.  Patrick was of course very excited, “ This has been my dream since I was four, and seeing the first man on Mars 20 years ago made me realize that it was possible.”
To be able to pay the $ 1. 3 billion for his ticket for the trip Patrick sold his majority stake (股份) in the company his father had built. “I know that my father would have been proud of me if he had still been alive today, he knew what this means to me”, says Patrick. There is no risk though that you will find Patrick begging in your street corner when he comes back, but it is said that he was paid twice as much for his part of the company.
So, how is he going to spend his 600 days on the red planet? “Well, since I don’t have a job when I get back after selling the company, I have plenty of time to come up with a new business idea”, he says and laughs. If he brings a shovel(铁锹)he can start building the first hotel there, but maybe he shouldn’t expect too many guests until someone can offer a cheaper ticket.
小题1:How long will Patrick Clifford be away before he comes back?
A.About five monthsB.About two yearsC.About 600 daysD.About 750 days
小题2:The underlined part in Paragraph 3 means that          .
A.the trip will turn Patrick into a beggar
B.Patrick will get much money from the trip
C.we needn’t worry about Patrick’s economic condition
D.it’s likely that Patrick will be very poor after he comes back
小题3:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Patrick is an optimistic man
B.A total of six people will go to Mars
C.Patrick’s father felt excited at the news
D.Patrick will spend all his money on the trip


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The television news feature about Ben Heckmann, an eighth grader from Farmington, Minn, was breathless in its praise. “At 14, he has accomplished something many adults can’t achieve,” the reporter said, “Ben is a twice-published author.” But Ben’s two “Velvet Black” books, describing a fictional rock band, were not picked from a pile of manuscripts(手稿)by an eagle eyed publisher. They were self-published, at the cost of $400 by Ben’s parents.
Over the past five years, print-on-demand technology and a growing number of self publishing companies whose books can be sold online have inspired writers of all ages to avoid the traditional gatekeeping system for determining who could call himself a “published author.”
The mothers and fathers who foot the bill say they are simply trying to encourage their children, in the same way that other parents buy equipment for a promising baseball player. But others see self-publishing as a lost opportunity to teach children about hardship and perseverance. Mr. Robbins, a critic, thinks it is wonderful to start writing at a young age, but worries self-publishing sends the wrong message. “There are no prodigies(神童) in literature,” he said. “Literature requires experience, in a way that mathematics and music do not.” Alan Rinzler, a publishing industry veteran, suggested parents hire a professional editor like him to work with their child to tear a manuscript apart and help make a better. Ben’s father, Ken, said Ben’s ambitions “weren’t to knock Harry Potter off the list,” but “to get that good feeling inside that you’ve done something.”
Ajla Dizdarevic, 12, who has self-published two books of poetry, has been on television and in local newspapers. “Being a published author,” she said, “was always a dream of mine.” Her new dream: three books by age 15.
小题1:Which of the following is true of Ben?
A.He has achieved something unusual for his age.
B.His self-published books were well received.
C.His manuscripts were favored by the publisher.
D.He was thought little of by the public media.
小题2:What makes it possible for writers of all ages to self-publish their works?
A.The rapid increase of online readership.
B.The increasing number of publishers.
C.The immediate access to marketing agencies.
D.The development of printing and publishing.
小题3:Why do some parents pay the self-publishing bill?
A.They want to offer opportunities to their children.
B.They want to give encouragement to their children.
C.They want to help their children avoid hardship.
D.They want to show love and care for their children.
小题4:What dose Alan Rinzler suggest that children should do?
A.Be forbidden to write books
B.Start writing at an early age
C.Be professionally guided
D.Learn from experience
小题5:Why do some children self-publish works according to the last part?
A.Just to achieve their dreams.
B.Just to earn more money.
C.Just to gain self-confidence.
D.Just to satisfy their parents.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Students who date (约会)in middle school have significantly worse study skills, are four times more likely to drop out of school and report twice as much alcohol and tobacco use than their single classmates, according to new research from the University of Georgia.
"Romantic relationships are a trademark of adolescence,but very few studies have examined how adolescents differ in the development of these relationships," said Pamela Orpinas,study author and professor in the College of Public Health and head of the Department of Health Promotion and Behavior.
Orpinas followed a group of 624 students over a seven-year period from 6th to 12th grade.
Each year, the group of students completed a survey indicating whether they had dated and reported the frequency of different behaviors, including the use of drugs and alcohol. Their teachers completed questionnaires (调查表)about the students* academic efforts. He found some students never or hardly ever reported dating from middle to high school, and these students had consistently the best study skills according to their teachers. Other students dated infrequently in middle school but increased the frequency of dating in high school.
"At all points in time, teachers rated the students who reported the lowest frequency of dating as having the best study skills and the students with the highest dating as having the worst study skills,'1 according to the journal article. Study skills refer to behaviors that lead to academic success such as doing work for extra credit being well organized, finishing homework, working hard and reading assigned chapters.
"Dating a classmate may have the same emotional complications of dating a co-worker," Orpinas said, "when the couple break up. they have to continue to see each other in class and perhaps witness the ex-partner dating someone else. It is reasonable to think this could be linked to depression and divert (转移)attention from studying.”
4tDating should not be considered a ceremony of growth in middle school,”Orpinas concluded.
小题1:According to the passage, students who date in middle school may_____
A.have poorer academic performances
B.be more likely to hurl others
C. enjoy better school lives
D.are less likely to use alcohol and tobacco
小题2:When doing his study, Orpinas_____.
A. followed a group of students of 6th and 12th grade
B. completed a survey and a report each year
C. completed questionnaires about the students’ academic efforts
D. found that the students’ study skills have connection with their frequency of dating
小题3:Study skills may include the following behaviors and qualities Except_____
A.being diligentB.bcing well organized
C. being kind and helpfulD.finishing assigned schoolwork
小题4:What can possibly happen to the school couples after they break up?
A. They don’t want to see each other any longer.
B. Their attention to studying will be affected.
C. They will miss their ex-partners sometimes
D. They will think it,s reasonable Io get depressed.
小题5:Orpinas’  attitude towards dating in middle school is_____


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

As Apple tries to maintain its growth and success in China, the world's largest smart-phone market is becoming even more critical. Apple's shares(股份) fell sharply as the company's earnings for the holiday quarter through December disappointed investors.
The sales of the iPhone, which include both the iPhone 5 and older models, came in at the low end of analysts' expectations, while the company's income plan for the second quarter was below analysts' forecasts, though Apple is known to give conservative (保守的) forecasts.
Som'6 analysts have said that for Apple to regain its growth, the company.needs a more aggressive strategy for markets, or more specifically for China, where the market for smart phones has been expanding more rapidly than anywhere else. In China, demand is particularly great for inexpensive phones that run on Android(安卓) operating system, sold by many Chinese phone makers as well as South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co.
But Apple says it's already enjoying strong growth in China. "We saw big growth in iPhones,"Chief Executive Tim Cook said. He said that the company has been quickly expanding its sales channels in China, including the number of Apple stores. "This isn't nearly what we need, we're not even close to that, but we're making great progress. " he said.
In China, a big missing piece for Apple is China Mobile Ltd. , the biggest local telecom carrier that doesn't yet sell the iPhone. Earlier this month, Mr. Cook met China Mobile Chairman Xi Guohua in Beijing and discussed cooperation, stirring hopes that the world's largest mobile carrier may soon start offering the iPhone.
Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is working on a lower-end iPhone that could launch as early as this year. But one possible challenge for Apple in China is that low-pricod Android-based phones are getting better in terms of quality. A report from CLSA in late November showed that many smart-phones sold at about 1,000 yuan ( $160) came with higher-reso-lution screens, better cameras and more powerful processors than phones at that price did a year earlier.
小题1:Apple's shares dropped sharply because in December__
A.the iPhone wasn't popular in China
B.its product quality was widely criticized
C.the earnings for the holiday quarter was disappointing
D.the investors were not satisfied with Apple's management
小题2:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Apple tends to offer a lower sales forecast.
B.China Mobile Ltd began to team up with Apple.
C.Cook is pessimistic about what Apple did in China.
D.Apple didn't take measures to develop Chinese market.
小题3:The author uses the report from CLSA to prove           
A.their prices are actually lower than a year earlier
B.Apple in China has ability to deal with any problem
C.low-ended Android-based phones are progressing fast
D.the promotion of lower-end iPhone will face a challenge
小题4:The main purpose of the passage is to show the readers __
A.Apple.'s high popularity in China
B.the challenge Apple faces in China
C.the approaching failure Apple will suffer in China
D.Apple's aggressive strategy in its market expansion


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Your teenage daughter is supposed to be doing homework, but you catch her chatting online. She tells you that she’s talking about the math test tomorrow. Before your eyes start rolling, listen up: teens are using social networking sites for more than just gossip, according to a new study by the National School Boards Association.
The students who took part in the online survey, aged 9 to 17, said they spent almost as much time on social networking online as they did watching television. And it is what these kids are talking about online that is causing such a cheer: education. Of the students who took part in the study 60 percent reported that some of the most popular social networking topics were college planning, learning outside of school, careers, and schoolwork. They also reported posting writing and art projects that might have nothing to do with schoolwork.
Ann Flynn, director of education technology for the National School Boards Association, says incorporating (合并) social networking tools into educational curriculum (课程) is the way forward. Flynn says a school in Cleveland, Ohio is posting students’ book reports on a blog for students of their own ages, parents and other teachers to read and comment on. “If someone reacts other than the teacher, a child is much more likely to take an assignment seriously,” Flynn says.
Not only students but also parents can benefit. Now parents can go online and know what the class is doing. So, next time your child says her blog is educational, get curious, sit down and check out the blog with her. You might just learn something new yourself.
小题1:We can infer from the text that Ann Flynn       .
A.supports students in using social networking sites
B.used to think badly of students’ using social networking sites
C.suggests schools set up their own social networking sites
D.suggests teachers inspect what students do on social networking sites
小题2:How does the school in Cleveland mentioned in the text use social net-working sites?
A.It asks each student to keep a blog.
B.It invites parents to comment on students’ work.
C.It welcomes comments on students’ book reports online.
D.It lets students keep in touch with their teachers online.
小题3:A student will not probably take an assignment seriously if he gets comments from       .
A.a strangerB.his teachersC.his parentsD.his classmates
小题4:Why can parents benefit from social networking sites?
A.Because parents can make a lot of friends online.
B.Because parents can help their children with their schoolwork.
C.Because parents can know their children’s learning at school.
D.Because parents can keep up with social development.

